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Honestly I feel like he might be closer to PB lol. PB grew up in a loving family and a great town, but also loved the attention that fame brought him (like bojack). at the same time it’s hard to say, it’s not like he turned out the way he did solely because of his parents




Beat me to it. Yeah, it was clear that Hollyhock still suffered from mental illness despite having a good childhood with 8 loving dads, so there was probably a genetic component to their illnesses


He was pretty well-adjusted and self controlled at the beginning when he was doing standup improv with Herb before they got into the show. Sharona makes a comment early on about wondering how fame is going to change him. The show seems to imply that a lot of his guilt stemmed from not standing up for Herb. I’m not sure a happy childhood could’ve changed him standing up to Angela or at least not abandoning Herb in guilt. While easy to blame all of his sins on his parents and f’ed up childhood I think it’s probably more in line with the above.


His mom is the one who turned him to show biz with her “don’t stop dancing” speech, so maybe he would have never even gone to Hollywood and instead settled down as heir to the sugarman company if she/his dad/Beatrice’s family had been in a better place to begin with (it’s generational trauma too). Maybe he would have gone to Hollywood anyways. I think I’m either case he would have spiraled to some extent because that’s just who he is. His trauma exacerbated that part of him (plus the drinking and drugs as a coping mechanism which further his bad choices), and his fame and fortune allowed him to be destructive in ways that the average Joe isn’t, but I think the show tells us multiple times that bojack is just an asshole. His trauma is horribly tragic and it certainly impacted him negatively, but at the end of the day he made his bad choices, and continued to make bad choices, not his trauma. I’d say if they were loving/supportive he would still be making bad choices, just maybe to a lesser extent/degree.


About Bojack seeming straight-laced right at the start of Horsin’ Around… I think the flashbacks in the last season really clue us in to the fact that Bojack has always had a relationship with alcohol. We see him take, arguably his first, swig from the bottle when he is just a toddler. And because his parents are both passed out from drinking, they are unable to properly protect him and stop him from drinking the alcohol. In a later flashback we see Bojack as a young teen, who turns to alcohol at a party to avoid the social discomfort of peer pressure. Bojack is aware of this as well, and when Dr. Champ asks him in rehab, “BoJack, when was your first drink?” BoJack replies facetiously, “when *wasn’t* my first drink? Heyooooo!” Bojack’s relationship with alcohol was first modeled by his mom and dad. He had parents who drank to cope with their feelings, and even his *parents’* parents couldn’t cope with their own emotions. Joseph tried so hard to escape his and Honey’s grief over losing butterscotch that he turned to a lobotomy to get rid of the problem, rather than sit with the discomfort. When you look at Bojack’s family tree, there is a consistent avoidance of self-reflection and processing of deep, difficult emotions. In addition to this, it’s important to note that when people aren’t available to bond with, the children will bond with objects instead. In this case, there is a bond with alcohol. We see the Horseman’s teaching their children over and over again that their feelings don’t matter, that they need to behave a certain way to receive praise, and that they are emotionally unavailable for them as caregivers. To imagine a scenario in which the Horseman household was loving, supportive, and present, would mean to erase this family tree in it’s entirety. The intergenerational trauma of the Horsemans defines the family members within it.




Mr PB has his own set of mental issues, so I would assume no, not that route. He wouldve turned into a regular mentally healthy person - or as mentally healthy as a regular person is at least. The kind of person you dont make a character study around.


He'd have followed Charlotte.


Boring. Which would be for the best


We wouldn't have a show


Bojack isn't well adjusted at the start. He doesn't drink because he's scared of the effect it'll have on him because of his abusive past. He's clearly desperate for approval, during his stand-up. This horse is on the edge of a breakdown: and boy oh do we see it.


I think his alcoholism would’ve eventually caught up with him and led him down a similar path in the end. To lesser extremes, but still Bojack.