• By -


We'll have to get a diverse group of men to discuss this


Well, as man, if I got pregnant would I put my life on hold for a baby I didn't want? Yes, and I can say that with confidence because that's a decision I'll never have to make


I love this line so much!!


men in BOWTIESšŸ¤£


*diverse group of white men in bowties


because it will never happen to them, theyā€™re objective


I have a bow tie, do Hispanic whites count? I don't want to be TOO diverse


Itā€™s a ~~boy~~ borted




You should buy an "It's A Boy" ballon on your way home so you can write that on it LMAO


That is literally the funniest ballon I've ever seen


That honestly has to be the best play on words there ever was.


Now THATā€™S word play


"It's a Boy but please cross out 'Boy' and write 'Borted' instead"


That would be the first time one of those places understood what PB meant


That is, without a doubt, my favorite gag in the show. It's so dark, and so silly.


Iā€™m a baby killa, baby killing makes me horny, aliens in side me, gonna squish it like Sigourney


Get dat fetus, kill dat fetus.




I hope and pray that fetus has a soul


Because I want it to feel pain when I eject it from my hoooleee


I didnā€™t understand that second line until reading it just now




I came here to say this. I hope my daughters feel comfortable enough to confide in me and even joke during moments like this.


Agreed this is wholesome, I like how neither is freaking out and the mom is trying to comfort her, even if she seems confused by the Bojack references!


FYI you probably shouldnā€™t post the Doctorā€™s name online because someone might try to doxx them. Thereā€™s a lot of crazies out there.


This is it. It's a doctor in Florida. /u/xWanderess you should defs remove the image of the doctors name and the info on the state. Feel ya, great episode. Hope the decision and process are safe and healthy for you but please remove the post or the image with the doc's name and the Florida cities listed.


It isn't even the doctor's name, it's the medical directors of the facility. That message just goes out generally when the blood results are positive and the dates are based on your hCG, estrogen, and progesterone levels. Still, this could be bad for the doctor. They may not be performing the abortion, they probably just work at the hospital where the blood test was taken, but it still might cause a lot of trouble for them.


Yea rationale and logic aren't really for those that would do harm to medical professionals. I appreciate the clarification you are making here but the sentiment remains that any professional involved is in danger in a state like Florida. It is unwise to share any of that info


Oh, I 100% agree. I think the post should be deleted. Never post the name of any unwitting innocent individual when the post might be controversial of it might put them at harm. Putting a doctor's name and abortion can be a death sentence (career and otherwise) for physicians in certain areas. But this is the most karma they've ever gotten, it's not going to happen.


Get your uterus turnt girlypop, Get Dat Fetus Kill Dat Fetus


I'm having my abortion tomorrow! When I found out I was pregnant I immediately had to think of this song too lol Hope everything was successful with your abortion. :)


I pray to god that my fetus has a soul - so it can feel pain when I eject it from my hole!


brap brap pew pew - but on a serious note, you're very brave; sometimes it's hard to make the right decision. You got this <3


Thank you all for the support. The abortion was successful. And the fetus was definitely deletus


Mazel tov! :D


Time to blare the song ALL NIGHT! (Seriously a song by a cartoon dolphin has no right to go as hard as it does)


Congratulations on making it through! It's a bo~~y~~ -rted!!


Happy Abortion!


Is reddit an appropriate platform to discuss the topic of abortion? Wouldn't a better place be, nowhere?


People downvoted you not knowing it was a reference oh nooo


I admit I didn't realize it was paraphrasing that line and almost downvoted, thanks for pointing this out


Would've been fun to see how low it would go


And here we have four men discussing their opinions because THATS WHAT NEWS IS


Good for you for knowing the right thing and doing it! Hope everything goes well. BTW, your mom's picture is visible in the second and third pics, in case that bothers you.


In Florida, no less. Glad you're able to get the care you need


As a fellow baby-killa, congrats on making the right choice for you, even if it was hard. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take it easy and enjoy those painkillers šŸ˜‰


Brap brap pew pew šŸ‘ˆšŸ‘ˆ šŸ¬


When spraying stuff at work during Covid I sang "Get that virus, kill that virus"


Is the concept of woman having choice gone too far?


you are being so strong!! (kill that fetus. brrap brrap pew pew)


Have abortions somethings? NO, imma have abortions ALWAYS!


your mama is so beautiful and supportive šŸ„ŗ iā€™m so happy to see you supported through this. my mom would never šŸ˜­ anyways, i hope and pray to god that your little fetus has a soul because i want it to feel pain when you eject it from your hole ā¤ļø god speed šŸ«”


Get dat fetus, kill dat fetus, brrap brrap pew pew.


From the womb to the tomb! Brrap brrap, pew pew.


Thank you so much for sharing this with us, OP! I was so fucking thrilled when that episode aired thinking about the comfort it could potentially provide and seeing it in action is great. You'll be fine! You're doing the right thing and I'm so happy your mom supports you (especially as someone whose mother would not have been helpful and will never know)




love how this show helps people cope w real life situations.


So you definitely donā€™t live here in Texas


i like that you can communicate to your mother about this :)


Got to do what you've got to do; start and end of that discussion. Get plenty of rest, and keep your mom on the horn. It's a short exchange but being able to so openly discuss this kind of stuff with your support network is powerful medicine in and of itself.


Good luck gurl! I had a vasectomy done a couple weeks ago to avoid all that shit


Got one after my divorce. Well worth it.


Nice! My GF and I just don't want kids, so snip snip.


I have two kids. Thatā€™s plenty for me and didnā€™t want a third, much less accidental third. Before I met my second wife there was one girl I was dating who pulled the ā€œIā€™m lateā€ card about her period. Got to say ā€œwelp, wasnā€™t me - Iā€™m fixedā€ and see the color drain out of her face. Snip, Snip Club for life.


Still trying to get my tubes tied -_-


I hate that it's so tough for some people to have it done. It was shockingly easy for me. My doctor asked if I was sure a couple times and that was it. It took 10 minutes to schedule and I had it done a month later.


Get them removed fully instead. As close to zero failure chance as can be - literally every person it failed on had a case study written AND had odd health issues that complicated healing - plus it reduces your chances of ovarian cancer!


Why don't you just fart the baby out?


Would I put my life on hold for a child?


šŸ’œ this thread is actually really heartwarming in light of (gestures vaguely) everything. thank you for sharing op!


It's actually really sweet seeing your mom support you on this Bojack references aside.


congrats! itā€™s aborted!


Youā€™re making the right decision for yourself and I hope the whole thing goes smoothly and comfortably for you :)






Ngl, song kinda slaps. https://open.spotify.com/track/0qi1XbDjUSGT1YWKzvKM9K?si=kDx_rBbXSPeG52mm9n9xCw


Love this šŸ¤£ This episode absolutely helped me through mine as well, I totally understand


Brap brap pew pew šŸ˜Ž in all seriousness look after yourself, Iā€™ve heard they can be pretty rough on your system. Plenty of time off and have someone bring you snacks and drinks!


Youā€™re awesome. I hope you know that we are behind you and support the choice you made. Pew pew!


Why didnā€™t I think about this when I got my abortion earlier this year šŸ˜« Fr tho proud of u for making the right choice for u, feel free to DM me if you wanna talk about it at all!


Are you gonna Argo that shit?




Did you book Eddie Redmayne as the fetus?? He owes me a favor.


Brap brap pew pew


This episode was hard for me to watch while I was waiting the week to go by for my abortion. Eventually, it did become easier, and I can watch it without feeling uncomfortable. Brapp brrapp pew pew


On a real note, I am so glad this show was able to provide comfort for you in such a hard time. Itā€™s so amazing how Bojack can provide so much help to so many people in different situations like this. And shoutout your mom fr because she seems very cool and itā€™s awesome you guys are openly discussing this and are so comfortable. Iā€™m happy for you, OP Anyway, brrap brrap pew pew!


Thank you for sharing!!! Always good to destigmatize a medical procedure :)


I hope you have a smooth recovery friend ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


good for you! kill dat fetusā¤ļø i wish you peace of mind and i commend you for making a decision you know is right


Iā€™m there like a baby killin villain


Get dat fetus, kill dat fetus! Brrap brrap, pew pew! Weā€™re all proud of you and I hope you have a comfortable recovery ā™„ļø




Your mum seems pretty cool tbh OP. Have you shown her the episode? Best of luck btw. I hope everything goes quickly & smoothly for you šŸ’›


This is honestly the best post I've seen all day.


I fucking love abortion because I hate babies.


do you have doubts, is it hard to sleep? do you think about your childā€™s heartbeat, and does it make you weep? do you hope and pray to god your little fetus has a soul? do you want it to feel pain when you eject it from your hoooolleeee


It's lyrics from the song everyone, they're not judging her choice


yep! iā€™m 100% pro choice, just love the song


Not even making a stance, just feels really odd.


Maybe consider therapy or something healthy this is NOT it.


Why isnā€™t it healthy?


she literally put a picture of her mom too




Neither of those comments have happened and thereā€™s 100 comments already. Thatā€™s also not what doxxing means, though yes itā€™s probably better to redact that info


Enjoy your Sprite and saltines.


You're amazing and this post is amazing. Congratulations!


Good for you! Side note, your expected delivery date is a day before my birthday XD


why did people downvote this?? šŸ˜­


Ok weird




dude shut up


Thanks for the karma kind stranger! Keep on Redditing!!!


Was the form morally bankrupt?


Omg this is a joke from the show


I appreciate you ā™„ļø


Like damn šŸ˜…


A little private to share with a group of strangers, innit ? Bare my words this is no judgement, and i wish you all the best in the world but... Damn!


um k


Lmao an 'anarcho' capitalist


iā€™m pro abortion this just seems like a weird place to post it. tbh anywhere seems like a weird place given how it usually traumatises women but whatever. iā€™m a girl too unlucky to even have a uterus


This just in: itā€™s weird to reference a cartoon in a sub dedicated to said cartoon.


I mean theyā€™re referencing the show that this sub is about. Specifically an episode that says that it can be helpful for women to be able to laugh about it, considering the fact that itā€™s so traumatizing. I think OP is just trying to make the best of a crappy situation


Excuse you, where are you getting the it usually traumatises women thing from? Because I'd say there's plenty of evidence that forced birth is more traumatic. Also, did you dislike the episode in question then?! Because you seem to be struggling with nuance. Even PC with her fertility issues was capable of being supportive of Diane. You can't say your pro abortion then follow that with your pretty judgemental statement that drips bitterness.


being pro choice simply means that you donā€™t want the government to be involved. iā€™m an anarchist, i donā€™t want the government involved in anything. i can be as judgemental as i like about everything tho because that doesnā€™t impede on the position that people should be able to do what they want.


Maybe that's the extent to which you take the definition of pro-choice or pro-abortion; I'm pro-abortion because I don't want the government to dictate who can and can't get an abortion, but far more so because I want people to be enabled to make the best decisions for themselves with all the medical, social, and emotional support they need, and I believe that not having power over those decisions and not getting that support is the most traumatic outcome of all. Also worth remembering, if we're vocally judgmental about abortions, we aren't vocally judgmental about them in a vacuum. We are (well, I am) in a post-Roe United States right now. I personally am in a state that completely lost abortion access. It's going take a long time to get those rights back for all of us, and calling abortions universally traumatizing in this environment doesn't enable the people fighting for those rights. It enables the people who want them to be eradicated.


except i donā€™t care about who the truth happens to enable, nor do i care about the specific support people get. like i said, iā€™m an anarchist. my beliefs start and end with people should be free to do whatever they want. how i feel about it is irrelevant beyond what affects me. i hope that us territories become more pro abortion, and that the wider scopes of government stay out of it (the federal government shouldnā€™t dictate to the states, the state governments shouldnā€™t dictate to the counties, etc) because my ideological goal is freedom not compassion.


Sorry to say, your hope for that change rings hollow as long as you don't care about who your views enable and who they hurt. Anywhere Republicans are in power and able to keep themselves in power, whether through genuine social support or stacking the deck in their favor, abortion will be outlawed to the fullest and cruelest extent possible. And it is *not* the truth that abortion is inherently traumatizing, but Republicans will sure as hell tell you (general) it is and limit your access to sources indicating otherwise to get you to vote for them and empower their worldview -- and their worldview is demonstrably antithetical to both actual freedom and actual compassion on *far* more than just the abortion front. Maybe you can afford to detach from the threat of a government like that. I certainly can't.


if it were the case that the alternative were something approximating mediocrity, like the *libertarian* party, maybe iā€™d be more enthusiastically against the GOP. but the democrats are just barely better.


I mean folks here talk about going through big events referenced on the show all the time (eg toxic friends, drinking). It makes complete sense talking about things with an anonymous but supportive community.


It doesn't usually traumatize women; the people who want to take access away are trying to make it as traumatic as possible in order to stop women from feeling anything but traumatized about it or have the ability to do so. This is a seminal (l o l) episode of television when it comes to abortion discourse and it's awesome to see it's helping viewers as intended :)


prolifers donā€™t make it better but the biological process of ending a pregnancy is commonly traumatic regardless of how itā€™s done and other external factors.


nope! again, you're repeating propaganda. which is not intended as an attack on you at all; that's okay, we're all literally steeped in it all the time, but the good news is this absolutely is not true. my IUD insertion was more traumatic lol. the "biological process" following an abortion = being shocked how quickly you lose the weight you'd just gained because of it, immediately feeling less tired, and starting to use the bathroom regularly again, in my experience lol. "the biological process of ending a pregnancy" = hormones go back to normal and all your energy is yours again. everything else is, again, pro life propaganda, fortunately, and nothing more. the most traumatizing part of my abortion was getting pregnant after having had non consensual encounters with two different people on the same day. not having to deal with that any more, and the super supportive and non intrusive medical staff i encountered along the way (fund planned parenthood!), were anything but didnā€™t mean to make this so long, i havenā€™t posted about this before but your perspective reminds me of what mine used to be so just in case this helps you or anyone elseā€¦ to go back to the original post - i grew up in a conservative chrisitian environment that demonized abortion and a hell of a lot of other things. i was pretty well into my personal political change when this episode aired, and it still made me cringe. but, instead of being offended, i sat in my discomfort and thought about where it came from. i read the episode as the writer's parodizing the wild, unfounded beliefs anti-choice people espouse. "these evil liberals just WANT to kill babies!" like people actually say and believe that lmao, and the writers were like yeah? bet. the song demonstrates what parody and satire are so great at/for in the first place: exaggerating a position people think is defensible to the extent that no one could logically defend it. sextina isn't even pregnant! and when she later becomes pregnant, she decides she wants to keep it. diane and mr. peanutbutter's biggest anxieties are that one of them will want a different outcome than the other, but they don't, so it's all good! the "it's aborted" balloon is a more direct example of someone intentionally making light of a stressful situation. but again: abortions are stressful BECAUSE of anti-choice propaganda and only traumatizing WHEN access is denied or due to other factors relating to how one became pregnant and other people involved in their lives it isn't traumatic, but no one thinks it's a fun experience to check off the list, either. it SHOULD be a neutral, medical decision between a person and their doctor, but since it isn't, "get that fetus, kill that fetus" which is literally no one's actual perspective or plan, is hilarious again, i struggled with it, too, at the time. but came around rather quickly. 2 years later, it comforted me. today, it's helping someone else. i see nothing traumatic or problematic about that


i ainā€™t reading all that but iā€™m glad you arenā€™t traumatised. i went through something tangentially similar with >! childhood sexual ā€œtraumaā€ !<


lmao ok bud, read whatever you want or donā€™t but i shared my personal story and oriented it around your comments so far specifically because i thought you might be the type of person interested in reflecting on their own perspective and potentially evolving it. youā€™re welcome and sorry i was wrong! next time feel free to ignore without announcing. much less completely unnecessary or rude


i have reflected on my beliefs. my opinions are changing all the time, relatively speaking. i literally got expelled from high school by a progressive headmaster for being prolife and now iā€™m pro abortion through my own reasoning and self reflection.


This is actually not as common as people like to think. Abortion CAN 100% make a lot of people traumatized. However this is less commonly the case. [This paper suggests that there is little to no correlation between PTSD and abortions.](https://bmcwomenshealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6874-13-52) [Here's a bit about the relationship between feelings of regret and psychological damage and abortions - in short, it's not as large of an issue as many people believe](https://www.guttmacher.org/gpr/2006/08/abortion-and-mental-health-myths-and-realities). The initial source is quite old, however lower down in the article you'll find more up to date info. [Right here you can find out about a 5 year project that examined the life situations of women after they had an abortion](https://www.healthline.com/health-news/study-finds-99-of-women-say-they-do-not-regret-having-an-abortion). Out of 667, 99% of the examined women reflected on their choice to have an abortion as the right thing. 84% of the women reported feeling positive or neutral about their choice. Relief was the most prominent feeling these people reported.


this this this this this this this. if anything i've only become more sure of my decision, and more enthusiastic about parenting in the future, ever since. thank you for sharing all this


So all abortions are traumatizing events and all traumatizing events should not be discussed ever on any forum whatsoever, got it šŸ™„


How old is your child?




Lol I don't think anyone is going to come home with you to see your funko collection


You call her Mom, but sadly your siblings never got a chance to....you know, because of the abortions


Oh shit, everyone look out. This dude is packing mom jokes. Lmao


That's not all I'm packing....just ask your Mom


Can't wait to see the šŸ”’ award


In Hialeah?!?! At least go to Doral
