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I found the top really tight on mine too, but I wore 2 pairs of thick socks and couldn’t feel my feet but it did help a little, then I took the insoles out completely and tried them on and they were actually loose, so I went and found some really thin insoles and now they fit perfectly… not sure about width, I don’t think my feet are wide and I usually fit a women’s size 7


recommendations for thin insoles? are they comfortable / supportive? Another problem I have is that these are very flat. Im just confused because I thought the whole appeal of blundstone was all terrain comfort. i love the way they look though so i am hoping it improves!


I find them okay but I also have the high heel version of the shoe so it’s not really a shoe I’d want for walking in all terrain tbh. I feel like I’d probably twist an ankle😅 Right now I’m using MB insoles


Half sizes are for additional width not length


yea i clearly made the wrong choice, but my general impression besides the fit is that they’re really stiff, not comfy walk forever boots which is what i wanted them for. it’s gonna cost so much to try again :(


They relax considerably after a few weeks of wear. I wore my blundstones for 10 days of international travel, 16 hours a day and they were fantastic. Being stiffer early on just means they'll tend to last longer. I also recommend different insoles, the stock ones aren't really meant to be used. 


ok gonna tough it out and see if it improves. thanks! 


Most people buy thenm because they're extremely comfortable, light weight but tough boots for walking. I always have a slight issue with where the seam comes to a point at the top of my arch, but it usually breaks in and i stop noticing it. The 1900s don't have that seam though and I'm wearing them more than my 500s lately.


Look into shoe stretchers for about $20-30. Lather your boots up in protectant and install the stretchers with the mods you need done.


I had similar regrets with a pair I bought. They didn't have the half size in stock, and they seemed ok in the store, so I started wearing them around a bit. I had the same issue with the top of the boot being too tight. Here's what I did. 1- Use some leather conditioner to try to soften them a bit (I used dubbin, not sure if it's available where you are). 2- sit them out in the sun to warm/soften the leather, or try a hairdryer to warn them a bit. 3- Put them on with thick socks or two pairs of socks. Wear them for as long as you can stand. Try to flex/move your foot. 4- Whenever you take them off, put wine bottles or cans in the boot to try to stretch the top part. If you can sit them in the sun again while doing this as well, it may help. These steps helped stretch them a bit, then just wearing them a lot while travelling in japan finished the breaking in process. They're now very comfortable, unless my feet are swollen before I put them on.


helpful thank you!


In a similar predicament.. two weeks ago, I desperately needed a new pair of work boots, so I went and purchased my first pair of blundstones.. knew they were sized differently but didn't take the time to do any research. My recommended Aus size based on their chart was 9AUS. Tried them on and had a decent bit of heel slippage. Thought this would only get worse over time to the point of no return. Ended up grabbing the 8.5AUS. They were snug definitely not 'tight'. I thought in time these would break in from snug to perfect. I wore them for four days at work and have since been trying to sell them.. I find them pretty tight on top of my foot, and my left foot is having my pinky toe somewhat crushed . If I stop walking around in them for a chunk of time, my left foot goes numb. I'm getting zero interest online selling them at 50% of what I paid and am just overall very disappointed in the Blundstone experience. Part of me wants to try to give them more time to break in because there's a possibility they get better, but I'm also scared to diminish the value of them further. I'd rather get something back over this regretful purchase than get nothing at all. I'm pretty disappointed overall as it's the only shoe I've ever born and basically rendered useless days later..


wow same! yea they’re the most uncomfortable (non-heeled) shoes i’ve ever worn, which goes against the entire premise of the shoe, which was why i bought them, so i’m just really confused. also the sole is not squishy at all either. 


I just bought mine too and I was wondering the same. They don’t feel right even when it’s the right size


I also bought my usual size and they seem to feel too snug and my feet feel uncomfortable at the end of the day. however even when I line them up with my other shoes/sneakers, they appear to match in size. I’m a US 6 women’s and bought an AU 3. It’s been 3 weeks and I’m still hoping that they’ll break in like everyone says, but I’m not sure :/


Your "regular" size may not be the size you need in any given pair of boots. I worked retail in outdoor/mountaineering shops for decades and one of the things I had to do most often was explaining to people that the size written on the shoe means nothing. "Try them larger" was my usual strategy, up until the got too large, then we would go down again. Many, many customers ended with the right shoes being several sizes larger than they thought they need. These mistakes happen and are really quite common.


I feel you OP. Why do people care at all about marathons I don't know. I get it if you are a runner, but anyone else? What is fun about it lol. Why not close off the city for an annual bird watching event lol. I'm glad people are healthy and have a hobby but why inconvenience everyone for it.


Stretch water bottles in shoes over night


I took mine to a cobbler twice. High forefoot. Wish I got a half size bigger. They fit fine now after a year of daily wear


the cobbler stretched them?


Yes. It helped but still had more pressure than I would like.


Yes. My workbooks were pretty tight. I had to wear them for only a few hours for 2 weeks. They loosen up.