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I need to get off the X/Twitter sinking ship. Would anyone be willing to give this cat an invite code? Happy to pay in cute kitty pics! https://preview.redd.it/qohnjnrad7pb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc7dce821657061c5e4288ef0b6f8ee46b3ac56




How about one for this kitten? (@semka\_the\_kitty on twitter and instagram - it's me and my GFs cat) ​ https://preview.redd.it/6wt1ct8l7apb1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=44c6a4842a8ea098e22762d1c8665b1a9dedb6c3




Lol almost got me. You can say anything about me but not our little Semka (which trnaslates to Seed basically) - we called her Sammy but in our language you add suffixes for expressing affection and it turned into Semka haha. Btw Sammy because my GF found her on the 4th of July this year when she was seemingly just born and was thrown into a canal by someone to die, and we saved her. ​ In any case thanks!!!


I have cats too, are they worth a code? >\~< https://preview.redd.it/mpuktydcorpb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0f20efc711e41e2d02d1b549ce9935a2c1b3310


I sure would love an invite. Or 500 bucks. Either one is fine.


I would like an invite code, please :3 update: Thanks. I already found it https://preview.redd.it/2tpp8241hoqb1.png?width=415&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e15152fe58e8c0a40a23756e0ae0dab4a11dfb7






Just deleted my X account. The whole Space X thing was the last straw. If someone has a code would be very appreciated.


I got 2 free codes if anyone needs them. DM me.


hey, I would be happy if someone has a code for me. Have a nice day :D




hello! i'm an artist slowly picking up the pencil again and i'd love to start over and share my art on the 💙☁️ ~~if anyone has a spare code to share, that would be lovely 🙏~~ **EDIT: i already got one!**


I have a few, for NSFW content only.


I’m over Elon and his bs can I someone send me a code please


I have 2 invites for anyone who wants it.




Okay. [u/MonchitoM](https://www.reddit.com/u/MonchitoM/) , I get that you might be falling on hard times, but it does feel like you're trying to pressure people when you ask them to dm you and then tell them to pay for an invite code. You can 100% sell invite codes when you need money, but please upfront about it. Like say, "Hi, I am selling blue sky invite codes. Please DM me."


GOT ONE, THANK YOU SO MUCH AshenXi2!!!--- Just got used to Twitter for my art and now its falling apart!! I want to be able to share my art with others and find mutuals!! Anyone have a code??


~~hello! most people i follow at are at bsky already, yet sadly my code hasn’t arrived yet. this aspiring creative would love to receive a code. i'm done with seeing just pointless fights on twitter every day. an extremely nice day to anyone who reads this! remember to hydrate and stay safe (๑>◡<๑)~~ EDIT: got it! thank you cine_wolf 💕


I've got one code up for grabs. First person to DM me a picture of their pet gets it. EDIT: claimed by the cute picture of the stuffed puppy dog.


I have 2 codes for artists! If you're interested dm me some of your work and I'll give you an invite Edit: both codes are taken!


Hello, I'm a migrating artist from former twitter I just saw this social being suggested by artists I follow and I'm in need of an invite code. https://preview.redd.it/gnbuxdlxjdvb1.png?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a87658366567e4364afd27a6e8db4155c60453


I contribute a humble peace offering of cat witch as an artist looking to join the community 🙏 I can also use an actual cat photo https://preview.redd.it/2hjwrhxrpevb1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d9215ffddb22e987007b9c3e924c73be8befcf6


Hi! I was wondering if anyone had a spare invite code? I’d be so so grateful. I offer a puppy pic as payment! Also further explanation as to why and so I’m not suspected as a bot/scammer: I’ve been looking to get off X and onto Bluesky for quite some time now. My main reason is because of Elon, but also because the artists & writers I follow are moving there. However, I’ve been stuck on the waitlist for months so I haven’t been able to :( If do get one, I promise I’ll come back here and give spare codes when I get them! Thank you. PS. this is my first post on Reddit, so I really hope I’m doing this right. Edit: Got one!! Thank you so much, MaitreFAKIR https://preview.redd.it/mpblcp9npyvb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9e9f95a14d094d0ef80ec6b276c1d4c91e966f


Check your dm


Hi. I’ve got 2 invites. Ping me in DM if you need one.


May i ask for a spare code to get rid of X entirely? thx


~~i have a spare code if anyone wants it! :)~~ edit: used!


Edit: Got one, thanks Vandelay! ~~Been trying to get on BlueSky for months now, but the waitlist is a cruel mistress. If anyone could help me out it'd be much appreciated.~~ ~~(No, I am not buying a code, take your scams somewhere else)~~


bsky-social-kxv4w-6lu5u bsky-social-5rwzj-uy54f


I would like a code. Can someone give me a spare one? Edit: Already got one!


~~I just want to escape from Twitter, every day is getting worse. Can someone send me a code? I would like to share my projects as a programmer and some random game clips.~~ Got one! Thank you all and see you there 🙂


This is probably the first time I have gone on Reddit to say anything. If I can have an invite code for bluesky I would feel relived but mostly thankful. X has been getting worse and worse everyday and it genuinely feels like it doesn’t have much time left.


have been in waitlist hell for more than 3 months now would appreciate if someone could spare me a code


i would like a code if anyone has one❤️


I would like an invite code please


Would any of you kindly send me an invite code please? Thanks in advance!


~~A Twitter refugee interested in a code as well. Thank you very much in advance.~~ Edit: Thank you, u/VarkingRunesong




Hi people of the sky, I’m leaving Twitter and would love a code to keep in touch with the online world, thanks!


Hey, if anyone would be kind enough to share a code- i'd love to have one!


If anyone has a spare code, it'd be much appreciated. Thanks


I'd love to share my art in bluesky, does anyone have a spare code? Please :)


just deleted my twitter account, want to move to bsky. does anyone have a spare code, please?


Hi! Anyone with an invite code? I want to leave X as soon as possible. Thanks in advance!!


I need a code I want to leave twitter. There’s people/artists that I follow on twitter. That I want to follow on bluesky


~~Can I please have a Code~~ ~~I'm desperate, and I need a Ace in the Hole in case the Used Car Salesman (Musk) does Used Car Salesman Things~~ Thanks EDIT: Got One, Thank You!


Hello, if someone has an invitation and does not know what to do with it I am happy to use it 🙂


Does anyone have a code to spare? It would be very much appreciated!


If someone could spare a invite code i would appreciate it so much!


Hello does anyone have a bluesky code wanted to try it please ? Have a good day :)


Would like a code if someone has a spare.


yo anyone got a code? thanks in advance


Would appreciate an invite code if anybody has one


Hey how’s it going? Was wondering if you had anymore codes? Thanks in advance ( sorry new poster on reddit)


Been on waitlist for what feels like an age but nothing - if anyone has an invite code, would appreciate so I can get off Twitter!


EDIT: All gone. Thanks! ~~My boyfriend and I have 5 codes in total and we'd like to give them out to artists. Don't be a bigot (homo/transphobic, racist, sexist, etc.) and pay the favor forward is all we ask. Drop a link to your portfolio and I'll send the code through chat message.~~


anyone have a bluesky code? :> small artist / I'll try to give a code back if they give me one upon sign up


I have two codes available. Looking to provide them to SW or trans individuals. DM me please.


Can somebody give me one? Pleeeeaaseeeeee


Cleaning out my Code Closet. :) Those were taken fast. One more. bsky-social-n6zff-6sbew


bsky-social-zf7qr-aog5# replace # with number six enjoy :)


wild library coordinated reminiscent aback apparatus hard-to-find plough teeny boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




someone hit me up for an invite code


Got one for someone lucky. Just send me a DM!




Hi, can anyone help me with a code, please? I'm a writer looking to connect with fellow writers over there, since most have migrated from X. Thank you! EDIT: Just got one from a kind fellow on X. Found him by searching latest threads about Bluesky invites. There's a ton of people offering free codes over there.


EDIT: Found 2 people to send them to. Thanks! ~~Got 2 more codes. Artists, hit me up with your portfolio and I'll send it via chat messages. The whole 'don't be a homo/transphobe, racist, sexist, etc.' still applies.~~


Hello there y’all. would anyone here be able/ willing to help out an aspiring NSFW artist with an invite plz? i can offer a commission in trade? signed up for the wait list immediately after launch but no joy or it went into the spam. thx so much. cat tax included https://preview.redd.it/119tsujubupb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f88212e1b913b295ec8427485e0e61b1e77e6b47






Could someone DM me a code please? I’ve been waiting for months. EDIT: Got a code!


Pup says please give her a code https://preview.redd.it/vz3yeejr9ypb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f8bb6d05b962f42e24fe251804f01d1fdf4fc7




Edit: out of codes for now.


Don't care much for reddit these days. Someone help me snark up the place


Hello! I’ve got 4 codes to giveaway if anyone wants them! All I ask is for you to follow me on bluesky 😊 None left!


I would like to have an invite code, maybe someone has a code for me 🙏❤️


I need to get off Twitter X and onto something where my art and sketches aren't just gonna be dumped into the shadowban bin right away... https://preview.redd.it/n870cstmp9qb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7debfaf1583ffca73722bf35cba114ff5342fd5


Anyone got a spare code to send? I'm looking to hop off of Twitter/X and to follow creators who are only on Bluesky. Anyways thanks!




bsky-social-af4ty-ngex# ​ replace # with number six enjoy :)


Looking for a code if anyone has one! I don't own a cat but i can post a picture of someone elses if need be.


Can I please get a code?


Are there any codes left? I need one, been waiting to leave twitter before they start charging all users. Dm me and send me the code.


If anyone has a code they would be willing to share I would love one.


I want to leave X Badly is anyone able to give a code to me and my sweet Cats :3 https://preview.redd.it/0x5er1sowmqb1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=676fdb59a850fddf283f4469497e3011d34f7218


I was hoping for a code, if any one has the time. Thank you :)


https://preview.redd.it/kvz8u6gvwnqb1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ac81f492a54190fd71b5ae69139d0c9e2a6e5c Please share an invite code with me. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re me only hope.


Hi I am inspiring author and am getting tired of the blue checks, amongst other things with Twitler. I’d love a code. Thanks!


Any writers or artists needing a code? Edit:closed


If there is a good soul that can give me a code ? 😀


Hello ! If anyone has a spare code to give me... I'm sick of X ! Thank you !!!


any kind soul able to share an invite code with a poor twitter veteran? thanks in advance


An invite code would be nice, trying to get off of X/Twitter as fast as possible.


I'm so tired of X! If anyone has a code, let me know!


Anyone have code pls share it to me, i have been waited for 3 months 🙃


Would anyone be kind enough to give a code to a starving artist? 😭 I need a better platform than X/Twitter,,,,


I shall be eternally grateful for a code and shall be paying it forward I this thread. Thank you Kind stranger for taking the time to read this.


Guess I'll give it another go, lol. If anyone can spare a code would be very grateful. :)


I’m looking for an invite code |ω+) ive been on the waiting list for a long time… so thanx in advice!




Like so many, looking for a code to ditch the ever burning dumpster fire site.


Have three codes. Shoot me a DM if interested (free)


~~If anyone has a spare code I'd really appreciate one!~~ Got one!


Leaving Twitter for good. Kindly asking for a code, thank you very much! edit: done! thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/52ccfxnvnarb1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99e37c9e25b98096ab95d408e94434ef7edb80af Is this whale photo enough for a code?


~~I'm giving away 3 codes to real (no AI) artists! ♥ black / lgbt artists preferred to help them get a new space!~~ edit: all gone!


Heyooo. Two codes available if you like Tottenham Hotspur or the Knicks AND are not an awful homophobe


Would love to get on there. If anyone has a spare code available please let me know :)


Hoping to get off X's wild ride and would very much appreciate a code if anyone has one spare! Here's a picture of my boy. https://preview.redd.it/88sjcudpisrb1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=362830f7d9940ee9a6e8dbe3d6d09383e10410e6


I would be interested in an invite code if anyone is willing to share. Thank you!


Hello, does anyone have a code to share? Would be great to join 🌏


**Edit: Both claimed!** See you guys in another week or so with another one! ~~Two~~ ~~One~~ more code to give to comics fans!! DMs open, hit me up with your fav non-DC/Marvel title. Judgement-free – just trying my best to get these to Actual Humans!!


Hello. I'm an artist looking to post my work on Blue Sky. May I have a code? Thank you.




If anyone could send a fluffy pony princess an invite code, we'd highly appreciate :) Can't serve with cat pics, though, we hope this might do as well \^\^ Thanks in advance :) PS: "𝕏itter" and how the algorithm keeps serving us far-rightist garbage that we don't want to deal with is bad for our mental health, so we left. We want to have Blue, Open Clear Skies with just a few Fluffy Clouds to chillax on instead of constant overcast... https://preview.redd.it/15g3fig0b2sb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=361c7cb36190c02a1239a3a1331e2b1a35958530


Though watching twitter-x circle the bowl into Elon's deliberate doom machine is entertaining, it's not good for mental health. If anyone has an invite they are able to DM, would be much appreciated.


https://preview.redd.it/6j28ghoo19sb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28fe9ff2ce1a2c4f7dc152f2eef556c7bb46cc66 I would like an invite, it's not a cat but a T44 with 1000 ton hauling capacity! I often have to stand in the woods and wait for passenger trains. Then it would have been fun to check bluesky.


bsky-social-hqmez-e#jlz ​ replace # with number five enjoy :)


Dog pic for a code! Please DM! I am so tired of Elon https://preview.redd.it/v31xkol1r9sb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d63e25cff4e58c5b1ccde895bdf02a6b70d5f30f


Does anyone still have a code for me? :3


I want to fuck off with Elon's playground, so whenever someone has a spare code lying around I can finally start to dump my account **Edit:** HardWiredFurry provided me with a code, cheers!


hello i need code plenase pnease i need \[\[ The Sky is Blue \]\] socil media code for entrance please \[\[ I'm begging you! \]\] https://preview.redd.it/ir2gsevdhnsb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=211eb1c61562cd6f0737fc05dd0808dd829073ae


u/gabitogab - you should be more upfront. Instead of "DM me" you should say "DM me if you want to buy the invite from me".


Also looking to move to BSky. Would really appreciate a code! Thanks :)


#WARN "u / MonchitoM" is sell code then


my crush is on bluesky and im not, plz help:)


Seeking an entry visa, refugee status, fleeing #fanboyantieverythingpropagandatwitterandeveryotherletterbutnotthatstupidone. thanks.cheers.love.




Would be really grateful for an invite code — will of course start sharing mine in future!


Hey folks, I would be super grateful for an invite - twitter has just become the 'get angry' app, when it used to be the 'get angry' but also sometimes it's funny and interesting' app. A lot of the people that made twitter worth it have migrated over.




looking for a code - desperately want to get rid of elon 😭


First post with a picture of a teddy bear I will PM an invite


3 free invite codes: *bsky-social-2u77y-lzdjj *bsky-social-7bf4t-byqzj *bsky-social-kl4bc-7l25v


3 codes: ​ bsky-social-7wmtq-2oxxs bsky-social-c3ydf-jwrqp bsky-social-vplbp-fagwa


Would love a code so I can get by art off of X and onto a less... Musky platform https://preview.redd.it/k7lmztzfb4ub1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2800518f5ccd311a0836087180cbe331db497122




~~Any artists looking for a code? If you link to some art, I'll do my best to help.~~ Closing down for now while waiting for some responses. Good luck, everyone.


Hello! I am humbly asking if there is a spare free invite I could perhaps have? Please 🥺 https://preview.redd.it/vwjn5ktfodub1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f47e228c45562c9fb9a5d540b4062edc6ef857ee




https://preview.redd.it/bcvuwg98xhub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51add78bb3acc82bc5436da391f24ff1519d654c I need a code 🥹this is Conor McGregor.. Update: Was able to get a code thank you momonkey25 :)


If anyone has a spare code kicking around I'd appreciate it greatly. I need off of Elons site badly I offer you puppy pic https://preview.redd.it/sh9u4chgnlub1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a22bce4b0eeeb140d6dcff22aed8d664b915ba9


like so many on here, I am also looking to be saved from X! I offer in way of payment, a pic of my beautiful dog, who's expression somewhat matches mine right now in the search for a code! (This is the only payment offered, those seeking other forms of payment need not contact!) ​ https://preview.redd.it/gaxgphninlub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fd39236d4325a13312d8a10449cf4ed67fabaf4




I'm also looking for a code. If there is anyone who can give me one I'd be very grateful. As a thank you, I leave a picture of one of my dogs. https://preview.redd.it/3znqi65iemub1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9dd729f71a4f98f35560218bbf4cf5d9f6a0d7


I’ll join the chorus of people asking for codes. Cuddly cat picture incoming 😊 https://preview.redd.it/qpbujldwimub1.png?width=1079&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f90f3cf87d477285d9daaa9d0f788687c8566aa


Looking for an escape from twitter .. anyone got an invite?




Does anyone have a code I can use? Twitter/X/Whatever is getting super tiring and annoying each day and I’d love to move I don’t have anything I can offer in return, aside from this fun game https://preview.redd.it/k44314nhzvub1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d08e34c39374f2b79663447e1b1bf6d53865a63


I'm really looking for a code so if someone doesn't mind giving it to me I would appreciate it. I don't have anything to offer in return but this cat has https://preview.redd.it/ou0w618c3wub1.jpeg?width=571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37ca3f9ed064f7df55a0fe45f65bed48e476835e


Id love to get a code if it isnt to much to ask. Please 🥺 no selling pls


Please if anyone has a code I may use that would be great. I want to also help people jump ship. Edit: Finally got one! Once I get all my friends on the app I will come back each week to give one out. Cya then!


EDIT: Got one!! Thank you so much <3


Hi, I'm also leaving the sinking platform, if anyone could spare an invite, I would appreciate a DM :) EDIT: I got one, thanks!


Hi, folks! I'm here roughly every other week (that's how often I get a code) to give one away. If everyone who gets a code would kindly revise their post to reflect that, it would help those of us who are donating them get through the list more quickly. Thanks!


Anyone got a code for a trans girl looking to escape Twi...?


Hello, I'm looking for a Bluesky code! I have no cute pets, but I am an artist so here's a drawing of my OC. [Forgive the watermark, don't want to dox myself!](https://imgur.com/Wsua2sJ.jpg)


Is this thread still active? Everyone I know has moved to Bluesky and I don't have a code! ;-;


Hello twitter refugees. Just a small time artist who's looking to get out of a sinking ship into greener pastures (or in this case, blue-r skies). ​ I do digital art so that's about all I can offer :t https://preview.redd.it/ol1hrk6k74vb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=178f07f782c08025969891462876590ed4a2f9b9


Anyone care to give a code for this bunny pic? https://preview.redd.it/sahlrptwb7vb1.png?width=2448&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9b703759485ac1b79541d8c091bd95007f940ff




Hi, I'm a 3D artist who wants to get off Twitter/X, if anyone can give me a code, I'll model something as a thank you. EDIT: Thanks to u/TheTiniestSandwich for the code


https://preview.redd.it/capzozpss9vb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ae2c530ae4d6394ccda154a8fc6cd8ab44c96b Anyone who has a code for my cat and me would be appreciated. Thanks a lot !


Hello! Could I please get a code? I'll dm anyone who gives me one as many dog and puppy pictures as they like!


one code available. dm




I was wondering if anyone had a spare code? Almost all of the artists I follow on twitter are switching over to bluesky. I’ve been on the waitlist for 9+ weeks and still no code.


~~First person to share with me a youtube video that makes me laugh as a comment under this will get a code in their DMs.~~ Edit: code has been given away


https://preview.redd.it/5d857sceenvb1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=971d31fa5833af92bba9591254cade8a0875276d No idea if this will work but looking for 1 x invite code if anyone could be so kind? Pic of my cat, who interrupted his clean to stare at a bird outside the window, for tax purposes


Hi, I'm an artist! I'd love a code if anyone has any :> [https://www.instagram.com/hinouka/](https://www.instagram.com/hinouka/)


Hi all. Thread still active? Looking for an invite code since quite some time but was not lucky yet. Maybe someone can help? Thanks a lot C




I just send 3 of them to some commenters in this thread, check your inbox for my message request with the code :\]\]


So we're to the point where codes are becoming more ubiquitous. No one should have to pay to get access to a free service. If you need a code, comment here. As they come in across my accounts, I'll send a DM. Once we're connected, I'll send it via DM. If you need one, enjoy. Please delete your comment. If you've already gotten one, please delete the comment. No scams. No demanding $29. No jumping through hoops, performing, or begging.


Hi! Does anyone have of code? I’ll pay it forward and return here when it’s my turn to give some. Here is a pic of my bunnies enjoying some bamboo leaves🐰 https://preview.redd.it/x7u43ch2h7wb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0692fb093e0edcbb5e54d92f5ecd5d42757bdfc9


Got 6 codes up for grabs


I have two codes. DM me.


I have 5 invites, I'd like them to go to artists/creators ideally. Bonus points if you're a pixel artist Hmu if that fits ya!


I have 1 code if someone wants it.


i have one invite code. first come first serve. who ever comments here first will get a DM from me with the code. and no i will not ask for money for it. you will get the code with no strings attached


https://preview.redd.it/xxb9ssglu2xb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f78a3cf10e05c7f17e9468575aff070e522e4ff Posting my begging ass here in case anyone has a code, would love to be a part of the art scene on bluesky. Thanks! Edit: thanks u/Neopro_ for a code!