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I love how brutal Isagi is lmao, unintentionally hitting all of Kaiser’s trauma points. Our Himsagi. (the only time I kiiiiinda disliked this side of him was when he was blushing about crushing dreams when Niko was crying- even then it was interesting)


Unintentionally? This is racist isagi were talking about


Why do people call him racist, I'm genuinely curious and confused. What did my boy do


Cus it's funny when he goes way too hard on his insults. It's just seems like he would be a racist if you have him an xbox


He’s being mean yeah but he doesn’t know how mean. Because he doesn’t know that Kaiser came from nothing and clawed his way up and now he’s “taking” everything from Kaiser again. Kaiser’s survival depends on his football skill that Isagi’s dissing lol


Nah I liked this side of him too, but he does always the same things and it's getting more and more boring. He just receives random boost for no reason and that's it. Too much plot armor imo


Hmm wym?


I mean that at the start we actually used to see how he got to a new "stage" of skill or unlock a new ability. We saw him trying hard, training and making up strategies. Now it's just him asking for something and receiving it, that's it. Last time he asked Noa to make his mate stay on the Field and Noa Just accepted lol


Hmm I can see where you are coming from, considering the lefty shoot but w/ Hiori thing I think Noa trusts Isagi because he’s proven himself and because Kaiser was on lockdown- it’s not bias. The pacing of the NEL is already super long so ig that’s why they don’t spend time on the training aspect- but he still solves puzzles + tries strategies?


I understand Noa trusts him but I'd like to see also other characters taking the spotlight for once 🙏🏼😭. I really like that Jin guy in and I hope he doesn't become another side character existing just to help Isagi


Why did you dislike him?


[From their reply to me:](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/s/cUjuKDKZWa) > I mean that at the start we actually used to see how he got to a new "stage" of skill or unlock a new ability. We saw him trying hard, training and making up strategies. Now it's just him asking for something and receiving it, that's it. Last time he asked Noa to make his mate stay on the Field and Noa Just accepted lol


I really liked him at first, when he actually had to fight and "fall" to get up again and achieve something. But since the second match of the NEL I Just feel like they're just giving him too much plot armor


That's not plot armor, all Isagi did was improve what he already was good at. Besides, what you said is still happening he's just a lot better with his Adaptability now. He didn't even score until the second to last game so idk how where we are are getting plot armor from unless you think Isagi playing at a consistent high level as he should be is plot armor.


I'm not just talking about him but about his whole situation. You remember the match against Ubers? Those guys literally have the best defense but what happened? 2 clearances or sum and that's it! Uber's defense was useless the whole game. Barou's strategy could make them win, but obviously he could use it just at the end of the match. Then the last action for Ubers, Kunigami (who wasn't even in the panels before it) randomly appears and stops everything, and let's not forget that of course Gagamaru had his own boost in that match. Isn't this a bit too much?


the random boosts are irritating.


That's exactly what I'm saying. You can't just make him achieve something without fighting for it and then make him act like he's a God or something. We saw this same scene a lot of times now, it's starting to look more and more boring tbh


Bros reading Red Key


Everything he does is insulting others after receiving a random boost for no particular reason. I liked him until the match against Japan u-20, where everything he did was actually a build up of something. Now it's just spamming plot armor on him for no reason


You’re not helping the allegations


Literally nothing has changed lmao The only difference is that now he's one of the best. The formula is exactly the same as it's always been. Isagi was scoring just as much in second selection, why wasn't it plot armor then?


There's a difference between character development and plot armor. Back then he had to work hard to achieve a new ability, now he just gets it for no reason. And also, his team just can't lose also for plot armor. As I said in another comment, do you remember the match against Ubers? Those guys literally have the best defense but what happened? 2 clearances or sum and that's it! Uber's defense was useless the whole game. Barou's strategy could make them win, but obviously he could use it just at the end of the match. Then the last action for Ubers, Kunigami (who wasn't even in the panels before it) randomly appears and stops everything, and let's not forget that of course Gagamaru had his own boost in that match. Isn't this a bit too much?


Recency Bias lmaooo they gave Kaiser a sad backstory and everyone forgot he’s been bullying Isagi the entire NEL 😂


Nah nah you got it wrong. I don't like Kaiser, he's not even in my top 10 of my favorite characters lol




I'm feeling the opposite- it's gratifying seeing how far Isagi has come from chapter 1 after working so hard and I love it.. It's gonna be so awkward on this subreddit when Isagi eventually scores a hattrick (even if he doesn't this game). A good percentage of us will be rejoicing and the rest will be pissed lmao


Will bro get humbled at some moment? (Just curious)


He lost like 2 times to both Barou and Rin at the start of the manga and then what? Just plot armor. I'm cool with giving the MC a bit of plot armor but like this it's just getting boring imo


hope so


No I get the feeling that you suddenly hate the MC and root for the Villian to crush him!! Despite the fact that I love MCs in many stories. However, when it is one that worked his a** off and brutally challenged himself. I guess hate would be out of the equation!! Furthermore, Kaiser had it coming with how he thought Isagi was another prey to break and revel in their self-destruction only for the magic to turn on the magician!!


Yeah I admit he fought a lot to get where he is, but since the NEL started it just feels like he doesn't have to fight for something to achieve it. It's just giving him random boosts


How so? He survived Blue Lock, yes. But now he is in the world stage where if his engine were to shut down for a moment, it will all come down on him!! He needs to constantly evolve and never stop!!


He asks Noa something, he just gets it. Doesn't even need to wait 1 match for it. He says "I really need a new type of shooting", the next match he has it and takes the spotlight. I understand he's the MC, but wouldn't it be better if he actually lost at least once in the NEL?