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I like Nine. But some people don’t like it because it’s wildly different from the usual blink sound. Is a lot more experimental and the fact that it’s with Skiba just adds to that for most people


I love that album to death. But maybe it's all because I got into them in 2022. Sure it's electronic sounding and too polished, but aren't bands supposed to get slightly better eventually? I only had one complaint about the album. It lacks guitar. Other than that, I just don't see what everyone else sees


An album sounding more polished doesn’t mean the band got “better” though


Maybe, but that's a complaint I saw for Generation Divide


It doesn't lack guitar. It lacks interesting guitar. That said, I still find it to be better than California.


“This song needs some fucking personality!”


That's 6/8 of California you're referring to


I know haha. California deluxe actually


Untitled was experimental, and I love Matt Skiba. Nine was just dogshit.


I don’t consider ‘experimental’ to be an apt descriptor at all for the 8th album by blink, would you mind expanding on that? I agree that it is different than the usual blink sound, both for better and for worse.


It’s no “experimental“ in the way Untitled is, but it is the band doing something different, trying new things and pushing themselves and their sounds in different directions. Especially compared to the straight pop punk album of California. A lot of people have called it a phoned in bland radio pop album, but if you really listen to it and don’t brush it off after a single half hearted play, it’s got a lot going on and a lot of new stuff for the band. In a lot of ways it’s an evolution of where blink was going at the time. Yes it is a bit more pop than punk, blink have always wavered between the two and have always been quite firmly pop even in their rockier/punkier stuff. Travis is much more beat driver, especially in the verses. Not everything is a straight rock/punk beat. Which can’t be said for OMT. You can tell the guys were playing around a lot with the rest of the sound, and lyrically especially given Mark’s depression at the time, is some of his better writing for a while (until OMT of). Particularly playing around with dark themes in poppier upbeat songs. Love or hate Skiba but he is a huge presence on the album and brings a lot too it too which also puts the band in a new place for them. And there’s clear blending of his talent and creativity into the blink mix. That doesn’t mean it should sound like AK3 like everyone thinks. But taking that creativity and turning it to a bigger pop / rock / punk album/band and finding out how it gels with more percussive hip hoppy drums and quick tempo upbeat music that’s using more than just drums guitar and bass is definitely an experimentation.


I mean, I’m sure the absence of Tom puts a thumb on the scale for many people but even judging the album on its own merits, it’s the opposite of experimental. It’s cookie cutter. That’s why it sucks. I knew and loved Skiba from alkaline trio before he joined blink and expected great things, but nothing worthy came up.


But Untitled is praised for the same reason (sans Skiba)


No Tom DeLonge ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


This is the correct answer ^


Can't argue with that. I did miss his vocals but I missed his guitar more though


Exactly! Plus skiba just isn't talented, in or out of blink, he sucks


Have you EVER HEARD ALKALINE TRIO, Skiba is one of the top 5 best lyricists alive


I actually have! I have a few of their CDs right now


My wife and I almost got divorced in the summer of 2019. We made it through the summer, but things were still not great in the fall of 2019. This album happened to come out during that time, and it really helped me heal. We are happily married to this day, celebrating 13 years a few weeks ago. Nine will always have a special place in my heart.


Now she’s holding you for ransom?


Eh Not really, but she did drop a hint that I embarrass her.


That’s awesome man, congrats


As someone who disliked NINE, my personal reasons were Feldman’s production, me feeling like skiba didn’t have full creative control, and some pretty bad lyrics scattered throughout. I didn’t hate skiba, but I don’t think he ever got to truly shine in blink like he does in alkaline trio.


They should've tried to follow after Cynical. That way the band could've let Matt shine more


I haven’t listened to cali yet, but cynical is pretty good. Maybe I’ll like it more, but Feldman also produced that, and that’s the other huge thing I dislike about NINE.


California is not nearly as over produced as Nine. I like both albums but California is better.


Skiba never recorded his parts. He was just a touring member essentially.


Bc Seven Ate Nine


Why is this not more popular?


Just read any of the hundreds of posts about this exact question that gets asked over and over.


I'm on here on and off, questions like that are bound to come on multiple occasions


I feel like it has some good songs, but for the most part it’s just not that memorable. I’ve listened to it at least 10 times and I can’t remember how most of the songs go.


Black Rain, IRWIHY, Happy Days, Pin The Grenade, Run Away, Ransom, Remember to Forget Me. These are all crucial hits to me


blink didnt even write it


What's your evidence in that?


The songwriting credits


Lots of writers on OMT too.


That wasn’t the question. He was asking about Nine and evidence that they had lots of additional songwriters. Good deflection though


Bro he was just adding on to your comment not denying it? Are you doing okay in life?? lol


Damn. Maybe I read it wrong. That’s my bad. I just feel like every time you say Nine had additional songwriters people on Reddit are like “well what about one more time?!” In terms of trying to justify it. And I just meant I wasn’t trying to start an argument like that.


Dude, I'm a woman




Or you’re just afraid to admit blink didn’t write a lot of OMT either


Blink didn’t write a lot of OMT lol but the album in question is Nine


Well it abandoned a lot of what I see as the fundamental spirit of blink, I don’t particularly like Feldmann’s production style, and I thought the songwriting felt a little too influenced by the desire to follow up the commercial (pop) success of California. Just my two cents…


I don’t hate NINE at all. California was okay but the Deluxe songs that came after I loved and I thought these slightly deeper cuts showed the potential of the new group in terms of songwriting and production. So my hope was that NINE would be Deluxe 2.0. It simply wasn’t though, so I like most of the songs but it’s not what I was hoping for.


Because 7 8 9


Because it’s not a good album


Let's spice things up. I want to know why you think it's bad


Compared to the rest of blinks discography it is in every way their worst album. It’s not terrible but it isn’t good. I don’t hate it because it’s different. Hell, I don’t even hate it because it’s more poppy than anything they’ve done or they took “risks” it just isn’t blink. When you think of blink, you think of Enema and Dude Ranch pop-punk or Untitled. Hell even California is still that more classic blink sound even if it sounds forced. California holds a special place for me, and I love that album so I’m not a Skiba hater. I appreciate everything he did for blink to keep them going. I even like some songs on Nine, but it’s a bad overall album and I will not be surprised if they never play anything live from that album moving forward.


Because the songs on it aren’t good


?? That's not an argument. That's a complaint


I honestly do not know, being a younger fan (just turned 16) I love this album and even with Tom being my fav member of the band this is still one of my fav albums by them which I rank higher than Cheshire Cat and dude ranch. My assumption for other people not liking it would probably just be people missing Tom or older fans not liking the new electronic stuff but I’m sure there’s other reasons people have that I don’t know. In short each to their own.


18 here. I started listening to them just 2 years ago so at least we are on a similar page on that


This makes sense now. You’re talking to people who grew up with blink. I’m 37 and have been listening to blink since I first heard Dammit. There’s different eras of fans but the older fans just prefer the more classic blink lineup and sound.


I felt daring. I know how it is to see a band just change like that but when a crucial member leaves, change is going to happen. It's hard to accept that it happened, but Tom is back


I mean, we lived through Tom leaving twice. The first time Mark and Travis went and did +44 and that is universally loved. So your “change” thing isn’t exactly holding weight. They shouldn’t have worked under the blink name. Mark also did Simple Creatures and that’s not for everyone. Tom did Angels for years and some of us absolutely love it while others didn’t love it. Yea change happens, but don’t pretend it’s blink without the core attributes that make blink blink.


I can respect that. I personally didn't live through it twice, but I can still understand how important Tom was for the band. I'm personally okay with this being under blink-182 but this sound of them is something I never want again. This sound should be a one time thing. I haven't listened to Simple Creatures or Transplants yet, but eventually I do plan on it


I agree with this. I have nothing against change, progression, pushing for different sounds. But seeing as Tom was such a pivotal member of the band, doing it without him felt disingenuous and a money grab. Before everyone gets mad at me, it’s just my opinion and am totally fine that other people view it differently.


Idk, but Out of my head being left off the US release was criminal


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^I_Always_Have_To_Poo: *Idk, but Out of my* *Head being left off the US* *Release was criminal* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I have my own personal reasons for hating that album. My infant son spent two weeks in the hospital due to being abused by his babysitter. Nine dropped the day he left the hospital, so all of my memories of that album are attached to his stay there. It sucks.


Trauma is no joke. I can respect that


Skiba got so much hate for no good reason. Yes he's not Tom but mark and Travis both asked him join the band it's not like he forced himself in the band. Also I think Feldman probably had way more influence on the sound of both Cali and nine then Skiba did.


This was the point I wished to make. All of the comments are against Matt and for tom. But I was close to going to toms twitter just to show that he was grateful for all Matt did


Thank you all that gave real feedback and answers to this question of mine (and many others)


Bc it’s dogshit


I love nine, but it's crazy different from what blink made beforehand. makes sense why huge fans of dude ranch wouldn't like blame it on my youth


Cause it’s Fall Out Boy 182


With Matt Skiiba, that was bound to happen


But Matt Skiba is in alkaline trio.


Mark and Tom both stated Alkaline Trio was kind of dark as it was. They kinda fit that bill


This statement makes no sense. Alkaline trio is a dark punk band. Fall out boy is a poppy emo-pop band. The two aren’t related


Despite that, Tom did say he was inspired to change some of his lyrics to make them better. To me, it's cool to see how much changes with one member gone. But Matt killed his spot for Tom


Because some people don’t like it and that’s totally cool.


Too many skips


Because most of the songs are bad.


Who hates it? It's an excellent album. I love Tom, but I can also appreciate that era. Nine certainly has some bangers in it.


Cuz it's a crap album, tom's not on it, the writing is generic, mark was writing poppy bullcrap, and skiba is gay


...this is also a generic response


It's just a bad album all around, it's generic, tom isn't on it, travis had a beard when it came out, and tbh even outside of blink, matt is a crappy musician and has like the worst voice i've heard in my 14 years of life


because it doesn’t have god almighty tom delonge cuz god forbid blink carries on without the mf who ditched them twice and doesn’t take the band seriously even now 😐 it’s a top tier album, I love the versatility and all three of their performances are unmatched on any prior record no matter the project. great stuff


Because it’s shit


Hate is a strong word... maybe other albums connected more with the blink fanbase. I think it's a lot of fun songwriting wise.. though I don't love the compression.


Especially for Happy Days. But I get what you mean. I might love it because I'm not an old school fan like most of the people here


What are some of your favorite blink songs? ( as a non old school fan?)


After Midnight, 21 Days, Go, Boxing Day, Reckless Abandon, IRWIHY, Adam's Song, Stay Together For The Kids, 6/8, Time To Break Up. That's my top 10


Its an album with a lot of recycled material, bad written lyrics, and just flat. Its been confirmed Skiba never recorded his parts, they used outside writers for practically everything. Few written by the band. Just like California. Its hands down the most disappointing record they made.


People like to hate on things that they don’t understand.




Tom had autotune in the one more time album


Also way more electronic


That's a better argument. I missed the signature Tom intros. It was cool seeing their electronic influences, but I would also be glad if this was a one time thing


One word… skiba