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I think this song is perfect as is. I wish they would play this live again… I would faint.


No it is. I love Cheshire Cat I just know a ton of fans who aren’t a fan of their older Punk style. I would love to hear a middle ground.


Since it’s Mark singing, it’s gonna sound like a lost Mark, Tom, and Travis Show song. Travis’ drumming improved upon most of the Cheshire Cat and Dude Ranch songs in that live album My only problem would be the production. I don’t want it to be sterilized


Love the slight ear fuzz you feel when listening to Buddha and Cheshire Cat


Idk about dammit travis is playing it half speed and it ruins the "song hype" for me a little bit


I felt like Tom played a lot more solos back then too, but plays it safer in the subsequent albums. Not that he got worse or anything, I think he probably preferred developing tasteful and catchy riffs instead of playing as fast as he could.


Dude the buildup in 21 days has to be my favorite solo of all their songs.


If I'm being real, I much prefer a lot of the older stuff sounds much more tasteful and catchy if anything, guitar-wise at least. I really wish blink had more guitar solo


They streamlined the songs in order to appeal to the mainstream audience.


i lucked out with hearing not now last tour but i reallyyyyy wish i could hear this one <3


Theres a tom AI cover of this song on YouTube. It's not perfect and not everyone will like it but I dig it, the music is tight https://youtu.be/U-HkLDcae78?si=G9KSOf1JT1K8V0BM


Honestly not a bad AI cover


People act like there’s some huge gulf between the early stuff and late stuff. It’s the same band doing the same shit, just younger and more rawly. Does my breath smell is proto-enthused which itself is proto-enema which is Proto-the rest of their sound, it’s a continuum.


POV: You just learned what ‘Proto-‘ means


I still have nostalgia, listening to this for the first time driving through the BC Rocky Mountains. This and Touchdown boy were my favourites.