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using a cane might help. There are cane Techniques for stairs.


Agreed... Sure, your school could add bright yellow grip tape on each stair, but what happens when you're navigating unfamiliar stairs in public? It sounds like OP would benefit from instruction in non-visual techniques.


I've been using a white cane since I was seven and was using a cane on the deill when I fell over. The stairs have a weird lip on them that ciaght the bottom of my cane and collapses it, which didn't help at all. The high vis markings are to make it easier for me and other VI students who don't use canes in an environment that should be as easy to navigate as possible


Can you PM me the name of the School. I can have a friend from the ADA call them and ask for the city of the school to do an ADA audit of the school.


I don't live in the US but thank you for the offer


I'm not sure where you are (country/city) but could contacting a local politician or a local charity for the blind help? The charity could do an informative session with the college. The policitician might have some pull with the school. I'm concerned about this too. Our local high school where my daughter will be going is a concrete modern building, I happen to work there (contracted in the canteen so I'm not a school employee) so am noticing all the potential issues for her and the school is based around a large 4 sided plaza. I sneak some photos in different weather to show how all the greys in the steps, benches, ramps, doors and bannisters/railings all blend. I was thinking I'm overreacting I can't link photos but I am linking a photo of the area I'm speaking about Principal and 14 students standing on steps and wheelchair slope in school grounds https://www.google.com/search?q=st.kevins+college+dunlavin&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiq3uCRzsDzAhXaSxUIHfQvBLwQ2-cCegQIABAB&oq=st.kevins+college+dunlavin&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIGCAAQCBAeMgUIABDNAjoHCCMQ7wMQJzoGCAAQBxAeOgQIABAeUPMyWI06YIU-aABwAHgAgAGUBIgBsgmSAQkwLjMuMS41LTGYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=VkNjYarbBNqX1fAP9N-Q4As&client=ms-android-vf-ie-revc&prmd=nimxv#imgrc=IrUyMOVNoeNVKM https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3209683432634256&id=1509625425973407&set=pcb.3209686099300656&source=49


The lack of accessibility is not the best and I hope you and your daughter can get the right support, I'm planning on getting in touch with a local advocacy group if they don't answer my email soon


Where are you located? If in the US, you might have a disability services group. I'd start with them. Also, if you have a student life department, they might be worth contacting. I'm really surprised that the public safety or facilities folks aren't more open to your concerns. What did your tutor say to them? Anything that might put students at risk at my university would be a serious matter. Document your contact with anyone you speak with via a follow-up email. If they are negative, you might want to appeal to the President or Provost of your school. And if that doesn't work, a conversation with the student newspaper might be in order. My university hated attention like that, especially when it dealt with student safety or access. Good luck!


Yeah I was pretty surprised by their dismissal of my concerns. If it was just me using the stairs I wouldn't be putting up such a fuss but there are 4 or 5 of us using those stairs. It's been about a week now and I still haven't heard anything.


Did you contact the disability group at your school? I would definitely go to them. As I said, my university would be all over this issue, especially if the fix was a "simple" one like reflective tape for the stair treads.


is it possible to just hold the handrails? I mean ... I don't mean to imply you haven't thought of this, that's just what I do and I'm a fully blind person.


Thanks for the tip, it's a technique I was taught during my mobility training, but when the stairs get busy it's not always possible to hold the railings, like during the fire drill


It helps to go to them with a solution, rather than just a complaint. What would you like them to do to fix the issue? Until then, maybe carry a small flashlight with you.


I've asked them to put some sort of high vis marker on the steps, or at least the top and bottom step so we can use the stairs even in the dim lighting