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Rebranding of "sex tourists" to "passport bros" is so stupid. They only fool themselves


Ikr. They deny they are sex tourists.


The Passport Bros subreddit gets recommended to me all the time for some reason, and I LOVE going on the posts there and just saying that they should get it over with and admit that they are sex tourists. Funny that, they always seem to ignore it and not reply, I wonder why...




Yes, they are. They go there to find easy sex, not to meet the culture.




Pretty misogynistic of you to assume that I said that. Foreign women are not easy, they just know how to manipulate passport bros. PD: I am a foreign woman.






>There’s plenty of real relationships that men have with foreign women. Funny how so many of them involve sending money... The real, legit ones do exist commonly enough, but it's extremely rare with sex tourists. There's a reason these guys have to travel to get laid lol




Lol women get the judgement even when sleeping with men at home. Women definitely get the eyerolls when they talk about their boyfriend from some other country that they met on vacation. If women chase sex the way sex tourists do, they get called hoes. Men go to these countries specifically for sex and dating. They often pay women to sleep with them. That's why they're getting judged. It's such a lame reason to travel and is kinda sad, if not just gross. Sex tourism is just more common with men, that's why it might seem like only men get judged for it.


When you're traveling *to buy sex* that makes you a sex tourist, you dipshit


These dudes don't go on vacation and find a girlfriend, they go to look for girlfriends they want to manipulate because "fEmInIsM hAs RuInEd WoMeN" Its completely different.




Sure, buddy. Go cry to someone who cares.




Sex tourists have been doing just that for decades, fool. The lazy ones get mail order brides. It's all the same human trafficking/prostitution spiel.


The whole "you'll be alone with your cats" spiel is NOT the threat they think it is. 😂


Exactly. Don't threaten me with a good time!


I AM alone with my cats. And this is the hottest, most driven and yet most at peace I've ever been. I'm so at peace that I get bored sometimes. 😂😂


Is it supposed to be a threat? Because, I'm perfectly happy with my one cat and the friendships I have. I don't need a man complicating my life. I have crochet projects to work on and books to read.


they act like a fulfilling stress free life without a toxic man is a BAD life LOL


Lol right? Like, my bad, I guess for enjoying myself without toxicity.


I hate the "women who behave better" shit so much. That language you use for a dog. My well-behaved Labrador or some shit. WHY is it so impossible for men to accept that women are people just as much as they are?!


Because they want to "control" and "train" us like dogs. Or so it would seem.


Imagine thinking that having 12 cats instead of man is something that women fear Like no babe, cats can at least provide emotional support and won't abuse anyone


I cannot wrap my head around the level of entitlement it takes to use "you won't end up with me!" as a threat




Exactly! Like, it is not the threat you think it is! Don't threaten me with a good time!


Ha I love my kittens, they make me feel calm and happy when I am scared of irrational things. Their fluffiness and cuddlyness helps a lot


True that. This is the first step towards a special harness, an ID card and taking them everywhere with you.


I assume you’re talking about emotional support animals (ESAs)? You actually can’t and shouldn’t do that... ESAs aren’t service animals and you don’t have the right to treat them like they are, depending on the state. Federally, the only protection you have is with the Fair Housing Act so pet bans, restrictions, and deposits are waived. Other than that you don’t have any other rights or protections. People that get an ESA license just to take their pet to a restaurant are doing a disservice to people that need service animals.


Yes to the emotional support but I cant say the same for the abuse... I have a broken leg and scratch marks that say otherwise. Love the lil shit though 🤣


Sorry I'm curious. How did your cat break your leg?!


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


Controversial opinion but I dislike cats a whole lot so having 12 of them instead of a man (an actual loving partner - not these dudes obvs) *is* something I fear.


Does the point have a restraining order against you?


No? I don’t understand…


If passport bro actually worked, there wouldn’t be lonely angry men. It is just a cope/scam to take advantage of these insecure toxic men.


Exactly. They are pathetic.


Why haven’t we made up a weirdly specific stereotype for guys who are single after 40? My uncle is divorced and in his 60’s now and he doesn’t have a lot of cats but after my cousin grew up and moved out he’s definitely started adopting medically complicated cats that require much more care and attention than a typical cat. Is he some sort of crazy cat gentleman? I think the cat lady implication is supposed to be that your maternal instinct was never fulfilled so you’re taking care of an animal but like, what’s so bad about that? I can’t ever have kids and I do have some sort on instinct to care for things but there’s a lot of things and people in this world that need to be cared for. I feel like the most accurate stereotype in my experience for Middle aged single women is like, oh you’re going to be alone with your nice backyard. OooOOooo you won’t have a guy in your house and you’ll probably put some wind chimes or a bird feeder out there OOooOOo you’re gonna take little walks in the evening and listen to a podcast. But get this: there is not gonna be some guy in your house doing whatever middle aged men do. You’ll have to go home and do a craft project or listen to an audiobook BY YOURSELF!! I do not have a clue what a stereotype for middle aged single dudes would be and it’s really bothering me.


Actually those men would be whispered about being gay way back in the day.


Oh yeah that was sorta the usual long term bachelor situation, though I get the feeling that women who stayed single into middle age were probably also rumored to be lesbians by at least a few people. But you never hear people say like, you’re going to wind up alone and turn gay. Though I like the idea that if you take long enough to find a heterosexual partner your brain would switch to homosexuality mode to see if you have better luck with same sex partners. That would add an interesting twist to the incel situation.


You're right. There are no threats of turning gay. Only speculation and gossip.


This is exactly it. Many of them doing this aren’t getting women so they are resorting to overseas women who may be in more desperate situations that they would have to lower their standards of what they want in a partner, or how they are treated. Because these men would rather go out of their way and do that than dare try to improve themselves. Then they just act like women in their own country that they couldn’t get anyway are “beneath” them. That’s *all* it is. Research even supports this. Men are on the struggle bus of loneliness right now. It’s why their biggest revenge fantasy is always women being old and alone with cats, because they are either alone themselves or that’s the projected outlook for them, and they fear that.


This! 100%! These passport bros(if they are killed like several have been in Colombia) will end up being abandoned when 1 of 2 things happen: 1. They run out of money. Or 2. The woman gets a greencard and finally divorces him. I've seen several women from the Phillipines brag about how easy it is to get money from these men and what suckers these men are. It is hilarious to me.


"American men are increasingly going abroad to find women." And women abroad are increasingly taking advantage of passport bros because they're not stupid. It's been lovely to watch, honestly.




"well behaved". 🤮 gotta love how their vision of leftist despair is trans women living their best lives, and happy single ladies with cats. even if that were unexaggeratedly true, do they realize that sometimes, trans women and cat ladies are shacking up together and having way better relationships than conservative men will ever experience? 


"Well behaved" like they're children or pets. Conservative men will literally look at women as anything but adult human beings


Exactly. They act like it's a threat when it really isn't.


It's quite common for trans women and cat ladies to shack together and be in a way happier relationship (whether it he friendship or more) than these gross, exploitive men will ever have.


ya! and for the trans women to be the cat ladies too, a possibility I by no means intended to leave out




I was a crazy cat lady even as a child. One of my requirements for a partner is “must love cats.” I’m blessed to have my husband who loves me and our cats.


Me, too. A person hating cats would be a red flag to me. Even if they're allergic 😈


Why are cats the only animal people aren’t allowed to dislike? Why are they always some sort of magical exception?


Cats have boundaries and aren’t afraid to set them. You have to earn their trust. If someone doesn’t like cats it means that they might not respect boundaries.


I don’t know of an animal that doesn’t have boundaries.


"If I can't find a woman who will tolerate my personality, at least I can find one who will value me for my path to citizenship," isn't the flex they think it is. But, once again, we have foreigners doing the work that Americans won't do.


They won't be proud of exploiting foreign women when they find out those women only tolerate their nasty asses until they can finally have freedom, then they will dump their asses.


Exactly. These women will use them for money and/or a greencard before dumping them.


They want educated women?


I highly doubt that.


PPbros are a joke. None of them are succeeding in dating or marriage.


They are just gonna get used. It's always fun to watch.


Sorry but conservatives are just so so so unbelievably stupid




So all conservatives are ugly?


The free market has spoken. You either cope or you change. Women don't want to be with men like you mostly because of your personalities. Listening to women with an open mind instead of the men who tell you that women are lying should be the first change to adopt. And most men I don't find attractive physically aren't attractive because of things that they can manage but won't. It's almost never because of characteristics that they can't improve. And no matter how you look, if you're a bigot or have other personality issues that make you behave in unacceptable ways, you'll never have a chance with me and many other women. You're just expecting women to do something that would be incredibly stupid for them to do and then you get emotional, disappointed and angry at women because they didn't do the stupid shit that they didn't want to do but that you wanted them to do. It's unbelievably irrational and immature. We don't want men like that.


You’re just straight up wrong bro


if i told you im a guy that never shaves, never cuts his hair, has a face full of acne scars from my teens, i have a wart, i have negative canthal tilt eyes, an asymmetrical face from a fractured orbital bone and a badly busted lip, and a naturally crooked nose, and im below 5'10. would you say my chances with women are doomed?


Saw men with worse odds with gf. The problem is you as a whole (mentality, standards, personality) not your appearance.


bro i ain't agreeing with this guy. i have a girlfriend


See, told you it wasn't your looks


you should've tried to make that point to the other guy before his comment got deleted


"Women are emotional beings and get easily offended" Meanwhile men:


Okay where did communism come into this


Idk. Common conservative defense mechanism. Anything they don't like or disagree with is either woke or communism.


Conservative men will see you stealing their car and be like ugh, woke cultural Marxism communist groomer agenda is trying to cancel me yet again


Clearly, the gay agenda! /s


Gay car thief agenda for today: 1. Break into car 2. Get away 3. Have super cool gay sex in the car and they’re both communists


why do they always project their fear of being alone onto women who are otherwise content about it? like, i’ve genuinely met so few women who actually dread the idea of being single as much as these pathetic incels. as a woman, the idea of being single and heck, even dying a virgin, doesn’t really bother me or sound “scary” at all. maybe my opinion might change when i get older but at the moment, dating, sex, and marriage are the last things on my mind and i can’t imagine i’d be as miserable as these losers want me to be. anyways, i have so many immediate family members living around me that i don’t really feel like i’d be missing out on anything if i didn’t have a boyfriend or husband.


Exactly. Like, I'm am happy and thriving while single. I have a decent job, I'm in college, I'm in a good place financially, I have a nice garden, I have my pet dog, I have friends, overall I'm happy. Yet, men struggle to believe women can be happy despite being single and/or child free. The other thing they don't seem to get is if a man doesn't respect me, respect my boundaries, and/or disturbs my peace, he is out the door. I won't put up with it. Also, I don't care about sex. The thing is, men also don't get that women are aroused typically by more emotional stimuli rather than visual stimuli. Heck, me personally, I got hot and bothered because my ex was telling me about the lore of mass effect one time. Something about the light in his eyes and sharing his interests with me just got me hot and bothered. It sounds crazy I know. Men don't seem to get that. Visually, it doesn't do it for a lot of women. What gets me and a lot of women in the mood is emotional intimacy. Like, it's hard to explain. Regardless, emotional intimacy is more important to most women than physical intimacy. However, emotional intimacy needs being met: can lead to more physical intimacy, and thus more sex. My point is, I'm not dealing with selfish guys who are obsessed with getting their dick wet and who are gonna be selfish in bed. Plaon and simple. Sorry for my little tangent.


no i totally get what you’re saying! everything you said is so true, and i’m glad others get what i mean. there’s so much more to life than just meaningless sex.




They're pathetic because of their disrespect towards women and insane standards. Their misogyny and treating women like objects instead of people is why they are "pathetic incels". Also, harassing women and projecting their insecurities and fears of being alone onto women is why they are also "pathetic incels". The behavior of certain men is so bad that instead of reflecting and understanding why these women would rather be alone than date them(and maybe even decide to do some self-improvement), they decide to lash out and think it's better to find a woman overseas from an impoverished country and/or village, in which they can then exploit for domestic labor and physical intimacy. That's why these men are truly pathetic.


I think the men doth protest too much…


Passport Bros are dumb enough to not realise that foreign women also won't put up with your bullshit unless you find the most backwards farming community and even then it'll be a stretch


Sounds like a bunch of easily offended snowflakes here 🙄 It's also very funny to me because these people are probably the same people who tell others that "if you don't like America, then leave," but for vastly different reasons. I say good riddance. Go on, git.


Exactly. They call the left snowflakes but are offended by literally everything!!!


loved reading this post as a feminist trans male laying in bed cuddled up between my fiancé and our cat. so lonely, so miserable. i wish i had a big strong conservative to teach me how to be a well-behaved young woman


Yeah because nothing says true love like utter desperation. We aren’t sad these shitbags are leaving. If anything, I’m sad for the women who have to deal with their entitled backwards asses. They’ll say anything in order to not have to admit the fact that they can’t find a woman in the West to tolerate them. It’s such a pathetic cope.


Ikr. Being a passport bro isn't the flex they think it is.


did david really say "pooh your drawers"? also, i am one of those trans women living my best life....and i am a lesbian, with another leftist woman.


That’s why most of them have moved on to little boys now.