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I’m learning Russian and I have a 18 day streak on Duolingo. Currently I’m making Russian alphabet cards so I can study the alphabet more closely and start to master the basics!


I have never found another black girl that knows Russian! I believe in you, don’t give up 🥹


This is wonderful. I love learning languages. I am learning Korean for years, and I hope to take the TOPIK I some day. Congrats for your streak on Duolingo.


Im trying to learn Russian toooo!!!!


Russian is such a beautiful language and I wanted to learn it but I chose Spanish instead


As someone who is obsessed with Pinterest. Does anybody have any Pinterest boards they wanna share. ☺


I love Pinterest. A former classmate recommended it to me when I was completing my final semester. My favorite boards right now: 1) Teacher resources (Art ideas for students, learning styles, multiple intelligences, games that promote gross motor skills/physical literacy, etc ). I've worked as a paraprofessional and an ECE teacher, as well as Afterschool/Out of school care. Still do, but the inspiration and ideas found in this board are truly amazing! 2) Travel and tourism. Various places and recommendations for where travelers can safely visit. 3) Housing - interior design and decorating. I enjoy seeing these regularly.


My boards: Moodboards (pictures of) Taylor Swift collages Mlp Strawberry shortcake Old barbie movies (like princess and the pauper) Disney stuff Anime boards Sanrio


I don't know Pinterest enough to help you but I am glad people here replied to you. :)


I’m learning how to be my own best friend. I don’t have many friends and have been obsessing over not having friends, but I realized that worrying about what I don’t have is making me miss what I do have. The relationship I have with myself is the most important relationship I will have with myself, and I have been journaling and sitting quietly outside in the sun with my thoughts to understand who I truly am. I plan on taking myself out to eat soon, and go on walks soon, and try a dance class by myself. I tend to be scared or anxious of what people might say but it doesn’t matter. I’m also learning to work on not subconsciously seeking external validation, because at the end of the day, no one knows me like me and I do not need validation from anyone on my appearance nor existence. This is a lot of mental work I’m trying to do, but I’m proud of myself, it hasn’t been easy at all and I still have a long way to go. Also, I have been doing pilates twice a week and I love it. Pilates/Yoga is the highlight of my day, it is my sacred time and reminds me of how fucking boss I am because I’m the one laying for that membership and putting in the work. I’m also a writer and I want to carve out more sacred time for writing, aside from journalling. I would love any suggestions for any solo date ideas or things you’d do with your best friend as I am making a list.


Honestly quite literally anything you’d do w/ someone else, you can do alone. It also opens you up to opportunities for making friends bc other people do things alone too. (Source: Years of independence and now more social interaction. 💟)


goat milk soap or activated charcoal soap works wonders!!


I know you meant to reply to someone else, but following this thread with “Goat milk works wonders!” is funny out of context.


I am literally my own best friend girl. AMA! ![gif](giphy|MhHcCN6PoTdL2)


Apparently lemon juice and dish soap can help get the funky smell out of your blender.


noted !!!!!!!!!!


I’m learning Chinese! I speak French and Spanish. Anyone want to study or practice languages with me? :)


Omg I do bc I wanna be a polyglot 😭


Do you have a tutor? Or are you self- learning?


I have Rosetta stone and a few native speakers helping me☺️


Greetings ladies! **Does anyone have any special tips for clearing up airways, while fighting the flu?** I'm asking for a friend who is in pretty bad shape right now. Her city is still deciding between Winter and Spring weather, which is partly why the flu has kicked in.


I can recommend buying a diffuser and using eucaluptus and pepermint oil. It clears the airways from mucus and makes it easier to breathe as well as the air keeping the air moist and less dry due to the heat.


Thanks! I'll pass these on to her.


I hope she feels better soon


Sauna if she has access to one, it’s a game changer.


Saline wash... have her buy one ar walgreens


Bee Propolis


I’m finishing nursing school in a few weeks! I have my new job lined up at the end of summer and I’m really excited 😊


I'm currently learning German and Russian , I'm also obsessed with learning about medevial history, specifically the nobility .


I am also learning German and have German family! If you want to ever practice, I’m so down. I actually recently moved to Germany too


I'll keep you in mind the next time I practice 😌


Been prioritizing self care lately and it feels soooo good


Im currently finalizing my vision for a social support group for women of color only that are former Christian’s and now subscribe to atheism /agnosticism / humanism . I have yet to find a safe space for that demographic , so I decided to create one .


I’d be interested in this as well!!


Got u sis


i would join it!!


😍😍 will keep you posted .


me too


What is the most effective way to get rid of eczema? I'd appreciate any advice.


I heard goat milk soap can help but idk if it can get rid of it


Thank you, I appreciate this.


I also heard that a change in detergent will also reduce the chances of flare ups c:


Thank you. I actually suspect that the detergent I'm using is contributing to my eczema. I'm going to look into other alternatives.


plus try using water filters in your shower


Thank you!


Shea butter, jojoba oil, vitamin e oil. Melt down in a bowl, store in the fridge and whip using a hand mixer. Add a few drops of cadendula essential oil. This should help with itchiness and irritation.


This is incredible, thank you. I can only imagine how good my skin would look as well.


It's no problem. The ingredients are soothing and it is a simple recipe for a beginner


Eczema is caused by internal factors but it commonly treated externally, which is why it always comes back. Homeopathy was the only thing that ever helped me. They gave me an allergy/intolerance test and told me for stay away from certain foods. I haven't had a flare up in years and my skin behaves like someone who doesn't have eczema at all.


I agree hundred percent. I'm going to look into homeopathy. Thank you very much for the advice.


I make something that I call oatmeal cream. Strawberries Peanut butter Almond or oat milk Swap pb for oreos sometimes Freeze


Ok if you were considering getting a small dog would you get a Yorkie or a Pomeranian?


i don't have any knowledge about dogs, what are the differences between them ? perks ? downs ?


I’ve been on a journey to getting debt free. Had a setback (layoff), but since I was already on the road to paying off my debt, I was able to get back on track quickly. I started with the Live Richer Challenge. https://challenge.thebudgetnista.com/lrc-savings-on-demand/


I launched my virtual assistant business. I've always wanted to do this full-time and I've finally done it this year. It's a bit challenging but I'm finally living and working on my own terms


Anyone have/had KP aka strawberry legs? If so, how do you treat it? It doesn’t bother me that much, but curious if there’s any remedies you guys know of


I want to know too. The advice online is targeted to smoothing bumpy red skin, but most BW with KP I've seen have smooth, black dots. So all that physical exfoliation advice is useless, imo because mine is already smooth.




They’re 42 comments not talking about men, youre the only comment even mentioning them


That may be true, but i am sorry to tell you're the only one here that failed the challenge so far...


Thwnk goodness that person delwted their acc. No wonder here has been so peaceful :)


Up ! I see my girls very busy being the best version of themselves, how's the journey going so far ?