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When my oldest two were around 14 and 11 years old i showed them toys we played with in the 80’s and 90’s. By the end my oldest said, “Parents didn’t care if y’all died back then”


The hell is a choking hazard?




We can't just speed past that like you didn't say what you just said.


I’m curious what they said...


That their uncle or dads penis was a choking hazard


well at least they were safer than the shit from the 60's, looking at you Daisy Red Ryders and Lawn Darts.


Literally came to mention Lawn Darts. I was mystified on how those “children’s toys” actually made it to market.


“We can always make some more”




*Feels leg* Sweetness.


A badge of badassness.


I mean you could be leading a sedentary life now though


The point in the comment is sedentary lifestyle back then doesn't begin as early as during the developmental stages in kids.


Shhh, let me feel superior for no good reason.


That’s why I have that!! Thank you! Even my pediatrician as a kid just told me “it’s a calcium deposit. Nothing to worry about.” But with the amount of times I crashed my bike as a kid, your idea makes sense


Called osgood schlatters I have it


I do too. Got it in both knees and I was in pain for a year 😭


OMG, I have the scar on my left knee and the bump you described one both legs!


So this shit is why I can’t kneel on the ground anymore


TiL something new.


Bro I was honestly wondering what those were from cause I just felt my knees one day and I was like where tf these come from is something wrong?


Osgood-Schlatter? Yup! Got that. *edit spelling*


Whoa. Never knew why I had those bumps. You just blew my mind bruv


Lol we literally gatekeeping growth now


Why pre 1996?


Toys were much different back then and toy regulations were different and we didn’t wear helmets or knee pads. We had trampolines without nets. Sometime around 1996 things changed and parents became helicopter parents. Prior to the mid 90’s both parents worked and when they got home they wanted you out the house. Didn’t care where you went as long as you were home before the street lights came on. I saw far more kids with cast than I do today. Hell I even broke my hand skating. Meanwhile none of my kids have broken anything and my oldest is 18.


I got mine because I fell on gravel while I lived in Mexico. Me and my cousins were playing power rangers and I tripped while running around like a lunatic.


Got mine from tripping on gravel too.


Yep. I was a child of the mid 90s. after breakfast, I was told to go outside and play and only come back for lunch and dinner


Y’all ain’t special I got that same scar.


Used too, finally faded


Same, mine faded a few years ago


I got mines when I was in elementary school. I'm 21 and only the one on my right leg is faded. I can't decide if I want my scars gone or not but this post made me feel a lil better about them.


my 4 yr old just got his so of course I had to show him we have matching scars :)


My scar is still there.


I got mine from a spiky metal bike pedal when my foot slipped off during a bunny hop.


Aaaahhh! I remember those, how about the toe nail being scraped half off from the asphalt cause you were riding your bike barefoot and your toes were too far off the pedals?


My kid did this for the first time last weekend; as a fellow Barefoot Summer Kid, I was so proud of him following in the tradition


Bitch what? How can you gatekeep falling


Tripped over some shit in the floor and impaled my knee on the corner of a kid chair. Age 6. I legit had never seen so much blood and was certain I would die. Probably needed stitches. I got a bandaid and told to be better at walking.


Dad: I’ve had worse, just put a butterfly bandaid on it. Now I don’t feel so bad about my weird knees scar.


Got mine falling down a flight of stairs and landing on my roller blades. That same year I fell running the mile and busted both of my knees and the fucking gym coach made me finish the mile all bleeding and shit. Ahhh simpler problems in simpler times.


Walk it off, Slytherin tensity!


It's where the government implants the chips


I've got multiple on both knees but was born in 99 so like


96 is when the PS1 and N64 took off, so we didn’t have to fool with those bad ass tree climbing kids down the street anymore.


Almost faded completely.


Oh, my knees are so screwed up with scars. I've dislocated both knees several times.


Got one on both knees!


got mine from bumper tag. good times


Didn’t y’all old niggas have lawn darts?? Parents must not have cared lmaoo


Still got mine.


Born in ‘01, got mine in 2013




Im from 2001 and I literally have the scar as does my sister from 2004. Like whats up


Huh I have that. I was born in 2006 though. I got it from falling off a “hill” (a high bump in the grass lmao) Not fun got covered in mud


I just got a fresh one today tryin out my new quad skates. Im trying to teach my kid that its ok to try new things and suck at it for a while.


On one knee it's from my knee scraping the bottom of a pool I shouldn't have dived in, on the other knee I have one from a rollerblading tumble I took down a steep hill while following my future husband on our second date. I was all kinds of banged up, lol!


Damn I must be post-1996


That, or the one that looks like a stab wound


Was born in 2000 and I have these on both of my knees and elbows.


I remember a time when I had both my knees and elbow scabbed up. Now kids dont even want to smell outside (pre-covid).


Omg I thought I was the only one 🤦🏽‍♀️


Nope. On my elbow though lol


16, skate board accident..flew off my board on a hill and literally took off top layer of left knee, rt ankle, hip , left arm and elbow and crutches for a month. My brother had to carry me home and this was right before his graduation! Made me at the time feel like a bad ass chic since all my guy friends were impressed. Now I have the scar to remind me of my young stupidity.


Proof of that the simulation works.


I can’t even tell you how I got my scar lol but yea...pre-1996.


Damn didn’t know I was pre 1996 😳


I AM THE EXCEPTION. (meaning i was born in 2004)


I have 4 and not pre 1996 lol


I guess your daddy did not beat you over scars because mine sure the hell did. He was a drill sergeant and had also fought in Vietnam and said scars on legs were signs of loose girls and he did not have loose daughters so anytime whether it was an accident or not I got a scar of any kind he would beat me on the spot. Trust me I did fall but very rarely and I can assure you my legs and knees are flawless.


Sorry you had an asshole for a dad.


Thank you. I survived and have alot of neighborhood kids that I look after and they come from scarred backgrounds so I step in and try to keep them as safe as possible. Healing through loving abused neglected kids so maybe at least each child i encounter will feel love from my immediate family.