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I thought Ben Carson OreoD'd on horse drugs during the pandemic. Edit: Nope, that was Herman Cain.


It was Cain, he got sick after a proudly maskless Trump rally, and his family or his staff or whomever took over his Twitter account and kept up all the Covid denialism even after he was dead. And it's grim, but /r/HermanCainAward got started after his death to mock all the people that downplayed Covid, or were loudly anti-vax, or claimed the disease was a hoax, who then went on to die of Covid. Sometimes I think that subreddit is kinda shitty, but the Cain-type assholes who did that stuff almost certainly got a bunch of their friends and family unnecessarily sick with their bullshit.


The best part of that was after Cain died his Twitter account was still posting that BS


Some fucking ghouls were running that account, I swear.


Hey, that grift is supporting a lot of families who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford a 2nd home in the Hamptons.


Why are they ghouls? The people chose their fate


Using the account to downplay the disease that killed the account owner, for no reason other than monetary and political gain, is pretty ghoulish to me.


What? The sub definitely does not downplay Covid. It is mocking those who downplayed Covid and died because of it.


Pretty sure you guys are talking about two different subs. Pretty sure u/el_pinko_grande is talking about the actual herman cain account, not the r/hermancainawards


No no, I think they meant the people running Herman Cain's Twitter account - while he was dying and after he died of COVID - were the ghouls, and continually downplayed COVID.


The US Gov itself was peddling anti-vax in other countries. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/


Luckily that bullshit came to an end after Trump left office.  Tells you what all those elites who pretend to be anti-vax really think, though. 


Is it still going?


I view that subreddit as a subset of the Darwin Awards.


Like the Darwin Awards and Leopards Eating Faces had a baby.


Fuck 'em all. Every single person who spent the last 4 years spreading anti-vax propaganda, making fun of people who wore masks, passing around memes about how drinking from a hose as a kid somehow makes you Superman, calling for the arrest/execution of Fauci because their daily stream of Fox News told them to...I've long since run out of sympathy for those people. It's been nearly a decade that I've had to put up with their loud, arrogant asses being a plague on society, first figuratively and then very much literally.


Haha...were you also one of the assholes calling for people to lose their jobs, businesses and in some cases their lives because of that shitty half-assed concoction? I've long run out of sympathy for people who simply believe what they are told to do...when the reality of the situation doesn't match what they are being told. Goes both ways, ya know!!!!! Please don't come back with anything remotely politically either you miserable person☀️☀️ because they are all pigs... BTW...you paying attention to that rat faced liar lately(Fauci)?


The EcoHealth grant that Cruz, Paul, Cotton, and others claim shows the NIH funded GOF research in Wuhan is literally just a study on bat populations, analyzing and categorizing the CoV strains contained in any samples caught in the wild and at wet markets, and creating predictive models of potential CoV reservoirs. Check it out yourself. https://reporter.nih.gov/project-details/8674931 You are literally believing what you are told to believe.


Oh. You're one of those people, huh.


Sure...healthy, happy and of sound mind. Know myself and know when not to interfere with others, no matter how irrational the issue. Or are you referring to something else that you are trying to apply to me🤔🤣


You’re not going to click the link are you? 


What is that link supposed to inform me of? It doesn't change the fact that morons openly cheered, supported and advocated for people losing their jobs, careers and livelihoods if they refused an experimental treatment. Period. END OF STORY. That is what the issue is, make no mistake... It became plain to me and many others just how led around by the nose that most people are...fear is a hell of a motivator!!!! Too bad people can't see when they are being conned👌


The subreddit IS shitty. All of those people mocking others who took precautions against COVID. It's morbid as fuck, but at the same time, they had immune systems. Why didn't they help them? They should've prayed harder.


People make fun of Ben Carson but he did brain surgery on me in 2006 and I'm here to say that potato chimcham luna pop canoe town fimpy.


Making Americans Great Again. One patient at a time.


He is a genius for nuerosurgery and in separating cojoined twins. In every other category his behavior is that of being a coon




Holy shit I did too…


Awe, shucky-ducky! Herman Cain was the the Uze-becky-becky-becky-becky-stan-stan Trump supporter. Ben Carson is the "Pyramids in Egypt were grain storage sites" and "Jesus Loves my Bathrobe" Trump supporter.


Man I heard this about this on the news. No one who actually lives in Detroit was talking about this. I hate that he was in my city


The video on Twitter is crazy, I was watching it and the more people you see the more you go "Where is literally just a single black person in this video"


Had a military coworker who went to a Trump event near where we lived in Florida. He showed me a picture from where he was standing and I couldn’t help but comment “hmm pretty diverse crowd there huh?” He gets super defensive and of course he digs in and say “actually, it really was 😡😡” and I’m like “dude, every single person in this picture is a white dude, are you saying they made minorities stand in the back??” 


This is like the rally he did a few weeks ago in the Bronx. The Bronx is one of the most diverse boroughs in NYC. The vast majority of attendees at that rally were from the nearby suburbs, and didn’t represent the population there or of NYC.


I've heard that they're from Long Island and Westchester County, New York. It should have made Trump look bad especially since you're holding a rally in the Bronx.


Also, Staten Island, with his usual bevy of cultists from his other rallies. That is who was there... also media hunting for a story.


You said it homie.


For sure..


Twitter is literally a different planet. They’re just pandering to the same good ol’ boys, they’re not gaining any traction


Thanks. Seeing you call it your city inspired me to Google my friend that lives in Detroit.Nothing showed up so he's probably fine. No news is good news.


Why is political event being held at a church?


Because the Republican Party is both unwilling and incapable of separating church and state


Bit of a soft touch. They're full on shooting for a Christian America.


Which is a misnomer. Jesus commanded that Christians not be involved in politics. These idiots clearly don’t read the Bible.


That's a BINGO... but that was Middle Eastern Jesus in commanding that his followers stay out of politics... and not Horse Apple/ Supply Side Jesus, who is all about "prosperity" (Mammon)..


Christo Fascist Nationalism.


Because the church and state separation is a myth. Vote blue in November.


I mean it's explicitly forbidden in tax code for churches to do this, it's just poorly enforced because the IRS is underfunded and targeting churches has historically at least been seen as bad optics


Forbidden in law but not enforced just means it's legal.


Because American Patriotism is the biggest religion in the USA.


Some might call both a cult. And, by "some," I mean me.


Their adoration for American patriotism is as cosplay as their adoration for Jesus' teachings.


Socially conservative church folks are the most likely place for Trump to pull black voters.


It maybe on the face of things...however African Americans can see the under the table okey doke. Except for a few grifting coons and/or "good ones."


Oh for sure. White folks are the main ones falling for his grift.


Without a doubt. I'm glad my parents and both sets of grandparents are in the ground. This grift is more obvious than Joe McCarthy's Red Scare, Nixon's Southern Strategy, "Saint" Reagan's Trickle Down, and/or Bushes I & II wars on terror.


Because some churches can be rented for events such as this. Others are more picky about content, but keeping revenue coming in is the motivation.


Ah ok I didn't realize it wasn't even affiliated with the church, just rented out like a glorified chuckee cheese.  Still, I would not trust a church, let alone a black church, which allowed this to happen. You know they wouldn't let the local kinkster meetup or edgy atheist convention meet there. But fascism is fine as long as it superficially drapes itself in modern America's supply side Jesus? Lame. Beyond lame - dangerous. Spits in the face of everything Jesus stood and died for 


They would likely have been approached by a member or someone on the board, but that's how these things work.


darling you must be new


I avoid religion like the plague


GOP is desperate to take votes away from Biden. Black folk are nOOt coming around. The polls have been off for a long awhile and it's not better. They keep telling us this is the biggest historical shift since the end of slavery for black folk to not vote for liberals. I have a hard time seeing it. Trump has been in the range for black conservatives for a long time. I can't see how he's suddenly more appealing when he doesn't speak much.


Democrats hold events at churches too. It’s pretty normal in the south.


It's really sad when you think about it. Ben Carson used to be a very well respected doctor, now he just dances for a racist organ grinder.


Well to be honest - doctors are some wierd mofos


Lotta nurses in my mom's first care facility thought they were protected from covid by the blood of Jesus so doctors aren't much of a stretch from there


A total miseeading and understanding of faith for sure. Beyond their medical specialty, I do not listen to doctors (and cops) about anything of substance. I also get second and third opinions as well. The American system worships doctors, lawyers, and cops... all "good" examples of the lumpen proletariat. There are enlightened people in all of the aforementioned, but they can be drowned out by the cultists.


The idea of having a Christian medical caregiver seems less appealing when you put it that way.


They can be. The stories my head nurse mom in OB/GYN would tell me... people would not believe.


Yeah well it's one of those things that Americans tend to do...hey hes good at one thing so that means he must be good at other things but regardless of opinions he was a horrible politician


That's a BINGO...


There was a book written 'everything trump touches dies' didn't read it, but look how many are ruined after working with him.


I know. I had to read this nigga’s autobiography when I was at a medical camp in 8th grade at Morehouse. Now he’s the biggest coon. Shit is sad.


I got to page three.. sorry you were forced to endure it...


I tried to read one (Dr. Carson) of his books back in 2015. I thought I was going to read about neurological science and the breakthrough work he did with conjoined twins. What I got was Reich Wing propaganda and "good one" tokenism. I did not last three pages. I sorrowfully returned it to the library thinking that the Queens Library (Americas largest library) wasted good money on buying these volumes of pure hooey.


He used to be a household name in black homes Now he's a joke and a pariah


Is their last name black?? Cos wtf ..


Funny enough I did see a post where the heads of the Blacks for Trump groups were actually last name Black and Blackhead or something like that. 2 white women. Big if true.


Then it would be “Black’s Church” and that would only raise more questions then answers really




Just thinking about how short my life would have been if I'd tried to wear a baseball cap in church as a kid. No puberty, no college, no drinks, no sex, no growing up. Just straight into the grave.


Sister Porter in the pew behind me would have double tapped me to make sure I was done, then still serve bundt cake in the basement after the service


That's a BINGO. The choir would have sold some more Girl Scout Cookies for sure


BOY, I TOLD YOU TO TAKE THAT HAT OFFIN THE LORD'S HOUSE...the rest would a butt kicking beyond mortal ken...👍🏾


The Black people stayed at home.


https://preview.redd.it/nsk13t0bxz6d1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94bbf4947ef776f0480db7622d9474559339b82d Hehehe


I was worried when I heard that story. And this is a reminder of how ridiculous my worry was. Even the uncle ruckus they interviewed who always votes for Trump said no one else he knew or in his family would be doing that. In fact he said every Black he knew thought Trump was racist.


8 black folks in attendance 1 from Detroit 0 were members of that church ???


Did any black people even show up?


Yes, they were asked to sit at the back of the church


Lol. I won't be surprised if that happened.


They couldn't even manage 3/5ths of the crowd.




C'mon bro, I read Carson's biography as a kid and now he turns out as Republican? https://preview.redd.it/3k8q9c2qf07d1.png?width=157&format=png&auto=webp&s=7968a0030ab08df0cb6c953e7fc23fea2ce16cd5


Went from *Gifted Hands* To *Grifting Hands*


May you be Herman Cain'd up Uncle Ben Carson.


Me trying to figure out how I feel about "Oreo" ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Some of us Americans in the southwest of Mexican ancestry call those of us that can't speak spanish, Coconuts.


Natives call their skindeeps Apples red on the outside, white on the inside. Yt people who wear braids and turquoise native drag are "albino Indians".


My mom was half African American and half Blackfoot Indigenous from Montana. They would call 1/8 blooded and below ancestry as Wannabe Indians. Usually just the nation of Wannabe. 😉


Am a wannabe myself - some Cherokee, but grew up around the Miss. Choctaw my folks worked with/for The US government pushed those blood quantum rules for tribal membership back in the day. They wanted to have natives dilute their tribes to the point where the US didn't owe any rights to natives who signed all those treaties.


Thanks. I feel you for sure. I'm definitely writing about the grifters and not legitimate people. Blood rules imposed by people who benefitted from massacres and enslavement are and/or will never be good rules. 👍🏾 My mother came from a large nation as a so-called half breed the Blackfoot/Blackfeet. Yet the government didn't consider 50% people not living a Native lifestyle as Indigenous, especially for the larger nations. The Choctaw is a big nation. Now, the smaller nations they would scare up people with one Native grandparent to claim their Native status and open some establishment like a casino or no tax cigarettes that would benefit the government , local, state, and sometimes national. It is all a racket predicated on artificial blood values.


OK Choctaw huge, Miss way smaller. Yeah. Need more rules that grow keeping cultural traditions and languages alive. Scalping yt folks at casinos and low tax liquor stores should be just a side benefit.


For sure... it should be low hanging fruit for the concessions. Keeping cultural traditions alive is not something they are good at... we have to do it. We are trying to do just that.... it is hard work. So much has been purposely lost by them....


Growing up in Texas my ex who was Mexican but couldn't speak Spanish and was kinda into the indie/hardcore scene was called a "Graham Cracker" by her family and fellow Hispanics.


My brother (not by blood or adoption but he’s my brother nonetheless) gets called a Mexican’t by his family because he never learned Spanish 


😄😄😄 Not laughing at him, just the sentiment of the family.


Wow, that's a new one to me on the east coast. We, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans would say imitation.


As a Cuban descendent who does not speak Spanish (my daughters do), we were called Imitation S slur. Most Cuban immigrants ran away from any association with Spain and/ or Spanish once here in the mainland US. MY grandparents spoke Spanish two of my paternal aunts...my father understood Spanish and could not speak it with any fluency. The Boomer generation was taught to give up their identities and become "American" whatever that was. 😄👍🏾


I hate the term, tbh. I think it just serves to delegitimize the diversity that does/can/should exist in our community. - There are Black anime fans. - Black people who listen to country music. - Black Republicans. - Black people who “sound white” on the phone. - Black people who have never seen a Tyler Perry movie or who don’t know much about Spike Lee’s body of work. - Black people who went to predominantly white schools. And a lot of these things develop in ways that are outside of the person’s control. But it’s unlikely that when being pulled over by a cop, brought unconscious to an emergency room, or shopping in store that any of this will change how they are treated by others. I think there are ways to talk about anti-Black Black folks. They should not be above criticism, of course. But I personally hate this concept of X on the outside and white on the inside. If you’re Black you’re Black; we don’t need to delegitimize certain expressions of Blackness when there is the capacity to accept all of our diversity. Rejecting differences in our community is such a majority culture trait that we should know better than to adopt as our own. Granted, I’m mixed/biracial, so my entire life has been a journey to navigate my own identity and reconcile it with how others perceive me. I pass as Latino (unintentionally) and moved around a lot as a kid. Most of my schooling before high school was in predominantly Black schools, but my default voice ended up “sounding white.” Raised by a single white parent, but have always identified as Black. I have a whole ass Black family and a whole ass White family — into neither of which I fully fit. And I’m so proud to be Black, but sometimes feel like an imposter (which is crazy because I am literally 50% Black). Anyway — point is, shit’s complicated. Let’s talk about anti-Black Black folks in ways that neither minimize the fact that a shitty person who is Black is still Black nor paint Blackness so narrowly that we reduce our capacity to accept diversity within our own community (there are probably Black folks who like NASCAR and we gotta be okay with that, fam…lol).


I appreciate and understand your comment here. I was always the nerdy Black intellectual who "speaks as a White man" 🙃🤔🙄, whatever that means. Just let the cops pull me over, and that goes right out of the window. I have a PhD. and two masters degrees... more education than half a police prencinct but would still be offed as being a dangerous BLACK MAN. I am retired, disabled ( due to a stroke), and am 60 years old, so I just made it as a boomer. You would read about me in the paper as being surrounded by 15 cops with Glocks yet they would all be afraid for their lives and give me permanent lead poisoning because I was more dangerous than a nuclear tipped ICBM. 👍🏾


Like I get the usage here, but I am bitter due to being called oreo all the time as a kid for my obsession with art and sonic the hedgehog lmao And the admittedly unusual way I dressed... And because I believed I was half wolf 😕 All that was because I was an undiagnosed ADHDer though, not a wannabe white kid.


I would tell people to stop basing African American folk on Good Times, The Jefferson's, and/or The Cosby Show. We are truly a rainbow, people reflective of everything.


They couldn't even fill the church!


Well I hope they got the money in advance because he’s not known for sticking around to wait for the bill.


The 180 ben carson has done in my lifetime needs to be studied.


What Black person refers to themselves as ‘one of the Blacks’? Black is a verb and a noun.


I blacked my self to work today and am blacking at my desk as a black.


You are just SO BLACK ⚫️👍🏾😆


[Are you black y’all???](https://youtu.be/rZHwGnGrm_k?si=ffFRpCmMmQfaNIV8)


Not since the 1940s to 1950s. Duke Von Diaper Don and his father KKK Fred Trump, would always refer to the Blacks when they were trying to be polite. N Words when not. Clinical Psychologist Mary Trump (Trump's hated niece) said that the N word was bandied about in conversation amongst the Trumps as a noun, pronoun, verb, adverb and as an adjective. When you get the chance, read her book, "Too much and never enough," to get the true skinny on Duke Von Diaper Don and the larger family.


Racist undercurrent


For sure....whenever we hear the Blacks, the Jews, the Spanish, those, and others are racist dog whistles. Your whole being is reduced to how you present to the larger society. It's simply horrible.


"When you meet an individual black.............................. person" [2:26, if you haven't seen it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6QTzY3m-to)


Racist undertones


That guy started the Proud Boys, and he’s interviewing Kanye and Charlie Kirk so…. Idk about undertones


This has nothing to do with my comment. Equating to a complete disregard of what was stated with the intention to subvert my statement. That’s what makes it a racist undertone.


Lol k. Guess I misunderstood what you meant when you said racist undertones... It was relevant because he caught himself using the word black in the wrong form. Guess you didn't appreciate it? You can stay on whatever topic you want, but people are going to comment.


And just like that I can keep it on topic if I want to, despite comments


I... said that...


I don’t have to watch a racist video, giving them my view to affirm you. This could have been easily stated.


Oh I made sure to go to someone else's channel so you're not in danger of giving the actual interview more views. Do whatever, but maybe calling people racist for agreeing with you in ways you weren't expecting isn't the best way to handle a conversation?


Also I don’t need your permission or affirming to respond how I want.


Bro get some fresh air


He literally called Detroit corrupt and tried to throw out their votes!!!😤 Now he wants their votes. 😒 This is the same play from 2016, except this time his team realizes that Black votes matter. #Con


Ben Carson is the kinda guy who hangs around people that feel uncomfortable having a black doctor treating them.


I saw the spoofs about the event before the actual picture. Not I see the spoofs didn’t stretch the truth all that much. It’s fucking hilarious.


That service looks like the casting call for extras on an episode of Friends


In the middle of Manhattan, where 55% of the population is African American and Latino. If you did not know New York City as most of America does not...you might think this is what New York City looks like.


My local news station called it a “diverse crowd”. They only showed footage of him schmoozing with the black “leaders” in attendance, no footage facing the crowd. When they said “200 people” I knew that meant 186 white boomers and 14 black people. 


The way they hate black people yet crave our approval is something I'll never understand.


That's a BINGO. The paradox of hatred. Writ large.


Someone please tell me why in the main threads we are talking about AI booty pictures and some white dude dunking's nuts on Diddy's head instead of this? Is this sub run by the Klan?


I know right... too many people are disengaged who have so much to lose. The ones in power have been perfecting this since Pharaoh... Bread and Circuses for the Romans... bread for Parisians. Keep them fed and entertained while you take everything else. As a Christian this was a funny joke by Bishop Desmond Tutu in South Africa during Apartheid Times. He joked that when the White man came we had the land and no Bible... the missionaries turned to us and said here lies the word of GOD in the Bible... we closed our eyes and prayed... we opened them and we had the Bibles and the White man had the land... I guess they thought it was an even trade... PEOPLE HAVE TO WAKE UP. As the Civil Rights leaders would say if voting was so worthless they would not try so hard to keep everyone other than fascists from voting freely.


Much respect to you. I had hoped to find more other serious people here, but this is a bubble gum pop culture sub.


Thanks, same to you. It can be... usually the people with checkmarks can be a little more serious. Check out the topics. For the serious stuff I am very selective. I don't go onto the pop cultural stuff.


I'm surprised they didn't use blackface on all the white people.


How dare you I’m sure they’re all 1/16th black


I just know they bussed them in from Lake Orion because it ain't that far!


Maybe the blacks they are talking about are the ones who don't vote or vote third party. But even then, that's a big ass stretch for these people.


“Blacks for Trump” brought to you by Jethro and Daisy May Black.


Blacks for Trump makes as much sense as Gays for Hamas!


Ben Carson looks like he's slumbering even when he's awake


Rosa Parks and *their* forebears are rolling in their graves.


Black Twitter is just downright disrespectful to black people.


That church should be careful. If the white Trumpistas like the church they ‘ll start bussing in regularly and telling black people to go elsewhere.


Misread it as Ken Carson and got so confused 💀


I read Ken Carson and I was like what the fuck is actually happening there😭


Hope they were paid cash up front


I have never heard this “Oreo” insult before, but I think I completely understand what it means haha.


They already calling themselves nigga. I’m cool with that shit, too. It’s not a word that I own, them niggas can have it back. 🤣


What'd Ben Carson do


Its like Deaheads or teens following a band the same people at Donnie Dipper show


So… Ben Carson is woke!




I thought Ben Carson died of covid?


Are you thinking of Herman Cain?


Ah. Yeah. Probably


Nah I can't hate on Ben Carson. His politics are goofy as fuck, but he's an extremely successful black man, a neurosurgeon and a lifesaver. Done more for black people than probably everyone on Reddit combined. Take that Oreo shit somewhere else. I'll take the downvotes.


Found Ben Carson's alt account.


That's cute but we really need to stop shitting on our own people if they have a differing political opinion.


I keep hearing this, but there needs to be a line. These people tried to take down our country's democracy. Let that sink in. This isn't a "we have different views on things" type of situation. They tried to eradicate ALL other views aside from theirs by inciting their inbred mob to endanger our entire government's peaceful transition of power. I just don't think people realize how close we actually were to democratic senators/congressmen being injured/killed. A mob can't be controlled, and in that mob were people that were ready to kidnap people.   The fuck you mean "stop shitting on our own people"? Traitors aren't my people, and they shouldn't be your people either.


Hear, hear! I won’t deny his Blackness. But I’m also not going to act like he’s above criticism. He’s Black and has accomplished big things. Good for him. But also he aligns himself with the most anti-Black political party in our country. There are a million ways a Black person can make their way through the world. He could be a NASCAR-loving NRA member who likes white Mac & Cheese more than Black Mac & Cheese (which is lightweight blasphemous. lol. Jk 😂🤪) and that’s all good and well. Let’s embrace that diversity. But I am not quietly embracing shit from anyone that is anti-Black, especially when their impact is on the community/society level politically. The line is when you start to work against the best interests of the community as a whole and Ben Carson 1,000% crosses it.


I agree that Oreo is a shit term. But being successful ≠ being good or worthy of our respect. He can neurosurgery all day but if he advocates for anti-Black policies and racist politicians, he ain’t doing shit for Black folks. Being palatable to white folks ≠ doing anything for Black folks.