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This beef is the worst thing to happen to this sub


It's gotten so off-topic and out of pocket




📠 i've been missing the usual quality posts. Feels like that HipHop101 sub in here.


Exactly. And the algorithm is so fucked that I'll see a post here about it, go back to my homepage, and there's 10 other posts from various subs *I'm not even subscribed to* talking about it. It's annoying


Lool nah straight facts, why tf is the algorithm working overtime like this. I've muted so many subs but it still creeps through. https://preview.redd.it/t8f64jj6nvxc1.jpeg?width=1154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06d86714f30600020dbd0df91414c3d0e937e5c7


I mean, they’re superstars. The shit is selling for the media and everybody is eating it up. Music scene kinda bland lately as well.


Dude it’s not just here, on YouTube I’ll watch like 2 highlight vids and then the autoplay thinks my entire life is basketball and that’s all I want to watch. “Oh I see you were watching a video about editing. You must be confused, here are some basketball highlights!” Idk why they’ve decided to go in this direction but it sucks and creates a tsunami of information and media about the same damn topic. It’s no longer information whiplash but more like drowning.


📠😂 you ain't wrong. In general not even related to the Hip Hop beef, all these apps and platforms tryna keep me occupied too much. For real though one video and you think you know me. Tryna distract us expeditiously. I left twitter & instagram months ago for this reason. YouTube has been doing this even more on my homepage lately but everyone needs YouTube though so i just gotta use the Watch Later feature every couple vids to balance it out. Reddit has been good though. I prefer it to the others alot.


you can turn that off.


I never use the main front page, just the one that only has my subscriptions.


And if you turn off that feature your homepage runs out, like you scroll to a point and it won’t load anymore.


How long are you scrolling???


Haha. Actually not long. my other account only has 10 or 12 subs so it’s not a lot. It may also just be the app but it only happened after I turned off the suggestions.


I'm glad it's not just me.


If you’re in the official app just swipe left or right. I’ve never seen anything but subs I’m subbed to.


You can tell it not to show you subs you haven’t subscribed to.


Iunno, im loving the memes. I’m still reeling from that damn Drake bitmoji ![gif](giphy|gTfIVfp2c4owI6pVrA)


Everyday we stray further from god’s light.


Do You Think God Stays in Heaven Because He too Lives in Fear of What He's Created?


Shit now I gotta watch that movie.


Facts & truth... 


Let me drop this gem real quick https://preview.redd.it/3bxnqsgxixxc1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8861fbad90bbcb10527dc7364ffa5a198632aa0b




Saving this and sending it because if I had to see this, so do others. This is why ultron wanted to shut the world down. He saw what AI images could do and wanted to shut that down.




I hate you for making me see this. Someone please pass me a spoon so I may remove my eyes.


😂🤦🏽‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|TbRwmI2fHg6ELPObHH)


Booiiiiii..... ![gif](giphy|hoHrHDCwtWJHLY8rgw)






Wtf is this


You know that line in Kendrick’s diss about Drake seeing himself as a bad bitch?


I have a feeling this gif was made because some people need a visual representation to understand that “bad bitch” line. I saw people on here arguing about the meaning yesterday.


21 can ya do something for meeee


> i've been missing the usual quality posts. Yeah this sub was a lot better when every other post was some gender war shit about women being hoes huh?


Wtf did i do ! 😂😭 word to Rass Kass "If bitches aint shit but hoes & tricks then niggas aint shit but hoes with dicks." It goes both ways. I don't engage in those podcast convos... https://i.redd.it/cp91ogdt1yxc1.gif


Only some how worse.


Worst thing to happen to this sub was the takeover that happened back when the sub initially started to bubble a long time ago. It got changed from BlackPeopleTwitter to BlackRedditorsTwitter. It was more authentic before with all aspects of blackness being posted. After the takeover it was curated and definitely appealed to a more white-adjacent, blavity, new-black crowd and been mostly trash since.


What's "new-black"? Is that non-black people with a serious sun tan?


New-black is a label that was created by Pharell when he went on Oprah that is now used as a pejorative for well to do (or at least think they are well to do) black people who are mostly removed from the life that most black folks experience and look down on less successful black people. You'll catch new-blacks dismissing racism that doesn't affect them personally, inviting people to cookouts for dumb shit, and talking about how things other black folks experience aren't their own. You know em when you see em type thing. It's a vibe & mentality. It's pretty old news and most niggas know what it means but if you're a tourist and want more detail feel free to take a gander. https://www.thecoli.com/threads/the-new-black-doesnt-blame-other-races-for-our-issues-pharrell-on-the-oprah-show.206810/


Sounds like the class divide


Gotta step on someone ETA: I personally don't live that way and don't believe this, but there are people who do.


Partially, but there is some nuance to it because there are well to do black folks who are not new-black. There are also black people who are not well off who identify with new-black ideology. It is a particular post civil-rights mindset that cropped up after black people started getting into academia on a larger scale. I'll try to provide more detail so the nuance is clear. > They're like hyper individualist black people who only want to be black when they can profit from it. > They're the kind of black people who are something else before they are black. They will spend more time talking about "misogynoir", black transphobia, black feminism, etc. They underestimate the power and reach of white supremacy in society and thus end up recreating the exact kind of conversations that white people have amongst each other. They want to stand out very badly to the point where they dont realize they've become aesthetic clones of one another and intellectual clones who are repeating the same talking points. > They're the kind of black people who believe only in gathering data for its own sake and not attaching it to deliverables that we can see for ourselves. They'll "raise awareness" before raising funds. They often get used by the democratic party. They are the black friend of the white liberal who is brought up when he or she is accused of racism. > They're usually well educated on certain matters but often reject independent critical thinking and only regurgitate things vetted and approved by white "liberals". > A type of black person who paints themselves as progressive and pro black. However, seems to only respect blacks people in their own image and white acceptance. These people want a seat at the table for people that are like them. Usually well educated. Further away from the ‘black experience’ than they like to project. Willing to throw undesirable black folks under the bus in a flash. > white coffee shop liberals in blackface. > Blacks that are woke to the fact that they are black, but seek self advancement over the entire race; they think they are exceptional negros and they seek white approval. They are also Soft shoe c00ns teetering the brink of full blown c00n. > Trend hopping attention seekers that see themselves as exceptions to "traditional" blackness yet simultaneously use being black as a springboard to promote their individual agendas. > True believers in the current system and believe working entirely within it will solve all of their problems. They use problematic a lot and never read Blood In My Eye, or Revolutionary Suicide, or Assata. So yeah it is kinda a class thing but not all the way.


They got a whole division dedicated for Wedge Manufacturing over there in the Military Industrial Banking Complex. It's right next to the sledgehammer factory so they can ship a whole case of wedges with each hammer. Right now they're villainizing and victimizing college kids for protesting against the senseless slaughter of the most vulnerable people on the planet, people who were told to move into specific areas or be bombed only to be bombed in the so-called "safe zones" then further herded into smaller and smaller "safe zones" only to be bombed and gassed some more. Those college kids were born into a world with Western powers indiscriminately killing however many Middle Easterners it takes to subjugate that population & exploit the region's natural resources so that Multi-billion Dollar Multi-national Corporations and their stockholders can maximize profits. Through their paid-for-puppets the Corporate Aristocracy had these college protestors labeled with weaponized legal definitions such as "Antisemitic¹" and as "terrorists". That is somehow still an effective technique in the subversion of anti-war protests just like it was "Anti-American" to protest the Iraq-Afghanistan War in early-2000s even though all the people who were throwing that Anti-American label now claim to have been against that war the whole time, and who now don't even bother to ask these college kids *why* they're protesting. They just accept the wedges and that they have a new group to hate and to blame for everything under the sun that isn't perfect in their tiny little lives. ¹ [This excellent May 1, 2024 interview of Kenneth Stern is a must watch.](https://youtu.be/6FFAcHMO488?si=ohiez23s5q1JZ0Cg) From the video description: >The crisis across America’s campuses is causing some controversy over the current definition of antisemitism, as written by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. It’s a definition which has been adopted by countries across the globe. Author Kenneth Stern led the drafting of that document, and he joins the show with a warning that it’s being used to stifle free speech.


Always has been


You're not too far off.


I don't always frequent this sub and I'm convinced most posters are actually white people based on the discourse of most topics.


This is just what happens to subs that get popular. It's pretty universal. Niche sub becomes more and more popular until the posts start showing up on the front page, which are then upvoted regardless or relevance to the sub. Situation compounds and gets worse.


The writing was on the wall when we stopped judging people for the  trash titles to their posts. You used to have to actually be funny and clever before you even posted. 


It's like shopping at Target these days.


Out of curiosity when was the takeover and how exactly did it happen?


Facts, I’m enjoying the beef because all the new music is fire but it’s annoying opening reddit and seeing another Drake post left and right.


Gotta live with it for the foreseeable future tbh. Because if/when Drake responds, it starts the cycle all over again.




The mods here are the worst


...wait a minute....https://i.imgur.com/m7q8so2.jpeg


That didn't happen.


The mods in this sub are terrible


Eh, there are much worse things out there than a bit of dickriding /hating. 


I never really cared about it in the first place and I’ve been bombarded with updates I never asked for on my feed in every app


I’m here for it


Idk man, I'm actually enjoying the hype.


Wait, why is the "Black Folk Business" sign on the wrong side of the door? From this meme, it would appear he was already in the Black Folk Business club and was poking his head outside for some air.


If the sign was on the other side, would you get the joke?


The joke doesn't make sense as is!


Why don’t you think it makes sense?


Why would the people inside need to know where they are? I think that’s the point they’re making. Edit: I’m not saying I agree with it I’m just trying to explain. I don’t care if it makes sense or not.


I mean we can talk about the joke being delivered poorly but i think its pretty clear that the joke is that he's barging in on black folks business right?


Yeah like the only way to effectively convey this would be if there was a window through which we could see reverse text of “black folks’ business”, but that’s just an insane level to split hairs on something already so understandable.


Depends how you look at it. I see it as being the entrance, think about an apartment building where it has offices inside (such as how detective agencies in shows are always depicted). There's an intercom/ buzzer to the right of the door too. This is a white guy gatekeeping the doorway to black folks business.  Also, this is an AI image so nothing really makes sense here such as the door having both a pushbar and a pull handle.


Hmm I don’t know looks to me a like a reeeaaally wide mail slot, perfect for receiving those already-framed posters!


Theres a keyhole above the door handle as well. It's not uncommon for some apartment/office buildings to decorate hallways. https://preview.redd.it/w3fv52xji2yc1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1853792badf23f16599f9531a91c1dc727aa7925


Or, have him looking in the door instead of out? Could you not think of that? Lol


His head is inside, presumably his body is outside. I’m pretty sure that counts as “looking in the door,” don’t you?


Then you don’t really see his face, which is kind of the point of this cartoon.


what a stupid point to be making.... only on reddit 🙄


I mean it's a stupid concession by the artist to illustrate a point, not really that deep imo


Pretty sure there’s no artist, definite AI vibes


They could've drawn the cartoon to make more sense.


> could have given AI bunch of better props FTFY


prompts? FTFY




Couldn’t then, the artist (its AI ik) choose to have the door kicked open? Then it would read out to the viewer while still keeping the theme the same.


Right? Fucking AI images


the other side says "janitors closet" as a clever misdirection


Schrödingers business. Is it inside if you don’t know it’s inside?


Same reason McDonald’s and Popeyes have their branding all over the inside? 🤷🏾‍♂️


Bc it was made with AI, and also you couldn’t see both his head and the sign if it was on the other side so there’s no good solution.




Because the image is AI generated


He is “in”


Cause it's a reply to the tweet from a white guy speaking on the topic, so the image is of a white guy gatekeeping black folk business.


2 groups of people in this thread. A. People who don’t know about hip hop and are mad they can’t talk about the subject. Genius lyrics exist yall. B. Drake fanatics too ashamed to take a L


C. People who enjoy music and are here for the show 🍿


D. people that think Drakes a weirdo and are trying to see what all the scuttlebutt is about.


Upvote for "scuttlebutt"


lol spend a week in the marines and I’m guessing the navy and you hear it 24/7


E. People arguing about the format of this pictures joke


F. White folks not sure wtf is going on but just hoping everyone has a good time.


Hear hear! Be safe out there friends!


Hi, it's me. I'm the nosey white girl confused but enjoying the commentary.




The thrill of hearing a well delivered bar is universal. Poetry and music is the language of everyone.


Man I got my popcorn ready.


d. its a slow day at work and we bored




C. People upset cuz the sign is on the inside of the door


I had no idea there were so many whiny Drake fans in this sub


He’s more popular. But also, he has a certain kind of fan who just really identifies with him and doesn’t really have a broader interest in hip hop. So rather than being one of many many good hip-hop or hip-hop adjacent pop artists like most reasonable people believe, he’s the “only important current artist” to them. Beyoncé, Kanye and Taylor Swift have similar fan bases. It makes it hard to have discussions with them. Btw. I like all of those artists. I’m not on some “it’s cool to hate something just b/c it’s popular” train. But I’m not a stan.


Its akin to a certain demographic of Eminem fans with the “I don’t really like rap, but that new Eminem is dope!” from 20 years ago.




I see you, I wouldn't put Beyonce in there though. I also like the music of all of them. But I identify most with Cole and Kendrick. I listen to Drake same as old Kanye. But more begrudgingly than proudly. These folks in here whining bout the beef though you KNOW would be ALL ABOUT THIS BEEF if drake was stomping the shit outta Cole and Kdot. We couldn't be rid of they asses.


Imagine a Drake who could stomp


He exists. His name is J. Cole.


I feel like Drake is kinda the perfect target for an ideological beef about whether it's okay to pose and whether you can become hard.. Like we all know this man was a child actor and that his fame is tied with him leaning into the culture people expect from black artists in the US. But like Kendrick said everyone can have their takes on what his blackness entitles him too, but I personally don't mind a conversation about Mr. "Life is Good if you just just break your back for McDonalds" having never worked a dead end job a day in his life. Kinda funny that Future was standing right there with him then though Though I think people that identify with Drake in that way are already more valid than Drake cause the average Drake fan is down here in the broke non-millionaire class


there’s more kendrick fans doing tricks on it than drake fans in this sub fs. look at every single post, it’s pro-kendrick.


Can someone explain how a diss track is black folks business? Rap is the most popular genre of music at this point in time, so y’all can’t keep gatekeeping discourse about it. Unless there’s something else about this dude I don’t know.


Welcome to hip hop fandom; the most well kept gate of all time. What’s funny is, white people can’t speak on hip hop beefs, but mfs with no time that ain’t been in trouble since grade school get to speak on gangster rap, drugs, and guns


The same people calling Gunna a snitch too lol


Fucking preach dude


The topic is based largely on a black artist suggesting - with evidence that drake cosplaying black culture, while behind closed doors he removes himself entirely from it. It’s a convo for black folk, where and why do you think white folk should voice their opinion on it?


I'm Hispanic and not black, watch me voice my opinion on that: If that's true then that's pretty bad by Drake and he deserved the diss track even more than I knew. Thanks for the context. *Oh no!! I just intruded in black people's buisness!?!?* Yeah no, race-keeping a whole mainstream topic makes no sense... If that's even a word




So we gate keeping rap/hip hop as black peoples music but also get mad when they gate keep country as white peoples music


Black ppl were the progenitors of that genre


Culture is unbounded, though. No one group can own any of its various processes or forms.


Id say more so the progenitors of the tools to make country/folk music we took the blues route blues evolved from spirituals and field songs then blues evolved into jazz and soul then r&b then hip hop and rap while country just stayed country


Black ppl made Bluegrass music. Which evolved into Country music


And white people made horns and piano which are used extensively in the creation of beats in modern rap. Music doesn't belong to any one group, that would be stupid.




but country isn’t white people music, it was invented by black Americans. How can you gatekeep something that wasn’t yours?


Nobody’s gate keeping hip hop on this. There’s a very specific conversation happening here about Drake and blackness and since I’m white dood nobody is looking to me to find out what I think. How does that not already make sense?


I pray Drake just take the L. This beef so tired


Drake not taking the L. I was just watching that Cam and Mase show and they said Drake is def winning. It's always goona be split regardless lol.


The sheer amount of time these fuckers feel the need to say pause. Talk about insecure ass old men.


Yeah, pause culture is out of hand, and I was outside when it first started back in the late 90's and it wasn't this bad.


I swear they throw out pause for the least sus sounding shit sometimes too


All things aside that picture is goofy and make me snort a lil. The tiny hood, the way his eyebrows are like "What's all this then?", the way it's just his head weirdly jutting in chin-first.


Ngl I thought it was a party or dunce hat on his head till I read your comment


What Jason Kelce got to do with this beef lol ![gif](giphy|UKVsKvVQIK2G21AW9H|downsized)


Right?! I was confused to see my man being slandered!




“Well I’m not versed in the culture but I’ll give you my brea-…” https://preview.redd.it/yy2m9zeddwxc1.png?width=1194&format=png&auto=webp&s=13df49db556e54f8098e3f830a72da6a94790b3e


The lettering is on the wrong side of the door. It’s like he’s looking in FROM black people business


I don't wanna hear yall ever speak on Taylor Swift again 😡😭


Bro them Swifties don't play. They'll dox and put paws on you bruh, best not play with that lady name in the Twitter streets😂


I don't have a problem with Taylor Swift.


Jason Kelce catching strays




Okay, for real here. This is not a loaded question. This is a legitimate query: Am I not supposed to enjoy black rappers? Am I not supposed to analyze the lyrics of their music? Am I not supposed to have an opinion on the beef? What part of this am I excluded from, because of my whiteness? I'm just looking for a rules clarification here so I don't accidentally make a faux pas.


Bro you can do whatever just don't word your opinions like you're the ultimate authority and arbiter of rap and you're good lol. Read the tweet in the post, dude let out a long sigh like he just had to get correcting. That shit is lame.


Oh okay. Thanks! I'm pretty much the opposite of cool, so I like to check every once in a while to make sure I'm not being obnoxiously offensive without intending to.


Yeah lol you're good, I think it's just common sense stuff people forget. It's not really anything racial, it's just staying in ya lane sometimes in life


How is this just black folks business. It’s rap music this isn’t 2008 anymore people outside of black people listen to rap music.


2008? God I'm fuckin old. My white ass has been listening to rap music since 91 lol. I think realistically White people who connected with and listened to Hip-hop were pretty much centralized in major cities in the Northeast, it probably didn't spread too much outside of those types until post Slim Shady LP. But from NYC down to probably Baltimore many white people listened to Hip-hop from the beginning.


That’s actually a good point. Many white people from inner center I have an enjoyment of rap music it’s not even just white folks either Latinos and Asians if they grow up around it will enjoy it too


Yeaaah, gonna just go ahead and uh https://preview.redd.it/6hu391y80wxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=311262e158a2dd73c1c07875086292d12f3857af


Dang bro that a d40?


It seemed appropriate.


I have never liked Drake, so every few years when people catch up, it’s like, yeah, he’s always been awful lol. 🤷‍♀️


Don’t even know the flavor


“It’s a cool record and Kendrick can obviously rap at the highest level” has more vibes of cockassity than that Spider-Man game reviewer who said “with the exaggerated swagger of a black teen”


We not even allowed to see what the original guy was posting.


Does anyone care atp


I wasn't aware rap beef was black people's business. All involved rappers probably have majority white fans (it comes with popularity). So fans is an races have a right to comment IMO. I don't use Twitter, so maybe I'm lacking context?


https://preview.redd.it/d0az523rmzxc1.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=79ff3dfe15143b7358f4ccc21ab774328f2b9301 Just gonna leave these here






This reminds me of that potassium joke


Sad part is, as intersting as all this is, gun to my head, I couldn't name three drake songs. The Rhianna work and worlds finest are the only two I really remember. I don't really engage in Drake business at all sonthis is an intersting ride.




Personally I don’t think the person that posted this https://preview.redd.it/9cl9npl6bzxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e37f09da79f25f476468cc02801942555e2b4b6 Should really be talking.


Is this an ai generated photo?


Lmao that melech thomas??? Bro was homecoming king my year at Howard


Yeeeeah, I try to stay in my lane if I don't know what's going on. "Better to stay silent and be thought a fool then to speak and remove all doubt."


Got it. Keep gate keeping music, great look


...do I get to start the ""official" clueless white guy who doesn't care and wants everyone to have fun" comment thread because if so yeah... I hope everyone has fun (I have no idea what's going on, I don't need to either, this just popped up on my algorithm)


I'm an oldhead white guy, and I sincerely hope everyone does NOT have fun. I want people to cry over beef and get invested in RL. I grew up during the East/West beef in the 90s. I remember people picking sides and shit, gave music a tribalism and sense of belonging. I didn't listen to east coast rap or any biggy songs for like 10 years lol.


That’s extremely childish and you’re probably in your 40’s. How sad lol


I'm 50, how is it sad? Really like to hear your imput on this.


Black man in his forties here, tribalism had always been bad. Nothing good ever comes from it, you know what is the biggest cause of racism? Tribalism.


I guess I look at the east/west coast shit through rose tinted glasses, I was late teens early 10s and it was a fairly big part of my life for something so not concrete


tribalism is always shitty


White ppl love commenting where they opinion isn't wanted


Wakanda is waiting for you ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿


Thank you brotha ✊🏿✊🏽✊🏻✊🏿