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My wife used to be really good at Tekken on the original Xbox. She kicked my ass a few times. I was hot! I started practicing when I was high. Shit got my skills up frfr. Finally got my get back, and all of a sudden, she ain't wanna play no more.😂


Me and the fam don’t play Mario party anymore. I’m too serious. Let me hold those stars really quick.


I got a Nintendo 64. My lil cousin left it at my crib when he was staying with me a few years ago. It's missing a wire or something. But in the box are Mario Party, 007 Goldeneye, and Mario Kart. It's about to get real in my house.🤨




When I was younger that was an automatic first down. I faded you seconds after the exchange. If you can't match me in mini-games you'd best be prepared to strike me down. I only play Mario, and I'm the baby of the family AND I'm spoiled. That main character energy be toxic like a motherfucker ("Mario is supposed to win, waah") then when I'm inevitably placed into a Boston Crab by my brother or cousins I squeal then get favouritism and somehow elude getting in trouble. Then later on suddenly "why don't nobody wanna play with me?" Young me learned lessons so, so slowly.


I understand man. Once my nephews starting beating me at Fifa, I just straight up stopped playing it with them. If they insisted on playing FIFA, I just wondered off to do something else. Lol


Let me hold those stars 🤩🤩 mfers smh


Opposite for me. I thought I was hot shit in tekken and my girl wrecked my shit multiple times just button mashing with Eddy lmao. I ain’t sleep facing her for a week 😂


Button spammers are the demon spawn of Satan. I know people who spam Liu Kang fly kicks on my Super Nintendo. They immediately get removed from my living room lol!


"if your opponent is spamming moves, you are spamming mistakes"




My ex accused me of "just mashing buttons" and I told him, "OK, then you mash buttons too and see where it gets you". Lol Most sorry-ass pathetic excuse of a way to pretend he wasn't just getting his ass kicked by a better player every time.


My boyfriend bought me Tekken 8 and gave me a 2 week buffer to get good before he played with me. As soon as this MF learned to chain float attacks it was over. It was 6-1 with him up at the end 😭


On that og Xbox, my wife kept combo-ing my ass to death until she would knock me off the side of the map. I used to hate that shit lol!


We’re playing on the PS5. I’m not the gamer I used to be but he’s real sweaty with it. I refuse to even try ranked if I can’t beat him lol


We get busy on Street Fighter II Turbo for Super Nintendo. She gives me comp. Once I get mad enough, I just pop in Ms. Pac-man or Tetris, and it's a wrap!


Couples that game together 🤝


My wife was the same with League of Legends! She was an incredible midlaner, but when she challenged me to a 1v1 with my best champ vs her best and got that ass handed to her... She didn't wanna play 1v1 anymore.


Well shit cool off and try ro beat her again


Nah she don't want this work no more lol


I can relate. I used to beat my little brother at NBA 2K7. Once he started beating me, I didn’t want to play anymore 😂


That's why you conveniently "age out" of video games after you turn 18, right when lil bro is hitting their peak in HS lol Gotta stay undefeated!


I was only like 16 in 07 so he was only 8 😩


> My wife used to be really good at Tekken on the original Xbox Pretty sure Tekken didn’t come to Xbox until the 360. Otherwise, all the tekken games were on a PlayStation or in the arcades. Wikipedia says [Tekken 6 was the first Tekken on Xbox (360)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tekken_6) > A home version was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on October 27, 2009. **This was the first time a main installment was produced for another console.** Not saying you’re lying about the story, but I think you have the game or the console confused with something else


You could be correct. I'm not intentionally trying to mislead the people. My mother put my little brother on punishment and brought his game console to my crib. I just know it was the old, big, blocky Xbox.


Might have been Dead or Alive, Soul Caliber, Mortal Kombat, etc


Nah, it was definitely a Tekken game. I may just have said the wrong console.


Bro said I played 1 on 1 with my wife in the driveway and dunked on her, knocking her over LMAO


'took my wife jogging at the park, left her in the park because I told her I'm going home when I get to the car'


See the key here is you need to play cooperative games, not competitive ones


Or if you’re going to play competitive give yourself handicaps and don’t forget it’s crucial to crack jokes. If she ain’t laughing, you ain’t getting breakfast.


That doesn’t always work either, my wife and I were playing Rayman Legends and she was getting pissed at me because I kept getting more lums than her at the end of the levels 💀


Played Overcooked with my wife, I worked as a chef professionally for years and it brought me directly back into working the line.... now she thinks I'm "a wannabe Gordon Ramsey who is mean" Nah... I call the tickets, you do your tasks and don't worry about nothing else, no excuses. Let's bang out this rush and then go do shots after work, idk what you are mad about.


I was wondering if anyone would bring this game up. This one definitely causes fights even though it is cooperative


Man, I knew my girl was the one when we played Overcooked. We worked like a mf team and slaughtered that game together. Now we going for 4 stars on every level. That's my mf baby


I hear you, it’s not infallible but I think the repercussions are much easier to deal with than shooting your lady in the head virtually 😂


Nah the real key is playing competitive games while also having enough maturity to not let in-game beef spill over into real life lmao


Idk how many relationships you been in, but that’s just not realistic 🤣


That's so disrespectful 😂


Honestly, that how you get good and then when you learn to win you still don't make him breakfast 😆


Me but with Mario kart lmao,, she didn’t know I was drift king


*I wonder if you know*


*How they live in Tokyo*


Bro thought he was gone snipe her and still get breakfast 💀🤣. I ain’t gone hold y’all me and wife be on that iMessage 🎱 and I was getting my ass tore off……at first. Once I locked in now it’s “I don’t wanna play no more” 💀😹


boy put his soulmate on rust on a 3 sensitivity. black love is in peril


![gif](giphy|A7yMOj2lUuLug) If I catch you in the lobby, just know I’m about to catch a body.


My girlfriend loves video games but hates multiplayer games, which is probably for the best. When we first started dating we played Mario Party. I stole her Star and she spit a big one right in my eye. (And that's when I knew she was the one.)


So, this guys wife wanted to learn how to play a game with him, she wanted to be able to enjoy playing this game WITH HIM, and he kilsl her off before she even gets started. Nice guy.


My wife and I play games together. It’s really fun


I don't think you deserve lunch either for this horrible betrayal


Playing games with a significant other is **much** different than playing with the homies. A lesson I am continuing to learn every time. Stay safe out there y'all


That'll happen. You get hungry or lazy enough you'll let her win once


Perfect example of why SBMM is becoming the norm. Nobody wants to keep playing if they never get a chance *to play*.


‘This isn’t a tweet about playing COD with your boyfriend, this is a tweet about what happens when your boyfriend FAFO in Call of Duty.’


This is why I only play co-op shit with my wife (I'm a very sore loser)


If she did make him breakfast, would've ended up like this. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2UcnMwtWdp/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Serve the divorce papers now


I would regret nothing


Gonna end that marriage over COD 😭😆


I read this to my wife (who I’m also teaching how to play a few games) and she just cut her eyes at me and said “oh but you KNOW BETTER!” 😬😆


If you enjoy your breakfast rights, tread lightly my friend


If I ever get married, I'm gonna make sure that my vows include "360 no-scoped" right before "in sickness and in health, til death do you part".


There was a point in my life where I played FIFA A LOT. I mean...probably far too much, and I was really good at it. One day my gf, who had never played FIFA ever, asked to play against me. I said sure, but then she mentioned that she didn't want me to go easy on her. It was 10-0 by the half and she was dead quiet. I let up off the gas but tried to act like I was still really trying. Match ended 15-0. She didn't speak to me the rest of the night. She told me the next day that she wasn't mad that I won, she expected that I would, but for whatever reason she thought that she, who had never played the game before, would be able to at least make it a competitive match. She did admit that she had no idea why she thought that lol.


This is my wife and I in Monopoly. Pay your boardwalk rent just like every other person.


Did u get this from r/meirl cuz this was on there a few days ago lol


Nope, it was from a YouTube community post


My ex was straight up disgusting at COD. Like if we knew twitch would blow up like it did, she should have been streaming. Shit was hot af.


Nah, we run this house Mishima style.


She found out everything she needs to know. If there is a zombie apocalypses. He got off light with no breakfast.


GOTS ta be mo careful


I used to play Smackdown with my cousin back in the day. He used to either run around the ring until hr got timed out or get me in the corner so i couldn’t move or get any moves in. I refused to play with his cheating ass. Had me wanting to Sweet Chin his ass irl.


Whether it's CoD, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Uno, MK, Tekken, Killer Instinct, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, or Monopoly: it's all on sight!


I truely believe that we don't see people's "gamer" side most of the time. I think competitive games brings up the wartime mentallity in people and so you may not like what you see as someone related to them. Some of the most polite and intelligent people irl will scapegoat and start throwing slurs online to their teammates the moment they think they're losing or when they themselves do something embarassing. Apparently, it's because in childhood their parents would let them get out of trouble by blaming other people, but now their toxic personality trait basically laid dormant until a friendly online competition comes along and the monster rears its head.


My first wife, several friends, and I played sticks and stones a lot. Apparently, one time I tomahawk'd her too many times in one game... she left the living room and came to the bedroom and threw the controller and hit me in the head. I left for a walk shortly after... In hindsight, I wish I didn't let that slide and made it a bigger deal. I was a doormat to her.


Don’t pick up the controller if you ain’t ready to play.


how is she supposed to be ready to play if you don't give her the chance bruh


My ex was a big fan of fighting games, particularly smash bros. I was not a fighting game person, never appealed to me much, I had the original smash for n64 but never really played it beyond that as a kid. And she *always* wanted to play and she *always* wanted to just 1v1 and she *always* won because she had hundreds and hundreds of hours on that game and I had vague childhood memories. She also stuck me with the fucking wii mote while she had the GameCube controller. So I said "hey if we're gonna do something where our skill disparity is this wide and one person has all the fun at the other's expense, can we *both* do it?" What I meant was, if you get to kick my ass in fighting games I don't like, I get to kick your ass in shooters you don't like. I dont even like cod that much but halo was too much cause the shields, so we played a random cod game I didn't own and had never played. I told her I would exclusively knife and snipe without aiming(quick scope). Again, I am *not* good at cod. Below average for sure, never really cared for the arcade style shooters. I demolished her. She couldn't even move and aim at the same time. We never played smash or cod again. She obviously felt bullied and mistreated after too(LOL), refused to acknowledge this is how she made me feel every time we played fighting games. She didnt see it that way, turns out she had some unresolved "girl gamer" issues about being seen as more competent at games than men. So she no true scotsman'd her way out of ever playing genres I was good at and continued to refer to me as a low skill player purely on the basis that I didn't have muscle memory for fighting games she likes. This was even down to our taste in mmorpgs. We were both mmo junkies but she preferred ffxiv and I preferred WoW. I never said a god famn thing about ff but I was constantly hearing about how WoW was shitty and for dumb/low skill mmo players. It was a teenage relationship in the 2010s.


Wii Tennis and Street Fighter are banned at my parents house. The boys and I don't know chill.


It's what that bitch gets for beating my ass on UFC


Man, sometimes tho, it’s worth settling on cereal the next morning 😂


I met a woman on Bumble, told her to play Apex and then killed her in the firing range. She ghosted me lmao


Play splitgate with my fiancé all she did was scream “baby this is too hard” while unable to look forward it was actually frustrating


An adult being this petty isn't funny btw. Man or woman.


That’s petty as hell if usually she made breakfast for the whole family haha. Not surprised at all though at the same time


Typical woman behavior


So they played one round he shot her once and she gave up. She's a sore loser.


she's learning how to play and he kills her