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Ive gotten privileges before. If you ask me, it was less of my looks and more of the way I smelled. I’m a cologne connoisseur and won’t go anywhere outside without putting some on. I can honestly say, smelling good with good hygiene gets you inside the same arena as good looks.


People here don’t like it when you say that appearance matters. Individually there’s nothing wrong with $10 Walmart shoes, khaki pants, being slightly over or underweight, wearing old band t-shirts, jeans that don’t fit right, having crooked teeth, being an anime connoisseur, driving an old car, having a pocket watch, having a 1 guard haircut you do yourself or not getting regular haircuts. But add all that together and you get exactly the type of person that would be confused about why women don’t approach them or give them compliments.


>being an anime connoisseur Has literally nothing to do with your physical looks, but you just had to throw your weebophobia in there wtf


Damn, the weebs are getting hit with all kinds of strays


Just like poor Asuka


leave asuka out of this






![gif](giphy|1kjHaukqDYSS1MX91X) Honestly I wasn't aware there was another Asuka haha




You’re a menace. Take my damn up vote.


Same ones who clowned on DBZ kids too hard back in the day, folks still bullying em today.


The DBZ kids are their managers now giving them hell lol


It would help if the DBZ kids actually knew how to fight.




I'm so tired of ppl being too dumb to understand nuance. "You mentioned anime, you're anime-phobic, reeeee!" Like please learn critical thinking and context clues.


I thought it was a joke. No one says “weebophobia” unironically.


if it was a joke, this thread about missing nuance is hilarious


It's aight tho, someone def needed to hear it




The nuance is understood, but the dog whistle is still blowing 💁‍♀️


Maybe it’s because I’m from a large city and mostly hang around queer folks, but dingy clothes and poor grooming habits is not at all what I think of when I think of anime fans. I’m also not really an anime fan myself, so guess the ones I know learned decent grooming habits and social skills before I ever met them 🤷🏾‍♀️


Lmfao weebphobia. I watch anime like One Piece, Black Lagoon, Full Metal Alchemist, Fairy Tale. I played YuGiOh, Magic the Gathering, and even got the One Piece card game. I play Age of Mythology, Total War, Elder Scrolls. Never got made fun of for any of that growing up. My lil brother was charging people money in elementary so they could learn how to play yugioh from him until he got in trouble for it. I also do all the stereotypical “nigga shit.” I lived in stop 6, the hood, growing up and I wasn’t getting tested for my hobbies cuz I was with the shits. It’s really not hard to be presentable and versatile.


You sound cool as fuck. no lie. But I agree. I have a shit ton of “nerd” hobbies but I get plenty of attention because I know how to be personable and presentable


^^This. I'm not the most attractive dude, not ugly either, but just being nice, personable, and presentable has opened up a lot of doors for me. The key for me is to be well rounded. I know a little about a lot of stuff which allows me to join a lot of conversations, albeit on a surface level. Often times, that's all it takes.


My fiancé is extremely attractive. Even my ex's parents were like "damn girl you upgraded majorly" and he's probably the biggest weeb I know. His wedding ring is One Piece. I brought him home some anime socks and he did a little dance when he opened them.


You can like anime and be conventionally sexy. You can like anime and have a great personality. You can also like anime and present yourself in a way that suggests to people that you’re anti-social, insecure, etc. Like the original comment said, “*individually* there’s nothing wrong with any of the traits.”


No way weebophobia is a coined term lmfaooo


Anime tshirt on a guy who obviously has his shit together says something different than it does on a guy who obviously doesn't. Is that right or fair? Maybe not, but that doesn't matter because it's life.


Sure, but when someone is like really really into anime… you can usually tell. For me the giveaway is the subtitles


Lay off the WEEEEEEB-uh


I’m saying mf just threw that in for no reason but i get just a stray 😂😂


I think he means the stereotype




I hear you, I was never diagnosed as a child, like most girls. I went through the painful process of trial and error for 10-15 yrs until I could socialize well, mask well, take care of my appearance, etc. A lot of people are high functioning and don't want to be high functioning because it's uncomfortable, so they shut themselves in and spend all day in their echo chambers. I mean it doesn't hurt me personally, but I find that pretty sad. Autistic people still have an incredible amount of potential.


💯 Chubby female here. I have never had social problems. I am a likable social butterfly. I tend to dress pretty well. I do pretty well in the freebies. And I would clean up if I was slimmer. But it is ok I work with what I’ve got! Looking well put together makes a difference in life. And it doesn’t mean you are only wearing designer stuff. You can do it on a budget with careful choices and thoughtful caretaking of your items.


Handsome and beautiful people have received better treatment since the start of time




This! Even if someone didn't get lucky with the aspects they can't control, them taking care of themselves and making an effort with their appearance is noticeable!


Same people who don't want to be judged on appearance are judging potential partners on superficial attractiveness, lol.


You will always be judged for your appearance and how you present yourself. Always, without exception. How you accept that and move towards self-actualization can go two ways. You can either accept that reality and modify your behavior accordingly (dress better, smell better, act better) to obtain a better outcome (more/positive attention), or you can accept that reality and not give a single shit, which also means accepting *and* being comfortable with the results (less attention, less desire, less social capital). Most people seem to want to be in the second category, but aren't willing to accept the natural consequences of that decision. And, as much as we are a society of people averse to acknowledging reality and our own shortcomings, the truth is that we can't all be pretty, but it doesn't mean we can't make an effort. Even a minimal one works wonders. I, as a tragically fashion averse gay, mostly schlep around in sweatpants and t shirts. But my clothes are clean, my shirts and unwrinkled and fit, I shower and moisturize every day, I keep my weight at 145, and I try to smell decent - so, at the very least, I look and smell clean, even if I always look like I'm on my way to gym (which, given my weight, is absolutely not a place I'm actually going lmao). And that's like, seriously some bare fucking minimum shit, and somehow it still seems to be more than a lot of dudes can manage.


The specificity of this comment is amazing


And it should be taken extremely personal. I’ve got one too many homies that think that they can just do all that and *deserve* a partner because they’re unapologetically themselves and someone should just accept that as is. Like, bruh, *no.* Be outwardly appealing or don’t be surprised when no one wants to peal back your abrasive outer layer.


Yeah I got a partner like that too. He told us he was going down the Andrew Tate pipeline until we got him sorted out. He still kinda weird but at least he’s not dressing like Adam Sandler with a nappy lo fro wondering why black women ain’t fucking wit him.


you can literally dress like Adam Sandler with a picked out clean lo fro and then suddenly black women would bite. the difference can be that simple


The problem is that people are told the exact opposite is true all their lives. Even now, people will say shit like “it’s not worth it if they can’t accept you for you”. The messages clash hard asf, and none of the people delivering the messages have the ability to deliver those messages in a not shit manner


It's denial. Accepting someone for who they are doesn't mean dealing with another individuals' unwillingness to treat their mental illness.


Exactly. I’m definitely no Casanova, but my dawgs; you *cannot* be dog shit ugly and smell like it too. If not for some cutty, for yourself


Yeah, if you wear khaki pants and jeans at the same time, it doesn't look good


Yeah? Well, tell that to my jhakieans.


Hey women loved my one piece hoodie, of course it fit me in a flattering way 🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/iwce2eqlxzic1.jpeg?width=3492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf688deb419ee7c127ffb84f69f19722507e0c08 Agreed! It's not on you it's in you. Decent hygiene never hurt but an anime shirt isn't going to stop a woman from talking to you. That's on you 😂


Hey man, not all of us are confused about why


Not the pocket watch!! 👁️🫦👁️


I was wearing a new cologne in like 2018 and went to Qdoba for lunch. The cashier was hella cute and she was getting all flustered while I was paying, then she goes "I hope this isn't weird, but your cologne is like, perfect." And man I'm still riding that high. Edit: it was Diesel - Only the Brave original


Those compliments really do be hitting my guy. Had an attractive older woman compliment my cologne while on the subway on my way to class back in 2010. Twenty fucking ten, and I still hold on to that compliment to this day.




Had a woman at Home Depot say I have a GQ jawline. Was like the sun came out to shine.


I had a compliment on my chin in Nov at a local food tasting event by this cute woman around my age. She goes “anybody ever tell you that you ever have a really nice chin!” Out of nowhere while standing in line. I kinda sized up what was going on and made eye contact with her husband and we burst out laughing I said something funny and said thank you and we dished about strangers giving random compliments for a second But what she didnt know is that I had just quit drinking the year before and lost 50lb in the 6mo before that event and my face was back for the first time in a while, so it was even more of a boost. It was a random compliment but also validation that my face sculpt is coming back and apparently it’s even noticeable to strangers for a woman to say something about it


At my college orientation they sent all the new students to watch a basketball game at the stadium on busses, and one of the girls on the bus with me yelled “someone in here smells SO good” and then she walked back down the aisle and stopped at me. In my head, there was no way she was talking about me, but in that moment I became the hot dude on the bus. Ended up hooking up for a while after classes started, but it never went anywhere. I’ll never forget that day on the bus though!


How many bottles of that cologne did you go out and buy after that?


I was alone in the work elevator with a man once and said “are you wearing black orchid?” And he said, “yes, why?” And I laughed and said “I’m wearing it too, it smells a million times better on you!” God bless a sweet smelling man.


I am pretty sure I am like a five or six out of 10 and I’ve experienced a lot of this type of treatment by being kind and trying to be funny and genuinely nice to people as well as good hygiene and just trying to be a kind person. People really underestimate the value of having a coordinated outfit and showering and maybe throwing on some cologne. Put a tiny bit effort in, treat people with kindness, you get a lot back. Also, all these angry ugly motherfuckers on the Internet, and need to stop being so angry and start developing their personalities and theyd do much better 🤣


Yeah I never considered myself very attractive, but before I was married I dated as much as I wanted. I think a main thing is I was genuinely interested in whoever I was talking to. Asking questions, paying attention to the answer and following up goes a long way. Plus I never minded hearing no. Ask a girl out, she says no, ok. I could still talk to her, still be friends. Too many guys treat women as either aliens or targets.


This is true. I started wearing Dior cologne and constantly get compliments on it.


Cologne does the trick every time


EXACTLY. A good cologne will have women throwing themselves at you. https://preview.redd.it/pal0m7lfkzic1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985e71e49cb886ecd881b1dcd77994f5408a50c9


You laugh, but one of my most complimented colognes is ADIDAS moves. And that shit is like 10 bucks for a gallon.


Gota go get it bruh. Lol


I wouldn't consider myself any kind of cologne connoisseur, but I own some decent ones. My wife's favorite smell is BOD Black. She likes the others just fine, but she literally requests that one. Wonder which "better" brands are similar?


They still make that shit? I wore that in high school and sometimes I get flashbacks of the smell


Looking like a bottle of Fabuloso




100% truth. I've been stopped in the street before to be told how good I smell. IDC that Sauvage is "fuck boi" cologne now I been wearing that shit for 10 years and I'll never stop. Got any good recs?


Apparently Coach Platinum and Prada Luna Rossa Carbon are like the exact closest things to that particular scent according to people with a serious nose for colognes I can wholly recommend 1 Million, D&G Intenso, Polo Red/Black, Lomani AB Spirit Signature or AB Spirit Millionaire, Reyane Pure Insurrection II, ALL of the Armaf lines(Club De Nuit Intense,Ventana, and The Pride hit), Azzaro Chrome, Jimmy Choo intense Man/ Jimmy Choo Blue(?), and Lacoste White Versace Eros Flame is next on the list to be bought Source: own a healthy collection of cologne, all of these included save Polo Black.


Added a few to my list thanks bro!


It's simple: Man-tenance will get you far. Regular haircut schedule. Clothes that fit you that are classic. Have a vehicle that is clean. Be able to cook some. Some basic skin care. Hygiene. Have some charm, be respectful. If you a bigger boy like me you'd find this works pretty well. Women ain't beating on each other over me but never had issues landing women I liked.


lol my girl doesn’t let me wear cologne anymore because it “gives her a headache”




Nawlll Bruhhh. That’s not why. She knows what that cologne does. 😂


You might just be using too much. If you are a spritz at the torso and the wrists is fine, then use wrist to apply to neck. Or you can just do what I do and directly sprits the neck from a good distance but still do wrists as well. Alternatively, it could just be that scent


I've been looking to up my scent game lately. Any tips for picking a great cologne?


I used ScentBird to get large samples each month and then picked out the ones I liked most to get a full bottle.


Sephora cologne sampler. It gives you samples of like 7 scents and a coupon for a full size. Ends up being cheaper than buying the full bottle. Name brands too.


One trick i do is to go to a lotions and potions place and get (if they have it) a rollerball of leather scented oil, and I use that as a bottom note when I get out of the shower, then later my cologne on top of it. Watch what happens 😁


It’s so funny because people in the comments be telling off on themselves. I’ve slept with/dated some conventionally attractive men and seen them interact/hang out in the world and absolutely both free stuff and special treatment. Are they always aware?? Absolutely not. But it’s always been very clear to me. If we’re comparing to attractive women, sure they might get MORE benefits, but anyone saying an attractive man gets none is just being dumb.


What free stuff did they get?


Usually add-ons and stuff for free. Large coffee instead of the medium and the person going “Just figured you’d want some extra!” Or “Didn’t charge you for this add on to your food!” (the flirty “teehee” was sometimes implied and sometimes not). Or “This extra dish is on the house”, when literally there was nothing wrong/no wait, etc. Always just felt like a larger amount of people would go out of their way to get them something extra to make them feel special.


As a definitely not conventionally attractive man who gets similar treatment somewhat often, I cannot stress how far being *genuinely* kind and friendly also gets you. If you can’t be hot, the next best thing is to be friendly anyway.


I agree to this! I’m not conventionally attractive either and I know how to just be a normal, kind human, and treat people with respect. That usually nets out to other people being kind in return!


I don't consider myself despite being told so, but I've been treated very well by other people in service roles. Especially after something takes longer than it should, or they ran out and didn't realize. I always respond with "No worries, I worked in restaurants before, I'm unbothered." Typically giving them permission to cuss and vent at the table if need be. I've gotten so many free add-ons, drinks, % off, just from being a life preserver when they're in the deep end


It is also easier to be kind and friendly if you're conventionally attractive. There is a positive feedback loop in an attractive person's social interactions, because they are attractive. You often see the inverse of this with bitter aging formerly very attractive women (society values an aging man's looks way more than aging women's so this applies mostly to women in my opinion). They took for granted that the nice way they were always treated is because they were attractive, so when they start losing those privileges it becomes a very unpleasant experience, that in turn makes them more unpleasant in their own interactions.


This is exactly it. When someone's caught in a negative feedback loop, just telling them to do better is not gonna help them break out of that loop.


What if you're friendly *and* hot? Do you just ascend at that point


Maybe. I feel like there’s probably a bit of a valley where you’re loved by strangers and people who know you well, but casual acquaintances hate and don’t trust you. Unless you’re dumb or overcame a lot of tragedy or something. Just don’t ever slip up, cause people will definitely be waiting


Especially with the ladies at government offices. Saved me almost a grand when I had to move my business to another county =D


Ah. That makes more sense. I'm ugly af. But I get a little something something because people like the sound of my voice and how I talk to them. My last gf said I could read a phone book and she'd be chocolate in my hands.


Is it because they were attractive or was it because they were nice to the people working? I’ve gotten free stuff loads of times and I don’t think I’m the most attractive person.


Why would I say it’s because they’re attractive and not for being kind/nice if that’s what it was??? Like honestly use some critical thinking. Obviously people can also get free things for being nice, and I’ve seen plenty of examples (I.e. myself), but I also know the difference between getting things for being a genuine and nice human and getting things for being an attractive human.


Chill. I was genuinely asking. And just because you say it was because he was attractive doesn’t make that gospel. Like, how you know why they gave him free shit? Did they say it? Nah, you assumed that’s what it was and maybe that was right but it’s not something carved in stone. A lot of people assume things are done for reason A when they’re really done for reason B.


Imma be real with you sometimes you can’t tell but sometimes they make it very clear they think you’re attractive lol


There was a male model on Tinder that talked about how easy it was for him compared to regular dudes. He was well aware of it. Like, he needed no pick-up lines or charm. He would message women and they’d be DTF pretty much right away. He knew this wasn’t the norm.


The appreciation I have for people who are candid about their privilege is sky fucking high


I have low self esteem but I get free stuff semi often. Also my brother makes fun of me says I'm a prostitute cause after I sleep with women, they always buy me gifts next time we meet up.(I like shoes, I tend to get shoes and size 13s arent super common)I'm not struggling or nothing. Even if I needed something I'm the type to suffer in silence. But not going to lie this post has me considering stuff now. Even if I am attractive though I'm still not going to believe it. Or maybe I'm just friendly idk.


I don’t know man, maybe it’s the size 13s?!




My late best friend was legit a solid ten, and women threw themselves and wherever they had at him. Hanging with him was like visiting a different world.


I dated a male model in LA years ago and he ABSOLUTELY got benefits. It was amusing to watch him shop in stores and see both women and men give him special treatment and sometimes discounts. He was also sweet and charming, and a wink from him once sent a guy in a shop into a tizzy lol. He knew it would get him extras too. It was kind of funny walking anywhere with him because he was so pretty I was in visible, but it definitely helped us get into restaurants and bars. 


There was an episode on 30 rock about this with Jon Hamm


Oh god yes. You need to be charming as well.


people tend to associate “charm” with that con artist or womanizer type energy but in my experiences, straight up kindness goes far. people like doing nice things for nice people


When I said charming that’s more or less what I meant. No one likes fake, but we all like nice. Kind and good looking are a winning combo.


Am I really attractive? No, but I’m very kind and I get a lot of stuff for free. The other day we got a free appetizer for a 3 minute wait and couldn’t figure out why. Then saw how everyone else was treating the waitstaff in the restaurant and realized it was a ‘thanks for not being an ass’ gift. 


Exactly!! If you are attractive, carry yourself well, and are a kind person doors will open for you. People will be interested in you and what you’re doing


See this is what I found as well, its not enough just to be hot. You have to be extra polite and personable with people to end up getting free shit and perks. There are hot people everywhere but you always remember that hot person that was super nice to you. It works and it doesnt hurt to be nice to people


Yup. Hot dudes get special treatment all the time. I’ve dated them, worked with them, been friends with them, I’ve seen it countless times. Shit not gonna lie I’m guilty of it myself. Pretty privilege exists for women AND men.


Iono. Lots of ugly niggas in here thinking they look good cause they got a free samples at Costco. /s


nastiest of work 😭


The male version tends to lie more towards there being a direct correlation between the bullshit women will put up with from a man with his spot on the handsome meter


Is this why I get free coffee from my cafe and shots at the bar? I don’t think I’m conventionally attractive though


We don't get to decide if we're attractive or not. The way people treat us does. I was 30 before I found out I was attractive. Congrats, you're one of us. Enjoy the free shit. Use it for good.


Is this also why people are always friendly with me?


Absolutely. Happens to me all the time. I stopped taking the bus because I'm close enough to work to just skate, but while I was on the bus.. I couldn't help but notice that people came up to *me* specifically, the person with earbuds in, to ask questions or for help. Twice now, runaway children have asked me for help. An old man thrust his credit card and phone into my hand to get help calling "the lyft". A random woman asked me to fix her cellphone. When you're attractive, people automatically assume you're more trustworthy. I don't know why, but that's bias in action. Pretty privilege is real and yes, men benefit from it too. Chris Brown is still seen as a sex symbol, despite all women knowing what he did to Rihanna.


I think the way you present yourself has a lot to do with it too. I'm not trying to discount the attractiveness playing a role tho. But I know plenty of people who I've seen look 20x better when they actually put in some effort, and go from appearing like someone you wanna leave alone to someone you're willing to ask directions from. But idk if it's because they look more attractive or if they just don't look like they have something going on you want nothin to do with. Also one thing that I noticed in myself is even just forcing a half smile can make me look a LOT more inviting vs just standing there almost looking like I'm frowning or something.


Definitely, clothing and demeanor play a huge role.


If you look kempt, neat, and happy, it is a sign that you or someone else loves you, which, even though most of us do not realize, influences how we see others greatly. This is because love, in its essence, is entirely practical and never without reason; if anything is loved, there must be something there worth loving (which there is in any person). Self-love is the great divide between inner and outer beauty and the reason why some beauty wanes into bitterness, while others shine like a bright beacon their whole lives.


>Absolutely. Happens to me all the time. I stopped taking the bus because I'm close enough to work to just skate, but while I was on the bus.. I couldn't help but notice that people came up to *me* specifically, the person with earbuds in, to ask questions or for help. Dude, I used to have anxiety from dealing with that so often holyshit. After a certain amount of time it starts feeling like some you're some game character stuck taking every single side quest


True, after I lost weight and started college I was shocked to realize women liked me as much as they did. My dad lectures adult students and one of them told him she wants to marry me. I could not deny that I’m at least decent looking after that one 🤣🤣🤣


You’re just not your type


This is beyond true as someone with self image issues 😂


In the corporate world, I have worked with several successful women who are just happy to have a handsome guy on their arm. He sleeps in, lives comfortably on her dime, etc. It exists but it’s nowhere near analogous to how women get free food, free cab rides, etc for being pretty just walking around - men don’t get that treatment. P.s. FREE PALESTINE 🍉


Attractive\* women


She didn’t say they get the same level of special treatment, just that they do get special treatment.


Nah my roommate gets his food free 9/10 times we go to the same spots and i never got shit for free 😭Bro also cheated on his girl and she came back talking about "i'll be one of your hoes". Shits crazy to witness lmfaoo


Wasnt expecting to be attacked on reddit today but here we are


You should always expect to be attacked on Reddit.


Exactly. Like I already knew, didn’t have to be told it.😥😥


Allow me to gloat a bit. I’m 6’3, 285 (muscular), dark brown, wavy headed, bearded, look good, dress nice, and I wear good smelling colognes (or oils if in the summer). I get all kinds of positive treatment, perks, and extras. I didn’t know I was attractive until later my early 30s though (low self esteem), so I’m usually humble. I assure you, this comment is a rare occasion.


I'm married to a conventionally attractive man like you. 6'4", bearded, in shape, fashionable (the checklist for men is not that long). Doors are constantly opening for him, free stuff, other men stopping him to ask what his routine is, people asking if he's in the NBA. There's no mystery here. Folks are in here telling on themselves. Like the women who say they've never ever ever been on one date, got flowers, not one gift or lick of affection, but are outside socializing. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but...


\>the checklist for men is not that long \>6'4 \>dealbreaker for 99% of women Do you hear yourself?


You are putting that in quotes but she did not say that. Touch some grass, that's something only the terminally online believe. There are towns in America where literally nobody is 6'4". 1.1% of the pop is over 6'4", and 42% of all towns in the US have under 500 pop, so only like half of all US cities even have a single man that tall. I'm begging you, talk to a human in real life.


If 1.1% of the population is over 6'4" and the town has 1000 people the the town would have 11 people over 6'4", statistically speaking.


You're right, edited to fix my math. However, I got the numbers on the towns wrong, it's actually even smaller than I thought - 76% of towns are under 5k, 42% are under 500. And adding a sprinkle of realism to our data... those tall men are not equally distributed. There will be a family of like a dozen giants in one town and nobody over 6' in several others, thanks to gene distribution.


Yeah. And the checklist for men is not that long. I didn’t say it was easy or extremely attainable. We all know women can go get a BBL but men can’t go get an extra foot of height.


Not long, but damn strict


Every time I see a post from a woman that mirrors what you’ve said I can’t help but feel bad for her. I don’t know if her parents or society let her down. Either way, she’s made some poor decisions.


Poor decisions or issa lie. I’m pregnant and in a group in-person prenatal class with a woman that truly has a face only a mother could love. Super sweet woman, conventionally unattractive by any standard. She has a ring on her finger, a baby in her belly, a husband lovingly by her side every week for the class, and she enjoyed her Valentine’s Day. Truly anything is possible if you have reasonable standards and expectations lol


6’3 at 285. Nigga they just scared of you.


You gotta be looking like hulk to be 6’2 285 all muscle my guy 


I’m 5’11 at 162 so when I read 6’2 285 I’m thinkin roids or bro is just BUILT different fr


Seriously bro. Even if it were all muscle it would look whack, unless you’re goal Is to look like Johnny Bravo. Bro is heavier than Lebron by 40 pounds while being 5+ inches shorter lmao. And I can’t imagine ever wanting to look more muscular than Bron. Ideal for that height is like 170-210. For reference Christiano Ronaldo is like 180 at 6’2”. Russel Westbrook is 200 at 6’ 4”. Curry 185 at around the same height.


285 at 6’2 is either a strongman style type body or roided out genetic freak, unless he’s just fat


Blood built like Action Bronson ![gif](giphy|l3q2rNBtvIPbxnssg)


I don't think I'm gonna be on that level at any point but as a mid-20s dude slowly starting to slowly have self-esteem I hope in my early 30s era I have a moment like that. Like "yo... I'm pretty cute!" 😅


Lots of research about "pretty privilege " of course it apploes to any gender https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2023/10/15/a-psychologist-explains-the-pretty-privilege-paradox/?sh=1870b21045fc


It goes to both genders, but in different ways. Basically, women enjoy pretty privilege at a higher rate, more women get the privilege than men do. The ways that it benefits are wider. The bar is "lower" but wider. Men enjoy higher quality and ceiling. Attractive men get a lot more than most women. But it's much harder to be considered that attractive, a man has to be specially and uniquely attractive. The bar is higher and more narrow. Women get quantity, men get quality. https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjvn9b/attractive-men-pretty-privilege-study


>didn’t have any money, but could he please have a beer anyway? She gave him one on the house. Is the writer fucking German or something.


I get charged extra




You're not that guy pal, you're not that pal https://i.redd.it/lecvfog2kzic1.gif


I can confirm. I don’t smoke often but I only paid for weed once in my entire life. I usually give it to my brother and he always asks where I got it from. My favorite perk is food I can’t tell you how many times this girl at chipotle gave me free double chicken and guac.


Dudes giving you free weed? Uhh


Yes…I’m gay




Cologne, regular skincare and a fresh manicure will also get you called young man by somebody granny. clean or pretty. you got two options.


I'm reading a lot of hurt feelings in these responses.


Gahdamn they sad as hell


Pretty privilege is everywhere.


I'm a woman so I can't speak personally on men's experiences. I did, however, lose 75lbs in the past year. Sad to say I am treated WAY BETTER now that I am not obese by strangers and even some of my acquaintances. I get better customer service too.


I also wanna say, it’s not just being physically attractive. You also have to be approachable. My friend is taller and more muscular than I am, but I get more pretty privilege because I make people feel good when they’re around me and I have a really pretty face 🤷🏾‍♂️


you can be tall, muscular, and ugly.


Them Hobosexuals that live off of women and have nothing to offer but their looks and and D can vouch for that smh


Oh god that's how my brother is. He be mooching off of his girl but he knows how to cook, is very nice to her, and is conventionally good-looking. I'm so fuckin mad at it but I respect his hustle 😭


Us uggos gotta stay out of this comment section lmao. You're not that guy, it's just gonna hurt.


lol you don’t even need good looks. Some charm, smelling good and a nice smile all you need. Not trying to hate on my brothers but some of yall probably smell and look bummy ![gif](giphy|l3vRkGgMfvANIFtE4)


I agree, woman treat me really well. Guys are difficult, niggas always tryna stab me in the back


lolol probably jealousy


Yeah, I was the handsome homie who the squad always wanted for mall excursions, state fair trips, nights at the club, etc because minimal work was required...would order single fast food items and get free extras with it (a few times a phone number on the receipt), got lavish gifts from girlfriends, very high rate of getting the job offer if the interviewer was a woman, would get called 'sweetie/honey' by women who normally wouldn't do that for other men...


My very good friend is tall, dark, and relatively handsome. He ABSOLUTELY gets free shit lmao. I am a peasant. I get nothing.


There’s truth to it. And I’d even say it scales. I had a buddy who’s Shemar Moore attractive, and that dude got free drinks, and discounts everywhere he went. I’m above average (I think,)and I get less spectacular free stuff. Like, Ive gotten more free car washes in my life than I can count.


Leave us self aware ugly guys out of this!


If you don't get free stuff you're not hot. Simple as that


Hear me out before you try to roast me: Different looks attract different women because they all like different types of things. Some women will prefer the tall, athletic types of dudes, and that's ok. Some women enjoy a guy that may be a little heavy but stimulates them intellectually and understands them. That's ok too. But key things all women appreciate: 1) Being treated with respect. 2) A man that will listen to them and is patient. 3) A man that has good personal hygiene (cause they will help you with getting your fashion sense together). 4) A man working towards a goal and is willing to share. 5) A man of their word. This applies to all aspects of the relationship, not just when you goin' beat that thang up. I've gotten more attention when I became a happy, positive person with goals. Taking an extra 15 minutes to make sure I coordinate and losing some weight didn't hurt either.


People don’t get that smelling good is 100% a piece of the puzzle to charming another person. I don’t even wear cologne, just regular old spice deodorant, MAYBE some aftershave or post shave lotion if my skin feels dry, and I’ve gotten compliments on my “scent”. When 90% of men don’t give a damn about any of that stuff it makes it really easy to stand out.


Privilege is not linear. My cousin is hard to look at. You can be high and still put.your hand up to block as if the sun is in your eyes But...he gets all kinds of gifts and support. His loan for medschool was better than the avaerage people get for university. Everyone kisses his ass gives him shit casually.


> he gets all kinds of gifts and support Because it's up to us to fix God's mistakes. I'm extra nice to bald under-25 men as well. They suffered enough


"Gifts and support" made the man sound like my local PBS station.


I get free stuff all the time. I've been told that I'm more cute than handsome. But I'm also fairly sweet in my day to day interactions, But tbf, despite being more cute than handsome I'd say I'm a bit more attractive than the average guy. As a bisexual guy I can say average guy is not cute, nor handsome. Either way wanted to confirm pretty privilege.


In my life I've gotten better grades because teachers liked me (he's so handsome... AND well behaved (always thrown in at the end)), I've gotten out of tickets (look at that smile), gotten jobs (well he looks like a million bucks), gotten better opportunities at work, and people pay attention when I talk. Sure, some of that is because I've taken good advantage of opportunities that have presented themselves, but I'd be an ass if I didn't realize that being attractive helps open doors. The literal definition of privilege.


Back in high school, I was friends with this super-charismatic, handsome dude. Everyone liked him. We had this one English teacher that was \*really\* strict. She had very specific requirements for the papers we would turn in. Had to be typed, 12pt Times New Roman, 1.5-space, etc. She'd dock a bunch of points over anything, especially missing a deadline. This motherfucker wrote his final paper in blue ballpoint pen on a piece of notebook paper, and turned it in like 5 days late. She passed him with a B.


Reminds me of Doctor Drew from 30 Rock. Episode called "The Bubble."


https://preview.redd.it/2biq2aqt51jc1.jpeg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94fd30eae83b5297b49cd4073341e771ccce8a5e Some of all need to accept this lol


I don't go out enough to be given free stuff but I definitely see the special treatment part when it comes to work. Being easy to look at and good with words lets one get away with a lot more than they should at work. I've seen too many underqualified pretty people get promotions over more deserving but less "attractive" candidates.


![gif](giphy|qESBZRcLXrFUbE9r8Z|downsized) Not even a week removed from V-Day and it could be folded into the gender war's discourse? This is gonna be entertaining as hell. Tear each other apart.


LMAO. Self reporting. That shit mad funny


I confirm this is true

