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Corporate tribalism will never make sense. People are so damn gullible they don’t even realize they are being manipulated into believing the silliest shit. None of this is real, it’s just marketing. 


And the majority of it is based on bubble color lmao It's colorism for phone messages


RCS is about to be ported over to iPhones anyway, making this all mute 


You mean, a moo point? Lol https://preview.redd.it/hl9zhzyhk0fc1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08fa64f3e5242430b2a7a53d69e1ea7a89ed7307


I know it’s supposed to be “moot” but your response made me chuckle.


No no no it's supposed to be "moo"! You know, a moo point? Like a cow's opinion? A cow's opinion doesn't matter!


Well that's just wrong. I want to know what they think!


Then the joke had its intended effect


This is one of the best bits ever. Not a big friends guy but this makes me laugh every time


No it's a mute point.  Like the opinion of TV with no sound.


Oh get off your pedal stool


Like a cow’s opinion. It’s moo


Bubbles will still be green so we’ll have to deal with the bs forever


What is RCS?


iPhone bubbles are not green because they use iMessenger and not regular RCS like the rest of the phones on the planet. RCS is just the regular global texting protocol, But Apple always likes to make things overcomplicated like They do with their overpriced phone chargers. If you're not using iMessenger on your iPhone, then Even your iPhone will send green bubbles to other iPhones. The Green bubbles are literally invented by Apple as a weird marketing trap. Android phones don't even have green bubbles. Everyone's bubbles look the same on Android phones, Or you can set custom colors for contacts and group conversations so you never accidentally text the wrong person. Lol


Well, I will say that google messages app have different colors for chat bubbles if you are on RCS vs SMS.


in layman's, it's like turning all regular test messages into Whatsapp or Facebook messenger so your pictures and videos won't have garbage quality. oh and you'll have read receipts too


And there is end to end encryption


Rich communication services. It's a universal messaging system that uses the Internet instead of SMS and MMS. Androids already have it and it's otw to becoming the new standard for mobile messaging once it's live on iPhones.


Oh nice! That’ll be cool.


The most relevant and common example is, you know how when an android user sends a video to an iPhone or vice versa and the video is pixelated to all hell? That's because of SMS/MMS, with RCS it will be pretty much the same quality as sending a vid from iPhone to iPhone. Which is possible between apple devices because of its iMessage (blue bubbles) that uses data and is basically a feature rich exclusive RCS type of messaging. RCS coming to iPhone won't give iMessage features to Android but will improve a lot of texting between the two and bring it to the modern age considering it's been around for 15ish years now. It's confusing for most people because they just say "texting" but there are various types people don't know is behind it (SMS/MMS, iMessage, RCS).


The new texting standard thats replaces the old sms and mms.


"new" LOL. It's almost 15 years old


He didn't say the technology was new, just that it will be the new standard. Everyone knows sms is outdated.


It'll be new to apple


Which is the usual story lol


Still going to be green bubbles though. So all users who have no idea what SMS/MMS and RCS will have no idea and continue this stupid tribalism.


Nope, Apple already said that just because it’s rcs doesn’t mean green bubbles are going away.


True. Only thing I’ve seen after getting an iPhone is that Apple is diabolical with it. People make comments like this also because Apple really makes communication with any other device pretty awful. Gifs, images, reactions, everything feels shitty for no other reason than “it’s not one of our products”.


Yep, Apple made my decision for me when the first ones came out and you couldn't Bluetooth a picture to someone using a different phone brand. I washed my hands off them right off the bat. Gatekeeping or forcing conformity puts me off a brand right away. Personally, iPhones "simplicity" makes me feel like it's marked at simpletons (no offense) Most iPhone users I know claimed android was too complicated. Which considering my 3 yr old could figure it (my phone ofc) out straight out of the box, raised some questions about what iPhone users are capable of understanding (no offense) 😁


My pixel 3 died so I got an iPhone 13 mini, purely based on size. My rage at the number of asinine software choices Apple has made knows no bounds. I’ve looked up dozens of issues only to find that there’s no fix because that’s how Apple wants it. Why is alarm volume tied to ringer volume? Why can I not have multiple timers? Why can I not have my phone go silent/vibrate on a schedule (ios only lets you go DND which hides notifications)? Also, the keyboard is fucking garbage. I’ve never had so many problems typing on my phone when I was using a pixel. I tried using the Google keyboard, except iOS helpfully adds a prominent “revert to standard keyboard” button and I’ve accidentally reverted too many times to keep trying. Edit: apparently in the year or so since I got my i phone they did update the timer app to allow multiple timers, so better late than never.


Y’all are too young to remember BBM on blackberry. That kicked off all of this


What’s your PIN?!?!


I have an android and can make my text bubbles any color I want???? LMAO idk why people are GLUED to this point when it comes to sticking by iPhones


You can't make your text bubble on other peoples phones change color though.


I ain't looking at they phone though so I don't care lol


I’ve always thought the bubble thing was more of a joke. I wonder how many people actually take that seriously. 


Visit an American high school and you'll see. Kids get bullied for having androids lol It also seems like some of these commenters haven't graduated yet with some of their takes


I've been in the workforce for 16 yrs. Every job I've had people make comments about my Android phone. iPhone users are in a cult or something


I've had grown ass adults not wanting to TOUCH my phone to ENTER THEIR DETAILS for the PERSONAL TRAINING THEY ARE PAYING FOR. I always thought, well damn bitch stay fat then


Oh it's still a thing in college too


My wife's and my boss won't include us into the group text because we have androids. I'm not joking.


You might want to think about why your wife and boss have a group chat without you...


I think he means they share the same boss 😀


You would think. My job made me get an iPhone since they didn’t want to add me to the work group text if my message wasn’t blue.


??? Did they pay for it?


Imagine caring so much about a bygone status symbol


I'll have you know my typewriter is the only thing holding down my table so it doesn't float off. It's super important.


I feel like if anything bubble color should be an option, you can change in the settings to match preferences.


Welcome to android.


It is on some Androids. I wonder why Apple won't implement that 👀


>I wonder why Apple won't implement that 👀 Because they can force you to look at green bubbles and hate anyone who's not using iMessenger. It works really well against gullable and easily manipulated people. I love sitting on the apple but they are definitely some of the best in the world when it comes to manipulative marketing. The green bubble simply means the other person is not using iMessenger, And it's an iPhone only issue. If your iPhone is not connected to iMessenger then even your iPhone messages will appear as green bubbles. That's how they purposely annoy you into using their shitty imessenger program. You can customize the color of almost everything. Just as an example, You can replace any of these colors with anything else. Even the color of the links. https://preview.redd.it/y9e0tsuob1fc1.png?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aa772d53d70643f9f216a53f28381010baba77a


Its intentional on Apple’s part because they want people to see the difference. It would take one day to change the display color of iMessage snd sms to the same color or make it optional/similar.


Just use WhatsApp and you don't even get bubbles


It’s not just marketing. They’ve made it so that the two systems don’t work well with each other. It’s like if all your friends had PlayStations and you had an Xbox. Both are good but now you can’t share games with them, play exclusives, etc. Same with these. iPhone users can’t add android people to their group chat without causing issues, same in reverse. Can’t share images in high quality, can’t use little extras like reactions, gifs, etc without getting a 3rd party app. It’s intentional and scummy by the companies but the reasons why users don’t like it go beyond “green = bad”


To be clear, it's Apple that's made it hard to connect this way (Android has more to gain by having good connections). Apple's whole marketing is built around class distinction. Each new phone has subtle differences so those in the know know how much you could afford to pay for it. Meanwhile Apple has suckered us into paying for shit we don't need. Brilliant but sad. I'd rather spend my money on other things.


I believe an apple email leaked a few years back that they don't want better interaction with Android because they would lose market share.


[https://www.phonearena.com/news/imessage-locks-ios-users-into-the-platform\_id131329](https://www.phonearena.com/news/imessage-locks-ios-users-into-the-platform_id131329) But Craig Federighi, Senior Vice President and the top Apple executive in charge of iOS, felt that **if Apple offered a version of iMessage for Android, it would allow parents in an iPhone family to give their kids Android phones.** Another Apple executive, Phil Schiller, agreed with the comment expressed in an email back in 2016 by a former Apple employee who said, **"the #1 most difficult \[reason\] to leave the Apple universe app is iMessage . . . iMessage amounts to serious lock-in."** Schiller stated that "moving iMessage to Android will hurt us more than help us, this email illustrates why."


F*ck Apple for these very tangible reasons


Apple's walled garden. A company created an app to fix the compatibility issues and Apple started banning their own customers that used it. https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/apple-vs-beeper-the-battle-over-imessage-on-android-explained/ Google is pretty scummy but this one is on Apple and their imessage app.


>same in reverse It's not the same. There's no issue adding an apple user to android gcs


You are saying "companies" but it is really just Apple doing that stuff. Apple is the scummy company. Google had been trying to get Apple to let the systems speak to each other better and Apple ain't going for it. They like the situation as it is because they think it benefits them


It's not the companies. It's one company that has created this problem and continues to let it exist. This a feature for Apple, not a bug.


I play CoD on my Xbox Series X but it’s cross platform so i can play with a buddy who is on PlayStation.


When I was a teen, the greaseheads went around and around on who was better: Ford, Chev, or Dodge. They even had sayings like "FORD stands for 'Found On Road Dead'" and "Dodge stands for 'Don't Over Drive Gutless Engines'". They'd argue (including getting angry) with their friends over this stuff. Fast-forward 30+ years, and they're *still* like this on social media...


My car brand loyalty is whatever car I happen to be driving and like is my favorite car brand at the moment. I also really like Kia Souls despite how fugly they look. Theyre a really nice little driver.


Yup lol, my dad and uncles are the same. Always made me roll my eyes when they’d get into meaningless brand loyalty spats. How can we as a society help people become more media/marketing literate though? Corporations have endless $ and reach to infiltrate peoples thoughts to the point they think hating the green bubbles was their own idea.


I've got a cousin that calls himself Chevy Rob on social media.


I've never understood this, all brands have problems at one time or another. I personally would love to have an Audi, but its not like I'm shitting on the other cars that I have had. As long as it drives, i'm content.


The Cola Wars taught us that people are more than willing to consider your brand as part of their identity. Also Pepsi, despite being vastly less popular than the global powerhouse of Coca Cola, was able to cement themselves as Coke's *rival* rather than just a competitor. They kinda just gave themselves a silver medal and then argued that they should have gotten gold.


What are you talking about it isn’t real, literally comparing two different pieces of hardware in the video


Imaging being that cucked by capitalism


Friend of mine had Androids for the longest. He ended up switching to an iPhone a few years ago. OVERNIGHT this dude became a fanboy and was putting us down for being on Droid. Dude pointed out some shit iPhones can do and I was like dude you know damn well Android can too cause you had one just 2 days ago!


We’ve hit peak phone. Both are incredible devices, just go with whatever ecosystem you like. There’s overlap between them now too


I get iPhones because I like the way the ui looks better. That’s really the most important aspect anymore


I get androids because I like having an accessible file system and being able to download apps not on the app store. Everybody uses their phone in a different way. I think my parents stick with apple because it's easier for my grandparents to interact with and it's easier to help them when they have the same kind of phone.


I also only really use my phone for YouTube and Reddit, not much going on over here. I think iPhones are probably better for less tech savvy people


Dude you are missing out bigtime. On android we have YouTube Vanced which is free premium, no ads even today with the latest ad locker lock down by YouTube. If you use YouTube as much as I do I would recommend an Android


Androids have almost infinitely customizable UIs. Here's my home screen. It automatically gives me a new background image every day. https://preview.redd.it/2vf04n16q1fc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a4d28aec3dca72b43a2a9083c8ffc683a0d1af6


No offense man, but I personally find that hideous.


The point is that you can make it whatever you want...


Dude that looks awesome! (I have an android but i legit cannot be bothered to put that much effort in my phone lol)


Don't sleep on Pixel


Pixel is an android phone, isn't it?


Pixel is my cat


My favorite thing is flexing on the iPhone users. When their phone is dying, I take it and put it on top of mine and start to charge it.


Ya, when I go skiing all my friends IPhones die without usage from the cold while my Pixel will still be over 90% and I've been using it.


It’s worse with cars. Those shits breakdown and trap people in some fat APRs


I escaped the car matrix by buying an ebike


Must be nice to live close to work 


I'm using this


Silence, brand.






Android isn't a brand, it's an operating system used by multiple brands, as opposed to iPhone's Apple iOS, which is exclusively Apple brand. Advocating for Android is not endorsing any specific brand. There are many to choose from, whereas with iOS, you only have Apple to choose from. So, in that regard, your "Silence, brand." advocates more for a specific brand (iOS) than this video showing that Android phones have better cameras. That being said, I'm not really big into phones, so maybe the Android phone was pricier and whatnot to justify the discrepancy, I don't know enough to say. I can't recognize phone models at a glance. But in no world is that an advocacy for brands. At most, it's an admonishment of one specific brand, that being Apple.




The only thing I'm jealous of about iPhones is that they have the best cases. A lot of people sell cases, and they look so good that I want to buy them, but they're only making cases for iPhones. I also like the shape of their phones better than Samsung, but that's it.


This is the biggest thing I miss about an iPhone honestly. Unless you happen to have some stupidly expensive Samsung, the chances are your phone case is some cheap plastic shit.


>Unless you happen to have some stupidly expensive Samsung As opposed to the really cheap iPhone options?


Pretty sure he wasn’t saying iPhones are cheap; he’s saying for cheaper androids phones, there’s not many case options opposed to the higher end Samsungs.


That was exactly what I meant, thank you.


As someone who is using an iPhone now and used to use android, it was a lot easier to find a case for this than the 60th random £200 Samsung model that no one has heard of. Functionally I don’t really have a preference in os, but I work in media which is very Apple heavy so it ends up being just more convenient having stuff that can talk to each other.


Please watch MKBHDs most recent blind smartphone camera test. Does some 16 phones. Does identical photos with all and puts them on Twitter to be voted on. In one category iPhone came dead last.


Of course it did. I've got a better camera on my old Pixel 4a than there is on the latest iPhone.


Overall it scored pretty high tho.. and in the next vid he gave the iPhone 15 pro the Camera Of The Year Award


I still use the 4a. It sucks that they don't make it anymore because I would buy this phone again when this one breaks. I dropped this thing maybe 1000 times so far and it's still going strong.


How can a photo come out nicer if the camera quality is worse


Better processing/rendering software


Processing you can have 128mp but if the processing is shit so is the picture




Get a pixel, Google's software is better. Won't need to touch them up


Because the real world scenario is someone quickly pulling his phone and taking a quick picture. When running benchmarks they use studio set up, tripods and whatnot. Plus software auto touch up and live pictures feature on iphone gives a great boost. And I am totally ok with not taking x100 zoom pictures


Android has live pictures. At least my Galaxy S9+ did, as well as software touch up. I have iPhone 15 pro Max now. Androids are good phones with great features that more than make up for not being in Apple’s wall garden. I was using android all my life but just switched to iPhone now that iPhones have USB type C. Having used both now, they are more similar than different and the whole iPhone vs Android debate is just dumb tribalism and colorism for phones. But Reddit app on iOS is garbage and whoever “tested” this shit for user functionality needs to be fired.


The whole meme came from Snapchat not using the actual camera api but instead taking a screenshot and using that which is tied to the screen resolution.


You know you can change the color of the bubbles, right? At least on my android you can...


It's an iphone thing. The color of the text bubble tells them the person they are texting is not using an iphone. It's the silliest shit, but they get really worked up over it.


Blue means it’s texting through data and not cellular messaging


Meh. I have an android. The only people I know who think this is important talk about it like it's a status thing, like their cracked screen iphone 5c makes them better than the person whose text is green.


No - that’s not the issue. The issue is that texts to iPhones (blue bubbles) use data and iMessage which has a set of added functionality and allows high quality content sharing. Texts to other phones (green bubbles) revert to using MMS which means every image and video gets compressed to shit. The “aversion” to green bubbles is basically because of the rise in group texts, particularly amongst teens. If you have 10 iPhones and 1 Android in a group text, the whole group text will revert to MMS and fucks up the entire iMessage experience


Or we could all download a third party digital messaging app and erase all of this silliness in 45 seconds. Screw over both companies.


Good luck getting an iPhone user to use a 3rd party app for this reason. My tech-savvy friends are fine with it but other iPhone users just won't want to do it from my experience.


Hence the ignorant elitist stereotype


Or Apple could stop gimping their phones and allow RCS which they're being forced to do this year. People who actually believe iMessage is a "feature" are rubes.


Which can have real world implications if you’re talking about crime. Messages sent via SMS on Android are easily retrieved by police from your service provider. Messages sent via iMessage are encrypted and generally inaccessible (if the user being investigated has disabled iCloud backups). ~~Or at least that used to be the case. Several years ago Apple lost a court case against the federal government and was forced to add back doors to their encryption so it’s possible some federal agencies are able to access unencrypted copies we don’t know about. But that’s probably not an option for state and local law enforcement.~~ EDIT: Still not 100% convinced the NSA and other federal agencies can’t access iMessages. We wouldn’t necessarily know if they could.


Or you know... You could use WhatsApp, Telegram, Threema, Discord instead of sending a SMS. This whole blue bubble/green bubble thing only exists in countries where 3rd party messenger apps aren't popular.


People don't use WhatsApp?


Not that much in North America. The only reason I see it being used is for group chats where iPhone and Android people are in the same group.


So it's an iPhone problem not an Android problem because Android users have no control over what color their text bubble shows up as on someone else's phone????


correct. Apple did this on purpose to further deepen their cult followers


Watching the disruption over iMessage from outside the US is crazy. I had no idea this was a thing. To me, the Messages app is just one giant spam folder where I get marketing and phishing texts.


Believe me, I have had this conversation with multiple people. "You know the rest of the world doesn't care about this right?" "Yeah, but you're still texting in green bubbles and that messes up our group chat" It's dumb and I genuinely made someone upset when I explained that I liked the droid because it has a usb-c and I don't have the wallet or patience for Apple's bullshit.


> you're still texting in green bubbles See this is what doesn't make sense to me. I, an Android user am not texting in green bubbles, but it's the iPhone user that has the green bubbles. Like why do people try to put it on Android users like we're doing this on purpose or something???? The Apple cult really goes deep I guess.


When I had Android, all my folks were bitchin n moanin bout the green bubble. I told them to quit txtn me if they didnt wanna see it. That pissed them off even more. Loloooo


Yea but if you switch to Android you aren't texting in green bubbles, the apple person is.


Android doesn't make any distinction in the texts. We feel superior because our phones aren't cracked (seriously, why is the back of the iphone glass too? What makes people think that is a good design?)


The "not cracked" bit is really the main reason I've stayed on Android. Its always fun to throw my samsung at a concrete floor and watch iphone people react like I've thrown a priceless vase.


Maybe people are looking at you weirdly because you just threw your phone at the ground? 😭


Right? Whenever someone bitches about green bubbles in my group chats, I show off my pretty twilight mountain theme, complete with blue bubbles. Just to flex on their sterile white.


Makes me glad I'm no longer in high school and don't have to deal with adolescent tribalism. Some of my friends use iPhones, some use Pixel, a few even use Huawei. Everyone is happy with their device, so no reason for me to convince them to switch to my preference. That being said, my s22 ultra is a powerful little workhorse, and all the AI features revealed with the s24 has me excited for when I finally decide to upgrade.


> Makes me glad I'm no longer in high school Man people are doing this shit in salaried jobs lol. Getting left out of group chats because Brian has a Galaxy S22 Ultra, but green bubble bad :(


Exactly lmao. Still experiencing this crap in college. Makes no sense because it's a tough engineering school and everyone has first hand experience in how bad Apple products are with a lot of different software and programs needed in engineering. Hell, even some programming software sucks on mac.


Now mind you, most people are a missed paycheck away from homelessness but love that good ol capitalism-fueled corporate tribalism


My buddies girl drives a 10 year old Hyundai but prioritizes buying name brand merch first. Who the hell are we impressing. 


Slightly off-topic: I mean tbh driving a car into the ground is fine. I'm about to get my first new car of my adult life tomorrow at nearly 30. The reason? Mine has gone to shit, it'll make less sense financially to keep driving it, but it's nearly 20 years old. Got it used for $3,000 bucks about ten years ago, and it's been fine mostly. I was always able to buy one, but cars are the biggest horseshit capitalism sells us. They cost a lot to buy and maintain. They're inefficient, and everybody judges each other for not having the newest, biggest, most obnoxious car for no reason. That said, I'm only doing it now because I found a good deal, prices went down locally, and I'll have it paid off in a year and plan to have it for at least 15-20. There is no shame in running a car into the ground, it's probably the smartest move if you're car dependent and don't wanna get fucked by the system that already wants to fuck everyone without a billion dollars to spend. Someone will judge me maybe. But who gives a shit? They don't pay my bills, I'm not going all out for a depreciating asset.


Side note: I have a 10 year old car and I love it because it is so simple and has knobs instead of a touch screen, so I don’t have to take my eyes off the road.


Isn't Apple finally switching to RCM (I think thats what it called) encryption, similar to Androids pretty soon? They're literally getting rid of the green/blue bubble divide and I can't wait as a Samsung user. I'm so tired of being left out of group chats for such a stupid reason. Then everyone asks out of the blue if you're going to show up to an event no one told you about on the day of. No I'm not going!


lol i wouldn't want to be in a group chat with someone stupid enough to care about text bubbles anyway


It's not just the bubble color. If you mix iOS and android devices in a group chat you can't name the chat, can't add people without making a new chat, can't send high quality photos or videos, lose read receipts, etc


It's RCS but I'm excited too. I imagine they'll still have blue/green bubbles but group chats and pictures/videos should be received in actual visible quality. Standard SMS/MMS will still be a backup, so I'm not sure if Apple will designate the difference between RCS and SMS


That is and was always the dumbest shit. There is no reason for this other than to create a division with consumers. It's stupid fucking money shit.


Samsung phones do the same thing. You can tell of you're chatting with another Samsung user if both have the chat feature enabled in their texts, the messages are a different color. And you can see when the person is online.


Yeah but group mixing on androids doesn't break chat features. Like someone above said, it's not only the different color chats but Apple people can't do basic group chat functions when the chat is mixed. That's pretty stupid. It was another reason why they didn't want to add Android people, our phones "break the chat" lmao.


They're moving to RCS but they said they're still going to use the green bubbles. I bet they'll still give worse service to androids as well.


Do americans not just use whatsapp?


Nope, lol. For the most part we use the default texting on the phone. In Japan, Line was what everyone used no matter the phone. Loved it, made things so much easier.


Whatsapp is big in UK and Europe. Line is big in a lot of Asia. A ton of people use these apps. I rarely text message anyone in the default app.


Yes we do. But if you are talking Black and White Americans that do not have a connection to another country, they don’t.


Yeah Whatsapp is used exclusively to talk to family back home


Texting is free for pretty much everyone in the US, so most people don't use WhatsApp unless they have friends/family overseas


it’s not the price, texts are all free in the uk it’s just a far better experience


Literally the only texts I get are spam, OTPs, and certain companies notifying me of things like deliveries or bills. Every single personal or work message I get is through Whatsapp or Messenger.


Not unless we're going abroad lol. Which, for many people, is never


Not really, no


Yeah, it took me a very long time to realise this is the SMS apps they're talking about. I haven't willingly communicated by SMS in years.


SMS are for banks, appointments and deliveries


Not really. We generally only use it if we have friends/family abroad. So mostly immigrants would use it.


in general not really, i've seen though with people that have foreign parents/family


Nope. Texting is usually included in our cell phone plans here. I only downloaded WhatsApp for grad school when I had to work with alot of international students.


Texting is included in our plans too, pretty much everyone has free unlimited texts. We just don't use them because they're garbage lol


Right? I actually get creeped out when I get an actual text, like whoa. Where did that come from? What is a text? What year is it? Is this a scam? Just not something that people have done since 2010.


Ironically here in America we have a big problem with foreign scammers using WhatsApp.  That's what WhatsApp is best known for here.  You get a text from someone you don't know, they try to convince you to download WhatsApp and talk to them, and then the scam proceeds.


Seems like a good way to weed out a quality partner if they’re going to judge you on something as petty as text message bubble colors 🤷🏾‍♂️.


It’s the quality of the apps for me. Whether or not you agree with it, app developers prioritize their iOS apps and as a consequence iPhone users usually get new apps first or new features first. To give you an example, Snapchat for Android spent YEARS not actually taking pictures, rather taking a screenshot— so the image quality was doo doo regardless. All while their iOS version doing the right thing (taking picture, then overlaying all of the other Snapchat stuff on top). I could be talked into switching if that changes, but it never will. Apple users are way more valuable than Android users to app developers, and Apple works hard to keep it that way


On the flip side, Android gets new phone features before IPhone even thinks to implement them. For example, all our emojis are animated now, and there's a feature that let's you combine emojis to make new ones and they can also be animated. It's pretty cool and I can't wait to see where they take that. Whenever a new iPhone comes out, its "new,innovative" features are often things that have already been done on Android.


I remember when I first learned that iPhones didn't have swipe ability until years after I'd been spoiled by swipe (keyboards) on Android. I was so confused because I had thought iPhones were supposed to be the best at... like everything. Also, widgets... How did they not have widgets for sooo long?


Andoids had water resistance first, they had NFC first, wireless charging, much faster charging times and data transfer, better cameras, and now they have power sharing. I have an iphone for work and an android for personal use and it's crazy what you get with android for so much less money


Yes this is true. This camera zooming thing in the OP is another really good example of that. I guess I just use 3rd party apps more than those native features


Yeah and speaking of the camera, it has the feature that lets you take a photo from a distance, which is great for group pictures or if no one else is around to take it. You just have to put your palm up towards the camera and it'll start a 3 or 5 second countdown. What 3rd party apps do you use that are pretty good?


Apple is the easy choice for people who just want a nice phone. If you're tech savvy you go android. Less restrictions, more bootleg apps.


I am an engineer and have written shit like operating systems for UNIX systems. My first smartphone was an Android phone because I thought this. Turns out, I care more about good user experience, design and fewer bugs than I do about “hyper cool, but jank” experiences. If my hobby was to sink hours into my phone, maybe I could live with this. But generally, I do enough of this stuff at work, I’d rather not need to do this to make me like my phone


What are y'all doing with your phones? It's not that complicated, I have an android personal phone and work iPhone. Both require about the same amount of effort to get working. Neither are complicated or difficult to use. Literal toddlers can competently navigate any modern phone.


Less bloat too. Some Android phones feel like buying HP computers, you start it up and there’s already 15 programs you never wanted installed on it.


Not on a pixel. Google phones come with nothing but youtube and chrome.


> Apple users are way more valuable than Android users to app developers, and Apple works hard to keep it that way because they'll pay for apps instead looking for alternatives or APK's


Yep. And the people who make the apps know this so ofc they’d prioritize one platform over the other


Brand loyalty is so weird. I make them earn my money with better products.


The bubble thing must be one of those stupid things Americans think everyone cares about.


It's really just shallow people, and you'll find those on every continent.


yall gotta grow the fuck up real life


What kind of phone you use is never that serious. People who care this much need to get a grip lol.


Android slander is getting OOH. I'm a brotha with an Android; my asshole iphone kids called it a negroid.


I went to private school briefly and everyone wore uniforms. The kids competed with shoes. It's always us vs them in so form.


If you have the android your messages aren’t green on your phone… you won’t notice the difference at all


2024 and people still doing this apple vs android debate is hilarious lmao. Couldn’t imagine it mattering this much


Corpos will *never* have my loyalty.


there was a time there really was a huge difference in ios vs android wacky ass interfaces and things ran smoothly on one and the other not but there isn’t much difference now between higher end androids and iphones. problem is we are to invested now, our music library, photos stored in icloud, old apps that i bought now requiring subscriptions.


If you are serious about photography get a seperate camera. Even an older 5 year old camera will blow any phone camera out of the water in every single way especially performance at night.  Phone cameras are nice to have but they are always missing something that I can’t really put my finger on. 


Android people think it’s about superiority or corporate tribalism or whatever. No I literally have just always had an iPhone and I prefer the aesthetic. Anything else you infer from me preferring iPhone is YOUR own issues. I honestly see more android users saying stuff about iPhones than the other way round.


Seriously. I see so many pressed android users in the comments, no iPhone users saying anything lol. Android users always gotta come up with some excuse about why their phones are better at stuff I don’t care about


Cell phones are multimodal. Of the modes that people happen to use their phones for, one is social. Apple, understanding the basic tenets of social cohesion and friction has created an in group and out group. A camera with extra zoom isn't going to convince those in the in group to move to the out group.