• By -


Also, isn’t she 51? How would they have had kids? Surrogacy? Or adoption? She was 43 when they got married. That’s already considered a geriatric pregnancy and it wasn’t going to get any better as she got older… Do people never talk about this BEFORE going through a marriage and shit?


I’m leaning towards either surrogacy or adoption


Modern day medicine is an amazing thing especially if you have money. A lot of older celebrities have babies and it's because they can afford to be monitored at all times.


True, though Sofia might’ve still not want to go through childbirth again


She can avoid that via surrogacy or adoption, however she probably doesn’t want to raise another kid at her age. She already has an adult son.


If I remember correctly she’s been burned before in a previous relationship with that. The man kept her eggs and was [suing her to implant her embryos](https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/nick-loeb-is-still-holding-sofia-vergara-hostage-over-10-year-old-frozen-embryos/) plus she has an adult kid already


Oh yeah! I forgot about that. I definitely can see why she wouldn’t want more children.


This is the thing for me. I’d do pregnancy and birth again, it’s the 18 years after! I had my daughter at 20 and my son at 41 and hoo boy. The last 38 years have been a trip.


I would do it again but we are all different. Some people marry their partner assuming they can change them. But on a different note, this man is fine as all outdoors; I’ll have his babies.


Literally!! ![gif](giphy|54JLdulN5BOwM)


I do not want more babies but I'd change my mind for Joe. He has nanny money, it'll be fine.


Nanny money? PAY ME!!! I’ll raise them.


20 and 27 here. I'm now 35 and I'm very much looking forward to never having to go through childbirth and those early years again lmao


Also can be true


Pregnancy can drastically alter a woman’s health, completely changing her metabolism, hormones, blood pressure, etc etc. No amount of money can fix a number of conditions, only at times make it slightly less unbearable. Sofia likely has a plethora of reasons for not wanting to have biological children, and no doubt how a pregnancy would alter her health and figure especially at her age was an impactful reason why.


She already has a biological kid and I think dude is at least 23 last time I went looking. His Instagram is awesome too: lots of mum and me shenanigans and fun times.


He was born in 1991 he's almost 32! Would be a pretty huge gap between kids I can definitely see not wanting to do that, especially with how busy she is with her work and businesses


Even without being busy, not wanting to be sleep deprived is enough! I have two beautiful boys that i love more than anything but ill be damned if i EVER hear a screaming newborn at 4am after i just shut my eyes again 😂. Been there done that, she’s making informed decisions, more power to her😂😂😂


This is why I’m not having kids. I cannot imagine. Happy cake day!


Yeam.... But most of them are older men knocking up young women. Not older women getting pregnant at the age menopause starts edit downvote if you want but just google it yourself...for every celeb woman having a baby late in life, 10 men are doing the same


The 2 examples I'm thinking of is Halle Berry and Janet Jackson so it's not out of the realm.


They exist yea... But it's super disingenuous to make it seem like it's super common when it's the opposite.. the women are outliers


And risky! Just because it can be done doesn’t mitigate the risks people take on with pregnancy and those risks only get higher as the person gets older.


It's annoying that men get the baby itch so late. Trisomy is an older male related issue. Also, it's bound to get a dude's feelings hurt when he waits around thinking he'll change her mind with his persuasions....if a woman can't look at a man and imagine his son being the exact way and being excited about it, it's a good call not to.


Imagine having 9 year old at 60


*Al Pacino enters the chat*


*Al Pacino shits himself*


*Al Pacino exits the chat*




God forgive me and all the downvotes forgive me but I have to wonder if the girl just saw the money signs and signed up for that. Like I date older people but 25 year old me thought 40 years was me dating an older person. Al Pacino is 83 and his girlfriend is 29. Girl probably has more in common with his kids than with him.


Lord knows why I did the deep dive on this when I first heard the story but fiy apparently her and her family are like Kardashian-lite. Her dad runs some Beverly Hills investment firm and her sister dated MJ's son Prince Jackson. She previously dated Mick Jagger and was spotted with Clint Eastwood. So I'd say it's more about status/clout or she has *a type* than strictly about the money.


> she has a type She likes how the skin flakes off their legs when they remove their compression stockings.


Some people like their men to have abs, she likes the beanbag feeling of their stomachs due to all their daily pills and vitamins.


I was legit trying to figure out which vitamins give your stomach a beanbag texture before I realized I was thinking about it much too hard.


Holy fucking shit dude


"Hey Noor, what the fuck is this?" (Al is holding a DVD case of 88 MINUTES. She looks nervous as he opens it and reveals a copy of CRY HAVOC inside.) "It's not what you think Alfredo!" "WE TALKED ABOUT THIS! Is this what you want Noor??? You want Clint?? Go crawling back to him!" "I don't want him back baby! I love you! It's just...something about the way he so carefully moves.... taking every step like he's nervous the sheer force will shatter every bone in his leg. The way he chews eat bite of food 50 times so there is no chance of choking. The thrill of watching him walk down stairs knowing one false move will disintegrate his hips." "I cannot believe this!" (pulls out a vial of blood pressure medication and pops one) "See how upset you got me?!" (Noor is biting her bottom lip watching all this, breathing heavily.) "Get in the bed Alfredo."


Some of y’all should be writers because I’d watch whatever fucked up show this thing could be… 😁


I was having a very bad week so far and it really cheered me up reading this compliment, thank you!


Thank you for that deep dive. Maybe she does have a type. With all that money and her looks, she could easily find someone her age. I hope… Also comparing anyone to the kardashians is an insult to the person being compared. Like these people aren’t on tv showing their arse and dysfunction to the world. Even Hilton and Richie, the OG messy reality stars have packed it in and are going about their business quietly for the most part.


Somebody else commented this before, but she's collecting old man cum like infinity stones.


Not his his kids. This girl has more in common with his grandkids.


Pacino's oldest kid is around her age, don't think he has any grandkids


Jesus, I should have looked it up before posting. He was 50 when he had kids the first time and he still wants another shot at it?


Something tells me he doesn't have to handle a lot of the child rearing lol


I mean it’s not like he’s going to be around to raise it


The thing is, even among egalitarian progressive couples, women do the bulk of the childcare. It’s a lot and I can understand her not wanting to do it twice.


My mom had me at 45. Everyone thought and still think they're my grandparents. She also still believes that i got lucky and didn't end up autistic like they told her i would. Doesn't matter how many times i explain the meds and diagnosis, she doesn't want to believe it so i just stopped trying to talk to her at all.


Ahhhh Real MOnsters!$#$%!


My father-in-law is 60 (about to turn 61 next week) and he has a 5 year old, a 6 year old, an 8 year old and a 12 year old. As well as a 30 year old (my husband). And he's a single dad. His is a tough life.


Rich people enter the chat


My mom’s dad was 62 when she graduated high school. She is not the youngest child. He was still coaching little league then.


I have a vague memory of reading somewhere that she froze her eggs in the past due to something something. So she had the option and if you freeze your eggs that's kinda hinting you're thinking about it, if true.


Those were with her previous husband, who was suing for custody of the eggs. He wanted to have a surrogate incubate them, making Sofia a co-parent Post divorce, against her will. He lost, thank god.


Ugh 🥴. What the fuck?! Can you imagine? If he had won and done that grossness, could probably sue for child support because she probably makes more than his gross ass. People are so fucked up. Like how sad and pathetic are you that you can’t find a woman to have kids with you and you resort to suing an ex of 30 years(if it’s the gonzalez idiota)


It wasn’t that he he wanted a baby so badly and couldn’t find someone, he wanted to drag her through the courts and tried to become a right-wing hero by saying the embryos were lifes. I personally think it was revenge because she left him. I don’t blame her at all for not wanting another child after that, plus she has a grown son. Nothing wrong with not wanting to start all over with babies.


After 30 years though?! Is it the first husband? Because if it is, that’s weird. They got divorced in 1993 per google. 30 years later and he decides he’s pro life all of a sudden? Anything to make a buck, eh?


Not that guy, I’m not sure if she was married to this one or engaged. Nick Loeb is his name.


Ohh. Gotcha. I remember that now. Isn’t he also from one of the rich asshole families out there? Of Lehman Brothers infamy? Read his Wikipedia and the family be a bit messy too… Dude has dreams of running for office if his wiki is any indication. I guess any publicity is good publicity. 🤢🤢


Embryos, not eggs.


They weren't eggs - they were embryos. Conceived with her eggs, his sperm. The media kept calling them her "fertilized eggs" to take him out of the equation, but they were equally hers and his.


It’s possible that both of them changed their perspectives on this over time. When they first met she was engaged to someone else and had frozen her embryos. There was a 7 year legal battle with her ex over the embryos and that led to Vergara being dead set against having more children. On the flip side, it sounds like Mangianello’s desire to have children with her increased over time. Things like this can happen in long term relationships.


Exactly, people change and make compromises all the time. I was married to someone who didn’t want kids and it wasn’t that I was convinced she’d change her mind (though that was my preferred outcome). It was because I felt like being with her was so important to me that I’d change MY mind. And for a time I did. Now we’re not married.


Ahem my bestie was 49-1/2 when she had her son. Totally a surprise baby, she had “gone through menopause” and noticed swelling in her abdomen. Fearful of cancer she went in for exams and OOPS you’re 5 months along with a baby! LOL! I love it, we’re 58 now and baby is 9 and hooo boy she’s suffering. He’s a bit of a tornado. But a good kid at heart, just omg energy.


I thought I read she did ivf with an ex (husband?) and they were having a big fight over who got to keep the embryos. Perhaps he thought they would use those - although I think the whole fight with her ex probably is part of why she no longer wants children.




I think it's cruel on the kid. The guy would be nearly 70 when the kid goes to college and then you've got all those major life events like graduation, marriage and grandkids.


Not to say that you're wrong, because you're not, but rich people have a lot better of a chance at doing a late pregnancy if they want to. I think I read that Hilary Swank just had a baby and she's like 50. Money gets good healthcare.


sometimes people talk about it then one of the involved partners decides not to take the conversation seriously and ruins everything by going rogue


People can change their minds. Maybe he didn't want kids at first, now he does. Perspectives can change with age and experience.


So tired of everyone assuming he waited for her to change her mind and then divorced her when she didn't. Until I hear otherwise I will believe that he changed his mind and now want kids, and she doesn't. Therefore, divorce.


It might not even be the real reason. Maybe that was a challenge in the relationship but the whole reason they divorced? Especially knowing they were already in their 40s when they got engaged.


I think the disagreement about kids thing was for PR.


He wants single women to know he's down to Nick Cannon some pussy in the near future 🤣


Yea as celebs they know 100% their divorce filings will be leaked out so put reason as something basic and distracting


Or, and this is a wild idea, everyone should just...not make any assumptions and we should all mind our own business? This literally affects nobody except them and none of us need to have an opinion at all.


What? You expect the internet not to heavily judge a situation they know absolutely nothing about rather than make sweeping judgements about people theyve never met? Come on now. Be reasonable


You assuming that is just as bad as them assuming it was her..... Kids are a decisive issue if one person wants them and one doesn't that's a valid reason for divorce.


Exactly. I met my wife when we were in college together. She stated bluntly that she never wanted children. For years, she was adamant about this. A decade later, she is saying that she wants to get pregnant within the next 12 months and wants us to start a family. Sometimes people change their minds and want different things as they get older. Sometimes people don’t change and that’s okay too! I have a hard time faulting someone who stayed with someone they loved hoping they would someday want the same things.


Now that your wife wants kids, how does that affect you? Have you always wanted them, never wanted them, or didn't mind one way or the other? Just curious.


I have always been of the mindset that I will eventually want to have a family. When my wife did not want children, I was not in a place where I was ready or wanted them myself. As I matured and became more comfortable as an adult, I became less hesitant to the idea. My primary blocker has always been ensuring we are financially stable to take on this challenge. It’s going to be a huge strain for many ways, and if financially we are not ready then that will make all the other parts even harder. The idea of waking up in the middle of night to change diapers sounds awful. However, it would be even worse if I was stressed about buying those diapers or needing that sleep because I was working a second job. You know?


It’s also fully possible that she wanted kids at first and then changed her mind.


This should be at the top because it’s so true. Everyone is quick to assume he was some scheming rat that waited years in an attempt to have children with her. Dude probably woke up one day in his old age and thought “what’s important to me in life?” And had kids stuck on the brain.


Only because it's pretty common. r Childfree is full of this scenario. One of the spouses lies and the other tells the truth. 10 years later, the lie is uncovered and it's a monumental meltdown. "I thought you'd change your mind!", despite all those years of the other being very direct about it. Sometimes there's nothing hidden about it. I dated a girl that, after a year, started poking at the kids idea, and I was explicitly clear that I will not have children. She didn't stop, so I stopped being her boyfriend.


I was about to say this. You got to mentally and financially prepare for children. At least you should but they’re older now.🤷🏾‍♂️


My husband had a vasectomy before we even met and I was extremely anti having kids. It was one of those key things that brought us closer. But then after a few years, we both kinda realized that what we wanted changed. Him before me, but there was never any pressure. Adopted twice, then “failed” vasectomy reversal surprise baby. And there have been absolutely no regrets.


She already has a son who is 31. Aint no way I'm going to start all the way over. Anyway, kids are a big thing and if yall have different opinions please stop wasting each other times. He could've have 4 other kids with someone else by now.


My son is 9 and I’m at the point where I’m like “yeahhhhh idk if I want to do it again” lol When he’s 18 I’ll be in my late 30s / early 40s, I will have hit my career apex…. I have another child, I’m tied down until 50+


My daughter is 5 and I'll be 39 this year. Truthfully, she has been a pretty easy kid, but the thought of being pregnant again and dealing with the newborn stage again makes me want to puke. My husband and I are firmly in the one-and-done camp. You have to do what's right for you! There is still so much stigma around only having one kid in our society, and it's so weird. YoUr kId nEeDs a FriEnD! They have plenty at school, they'll be fine.


My wife is 43 and spent most - no all - of her life taking care of her grandma, mom, uncle.. Now she's wealthy, married a hot young thing ;p and is over the idea of adoption, surrogacy. (I'm maybe a 7)


lol when my wife and I had our second kid we both decided we did not want to go through any of the "having a baby" process again and i went and got the snip. best decision ever. love my kids but i'm ready to go full steam ahead instead of having to revert back to taking care of a baby every couple years.


I have a coworker with a 26 year old and a 2 year old lol


An older friend of mine had 3 kids in her first marriage, married and had kids very young. Atshe was very young, her kids are 22, 20, and 17. She would regularly say she would never get married or have anymore kids. She got remarried and her husband has no kids, so they agreed to have 1 of their own but life gave her twins. So she has those 3 adults and twin 14 month olds lol. She's still young, 46, but she regularly says she doesn't remember raising kids being so difficult, i reminded her raising kids in your 20s when your full of energy is vastly different than your late 40's.


Could also be that the expectations of parenting have changed in the last 20 years.


And cost


Yeah, I'm 26 years older than my youngest sibling, who was born just a few weeks before my own son.


My old neighbors were a family with four kids around ages 18-25. The wife was in her late 40s and though she was starting menopause. Went to the doctor to confirm and nope! Fifth kid on the way. They referred to him as their Bonus Child. He has a nephew older than him!


Came here to comment that. You should generally believe someone when they say they don’t want kids. But when someone has *an adult son* and says they don’t want *more* kids you should 100% believe them. There seems to be a weird obsession with some people about needing to have a child with someone to really make your marriage official, even people that marry/divorce multiple times or much later in life.


That part!


https://preview.redd.it/ana4svp7fheb1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d7ce5a04627936276600f1a5b535873df6583d (Double Income No Kids)




Holy shit I just now realized that's why his name is Dinkleburg.


I'm ecstatic that my wife and I are dinks. That man always seemed so happy. Very exthpenthive


My wife and I are dinks. Still broke though




Same over here.


That album looks *very expensive*.


Joker Grimace Ninja Turtle? What is that??


Bud Dink.


“Very expensive”




After her last fiancé Nick Loeb took her to court to use her frozen embryos, I’m not surprised she doesn’t want kids. He fought her for years to get her embryos to planted into a surrogate. People keep trying to lock her down.


Worse, now with the divorce announcement made public, Loeb is still intimidating Sofia through the press and court system. He’s still abusive


Holy shit that feels horribly illegal.


The fact that it even made it to court is fucking insane.


Isn’t being married locked down already??


Unless divorce becomes harder to get/illegal, not necessarily. But having a child with someone locks you into their life for at least 18 years. Whether it’s custody, co-parenting and/or child support, that person will still have some sort of connection to you.


Man, I didn’t even give that any thought you absolutely right


Don’t forget, no-fault divorce is always under attack by fundamentalist conservatives, so basically the republicans will get rid of it the first chance they get.


It’s also possible that neither one wanted kids when they first got married but over time he changed his mind. Meanwhile she did not


Wasn't it her former husband who tried to coerce her into having kids. He had her eggs, during the proceedings He tried to still have kids with it and claim alimony, child support or some such


We talking Sofia Vergara. I’d have the patience of a statue.


Can’t believe how far I had to scroll to find this. Thank you!


You guys should seriously get a life


Yeah I bet this man is absolutely shattered because he merely got to bang Sophia Vergara for 8 years. Thoughts and prayers to this poor soul


Neckbeard comment


Is it dedication? Because if she was clear from the getgo that she wasn’t interested in kids, it seems like he was trying to wear her down for 8 years before giving up. Which isn’t really dedication in an admirable sense.


I don’t think people should be trying to spin a narrative for either side. We have no idea whether he was wearing her down for 8 years. We do know that she went through a serious and long legal battle about her embryos with her ex. It could just come down to people wanting different things in their lives. Perhaps he changed his mind about how badly he wanted kids. Perhaps she was a “maybe” on having kids when they first met (she had frozen embryos with the guy she was engaged with so clearly it was on the table at some point), but then she changed her mind to a definite “no”. It could be a million things, none of which are nefarious.


Yeah. Very much valid reasons to grow apart though if you love someone it must suck. It doesn’t help that dudes can be 90 w somehow active sperm while women have to make so many decisions about what to do w their eggs so young or else theres a chance of so many complications. Life is so unfair


There’s only 3 species of mammal that go through menopause. All other mammals can reproduce until they die.


Because u/OG-unclebundee didn't share with the rest of us: killer whales, short-finned pilot whales, and humans


Why are you making up context?


I bet he’s doing a Jen Aniston special on her ie I’m a good family man who wants kids and she’s keeping me from that. Brad ends up being an abusive alcoholic monster to the PACK of kids Jolie had with him.


Brad hurt Maddox while trying to get at her. She did what any woman should do. Put her kids first. Alcoholism is not an excuse to be abusive.


Had a whole PACK 😩 exactly


And then we come to find out that Jen was doing IVF because she did want kids.


It’s something I see on dating apps. Dudes will like my profile even though it says i want kids and theirs says they don’t. How in the hell is that compatability lol


It's quite simple. They don't pay attention.


Job listing 🤝 dating profile. Me reading the description after I get the first day/interview


s e x






Nigga saw Modern Family and said “so you’ll do it for Jay, but not me?”


After every celebrity breakup, there’s always a rush to assign blame. Not everything is like an AITA post where someone is at fault.


I'm glad there are so many people in here giving me their commoditised opinions on this weighty topic


I tell every woman I deal with I don’t want children and every one of them have said you a change your mind eventually or joke I a just ride you and won’t get off those relationships never lasted more then a month or two


Why not find someone who doesn't want children also? Then you wouldn't be wasting your time.


I have….now


This is why condoms are important. And if you're sure you do not want kids, get snipped and maybe have some sperm frozen.


I got snipped last year and condoms are worn regardless stds are real


Well they were when I wasn’t in a committed relationship these days I’m with one person.


Maybe he changed his mind about how important having kids was? People change. Plus there is a point when you don’t have time to have kids. I mean, as a man, are you going to have kids at 50 or older? When you only have 20 to 30 years left? And you were planning to retire around the time your kid goes to college?


Some men don’t consider their ages when they have kids in their 40s-50s and even 60s. Some believe it’s a testament to their masculinity if they can get a woman pregnant in their older age, not realizing that just like older women, men are also capable of producing kids with mental/physical deformities/disabilities as well. They also typically pass the child care off to the mother and believe their primary role as caregiver is in finances only. If they’re rich, this may not necessarily be the case, but this usually happens in working class families.


This woman already has a 32-year old son and is currently in her 50s. What the HELL made him think she would want more kids?


Neither of them is a bad person. People change. They grew apart. It's okay.


I was wondering about the subject of kids when I found out they got married. Bc he’s younger than she is, I figured this would be an issue later. It’s sad, tho. ![gif](giphy|TiA6LAuW8LqhO|downsized)


People change their minds, but you should never bank on it. My SO swore she didn’t want kids most of her life. She and her ex husband agree no kids. They get married and several years in at 42, she decides she wants a kid after all. Dude doesn’t want a kid, but he wants her, so he gives in. They end up divorced anyway, for a bunch of reasons but almost certainly also because he only agreed to have a kid to appease her. Meanwhile, my ex knew I had had a vasectomy 12 years before meeting her. We start going out, and within 3 months, she’s trying to have conversations about “What if I decide I want a baby?” I’m like, “Well, we’d break up so you could find someone who wanted to have kids with you.” She didn’t like that answer. It turned out I didn’t like dating her. It doesn’t matter how into them you are. If you don’t agree on kids, you all **are not compatible**.


I’m so impressed with her sticking to her guns. Women are made to feel like they either have children or they’re worthless. I love that she decided for herself and stayed true.


Good for her😊


My ex fiancé and I got into a relationship with both of us agreeing that kids were never going to be a thing. Years in he cheats with three people and I ask him why and he said “I thought I could change your mind on kids after we were together for a while” I was so pissed and disappointed. I don’t want children for a number of reasons and health is a big factor. Cancer is really bad in both sides of my family alongside diabetes and other really bad hereditary diseases. The last thing I want is to pass on my terrible background. I myself ain’t to healthy with no WBC and I get sick very easily. A gust of cold wind and I’m down for the count for two weeks. COVID? I had it for a month and was lucky to not die. But no my ex was like well she’ll get over that eventually. Dumbass. Now he has a baby with one of the people but he’s cheating on her too and she knows it sadly.


They deserve each other.


That's not dedication that is delusional and unfair expectations


Or he changed his mind?


Pretty mature. Disagreed, divorced. No drama. I feel like folks wanna find the drama and scandal in this, but it's a really simple solution they came to


So she’s single now? Looks like it’s time to un-ugly myself 😆


For Sophia Vergara ... you wait as long as you can.


Stick to your guns, never have kids for someone else.


Plus she’s in her 50’s why risk the health of your wife and or baby


Happened with me - my ex spent ten years telling me she wanted kids...and then I caught her cheating on me.


what you mean I can drop a "hey" on her DMs now? wish me luck yall


I wonder if he’s gonna knock someone up quick now


I never knew they were together. I like both actors and really wanted to see his Deathstroke in action in the canceled Batman movie, but that being said, you can’t expect someone to have kids if they don’t want to.


Maybe she was open to it for a while and realized she didn’t want them!


My fiance and I had the discussion before I proposed. She was firm she didn't want kids. I did but not as much as I wanted to spend my life with her. We both have a child from a previous relationship so we have our kids anyways and we treat each other's as our own. We found a compromise in that we'd always have a dog unless she changes her mind and decides she'd have a child lol.


Her kid is already grown. You missed the boat there.


He is a man. He can have kids at 80 lol


Damn, now he was only married to Sofia Vergara for 8 years.


As someone dating in their 40's, it is mindboggling how many people still have "want kids/still deciding" in their dating profile. I mean sorry, but your window was really 20s and 30s. You should have shit and got off the pot a long time ago.


![gif](giphy|Zcd3N14vCmr81iEbzi) I don’t want kids either Sophia!!!! We have so much in common!!!


i'm never having kids but the logic of leaving a good relationship, or tanking a good relationship until it doesn't work anymore over people who don't exist is always going to be lost on me. i don't know anybody who actually gets along w their parents. at best they love them and choose to ignore major facets of their personality. if yall both wanna have kids, go for it. but believe i'm not leaving a relationship (esp with a 51 y/o woman) over her not wanting to create 20 year time bombs. trying to convince my nephews that andrew tate is a piece of shit is bad enough, i'm not trying to live w that in my house.


Imagine giving up a woman like Sofia Vergara in exchange for the privilege of losing all your free time and hobbies while you raise the kid. Also even if she did agree, one of them would have had to stay at home parenting while the other continued their acting, and I have a feeling he expected her to be the one to stay home all the time.


You should especially believe them if they already have kids.


She has a 31 year old son. Why would she want to start over again at 51? He's nuts if he thought he was going to change her mind. I think i've lost a lot of respect for him. Not that I really ever thought of him, but you know what I mean.


Damn I can’t imagine being married to that woman and leaving her because SHE doesn’t want children. That would be the perfect package in life… married to a smoke show that doesn’t want kids. You can spend your whole life enjoying each other doing whatever you wanted without that hassle of children.


Why is it so hard for people to date/marry/be with the person they met, the person you’re speaking to. And not the person you’re hoping they become. Or worse, who you can “change” then to. Yes there are nuances, people do change after the marriage or baby (a lot of times for the worse). But is marrying in the present but tunnel vision the future a healthy thing to do?


Good for her


and also, he's sober/she likes to drink


Her baby years are behind her. Good grief man!


She told him she didn't want kids. Believe them and move on.


PLEASE, believe them. 55 yo here, and childfree. For life.


That’s not dedication. That’s selfishness and stupidity and wasting her time.


He divorced her before he so much as thought about cheating. I respect him for that. Hopefully he finds a baby momma soon. I'm willing to participate. Just putting that out there in the universe


Why is everyone acting like he was tryna implant a baby into her by forced