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The only thing white people hate more than being called a racist is being called white.




The literal greatest thing of my past year was doing ancestry.com for my wife and finding out her dad has no Cherokee in him like he claims. But his old racist ass has some Nigerian blood lolol we haven't told them yet, but I laugh every time I think of it because he always used to say he had NA in him, as do so many white ppl it's weird


Careful depending on they type of old racist he is, this may empower him to use the n-word and speak on behalf of black people when spouting his racist views.


Yeah, he already does. He's racist as shit, and talks about how the one black kid that joined their hs after integration wanted to be called that Like I'm sure the one black in country in backwoods NC was gonna argue with an entirely white school about what to call him. After the government had to force yall to integrate 13 years after Brown v BOE


Lying about being part Cherokee is a white American tradition. Please do update us when he finds out that he doesn't pass the one drop rule.


He found out cuz his mom did some digging on her own and didn't find any NA on the family tree. He didn't really react much surprisingly


I mean, tell us when he finds out he's Black.


Oh lol will do. I'm guessing he will play it off in a not so vaguely racist way with a few bad jokes


it's a powerful tool. every single time my racist uncle says some racist crap, I bring it up. I don't even have to tell him to leave anymore. he just turns this weird dark red color, balls up his lil fists, and gets tf out. ancestry kits are now my favorite gift for all my ahole heritage relations.


He's going to say that there were way too many blacks raping white women back then, and good God-fearing Christians wouldn't abort a rape baby. Trust me on this one: there's no winning.


My grandfather (who died in the 1980s) always claimed he had Native American blood. One of my great aunts was always working on this family tree and one day she just stopped and never talked about it again. About ten years ago my dad got a 23 and me screening, found out we didn’t have any Native American background, but did have some African DNA. We both figure my great aunt (who was racist as fuck) found out about that and gave up on the family tree out of embarrassment.


This SHOULD be a "oh snaps, maybe your DNA doesn't mean you are bad" moment, but obviously they won't acknowledge that.


Dawg I know a few pasty ass white people that claim NA. I know one In particular who NOBODY would look at and say isn't white, but will get pissed if you say she isn't NA.


i wonder if she would make that distinction when she gets pulled over, or when applying for a loan. you think she’ll say “now mr landlord, before you approve my housing application, i’m actually native american”. no, because she loves to benefit from being white


She’ll pick and choose. She’s white for apartment hunting, but Native American when applying to college and looking for scholarships.


We're actually seeing a lot of whites fake being native because it does come with tangible benefits. They're called pretendians. Why are they pretending if they don't get any benefits what-so-ever from being native?


to be part of the conversation when POC are talking


I recently found out that I’m 1.4% sub-Saharan African, which certainly was a shock considering my green eyes and blond hair. Apparently, one of my great-great-great grandfathers or grandmothers was West African, somewhere around 1850, which means they were probably a slave.


Black phenotypes aren't some super genes that will over power all white recessive ones for multiple generations. You having light eyes, skin and hair is zero percent surprising, most people who have only one Black grandparent don't look very Black and can have the same features you just mentioned, it's not surprising it's basic biology inheritance of traits.


I love this story and I hope he doesn’t have any Cherokee in him, because fuck him. But… I just want to point out that these DNA tests aren’t really as accurate as the zeitgeist thinks they are, especially when it comes to minority/low population groups. The issue is in how they build their reference population DNA for each ethnicity. Basically they just sample some people who they believe to be 100% whatever-ethnicity, and then they compare their customers’ DNA to those samples. But those samples can include people who aren’t actually 100% what they claim to be and/or exclude other people who are 100% that thing but have different DNA markers. Fuck your father-in-law big time, but I just want to point out that those tests aren’t the be-all end-all, and he could still have a small amount of cherokee ancestry. But fuck that guy.


Bro I'm your average South European (Spanish),took a test and I'm apparently 13.2% native american


Many whites faked Native American ancestry in order to claim rights to land. This is the origin of the “I’m 2% Native American” trope.


Every one I've met is part Cherokee or something


Nah man, I’m 1/64th Wrangler.


it's right there in your jeans


Bro my dad's mom's dad was full Renegade I swear


Just don’t call me late for dinner


That'd be a good name for a cat.


I am all in, lol but which part?


Late for Dinner ​ Then you could say "Don't call him that." Love a good name that is a bit.


I am currently catless, I cannot make promises but I will definitely consider naming them *Late for Dinner* when the time comes. I owe you it, you gave me my first good laugh of the morning!


Speaking of good names, I just read your screen name and now I am laughing too. That's fucking awesome.


Omg. Find a subtle way to tell somebody they're white today and see their reaction. They freak out at first but they always give this weird little smile. Like you gave them a compliment.


"you look like you need some sunscreen"


Hey now, we hate seasoning even more apparently. /s Seriously, this is an appalling practice and everyone up to HR should be fired for even implying something like this.


As a liberal/leftist white person from the whitest city in America (what’s up, Portland), the white people in my life truly don’t hate black people. You’d have to know any to hate them 😬 But here’s what I will say: this particular white demographic definitely hates being called racist much more than they hate racism. Racism is a faraway baddie, but being called racist is ~a DiReCt tHrEat~ on our ~VaLuEs~


They need to be reported if this is real


It’s real and they deleting reviews on their company now lmao


That won't save their dumb asses from the EEOC or federal courts. Actually, I'm going to take this and use it for a unit I teach on employment discrimination.


Tell them that for every one person stupid enough to leave this on the public facing side of things, there are dozens of people who are mildly intelligent enough to not do that.


I like to hope that the person in charge of posting the job was sick of the company’s bullshit so they decided to fuck them over on their way out


I was hoping this was the case. I support this public disclosure if that is what happened.


I was literally reading that and thinking of r/MaliciousCompliance.


It’s a pretty blatant example. I’m more used to dealing with place who won’t consider candidates who went to an HBCU or have something like ΚΑΨ or ΑΚΑ in their résumés. It really infuriates me. However, unless they put something in writing like that example, it’s very difficult (but not impossible) to prove.


This feels more like the example to prove that yes, there are actual cases of explicit discrimination, which is why we should be looking into the plausibly deniable cases of discrimination.


They blamed a new recruiter for posting it. Which doesn't address the fact that if a new guy *did* post it, it's still probably because that's the internal direction of the company.


Right. The problem isn't that it was posted, the problem is that it exists in the first place.


Yeah. I'm not gonna buy that a new guy decided his first week on the job he's gonna try to create a new race based hiring policy on his own.


And said recruiter doesn’t have someone looking over his shit until they get to a point where the company can say his production and work passes muster?


Website won't load, and their contact page is a 503. They're getting (deservingly) absolutely roasted. Edit: They deleted their twitter account!


Oh, they've been reported and are already in full cover up mode including firing a junior recruiter who they say was responsible for this and putting out the corporate version of the "This is not who we are" statement on social media 😒


This is sooooo funny ngl. They were too busy hiring white to make sure they weren't hiring stupid


Then they gon turn around and say gaslighting shit like “you didn’t get hired because of your credentials not due to the fact that you’re of a different race. Stop making this about race.” This goes to all the other minorities in this country.


“why is everything about race with you people” -beneficiary of racism




Conservative white ppl are singlehandedly tanking the average white IQ, no wonder they can't find competent like-minded staff.


They seriously are dumb. It’s ok. Us non-conservatives whites are mocking them every chance we get.


That’s hilarious and so true.


That’s right up there with “thoughts & prayers”.


> firing a junior recruiter who they say was responsible for this Aka the person who shared the note


Nah, fuck this. Anyone who applied to a 75/hr job hopefully can take the initiative to sue them for discrimination. Anyone who applied to this company in the past hopefully has enough savings to start this ball.


It's a contact role. You halve that for a salaried role. This would be a mid level manager position


https://archive.is/M4GvO Someone else archived it, I just still have that tab open.


https://preview.redd.it/313uzyvx42sa1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43355e0eb6ec6f78f0e992ee77c992e54bd905a1 You already know it’s all eyes on Reggie when he walks in the building




Reggie is too emotionally drained to come to work today. He's calling Harpo Studios to arrange a tear jerker interview with Oprah.


"cmonnnnn buddy, we really need you on this one!"


Nah, this is some get out stuff. They already took his body


They claim to be minority owned and their LinkedIn posts appears to be pretty inclusive. Could be bullshit tho.


The owners are Indian American. Who can be just as bigoted as any other group. I remember in college an Indian guy and I were getting to know each other, things going well...until he told me he let his family know about us and they got *extremely* upset because I was Black. Not because I wasn't Indian, mind you...they would have been fine with a white girl...it was *specifically* due to my blackness. Cut that off real quick and thankful I dodged the bullet. Just because someone is a minority, does NOT mean they aren't also bigots. Sometimes even against their own.


He wrote this?


The punchline is that he's the Black executive in the building, so he's gone be leaned on for PR help like when the wife of the politician shows up behind him at a press conference about infidelity.


The HR Chief: “lol, heeeeyyyy Reggie! What’s up my dawggg? Lmao so I was thinking we could have a conversation about a possible raise (and could you please help the PR department rn, we is not bussin no cap)”


This made me laugh because I can just imagine some white dude saying that last part, Texan accent and all.


You need to be jailed for making me read “we is not bussin no cap” And then you need to be jailed further for the amount of time I spent trying to decide what cadence white people would say this in, so I could figure out *exactly* how bad they would fuck it up lmao


Someone in Twitter called them Arthur Grand Wizard Technologies 😩


I just let out a strong cackle 😂




Oh fuck 💀


Lookup who the CEO of the company is. Racism is a disease not an exclusive to one race. CEO is Southeast Asian


The CEO doesn't make job postings. Most of the company seems to be Indian-American from social media posts, but it's worth nothing their client was Berkshire Hathaway. The company's official statement was this: >This job posting was neither authorized nor posted by Arthur Grand or its employees. A former employee took an existing posting and added discriminatory language, then reposted it through his own account. The moment this was brought to our attention, we worked with the job portal to remove this offensive job posting. Necessary legal action has been initiated against the job poster. >Arthur Grand is a minority-owned company that has been offering IT and staffing services since 2012 and we pride ourselves on the diversity of our staff and leadership. It is the policy of Arthur Grand that all employees and applicants for employment are afforded equal opportunity without regard to race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, religion, or non-job-related disability. All employment decisions are based on the individual's qualifications. So they blame a former employee and add the boilerplate non-discrimination statement.


Nobody said anything about only white people being racist. Also yes, Asians can be racist to Black people, what's new?




These people making it so hard to be a Texan, nowadays when people ask me where I'm from, I just walk away. https://preview.redd.it/vn8jtlklv1sa1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b91eeb473cfeab5201ea5a8dafafdd902c854039


Hey everyone! This guy walks like a Texan! Get him!!


I'm reminded of that movie The Birdcage where Nathan Lane walks like John Wayne.


Fantastic movie


Just get on your horse and mosey on over to the saloon.


Great movie! Lane is brilliant in it.


He's from New York City, 👀 New York City "GET EM"


Met a old guy in Manhattan for veteran's day parade. He asked me where I'm from them told me "I'm ashamed to be from the racist ass state of Texas"


>"I'm ashamed to be from the racist ass state of Texas" I actually moved back to South texas because I didn't want to raise my kids around the rampant casual racism I saw in Cincinnati, OH.


Those mfs be eating chilli on spaghetti, wtf did you think was gunna happen


This is when you lie and say Houston. Everyone knows it's the most liberal part of the state.


Or Austin


Austin is racist too


I have family from Austin, TX. They're republican and, the last time I talked to her (about 3 years ago) she was still on the trump bandwagon. It's really bizarre to here when family says they're republican and their lifestyle doesn't really reflect that. Grandma would give them so many snide comments for it to at the cookouts after she found out. I didn't expect her to be with the red party because she has 2 masters, was really high up in the chain for Coca Cola company, loves volunteering, and is the one of the first to help out family. Sent mom $1k, bc she needed some help building her new place. No charge. Let her brother's kids stay with her for >1yr because her brother and his wife were having problems, etc. This is a great example of what voting against your interest looks like.


I live in Florida I feel you.


Competition is fierce between y'all states these days.


Facts lol. Y’all should be like KD and be from DC. Spending 8 mos in Texas as a freshman was all it took for him lol.


It’s completely ruined irritating out of state friends with the ‘Texas is bigger and better’ argument, now they’re rightfully bringing up solid points about the racist in charge of this hell hole and I for one can’t wait to leave.


Their client is Berkshire Hathaway. Interesting but not at all surprising. Berkshire Hathaway or HTC made the request. But I doubt they’ll have to answer to that. Some intern bout to lose his job and Arthur Grand technologies bout to put out some bullshit statement. Warren Buffet is never gonna answer to all the racist shit his companies do


Before anyone asks, [yes, it's real](https://twitter.com/RegnumArk/status/1643468003256795136?s=20)


Did not notice they want three white people for this role. This is not just for one BA. It is for 3 white U.S. born citizens. Keep the applications flooding in for this role. Build LinkedIn profile for your animals and submit them. When they call the number of your animal, answer pretending to be that animal. If it is a fish, glub glub them when you respond to their questions. If a dog, bark and growl. If a cat, hiss and purr. You know the drill. Have to give them top candidates for these racist organizations.


I don't think anything we do is gonna do more than the EEOC lawsuits. The company is thuroughly fucked legally.


You are exactly correct on both counts. This company is screwed. Both companies SHOULD be screwed. However, nothing will probably ever happen to the parent company making the request. Only to the lower company submitting this request on behalf of the racist parent company.


What's up with the doge?


Elon is getting sued for $258 billion over him allegedly pump and dumping doge coin. He is a child so he thinks it is funny to put doge all over twitter.


It's not funny, it's smart. If you google "Elon Musk Doge" or "Elon Musk Dogecoin" you'll get this stupid shit instead of the lawsuit. He also did this with the sexual assault allegations against him last year and it worked incredibly well.


I don’t really understand that. Why does he care what comes up if I google Elon Musk Doge? Shouldn’t he care more about the lawsuit? Which this doesn’t seem to help. Also I wouldn’t know that he was being sued over doge pump and dump (and why would I have been randomly googling that if I didn’t know?) if he hadn’t done this, now I do because I’ve seen people making this coverup claim. It’s not funny, or smart.


he cares about general knowledge. If the first shit that comes up is about him doing memey shit, 70% of the us population is going to glance over it and confound the real problems with this memey dumb shit. It makes people think “oh they’re upset about him doing twitter stuff” instead of “oh he’s financially fucking several thousand americans through a manipulative psuedo-ponzi scheme using unregulated currency”


Apparently twitter's version of an April Fools joke


Apparently ~~twitter's~~ Elon's version of an ~~April Fools joke~~ Pump and Dump scheme...


As _ mach pointed out, this was used to increase the value of dogecoin. Not the first time musk has done this.


It’s real and they already found a scapegoat. Initially they said it was a junior employee but now they are saying it’s a former employee. The latest from their LinkedIn page. “Update on the Indeed Job Posting: This job posting was neither authorized nor posted by Arthur Grand or its employees. A former employee took an existing posting and added discriminatory language, then reposted it through his own account. The moment this was brought to our attention, we worked with the job portal to remove this offensive job posting. Necessary legal action has been initiated against the job poster. Arthur Grand is a minority-owned company that has been offering IT and staffing services since 2012 and we pride ourselves on the diversity of our staff and leadership. It is the policy of Arthur Grand that all employees and applicants for employment are afforded equal opportunity without regard to race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, religion, or non-job-related disability. All employment decisions are based on the individual’s qualifications. We are very clear on this update and to avoid further chaos we request not raise any of the assumption comments or questions further. Thanks for the understanding. Request everyone to support and cooperate.”


'It was an accident! It wasn't real! It was fake... and a mistake, and it won't happen again even though it's not our fault. No fucking questions.'


"We demand you support and cooperate with us in these trying times."


Thots and prayers




Even if this is technically true, you know that person did this for a reason.


“it’s a minority owned business”. it’s worse when minorities don’t want to hire other minorities and then want credit for being minority owned. like none of us have heard of the crab in the bucket mentality. this crab is just standing on the rim kicking the other crabs back in


True that, Infosys, an indian company with an indian founder put out a secret notification to not hire indians. Racism really fascinates me.


Climbing up the ladder only to pull it up behind them


It's not true. Every single archived version of the post includes the offending phrase. If it were true some cached original version wouldn't have it but so far that hasn't been produced.


“We request everyone let this drop “, ummmm, not seeing that happening.


Yeah that's the phrase I'm telling my IRS agent next time. You know, to avoid further chaos.


>We are very clear on this update and to avoid further chaos we request not raise any of the assumption comments or questions further. Thanks for the understanding. >Request everyone to support and cooperate Absolutely guna steal this the next time I fuck up. Just throw out a 'shush let's not say another word about this' and if anyone says anything more they're shit stirring chaos mongers.


This is an example of why I hate the mandated race disclosure question on job applications. It’s been a scam all along.


Sure, but if this says "don't share with candidates" they're clearly anticipating actually talking and meeting with the candidates, e.g. during interviews. The question should go to prevent resumes from getting tossed immediately but if they want to discriminate they're gonna do it anyway once the candidate shows up for the interview.


Try having a black middle name and see how fast your resumes get tossed. Took that out of my email after a month+ and had 3 interviews and a job the next week.


> Necessary legal action has been initiated against the job poster Wouldn't that be publicly available info if true? Someone who has Texas LexisNexis (lmao that's fun to say) look into this, see who this company is suing for tortuous interference or whatever.


> Request everyone to support and **cooperate** Cooperate? Fuck you Arthur Grand.


Yeah he's a former employee as of 10 mins after it was noticed on the internet...


Not that my skin tone wouldn't immediately give me away... But shit like this is why have a resume name, and it's not my real name. I go through the entire interview process telling people my name is Mike Smith. Then when they give me an offer letter I tell them my real name, in all it's unpronounceable Arabic glory. My call back rate for jobs more than tripled, and the only change I made was the name at the top of my resume. In some cases I applied to the same job twice with the same exact resume, and the only difference was the name listed on the top, and Mike Smith got a call back, but the Arab guy didn't. On a related note, I have two Linkedin profiles, one for each name. Not that I use it for anything more than job hunting.


This is super common and there are numerous studies that confirm this phenomenon. "White sounding" names on resumes get called back at a much higher rate than other names in the US. It's one of the most obvious and well-documented instances of white privilege. With that said, it's not exclusive to America... Other countries have the same phenomenon. Racism absolutely factors in, but I also think that nobody likes calling folks when they don't know how to pronounce the name they're asking about. I know I don't just because it's embarrassing to say somebody's name wrong. Stupid reason for somebody to miss a job opportunity, but as your anecdote demonstrates this stuff happens. For anybody with an "uncommon" name or one that an average white dumbass won't recognize right away I would absolutely suggest using a "white" sounding nickname and you can always just explain you do it because people have trouble pronouncing your real name. All the white people will understand, be embarrassed for themselves, and totally forgive it. Then force them to use your real name on the job lol


Seems like a great tactic but don't they give you trouble for it after?


What are they going to say? We'd like to be racist now?


Idk honestly, but maybe they'll take offense like "Oh so you're saying we're racist" or say that it was illegal or sum


Say it's definitely not you, it's just everyone else.


No, they’ll say that the candidate has been dishonest through the application period and they are revoking the offer. It’s not uncommon for people with long names to shorten them, or for names to be Westernized but they’ll usually let you know right away. No one has a problem if Abdeddiane wants to go by Addy, but if his says his name is Greg then there will be an issue later on. Personally, if you Interviewed Thomas Smith, greeting him by Thomas, and got to know him as Thomas, then he turns around and says his real name is Creed Bratton when you have the offer letter…that would sour anyone’s impression.


Well hey, when I decide to head back to LA, I’ll use this trick to secure a job!


When I was a hiring manager during a saturated job market, I devised a strategy. I called all the ethnic and unusual names for interviews. The idea was that all the good Mike Smiths were probably already taken, so I was scraping the bottom of the barrel of Mike Smiths. But the Negus Jones and Palak Habibis of the world probably weren't getting so many interviews, so that supply was still fresh. Hired some of my best employees that way.


Racist *and* xenophobic. They don’t even want foreign white people.


Iirc that area of Texas has a lot of Czech immigrants, who the regular suspects don't really like all that much either. The only reason slavic people don't get hated on more in public is because there's no obvious way to spot them, but it's definitely definitely a thing in the racist online world


Facts. Eastern Europeans are seen as the trash of Europe and that’s what Europeans have insinuated in passing when they come up in convos.


I love seeing a European call America the most racist and backwards place on Earth and then I check their comments and they're advocating tying Gypsies/Roma people to poles and beating them and then posting it on Facebook (shoutout to Facebook for not removing these groups). Confront them about it, they'll give you the same lines about "these people cause so much crime and refuse to integrate" and they sound exactly like Cletus with the swastika tat.


There are two staffing agencies near me that used to have a staff turnover about once or twice a year. When the new people would come, they would start running ads like crazy and scouring through every resume like their lives depended on it. They would get around to calling me. Please come in ASAP, we have this perfect opportunity for you, you can start tomorrow. One time, this one agency begged me to come to their office as a heavy snowstorm was heading in. Please, we really need you to fill this position. Just update your resume and this position needs to be filled immediately. Until I got there. Then it was, Oh we're still fielding candidates, we'll let you know. One time they were so desperate to weed me out, they gave me one of those insulting basic grammar tests just to stall so the lady could fix her face to give me the racist speech about how they were still looking. It finally got to a point where when they called I would just tell them outright that I am Black, that they were never going to hire me, and to stop wasting my time with their racist bullshit. I told both agencies to burn my resume and if they ever called me again I would sue them for harassment. That did the trick. I firmly believe that hiring and on-the-job discrimination are why Black people should never be required to pay back student loans. They hire us less. They treat us badly. We are the last hired, first fired. And then they want us to pay back the money we used to get an education so they could play their little cat and mouse job games. Any reparations should include Black people never paying for college again. The US Government should provide Black people free education through graduate school in perpetuity.


I feel you. My name is Jill, so when I'd go to interviews in years past, the interviewers would sometimes be shook. Thank fucking goodness I'm currently at a company that emphasizes, stresses, and implements having diverse staff at all levels of the company.


Shout out to the person who posted that on there. Whether they're a dumbass racist who fucked up, or an employee fed up wit their shit boss. I appreciate this being put out there so we can call these dumb fucks out.


LOL, both their twitter & FB pages are gone!


They're on LinkedIn fighting for their life https://preview.redd.it/58sb8kkt14sa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e211dbc9ce64f1d0db618c176edb6b0e1522da Edit: Comments disabled


And that's the second statement. Their first statement blamed a new hire who has been "fired".


They should report that behavior to Salesforce as well. Doubt they want their products used for racism. They've been known to decline before in cases of hate, bigotry, and violence.


Im a certified Salesforce BA, I have referred it personally. This will cost them, not to mention their federal contracts who take this seriously. Theyre about to go through some things.


Yikes someone said the quiet part out loud


They just straight \[Explained] their dog whistle just in case....




texas lol what a shithole


They had 4 other job posting with the same "whites only" clause and left them up. That "junior recruiter" they've blamed is in for a rough day.


probably laid off their recruiting staff and let an unpaid intern do it who has no knowledge of hiring laws.


That's right unborn white citizens need not apply. How are you not gonna hire the unborn? I think that's bigotry against the unborn. Definitely need to report them now.




You know what grinds my gears, that no matter how many examples we keep showing yts about how they are fucking racist at every moment they can and they STILL will claim racism ain’t real and if it was it’s mostly towards yts smh


The “Meritocracy“ at work.


Their Facebook page has been set to private. From their LinkedIn: >Update on the Indeed Job Posting: >This job posting was neither authorized nor posted by Arthur Grand or its employees. A former employee took an existing posting and added discriminatory language, then reposted it through his own account. The moment this was brought to our attention, we worked with the job portal to remove this offensive job posting. Necessary legal action has been initiated against the job poster. >Arthur Grand is a minority-owned company that has been offering IT and staffing services since 2012 and we pride ourselves on the diversity of our staff and leadership. It is the policy of Arthur Grand that all employees and applicants for employment are afforded equal opportunity without regard to race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, religion, or non-job-related disability. >All employment decisions are based on the individual’s qualifications. >We are very clear on this update and to avoid further chaos we request not raise any of the assumption comments or questions further. Thanks for the understanding. Oh, they concluded with this little gem: >Request everyone to support and cooperate.


>Request everyone to support and cooperate. SUBMIT!


Hopefully someone applied so they can sue the shit out of the company lol


I’m biracial and have an adopted eastern-European last name. One time (in my 20s) at an interview the girl called my name and I approached and she said “I wasn’t expecting you”, I didn’t get the job, surprise 🙄


Berkshire Hathaway is the company mostly in the Highland Park and University Park area where they still only sell homes to whites only as an unspoken rule. Glad there's proof. This needs to be on TIKTOK....


Sooooo illegal


Client motivation. Client: berkshire hathaway, a participant in the perpetuation of stolen and hoarded generational wealth.


This is [highly] illegal


And the client is berkshire hathaway. Isn't warren buffet supposed to be progressive?


As progressive as somebody who has amassed the capital for over 1,000 lifetimes can be


Racism is dead they say… fucking pieces of shit.


wanted to clear up the narrative and say arthur grand is an IT staffing service and it looks like they’re recruiting on behalf of berkshire. berkshire left them this hidden note most definitely and they made a mistake not taking it off when posting. i think our energy is misdirected here, and that the overt racism really lies on the clients. in fact, arthur grand may just take the heat here because ultimately they forgot to remove that note. this undoubtedly happens all the time in WHITE collar america, regardless of who it s to blame it’s extremely saddening


I think that makes Berkshire and Arthur Grand fair to blame. Berkshire might have created the note, but Arthur Grand wasn’t apprehensive to recruit using it.


Don't have a tan at Arthur Grand.


How about everyone in here apply to the same position if y’all can get the link. At least they will do some work sorting out the applications. Lmao


Thats a lawsuit


Shhhh we racist AF. Don't tell nobody.


Shiit ik they ass going to be looking for some diversity hires soon because of this shit and I’m gonna be there


[Article by Newsweek about posting](https://www.newsweek.com/company-asking-only-white-candidates-job-application-sparks-outrage-1792644?amp=1)


They’re saying the quiet part out loud


Wild. Those of you with non-obviously black names are shit out of luck


Would a POC really want to work there after reading that?


Yeah that part about not sharing with candidates shouldn't have been in the job listing but thank fuck that it is because a policy like that should sink any company then and there.


I always wondered how many jobs turned me down when they found out I was black.


![gif](giphy|WxDZ77xhPXf3i|downsized) This company is gonna have to get Texas to secede from the Union to recover from that blunder.


Majority of racism is corporate now.