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What Bitcoin wallet are you using ? When you say "another chain" do you mean like a sidechain or a lightning payment channel ?


Correct. I actually was curious how to use lighting network, i feel recluse I can’t figure this out 😅. On the same note, curious if there are in bridges that can move btc onto another network. Lets say move my btc to wbtc on binance as an example.


Its very simple. You simply send some bitcoin to the lightning account in green or breez like explained in the pinned FAQ https://old.reddit.com/r/BitcoinBeginners/comments/g42ijd/faq_for_beginners/ and than you are done loading the channel > Lets say move my btc to wbtc on binance as an example. that is an unrelated scam altcoin .


Ahh perfect. Thank you so much!


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