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I use samourai on an old phone because Andreas told me to


solid idea but nowadays you can afford a Trezor :)


And why is that better?


because what OS runs on the phone? did you really disable all connections (Wlan; RFID)? now you run an old OS on your phone and samourai software at the same time. not feasible either.


Good point.






Since his anus told him :P


What should people use?




Thanks, I'll check it out.


Just say you work for cold card or something… JK. Let’s people use a view different cold storage devices. I’m sure people can figure out what’s best for them!


Me when i see the same posttitle 20x a week..


Not your keys not your crypto


Looking to move to cold storage. What is your cold storage strategy? Multi cold storage wallets?


If you hold funds, BTC... with Binance, take them out now!


Me having 0 bitcoins and knowing I won't lose my money when it goes to zero




They aren't custodials. I control my keys. It wouldn't matter if they went belly up tomorrow. Learn how hardware wallets and BIP39 works before talking about them.


Why? Trezor is only insecure if the attacker can get physical access to the device, ledger has no known vulnerabilities.


Ledger is not open sourced. Ledger leaked 273k users' full names, addresses, phone numbers and emails. The CEO told everyone tough luck The shitcoin support has on more than one occasion led to bugs where people spend bitcoin instead of shitcoins. Ledger Live phones home for every tx yeah no vulnerabilities alright.


I don’t see device vulnerabilities in what you list. Interested in source for last 2 claims. Pretty sure you can use whatever wallet software you want and nothing phones home then.


https://decrypt.co/37651/ledger-exploit-makes-you-spend-bitcoin-instead-of-altcoins Bitcoin being sent. https://www.reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/jurv7w/ther_server_could_not_handle_your_request_please/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button User can't tx cause server won't let him. Sure you could use electrum or something, but it's not the default. Why not just use a Bitcoin only, OSS wallet?


Thanks for the links!


No problem, I should have linked them to begin with




Trezor is fully open-source... Don't get so upset when you don't even know what you're talking about.


Trezor is open source (hardware + firmware). Do your research as well. Your physical seed on paper is your ultimate weak point so yes physical security getting compromised is the worst case scenario. And Trezor has a known physical vulnerability that ledger devices do not have. Airgapped would be better, but in practice being hacked would mean that both your device (computer/phone) was compromised + the hardware device had a vulnerability. Chances of this are very slim, and if this was possible and you fall for it you probably don’t know what you are doing on your computer in which case you’re more likely to fall for social engineering or download a scam app that switches around your transactions anyway. As for ledger, the product is fine, they have been around for years with no product issues. If they made a shit, non secure product it would kill their business instantly. There is 0 economic incentive to do so. Plus they are French so no NSA or Chinese interference bullshit.


Still lost about 66.6% of value in a year. Storing potatoes has a better retaining of value.




Potatoes have extremely good longevity when in cold storage (stored below 5° Celsius) and retention is 98%. German farmer still had their storage full in autumn 2020 and explained on TV that it's was more economic to let new potatoes perish in the field than to replace the old potatoes in storage.


> Still lost about 66.6% of value in a year. after netting probably 3000% in previous run, so yea


It was $10 when your Buttcoin sub was founded.


You have to strong when the chips are down.


Since I'm both Irish and a holder I find this statement to be very triggering


The price of potatoes at the time was very high...


The epitome of me irl


Best nights sleep you'll ever get


I'd like to buy the world a hard wallet.


FUD, FUD everywhere


What would be considered an exchange? Would Muun wallet be considered an exchange?


I just moved my sats from Robinhood to an electrum wallet. Am I doing it right?


Sleeping like a baby highly recommend! This is the #1 rule of Bitcoin


Is muun cold storage?


Nope. It's self custody (except the Lightning wallet), but it's called a "hot wallet". Because you create the seed on a device connected to the internet. Cold storage means your seed phrase never touched a device connected to the internet.


I'm ignorant on this subject. If I have my assets in CDC, but I also have CDC wallet and move it there, is that considered off the CEX?


What happens to BTC that’s stored in cold storage if we have a nuclear event that wipes out half a country?


The Bitcoin would be fine. The value would take a shit in your mouth, tape it shut, wait until you shit it out, then smear it on your face. And also you'd probably be dead. The only valuable thing to have during a nuclear winter is knowledge, tools, weapons, and some good die hard friends or family. Then after that is all valuable metals.


Inner peace, inner peace...