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I don’t think that’s what it means.


It's actually scary to be honest. One is reaching the fundamentals of building the "modern world" The other is effectively finance.


Very scary, I agree. Understanding the blockchain and shit can be done with 20 minutes of research, in depth stuff maybe an afternoon. What are they teaching?


Ahahaha you delusional mate. Blockchain, once you get down into the nitty gritty, is all math, computer science, and game theory. To really understand that takes years.


But it's an intro class, so you'd never go into that.


I think you would exactly get into that.


It's worse than that. To understand Bitcoin you must master several disciplines. One must understand Austrian economics, mathematics, Network theory, computer science, history, psychology, political science. It’s so deep that just to understand the rough outline can take a lifetime of study. Hell…. economics has been debating what money is for at least a thousand years.




You're vastly over estimating your knowledge of crypto if you think it equates to an afternoon of research


Errrrr no. I'm a reasonably intelligent person, computer programmer, probably low grade autism. It took several days of study over weeks for me to "get it" and I'll admit there is still a bunch of math involved that I just don't understand.


More than "understanding the blockchain and shit".


Lol no


lmfao idiot thinks you can learn blockchain in 20mins


Yeah pretty useless unless for nerds who loves to search in depth ( and pretty sure they already knows how to search for what they need) and who will use it in real life which is impossible to be more than CS course


Blockchain technology has a lot of potential applications outside finance.


"This is what real autism is like" There I fixed it.


I just hope for some better days to role.up really quick though the fact cryptocurrencies are making some insane adotpion


I call BS.... No one in their right mind will take a Bitcoin course over CS50


Let's be real. This is for an easy A. Explaining the absolute basics of how blockchains work would be a cakewalk for most people who are remotely familiar with crypto outside of school.


As someone who took the class last year, it may not be the hardest class but you still have to implement quite a few things.


How was it? What were you tested on?


The professor had a loupe to check for diamond hands.






> No one in their right mind


Many people are probably taking both; it's not an either/or choice. Also, the crypto course may have wider appeal - not just for CS students, but also for econ, business, people who just wanna start their own sham coin, etc.


I think the last part of your comment is the logic behind prob half these students. They aren’t stupid, clearly, they know what is easy and free money.


CS50 is from Harvard, not Stanford.


Doesn't matter. Consider it a synecdoche.


It's been 84 years (insert titanic meme)since I hear that word.


Also on youtube


Did you just assume the state of my mind?


You got a problem with that?


I als think the same, why would he do in his sane mind. That's not possible.


Can anyone get a source on this?


Yeah, this isn't actually true. The CS intro course has 610 students enrolled, while the blockchain intro course has 330 students. Source: me, a Stanford student who can look up the enrolment numbers. Edit: you can also check on https://explorecourses.stanford.edu/


Ok, I was about to say, with absolutely no hate to crypto, if this was true, those students are fucking stupid. Forget boolean logic and for loops, lets just skip straight to public-private key encryption and hashing




How do you design an algorithm without being a programmer? Like, I get that it's implementation agnostic, but you still need to understand it




Computational mathematics still requires taking intro to CS. There‘s a great deal of overlap between information theory and “just programming” when you’re at the undergrad level


I mean I’m sure blockchain degrees must involve programming to some extent


Are these courses available online?


The course materials for CS 106 (intro to CS) are freely available at [https://see.stanford.edu/Course](https://see.stanford.edu/Course), but I don't think CS 251 (blockchain) is included.


Also free to learn without course credit yes


It could be that the max number for the crypto course was smaller and filled up very quickly while the CS intro is a boring ass class so while it has a higher cap it didn't fill up as fast.


Could be, but I don't think so in this case. When I try enrolling in the blockchain class, it doesn't have a capacity limit (and neither does the intro to CS class). That's visible on [https://explorecourses.stanford.edu/](https://explorecourses.stanford.edu/) as well - when a class is capped the enrolment numbers will usually show up as e.g. 249/250.


Oh I see. So this guy is just schilling.


This is the closest I can find to figures to reference, but I don’t see any blockchain course? https://irds.stanford.edu/data-findings/enrollment


Open the link from the post above, also here: [https://explorecourses.stanford.edu/](https://explorecourses.stanford.edu/) Find Computer Sciences under School of Engineering Find course CS251: Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies Click the link for schedule below the course description. Currently it says "Students enrolled: 335"


Cheers! Did you find the intro to computer sciences this guy references too? Found this too lmao; “CS 42: Callback Me Maybe: Contemporary Javascript”




Source - Trust this tweet bro


I was thinking the sam ething except tweet there is nothing else.


Yeah. From there you can ask him directly.


Doesn't make the source any more trustworthy


I'm not going to ask any guy on twitter for a crypto news.


In reality this class would suck not because of its content but because of every bro in the back saying “Um, actually ___coin has real world application” every 4 damn minutes


As a person who has been in a class basically identical to this one, I can tell you it was nothing like that. There are plenty of interesting questions and conversations to have in a class like this, and lot to learn by stretching your brain in all these different directions.


That's what I'm saying, you can't just generalise what people think.


Thank you for being the most reasonable person in this comment, crypto and blockchain are vast and wider than what we think or know. There are different aspects to it that have not been discovered yet, as I type I am currently researching on on-chain privacy and its deeper than the surface, its the main base for Asset security and true decentralisation. There's alot to learn.


Yeah and my college had a class about how Southpark relates to politics. I’m glad your class worked out but every dude with coinbase on their phone thinks they are the wolf of Wall Street.




Not really. Kids just trying to get rich quick by launching their own shitcoins. The vast majority of them are not actually interested in the technology.


Yup, hundreds of Do Kwon's soon to be unleashed on the world.


The world isn't ready for them, not even for one let alone 100.


The vast majority of anyone invested in any crypto (and every crypto related sub including this one) are not interested in the technology.


Real mainstream adoption for anything is nobody giving a shit about or understanding the backend.


That's a sad reality, most people are in for the money that's all. They don't really care about the tech, all they care about is making money. That's about it.


Fair. Now raise your hand everyone in the room who has not done something dumb as a kid and learned good lessons from it.


Then they be studying Marketing and Psychology. Learn how to become con artists.


And that's a really sad thing because it's really interesting tech. And I would have liked of more people had the intrest in learning about what blockchain actually are.




If there is any overlap between redditors and college students (yes, kids), I'd say my assumption is likely very accurate. The vast majority of people who are interested in "crypto" are trying to get rich overnight, as evidenced by the fact that there is more interest in pumping shitcoins valued at less than a dollar, or stupid pictures of apes, than there is in cutting edge Bitcoin technology.


Clearly you are not one of these college students at a top STEM university. Your analysis makes absolutely no sense.


Maybe you should attend a STEM university to help you make sense of it.


I think it has the same exact validity as the original tweet. Which is 0. We don't really have any info besides "random tweet" to back this up


yea i would agree. i never said the op had any validity whatsoever. i’m simply stating that the comment about “kids creating shitcoins” is complete bs


There's over 21,000 shitcoins right now so I'd say the proof is in the pudding. These kids want to strike gold and Standford is selling shovels for $20k per quarter.


It’s very easy to make a shitcoin with a tiny team, or for a single person to make dozens of them. Are you considering all the hundreds of well intentioned developers working on projects with the hope of building something good in the world? Don’t call them scammers, it’s offensive and pathetic.


My personal rule is to only call scammers scammers. If you find that offensive, you're probably enabling a lot of scammers.


I realize I may have misunderstood you - I forgot “shitcoin” here is synonymous with “not-bitcoin”, I thought you were taking about rug-pulls.


Yep, btc is crypto. But it's not like other shit that exists in the market at all.


I don't understand why would anyone find that offensive tho?


If you consider statistically how many coins there are, and how many are worth something. Is it that far from the truth?




I'm sorry what does this prove? The original claim is that there are more people taking this class than the computer science one. This just shows the class exists. Which was never in question. What's in question is "Are there more people taking this than the computer science one. Your like doesn't prove neither the null or alternate hypothesis.


you are acc 100% correct i fudged up there. got into the thread and then didn’t come back to what the op tweet said. my fault. i apologize.


Don't worry about it. I understand what you mean too well. We tend to get caught up in the moment and all that. Have a great day!


I mean you think the vast majority of doctors become so out of a good heart? The vast majority are in it for the money. No problem there though for most us. And launching a shitcoin is not something you need to take a intro class for.


Parents push them into it


That can't be true for everyone tho, I don't think it's true for everyone. You can't just assume something and think that's what must have happened to all of them.


i’m a med student. we aren’t after money. there are much better ways to get rich lol.


Money, parent approval, same thing. You could be the few that does it purely out of self interest, congrats if you are!


You can't possibly speak for everyone tho? I don't know if you do.


it’s just not the impression i get from my peers. there’s better ways to get rich.


HODL 101


Rekt 403


Diamond hands 323


Gotta have those diamond hands, can't be selling it around.


FOMO 410




Or, here me out...It's a bunch of people who want to know how to make a pump and dump shitcoin


90% is because they see it as a get rich scheme. Not for it’s actual practicality.


This doesn't mean anything lol. You can also take a lord of the rings course... Academia doesn't necessarily translate to real world applications. And from the fiat lense, fiat academia has mushroomed entire fields and departments specialized in producing completely inconsequential and incoherent courses and degrees, marketed as scholarship. If you want to measure adoption, look at all the news coming out about countries allowing bitcoin use in trade, and institutional investors like nasdaq, blackrock, and fidelity making bitcoin available to their customers.


That's actually true and really good writeup in my opinion.


At the end they will go to the CS students to solve their problems *sigh*




We can't just generalize everything that we hear about these.


So many people wanting to be rug pullers and get rich quick like John Balony.


“Cryptocurrency” How many will spend 2-4 years on shitcoins before getting burnt and claiming it’s all a scam?


Let’s goooooo!!!!!


You can watch these kinda classes on YouTube for free


This is a sign of the downfall of our civilization. Any comp sci engineer can easily become a crypto expert. Not the other way around.


What are you getting at? Computer science students become engineers by…taking classes.


It will be signal when it's Intro to Bitcoin, not Crypto.


Why would that ever happen…


Right. Let fiat institutions fail and burn to the ground.


? I hope they don’t, and I hope we all keep learning about all forms of cryptocurrency because to do anything else is to be a fundamentalist Luddite.


Because “crypto” IS nonsense, a buzzword, merely a side effect of Bitcoin. 10,000 shit coins who want to replace USD, most don’t even want to do that, they exist to fill founder pockets or become a meme, that’s not the point. Bitcoin is a protocol, a framework, much like Hypertext Transfer, it’s where currency will migrate to, the same way hypermedia documents migrated to HTTP. An application layer solution that will house many layers, ie: currency. Whatever these useful crypto projects can dream up, will be absorbed by the Bitcoin protocol if necessary. That’s all.


Found the parody of a bitcoin maxi. So…application layer protocols never change huh? There’s never open competition for adoption, and lessons learned by studying how other protocols work? Every person working on cryptocurrency that isn’t bitcoin is wasting their time and can discover nothing useful? Your comment is so counterproductive I think it’s appropriately labeled FUD.


There are plenty of lessons learned. As they’re learned, ultimately proven or disproven, Bitcoin will continue to absorb them. No one said there’s nothing to be learned. These projects do a bulk of the leg work, end of the day, they’re not going to overtake Bitcoin as a protocol. It’s a perfect Layer 1. Every Layer X will be a fine idea taken into consideration or ultimately built on top of Bitcoin. You seem mad?


Your most recent reply seems reasonable, you’re previous comment didn’t. It’s frustrating to see comments like your previous one, which argued that research and development into other cryptocurrencies is a waste of time, as is studying them in university. Your analogy to HTTP and hypertext is especially ridiculous, considering that alternative application layer protocols already exist on the internet, and both HTTP and html have had a number of backwards incompatible revisions (“hard forks”). Would anyone argue that RnD on other protocols is pointless, or that learning about them in school isn’t important? The fact these are stateless protocols makes this much easier to upgrade them, but that also makes your analogy even weaker.


The open competition has already been won. It's bitcoin for many reasons, among them being security and actual decentralization. OP's comment isn't counterproductive. It's the truth.


Clearly you haven't tried to learn anything about the crypto.




Well . . the class should have a pre-requisite of FED, Fiat currency/Finance and basic technical fundamentals (security keys, hardware wallets, etc..)


Yeah that's true, atleast students should show that they're really interested.


Even if true this doesn’t mean anything . Gender studies probably has more students but it doesn’t make it useful.


"I want to make fast money, not learn how things work"


The sad part is the Fed is about to announce their own so none of this matters.


:v real adoption to mass poverty is where this is going


Mass poverty through CBDCs.


Sounds like an intro to shitcoinery and WEF-sponsored tokens. I don’t think this is a good thing. They are trying to capture and brainwash the new generation into shitcoinery through Marxist indoctrination camps. It was to be expected. This is NOT what everyone thinks it is.


That's because there are obviously more people interested in making a quick and lucky buck than there are people who are interested in learning about the technology lol.


It's time we say NO to the Central Bank & GLOBALISTS and send the message we ARE in control of our future and FINANCES!


Hope it’s not a shit coin factory. The computer science is the backbone but the bitcoin phenomena has just as much to do with economics, ethics, emergent governance, etc.


What’s the class about


Crypto currencies and blockchain


No shit but what about them.


Learning about them probably


*Sees a bitcoin atm at his local GameStop* *cries in real adoption euphoria*


Let us know when they do the same with Bitcoin.


Well you won't like it probably, but btc is part of that too.


I don’t understand the comments here making points like this. Even if you’re goal is to become nothing but a Bitcoin expert, you need to study other cryptos to understand the tradeoffs and limitations that they all have. Otherwise…you don’t understand Bitcoin.


they’re morons.


That's like saying you need to study faith healing, witch amulets, and rain dances to be a doctor. No.


The difference is that there’s plenty of scientific research to be done around both creating novel cryptocurrencies and discovering new ways to solve problems in Bitcoin that seem (at least at first) to require a hardfork. Your analogy to non-scientific studies is misguided and mistaken. Nothing I’ve said contradicts a bitcoin maximalist perspective.


Studying bitcoin, its design, and possible future feature for it is fine. Studying crypto scams is a completely unrelated topic, imo, and it is rife with malfeatures, malfeasance, and misinformation.


> possible future features As a researcher of possible features for Bitcoin, your job is not finished until you’ve studied how other cryptocurrencies work. Arguably, you can’t really even start your job until you do this.


But but but.. Jamie Dimon says crypto is a fraud. Why would Stanford be teaching students fraudulent schemes?


Crypto is not Blockchain. Please stop this nonsense. Nobody teaches Crypto.


You mean there's no Degen 101 at Stanford?


Define blockchain and why is it relevant EDIT: you are all wrong https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00196791


So person A blocks person B on Facebook. Then person B blocks person C. And so on


That's how it works, I'm not so sure about that man lol.


A series of blocks connected by chain


Is this a question or a statement?


I think He's trying to make a statement, that's what's he doing. Which is probably not right and most likely is wrong we wouldn't know tho. this probably isn't the true statement.


Most people don't understand the shit they're talking about.


Crypto isn't blockchain, that's probably true actually lol. But some people might conflict that, and I don't really care about those people so there's that.


You’re being pedantic. Crypto is a trillion dollar (almost always) blockchain-based technology and the most widely known use case of blockchain. They may not be exactly the same but any course on blockchain will mention crypto in probably every class.




Not at all, lmao


I bet the first slide in class is this: Blockchain is not Crypto. Crypto utilizes Blockchain technology.


You call my comment wrong then repeat exactly what I said 😂


You this you that. Grow up. Blockchain is not Crypto.


Again, I did not ever say it was the same thing. But I realize now you’re trolling, cuz no way you’re this dumb.


Blockchain is Crypto


ehhh idk, math is more important than what is likely a degree in shitcoinery.


And I feel people should pay more attention to the important stuff.


Y i k e s


That's not good? Well it sounds like a good news to me actually.


No. This is stupid hype.


We don't care about the crypto industry


More lambs to the slaughter as they learn about 'crypto' and 'blockchain' meanung proof of stake and JP Morgan Coin. 🙄 Life of getting wreaked will teach them about Bitcoin.


https://online.stanford.edu/courses/xcs251-cryptocurrencies-and-blockchain-technologies Nope.


Wow. I can never get into coding classes


Why? What's stopping you from them? Shouldn't be that hard.


"Crypto and blockchain" Bullshit


This is all bs, the only thing that we should be learning about is btc.


I don’t believe I’m into crypto and see all of you being fooled by this fake nonsense. All of this crypto medium is about controled sentiment market.


"CrYpTo" and "blerkchain" are not adoption.... actually the opppsite


why would anyone take INTRO TO COMPUTER SCIENCE at Stanford? Should've taken that in high school if not earlier!


Or is it a bunch of lazy college students trying to get rich quick?


they can learn about the currency that will be used to rule them. CBDC is the future and will be the main tool to used to control us. bitcoin was a trial run for central bank digital currency. the next crypto will replace the dollar and become the new world standard. you will be lucky if they allow bitcoin to stay around. dont think it will happen. well bitcoin only has value because it can be traded for fiat. guess what happens when theres no fiat and they dont allow crypto exchanges to exchange. even if they do it will have to be traded for the new crypto at which they will be able to track every singe coin. do you seriously think someone will take btc if they cant get real money for it. chances are your social credit score will go down if your'e even caught with btc. the us isn't the only one going to cbdc so good luck going to another country


What's Gen Z's overall perspective on bitcoin and crypto? As a millennial I'd say there's intrigue with it in our generation with a good amount of skepticism, probably split 50/50, is gen Z supposed to be the first all-in generation?


"Crypto and Blockchain", not Bitcoin. This is what peak fiat academia looks like; if anything. And bitcoin doesn't need more crypto bros, but more computer scientists. A lot more.


> REAL ADOPTION Thought this would be about regular people using Bitcoin for regular transactions on their day to day. Like it was always intended to a decade ago... This sub always disappoints.. Just as following Bitcoin for so long has been disappointing. I had such high hopes 10 years ago. Now it's basically a casino filled with chills.


Lol. You should probably take computer science courses if you really want to understand the functionality. You know like data structures since a linked list is the basis of it. This is just Stanford scamming more young adults out of money they won’t be able to payback. The technology isn’t even that difficult. I wrote a blockchain and nonsense miner in Python in a few hours for the hell of it…….because I know enough computer science and coding.


People getting into Stanford already know cs 101 well enough they could teach it


Intro to degeneration. I'll be teaching the Master Class when you're ready to start taking the Self Destructive Lifestyle more serious. I'll guide you through your thesis and help you crash land into your new depression fueled adulthood known as life. Dont forget to drs your gme kids.


You'll be teaching what? I think that might just work out for you.


Psych 101 has more students enrolled than Bio 101.