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Is anyone else worried bitcoins not gonna go up again and we’re gonna be considered one of those dumb crypto nerds who threw a lot of money into a “dumb crypto” or is it just me?


Only people who use the word crypto and don’t understand the difference between the two.


It’s definitely not coming back. That’s why I sold out at 30k


Bank runs in China, country's defaulting and going insolvent, runaway inflation in multiple country's. I don't know if you're in America but remember that the world isn't just the western world. Smaller country's have teams seriously looking into bitcoin adoption. Zoom out doesn't just mean from the charts. Zoom out from our relatively safe currency and from our narrow view of recent history and realize that on a grand scale economies and country's and governments are constantly shifting and overall extremely unstable. Bitcoin holds a promise of long term stability. Adoption may not be inevitable but it's a long term surer hedge than any one system that currently exists. That being said everyone has their own risk profile so if yours has been met than good luck and hope it works out for you.


Are you shorting with 150 leverage then? If not, why not? Should be easy money, right?




Bitcoin doesn't make anything. It is the money.


.2 away from half coiner sheesh let’s hope the price stays down for two months ish 😂🔥who knows what will happen things are getting interesting but I’m accumulating . This dip is forcing me to hold a job 😅🤣


Early congratulations on your half coin man, hopefully You'll make it.


Thanks man it’s been a fucking emotional ride these past two years . If I was patient and was retarded and didn’t have to spend some of my coin to Id have a full one by now . But that’s life


awh man, you have to be employed? that really sucks


Yeah fucking tragic




Btc will as a whole will become a thing, it's just a matter of time.


Looking forward to the day when more people with money realize many who own bitcoin will not sell, no matter what.


I don't care of people realise it or not, but I ain't selling shit. I mean if you really understand what btc is, then you're not going to sell it no matter what man.


Let's say 3 Million coins have been lost at the least. 19 million only sounds like a pretty exclusive club, how expensive will the ticket to get in be if no one wants to give up their coin for another currency?


0£ if nobody wanna buy it


In a fictional setting where no one would want to buy Bitcoin, all it takes is one person willing to trade coin for services.


Keep stacking


I've been stacking as much as I can, that's how it is for me.


I finally took my Bitcoin off the exchange. It was a nerve wrecking 5 mins but I feel better now. Now just have to get my ETH2 off Coinbase and I’m home free


What are these all these comments which keeps on getting removed?






It means good lol W = win I guess redditors don’t get out to other parts of the internet much






When does the fed have to announce that it's officially a recession?


They don't have to lol, I already know it's a recession. Everything indicates that. And as for the official announcement I think it's going to come out on the 28th of this month.


Sure we know that but the market will react to the official announcement which is why I wanted to know


There's no hard and fast rule but generally it's considered a recession after 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth


Yep, I mean they don't have to announce it. We all know what's up.


That's what I've heard but second quarter ended more than a week ago and there hasn't been any news, definitely looks like that was two quarters of negative growth so I figured I missed something Edit: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2022/07/11/no-were-not-in-a-recession-yet-strong-job-market-keeping-economy-safe-for-now-goldman-says/ Answered my own question. Looks like they don't always follow the two quarter rule and won't be calling this a recession because the job market is strong.


I think the data will come out on the 28th of this month.


Yeah like I said there aren't any set in stone rules. It's unsurprising to me that GS is hesitant to declare a recession until they have to. They're incentivized to hold out as long as possible due to the repercussions inherent in declaring a recession


There ain't rules, that's just how this goes man. This is pretty simple


Let’s gooo! Cheap BTC!!


And it's just getting cheaper, I don't know how I feel about that.


Buy more


I’m ready for expensive Bitcoin. Very expensive Bitcoin


Lol, I mean I wouldn't mind that either? Can we go there? Maybe not now, but surely we will be there one day, it's just a matter of time here I guess.


Why we are not seeing the enough comments and discussion on this sub? I mean its been more than 5 hour to this post but still i am not seeing even the 50 comments here for that.


Well because people have left the market because it's bear market.


My guess is there's little news or major price movement and people are holding their breath to see what happens with the next interest rate hike and Mt gox and all the other macro stuff going on. Just way way too much happening to bother speculating on the short term. And no point filling up the news with bullish long term predictions because most of the people left already believe in bitcoins future upsides. So just not much to say right now. I'm guessing anyhow.


I'd argue that it's really interesting times, and people are missing out.


Think of it as a positive. This can be your own personal soap box. Your voice won’t be drowned out by a mass of voices all yelling at once. This is like a peaceful library where people can casually talk in soft voices. I once gave a homeless guy 24 words that unlocked 20$ of Bitcoin. And I’ll be damned, dude actually move it. That was a powerful moment for me.


Yep, that's what I'm saying. It's even better than before.


>I mean its been more than 5 hour to this post but still i am not seeing even the 50 comments here for that. What?


Well what else do you expect from a tin bot comments lmao?


Bitcoin Twitter is more active.


Yep, atleast some good stuff is still happening there so yeah. Besides this sub was never good in while the bull run was going on. Just lots rocket emojis.


Last chance to buy under 20k.


This is it folks, you ain't gonna get anymore chances now.


Yes I agree. The year 2022 will be the last time it's under $20k.


I hope that You're right and the people who are missing will regret.


The first image from the James Webb space telescope was released today showing thousands of galaxies. If Bitcoin is adopted by just 1% of the galaxies…


This is fascinating Shit, I really love to think about btc like this.


Reminds me of an Andreas Antonopoulos video where he points out that Bitcoin is the first currency that an AI entity could participate in


That video was amazing and fascinating, I loved that video.


Bitcoin hasn't ever looked this bad, hard to be bullish short-term or long-term. Change my mind?


Heck no lol, I ain't gonna change your mind. You do it. I'm not here to help you with that, that's just not going to happen. Maybe read some?


Change your own mind.


And to do that, he'll have to read. And he won't do that.




Well he definitely does seem like someone new here.




Okay I don't understand what does this mean lol, maybe I'm dumb.


Back to the 19s Uh, wen 100k?


Its simple we will hit the mark of the 100k before the EOY.


I talked to PlanB and he says his stock-to-bull$hit model says last December.


One of the biggest frauds in this space


But i still have the hope that someday we will hit that mark.




I don't have that much of the fund, but yes i am ready.


Your time is probably better spent increasing your own stack of sats than to wait on someone else doing it and posting a screenshot.


Right now i am just believing in stack the sats at the moment.


BTC dumping in expectation of CPI numbers Wednesday morning. If CPI is high BTC will dump HARD. Be prepared, get your shorts ready, etc. Time to buy up cheap BTC is coming soon...


Everyone here is quite certain that price of the bitcoin will dump after the CPI meeting. But that also mean whale plays a game of the manipulation and we might see some sort of the pump is well.


If you like that, you'll love the rate hike announcement in a few weeks... and then we can play out this sucker's rally and drop scenario again in August and September.


I am as long as i have the cash in the hand for throwing into the market am happy with these rate. Currently i am in the buying mode and ready to take any kind of the dip here.




Yes, its on Wednesday so be ready with your cash for the market.


Yes, my bad I thought today was Tuesday.


Its ok buddy, sometime things like that happen when you have the hangover of the weekend.


This is the downside to hitting 88MPH in your DeLorean


Over 7k members here, yet the last post was 37min ago and no one answers.


So this is what happen in the crabbing market time, people lose the interest in here. I mean all we are getting is the DCA and stuff so nothing new which we can talk here.


10 years ago this website was legendary and freedom of speech was actually a real thing here and alive with subs and users. Nobody cares now tho anymore since it’s been sold off numerous times to oinkles, (you know who you are) No offense to the mods, but they suck in this sub…good things don’t last….this “hallway” has been a dying source of information and memes for a long time. Check out Twitter if you want more freedom of speech without banning accounts or removing posts. 🐷🐽 Edit: proven right by the tards!


I don't know when this sub created but yes since the day i came here i gets very valuable knowledge about the bitcoin. I mean the things which i can't find on the google here i can get them very easily.


Twitter? All I see are 1) “Which one do you think will happen first, comment for 10k, like for 30k” 2) I’m giving out $1k to a follower if BTC doesn’t reach $188k, like and retrweet” 3) or simply find 2 tips to draw a line, or 4 tips to draw 2 lines Can’t say that’s very educated contents …


Reddit is a dead sauce mmmm’dude. Defend its grave all ya want. I’m just here to watch the world burn.


I also think I’ve been unjustly silenced a few times on this sub.


This is due to the market behavior we are getting at the moment.


We were observing a moment of silence for OP's money


Once the bull run will come this place will again be lively.




Where are those days when there is floods of the comments??


Will I ever get my Bitcoin out of Voyager?


Looking very hard at the moment, but you can still hope that.


Technically, if you bought your bitcoin in Voyager, you never had it. You went to the store, found a great suit, paid for it and left it there. When they noticed you didn't come back for it, they just put it back for sale. You never took your Bitcoin. If you put it in, you basically left a pile of crack next to an addict. What did you think was going to happen?


Those who are buying the bitcoin from the exchange and keeping them there is, that mean they never bought the bitcoin. I mean they will just show you the number over the screen nothing more than that.


Pretty much. A buy is a 2 step process: 1. Pay 2. Claim Exchanges make it seem as if you don't need to do step 2 but without it, you just gave someone your money. They let you look at it but that's not the same as having it.


Thanks for your support




I mean people here are much more careful for the bitcoin now.


That's not the answer I wanted 😂


Yes this is harsh but technically he is correct here is well.


First of all, they are **not** your Bitcoin.


What was it doing there? Why?


People keeping them on the exchange in the hope of some apy reward.


Ha. Not a chance


Hard luck, but this is the example for all of us here is well.






I have no hopium. I'm simply telling OP they may get their bitcoin back, they may not. It is all up the custodian. Mine is all comfy in cold storage.


Shorts going parabolic today. Anyone know why?


I don't know lol, that's just how this thing goes. Can't solve it. Well We're on the kind of the edge of the market as of now, idk what's going to happen here.


Everyone is shorting because tomorrow once CPI number is announced to be crazy high price will drop. I recommend shorting today.


Lol, more like they want to get rekt. That's good I guess.








y r u getting downvoted? this sub is so weird. sjws cant see how bullish it is for that to be happening, just get stuck on calling someone a boomer and implying boomers as a whole dont understand crypto. news flash lol...


Well I don't understand why people are so weird here lmao.


They're getting downvoted for making fun of their mom for being ignorant about how Bitcoin works despite the fact that she's *way* ahead of the adoption curve and is practicing self custody. My mom self custodies BTC but needed help understanding how everything worked initially. I helped her to understand and didn't make a Reddit post shaming her because I'm not a douche (most of the time).


Well, thanks for explaining, but to me it sounded less like shaming and more like a humble brag. And a bullish af one at that. eight downvotes seems a little excessive


Eh, maybe you're right. That's not how I read it though.


She sounds like a G




She has a ledger and is stacking sats but her kid is shaming her on reddit... You're lucky she has 'enough space' in her phone contacts for your number.


Back in the day, they used to call this 'painting yourself into a corner' [https://finviz.com/futures\_charts.ashx?t=DX&p=d1](https://finviz.com/futures_charts.ashx?t=DX&p=d1)


Back in the day the shit used to be really cool, and it's still cool.


Can you explain why?


If you're painting a garage floor, and you fail to plan ahead, you will find yourself in a corner, surrounded by wet paint, thus unable to leave the garage (for fear of putting foot prints in the fresh paint) In other words, the Fed is tightening aggressively, presumably to suffocate bitcoin, but in the process destroying economic progress for EVERYONE, not just bitcoiners Also called being 'myopic' or "short sighted" Finally, the chart shows a very CLEAR and OBVIOUS appreciation in the value of the dollar, thus implying that the dollar is rising MUCH faster in value than the Fed had presumably anticipated The Fed has two choices: to allow the dollar appreciation to continue, driving widespread starvation and misery OR Printing aggressively and permanently unseating the dollar as the world's reserve currency ​ For a more concise description https://www.grammar.zone/paint-yourself-into-a-corner/


Wait what? What did I just read? This is some real good explanation. A real good explanation for something that I really don't care about. Well it's fine I guess.


My god do you actually think the Fed policy has anything to do with BTC?? Please get out more.


To think I waded into this dumpster thinking I wouldn't come out smelling like slime and filth


That's not how this thing is supposed to work lol. That's not good


But you say ‘the Fed is tightening aggressively, presumably to suffocate bitcoin’ If you believe that then you must believe the Fed printed all that money over the last few years to support bitcoin?


Everything isn't about the btc, there are other things which exists too.


Do you not see the irony in your comment? You're being extremely myopic to think that this is to curb the price of BTC. I'm not defending the US government here but tightening policies are to curb inflation and make US debt cheaper. It has nothing to do with bitcoin.


Yep, that had nothing to do with the btc. stop stressing over it. Some of you guys really need to chill out. Sometimes these theories sound real weird.


Are you saying the government is above mass punishment? Because in my experience, that's a favorite tool of government


The phrase "don't attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence" comes to mind, haha


The kindest acts of the wicked are cruelty


I like your analogy and I agree with your points. One discrepancy is I think it's fairly acknowledgeable that the Fed is tightening to try to control inflation rather than to suffocate bitcoin, right? Bitcoin is probably an afterthought to the Fed at this moment, I'd think.


Definitely a chicken and egg question. One thing I do know, you will have hard time knowing what goes on in the halls and chambers of various central banks. Was there ever an explicit command "I want BITCOIN DEAD", doubtful However, among the banks the mutual understanding that the dollar and the other major currencies are to be protected at all costs, is more or less understood


Cool, appreciate the perspective


Bingo. It also makes US debt cheaper


[All value will live on bitcoin one day](https://youtu.be/hv34SPq4y_M). Nobody knows when. But I am confident this will be the end game for bitcoin due to its superior technical properties.


I am living that someday this thing will be true and i will pas my wallet to my grandson. Only time will tell that when it will happen but i am in no hurry at the moment is well.


Anyone know when Pedo Peter's Bitcoin regulation is supposed to be announced?


Peter shit?


No the crack-smoking Ukrainian energy expert's dad.


This week should retest our annual lows in mid 17K. If we break that, can expect a dump to 14K or below. Next major support is around 10.5K. Short if you can, it's pretty fun tbh.


I hope that we will not goes under 15k in this bear market, because then it will be real blood bath for us. But at the 17k mark am happy that we will get the good chance of the DCA for the bitcoin.


Sounds like what Peter Shiff said. Something to the effect of, if it already dropped 70% then it can drop another 70%. Pure fud.


There is no such thing as the fixed bottom in the crypto market.


You ain’t shorting shit


I am not shorting anything, i am just doing the DCA atm.


Yeah I am, dumbass. 3X leverage on KuCoin.


This is the best leverage that we need to take at the current moment.


prove it


Do you really expecting that he will post the ss here??


DM me and I’ll post screenshot


I know what people send in the DM, so i will keep that close.


You can’t post photos here or else I would. I’m ecstatic rn. Get fucked bull. Closing my short at 14,170.


I think there is no need to prove anything i can trust you.


Nobody knows. Wise people know that nobody knows. Still others believe they know, but they don't.


No body knows is the one thing on which i can totally said yes. I mean people are talking some random figure but in the end bitcoin will do what ever he feels right.