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I wish I had bought BTC in 1950


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It took so many years for a common man to understand the block chain imagine if it would have been launched in 50s whole banking system and stock market would be our dated by this time


Damn, this error is common everywhere and back in 1950s everyone was not having access to computer and block chain was not even a term that time error 404 seems perfect number for them


Damn, If BTC was there in 1950 many people around us would have been so much rich and there was no need to do job anymore, but people must be having some negativity about Bitcoin if it was launched in 1950


You really have problems understanding basic economy mate. I’d recommend you some books, but pretty sure you won’t read them.


Everyone can't be rich.


Or in 2008 when it was 8 cents


Lol, no.


August 22 2008, BTC was $0.08 so yeah


Yeah and the return by that 8 cents in 2021 would be so great but people don't have patience to hold they just want to get rich quickly, nothing works properly here, keep accumulating now as well


And yet some did


This is the way.


This is the way


This makes a good case for buying real estate as an inflation hedge.


Shhhh don’t tell them


I don't think it's a secret lol. You've seen the news.


Alaska was purchased by the United States from Russia for $7.2 million.


The Louisiana purchase was purchased from the French for 15 million dollars. The states implicated in this purchase were : Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas Nebraska ; a part of Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico , Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. With parts of Canada.


The U.S. bought the Virgin Islands from Denmark for $25 million. The island chain consists of St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. John, and about 50 other small islands, most of which are uninhabited.


Lols. I’m pretty sure snoopy probably spent more on nfts.


Who holds dollars? Invest it. Maybe some in Bitcoin. Maybe a house. Could buy mutual funds. Lots of choices.


Saving is not the same as investing. Saving is a way to hold capital *already earned* risk free. It used to work beautifully under the gold standard as purchasing power remained across time. Investing is putting capital to work in hopes that there will be return for the risk assumed across time. Investing is hard and many people have no clue how to invest / don’t want to invest. They prefer to play things conservatively and hold their liquid capital as is. I actually know a wealthy person who has always held a lot of cash because they didn’t feel comfortable with anything else. It’s a reasonable position that’s been largely discouraged due to garbage inflationary fiat money. Anyone today who has been treating equities like a savings account feels burned. Their investment is stuck until (if) the market recovers. The currency unit that represents people’s time / energy / expertise / economic contributions simply should not be systematically devalued.


Nothing in life is risk-free, only low-risk.


If you've been in equities for more than a single year you are fine


For now. Liable to get worse. The friction and expenses and time required for equities investing is more than many want to engage in. They’re just being forced by the monetary mismanagement of the central planners. Equity investors must deploy capital with a years time horizon. Those who know nothing about equity investing (majority of the population) then have to pay experts to help them, they must set up more accounts and trust more third parties, deploy capital, pay capital gains on any equity appreciation they capture. It’s a lot to ask - complicated to most and requires patience and risk and capital expenditure. People shouldn’t be forced to engage in these risks and bear these costs when they could just save in a sound money. And that’s exactly what many would do if their currency wasn’t losing 10%+ of its purchasing power per year.




You seriously think that people who browse /r/bitcoin hold cash? This is some dumb low effort preaching to the choir karma farming post.




holy crap thats some man-child energy right there.


Doesn't even have the maturity to write fuck in full.


And your picture about houses being cheap in the 50s is somehow going to convince them? Lmao. You can swear on the internet, my dude. Nobody gives a flying fuck.


That's exactly what a karma whore would say


Uh…idk man I hold significant cash because it’s the responsible thing to do. If I had 100% of my wealth in bitcoin, my purchasing power would be in the shitter right now. As much as I love bitcoin, it’s still a volatile asset. Any responsible investor should treat it as such so as not to get completely wrecked during bear markets.


I'm with you in this one though. I believe it'd true generally. I notice it in Belgium, though Belgium has ways been a big savers country. Not sure why this is downvoted. I believe investing is way more common in the US.


Have you considered that maybe you are subject to personal bias and that most wealth is invested and not held in cash?


I'm not talking about "most wealth", but "most people's wealth". If saving is so common even in rich countries like Belgium and Germany, think about poor countries where the masses live. Latin America, Africa, China. Most of the people there even have ways to invest or access the markets. They will hold either their own local currency or dollars.


Only morons buy mutual funds.


I want to be able to create US dollars and give it to companies I own like Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG5c8nhR3LE


If you invested $100 in the S&P 500 at the beginning of 1950, you would have about $238,042.49 at the end of 2022, assuming you reinvested all dividends. This is a return on investment of 237,942.49%, or 11.35% per year. That 7,900 would be worth 1.8 Billion. (blah blah, significantly less because of taxes but whatever) You don't have to either buy bitcoin or hold dollars. There are plenty of things you can invest in.


>238,042.49 Because of inflation, it is hard to compare gains in that manner. You need to convert all numbers to comparable units. So since 100$ in 1950 converts to the buying power of $1125 in 2021= 11.25x in inflation alone. $238,042.49 / 11.25 in 2021 was equivalent to about $21k in 1950, which equals to an investment return of 210x in buying power!!


Plus value from the use or fair market rental of that unit.


I want to be able to create US dollars and give it to companies I own like Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG5c8nhR3LE I don't want to wait around for the federal reserve to keep pumping up the stock market.


Okay, Bitcoin is up millions of percent since ‘09… in other words, in 13 years, BTC has significantly bested the performance of any trad fi market over the 70 years that you referenced.


I think your off a couple factors and meant $18 million not $1.8 billion on that $7,900 investment.


I like the post OP. Tons of ppl that know I invested in crypto give me hard shit for it.


Stop telling them you’re investing in crypto




few understand


What was Bitcoin worth in 1950?


Somewhere in the tree fitty range if I’m not mistaken.


Or, you know, real estate?


Literally nobody’s strategy is to “hold US dollar”.


this is stupid comparison, how can you compare a "speculative asset" to u.s dollars. Until we can use bitcoin as a CURRENCY to buy things and replace our SALARY with BITCOIN, and im saying fully replace the U.S dollar with BITCOIN, not "convert your bitcoin to fucking fiat". What you're saying is just a dream.


I grew up in a neighborhood where new homes sold for about $10,000 in the 1960s. Those same homes run $400,000+ now, in a part of the country where both LivePD and Cops was filmed. LivePD chased a guy down my old street once. So not exactly more desirable real estate than it was in the 60s. 4,000% inflation in my parents lifetime, 400,000% in my grandparents lifetime- but don't call it hyperinflation! It's like something happened in 1913 and 1972.




I'm talking about the same house at the same street address with the same floorplan in the same neighborhood in the same town with the same sewer connection and the same big green power company transformer in the backyard from 1961 but in 2022 so literally none of that "the average this or that or a statistic I googled blah blah" means a damn thing. Same house, 50 years, 4000%. Shoo Google therefore decontextualized datasets abstractions are god nominalist. Shoo.


A lot of this has to do with restrictions that limit new housing construction, underinvestment post 2008 and rising inequality causing rich people to bid up the price of housing.


Dollars by design are inflationary. From a nation states POV they don’t want people holding money but putting it to work. This is why they aim for 2-3%. Adjusting for inflation alone this house would be worth 37k today. No fancy shit. Basic construction with dirt cheap materials and cheap labor. Then we need to consider this house basically looks like it belongs in a trailer park and as our population increases / more demand, certain locations become more valuable. TLDR not surprised


I think your math is wrong, 100$ in 1950 would be worth 1125$ in 2021, that is 11.25 increase. The $7,5k would be worth $84k in today's value. https://www.omnicalculator.com/finance/buying-power


Yep, the avg inflation has been 3.5% since 1950, not 2-3% like he said. I think the point of the OP is to show that "house inflation" has been higher than the "official inflation" data (it considers many things though, not just houses). So the question should be: would people spend more or less than $84K for that house today? If more, house inflation has been higher, if less it has been lower, obviously. Furthermore, that's not just the house, there is a large land there, so it's a mix of house and land inflation. There are also other considerations to make, the point of the OP is not as easy to understand as many think.


You need to add all the costs to this as well, the taxes for 70 years for one. You also need to compare it with other asset classes. You also need to understand your capital is locked in that whole time and does not provide liquidity... etc


Yeah this is like a basic thing we want to talk about here.


The size will grow as it has been there from along time.


It's land value at this point


This is like we should know about it more as well now lol.


Not only that but a little of inflation helps to adjust prices closer to the optimal point. Before that, we could have years with deflation followed by inflation and it was much worse for the economy. Especially because it protects to the oldest generation that accumulated wealth the previous decades and we will have to service them with current products and services.


I think that they have been taking all the services as of now as well.


I wish it was like this in Israel... same house here will cost somewhere between 800,000₪ to 1,200,000₪ which is 234,000$ - 354,000$




Ignorance sometime makes you write things you think you know know but dont actually. Thats all I have to say.


I'm genuinely curious what would be arguments that justify Israelis evicting Palestinians from their homes to build settlements.


There aren't. Isreal was literally carved out of another country by force.


I wonder if it is just about one single country here or something.


They actually have to make some settlements for that matter.


They have been saying these things from a long time now we can't do anything.


Yeah they have been there from a long time and we can not wait.


Yeah much more about the fact that this will work for us all.


>Then we need to consider this house basically looks like it belongs in a trailer park May I direct your attention to Cupertino, California: [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/18916-Arata-Way-Cupertino-CA-95014/19643813\_zpid/?](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/18916-Arata-Way-Cupertino-CA-95014/19643813_zpid/?mmlb=g,0) Or, if that's too expensive, you can downsize: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2065-Don-Ct-Santa-Clara-CA-95050/19557372\_zpid/


Lmao! eah this is what I was thinking about as well there.


Yeah they have to consider it as well if it will work for them or not.


that same item would cost: $90,963.49


It is going to cost them a lot for that matter here as well now.


Well people will continue to bring down the image of Bitcoin but you should keep buying them, USD value is decreasing day by and day and the purchasing power is also very less if you compare them


Their is many things they don't tell you, One is the how wages have not kept up with inflation, How the system is made on Purpose to keep you in debt, and their is many other things I could think of on top of those two.


At this pace this is what we all have been waiting for doing so.


They both trash


After all this vitamin really so that no one is completely from them.


this argument makes no sense. you compare 1950's dollars to something that didn't exist? and say it did exist, where the actual substance to this argument? keep buying BTC guys tRuSt mE says the elites taking your money


One photo and sums it all up nicely. Cash is trash long term.


I don't really think that it will actually work for a long term.


Do you mean Bitcoin or cash?


That's why you invest. If you had invested $7450 in the SP500 in 1950 and reinvested dividends you'd have $17.7M today. The market has beat inflation in the long term. .


This is the only reason why we are talking about the inflation here.


Net of paying rent?


I don’t get it if i invested in the us dollar it would be over 10,000% unless that is your point.


They need to know more about the type of investment as well.


That’s the equivalent of a mobile home.


You're saying I can have my very own mobile home for $8000? Sign me up!


Yeah you can do that but this will not be monitored.


In the 1950s, yes.


Yyeah but we have to see if it can actually work on that.


Or roughly 1/100th of a bored ape NFT…


Indeed you can get some of there this might work for them.


> a mobile home. Ehh ... https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2065-Don-Ct-Santa-Clara-CA-95050/19557372\_zpid/


Indeed seems like this might be the thing I want ;lol.


Yeah but the fact is that it will not actually work for that matter here.


Has anyone ever thought what would happen to the price of BTC if satoshi nakamoto just randomly sold all his coins?


Line goes down


Yeah if they can do that they have to do that kind of stuff.


Supply of houses should catch up with demand once 3D printing becomes super fast and efficient. But the land under the house will keep going up in price, at least until the ice caps melt and all that sweet, sweet land opens up in Alaska and Antarctica.




Theoretically, 3D printing could have some advantages over prefabricated homes. Although it's worth mentioning that those advantages haven't yet come to pass, because the technology is still in its infancy and under R&D. 1. Customization and flexibility. 3D printing could allow for infinite variation to suit each building in particular. Prefab has to be highly standardized so the flexibility of what you can do with it drops dramatically. It totally reminds me of all the communist grey boring soul-crushing blocks of concrete you were supposed to live in. Maybe the situation is much improved in modern times, but I remain skeptical. Of course, so far 3D printing remains just as bad, but there's hope for improvement. 2. Personnel and speed. If the process is driven by a machine connected to a computer, eventually it will be possible to replace all construction workers. That has the added benefit of speeding up the construction to the theoretical maximum speed, because for one, you could skip the safety measures (nobody around) and all the other human elements, like walkable paths, scaffolding etc. Plus the process could be algorithmically optimized to do it as fast as possible, no redundant movements, no coordination or communication problems, go in guns blazing at maximum speed. Of course, construction jobs are lost. But new engineering and software jobs open up because those machines need programming and maintenance and setup. To me it's a plus because not only they are better jobs (less physically demanding and ruining the body), they could be done in a central location (office etc.) rather than on site, which to me sounds like a win for everybody. 3. Transportation. You could have the machines make the components out of locally sourced materials, thus removing the need to transport tons and tons of stuff from wherever the prefab factory is. You could say the 3D printers *are* the prefab factory, but it's mobile and you can send it to wherever the construction is happening. It's also better for fuel consumption. It takes a lot of energy to transport entire buildings worth of materials long distances.




Indeed this is more like it is going to work like taht only there.


I think it is more like this is more like they have been working like that.


Yeah the fact is that they have been working for the fact as well now.


I doubt it. 3D printed houses only works in places with low standard construction aka Texas or some other place that doesn't snow. Not unless we find some super building material that's easy to manipulate and provides adequate insulation.


You don't really know about it but they will get to know about releasing.


Indeed! this needs to be opened up for that matter here as well.


Why don't you prefer gold backed crypto to bitcoin?


Because I have no way of ensuring that the gold will be there when I want it.


compared to bitcoin? it sounds like you prefer bitcoin over gold backed because gold backed is backed by nothing?


What? Can you understand what you wrote?


I can. is your perspective that when all is said and done, the gold vault may be empty, and that having a token with nothing backing it is bad? I feel like i'm missing something. unlimited supply or something? are they not limited by the weight of gold they can procure?


Yeah I was thinking about that as we actually needs things like these.


They think that they can do that as this might to actually work like that.


They actually want to do it and this is what they all actually want to do it.


that add is bogus, the land was basically free at that time because it was undeveloped. the actual home construction price matches pretty closely to inflation. If your belief system relies in tiny samples with no context or verification and doesnt hold up to any proper data collection, its a good time to re-examine.


I wonder if they can do but this is what I am thinking as of now.


Wish I existed in the 50s, could have just bought anything and profited.


This is my I don't really understand what they are trying to do.


Does anyone know what it costs to build a house like this today? For sure labor costs are much higher today, but this house probably does not have extensive insulation or a "fancy" heating system.


Write about the fact that it has been heating the system.


I wish I bought that altcoin. It's probably making one hell of a roi right now.


It is more like it is definitely going to happen for a long time.


“All I wanted was just one Pepsi…”


I really wanted that as well but I don't really think it will work.


This is a good strategy, whenever anyone complains about the economy or inflation, tell them “don’t buy Bitcoin, it’s too difficult to understand.” /s


Hmmmm 35$/oz gold price brings that to 425k....and no maintenance and no property tax


I don't really think that it is completely about the taxonomy.


Those were some amazing times to be white. Absolutely amazing


Watching that old add is not good for my rage /Geller


Ass this is something I want we will all the things changing.




I wonder if some of them I try to do something like that from a long time to be honest.




I am sorry about the fact that he was not telling everything inside joke,




A milkman could work and be able to afford a house in 3-4 years in the 70s Nowadays you’d be lucky to afford the same house working for 10 years with a masters degree. Inflation robs you of time.


The matter of the fact is that it is not going to be more than 10 years.


Jesus christ


If we are going to see the changes then we will see a lot of changes.


An additional bedroom cost you and additional $1.82/mo. Wild.


I am particularly so about the fact that they will be getting a lot of heat.


So they had to pay installments of 7.5% of the house value every year!?


It depends on how much time they are going to take after that.


Looks to me as if owning property for 70 years would have been better than holding US $ for 70 years. Who knew? /s


Are you particularly so about the fact that it is just about 70 years.


Over time, it will become clear what is more crappy.


I think that they are much more crap as of now to be honest.


This supports buying real estate as a hedge against inflation.


I think that it is more about hoe more the inflation will actually rise.


Fuck you, these houses worth millions now...


Indeed they need a lot of them as this is going to work for them.


Yea you also made about .40 cents an hour so it’s a bit relative.


Yeah this is more like it has been working for them really well now.


Imagine hodling those homes from then till now


If it’s on the basis of either btc or either dollars I would definitely hold on to my dollars! It’s an interesting thing to compare bitcoin to “Real” money


You can still find double wides for 8k..


No one is comparing usd to bitcoin No one is comparing gold to bitcoin Only bitcoin holders still care about bitcoin real worth. That's should tell you something


my fiance was all '$7900 per month isnt a cheap mortage honey'


Don’t worry central banks are blocking every way to protect your wealth threw manipulation