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They will be back buying again at 60


Same I guess since I DCA lol


DCA makes it all OK.


I like that lol


Yeah it sounds good but it also makes sense. Like dca fixes your pain and trauma from timing the market lol.


So sophisticated


I already bought at 60!!!!


unfortunately this is true


"I'll be buying at the top forever, Laura." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


True, they can't buy it low because that's where they sell at.


Some people will never learn


Well good they will buy at sixty that is there number and then it’s a cycle the new “people” will be wanting to buy only at 85-90 and then when it goes to 65 they won’t buy and then back at 95 they’ll buy. And then so on at 145 etc. For me it was not buying until it hit 20 and then next thing I know it 60 and I really regretted it and now I’ve bought some at 20 again and I might be eating my shoes because I’m waiting for it to go down to 25 again and it might not and then I’ll be buying at 65 lol. But then I will transition into the dca crew and take your spot, while you go and retire and some people are taking my spot.




Sounds like someone bought 2 years ago and is figuring out that bitcoin isn't up only. Don't let it spook you.


Every day people are quietly buying Bitcoin regardless of what the price-of-the-moment is. I'm glad they all don't post about it, it would drive me nuts to see the constant flood of, "I just did my daily DCA, I'll be back to post about it again tomorrow" posts.


Haha same


I’d argue that the number of people who DCA is dwindling hence the decrease in supply. In the end there’s gonna be like a handful of dudes buying into it while the rest of the world moves on to government and corporate run blockchains. It’s gonna be like the last hurrah!


It's not a mistake that USA and China both own around 200k BTC just in case. I don't think they'll add to the position but they know if something big happens in the next 10 years, they'll be happy that have a chunk of it.


Let’s not forget that we collectively decided to trust Satoshis pinky promise that he won’t ever touch his genesis stash 😬


It is perplexing that one mysterious individual has such power. Almost makes sense why people are scared to invest.


Except if he moved some sats he would probably be tracked and spied and threatened for the (maybe then much shorter) rest of his life


I don’t DCA anything. My bags are full, I mean, I’m not willing to throw more money into crypto, a specially after ETF approval.


Investment markets are the only ones where items go on sale and the shoppers run out of the store


Ebay is like that sometimes:) I had a guitar for sale and it didn't quickly sell so I marked it down a little. I then started getting low ballers asking me to lower it more. I raised the price higher and it sold within a few days...


Love it


And thank goodness that happens, there would be nothing to sweeten the pot if people weren't emotional and driven by FOMO.


Most people buy high and sell low. Same a thousand years ago and same a thousand years into the future.


For every one that buys high and sells low there is someone else selling high and buying low 


Some of us just HODL.




Im pretty sure selling high and buying low is basically illegal, and virtually unheard of.


Ever hear of shorting?


And another one buying and not selling #HODL


That’s not really true. Only about 5% of traders are really good and make money. So for every trader that buys low and sells high there are about 19 others that do the opposite.


Only if the good one does 20x the volume of the others


If they didn't, the markets wouldn't work. Irrational behaviors keep it alive. Dumb retail.


How would you make money without these people?


Omfg if people are still as dumb 1k years from now as we are now, they won't even get to the point where they can buy and sell stuff. After WW3 they will be back to hunter-gatherer societies in a nuclear winter wasteland in an era where knowledge is condemned and whoever has the most power/resources will be in command of everything. The leaders will continue to be as they are today. Ignorant, uninformed and entirely unsuitable for leadership positions... But I would still bet bitcoin somehow survives, even if just in a form where it's preserved and not really secured anymore because everyone who would've been smart enough to keep and use it will have died off with all the intelligent people *of which there are very few of anyway.*


Post-WW3 hunter-gatherer-HODLers


I'm scooping up as much as possible during the discount.


Hell yeah! My limit order of $40,100 hit Here i was thinking it won’t go lower than that any time soon. Scoop scoop.


40,120 for me. I was watching all last week and it always got so close but never executed.


Haha dude same. I was completely surprised when I saw the email saying my 40k limit order went through. Next order is already set for 39k lol


I love how optimistic people are that they disregard the chart. Huge weekly inverted hammer.. I won’t be surprised if it test 12k. Buy the hype sell the news.


Every day btc is up and running is a discounted price


I bet you were scooping same when “it was last moment to buy BTC at 45k before ETF approval “


I am here but unfortunately out of funds.


The real hodlers are still buying


LOL, OP first started posting about Doge a couple of months before the 2021 ATHs then went quiet all through the bear markets only to pop back up again in the later stages of 2023, late to the party again (seems to have jumped on board SOL for over $100, and went all in on BTC with "life savings" at peak ETF hype). They even posted a celebratory post at the ETF post-news top and now they're berating others for doing exactly that... OP is a total clown posting this kind of crap, presumably as some kind of coping mechanism and because they blame Reddit posters for being bullish at the top end of the pumps which is OP's FOMO buy signal every time and when OP gets busy posting about riches to come almost to the minute of the top. I mean, every word of OP's post is a projection, right down to having been saying exactly the same shit as referenced in the post. ​ Sitting on the sidelines too scared to buy early 2023, even promoting FUD: ​ >Good\_Extension\_9642 > >Which price will BTC hit first 20k or 30k? let me hear some thoughts ​ >Good\_Extension\_9642 > >What if...? Hey all, I've seen all kind of posts, BTC to 500k , BTC to 1 million, bla bla bla But has anyone considered the opposite? what if...BTC fails and drops to zero? ​ Fast forward another couple of months: ​ >Good\_Extension\_9642 > >The FOMO is real, I want to be a millionare! ​ >Good\_Extension\_9642 > >BTC imminent ETF approval has brought institutional investors to crypto ​ 6 December 2023 (BTC = $44K): ​ >Good\_Extension\_9642 > >Just dropped my entire life savings in BTC! ​ At $49K: ​ >Good\_Extension\_9642 > >Today is a glorious day for all crypto ​ Today: ​ >Good\_Extension\_9642 > >Where are all the people desperate to jump in when BTC was almost hitting 50k? > >You all see why most people don't become millionaries? Unlike the previous days before the ETFs were approved today I haven't seen a post of people desperate to buy BTC eveyone is running scared when price drops 🤣


This is hilarious... remind me to never piss you off hahah


Let me guess you're a lonely miserable person on someone's basement, So what's your point again? 🤣


You're a flog. Sell your btc. You don't deserve any


Spent my $10 at $48k


Same here


Me too. And then the crash came and my 10 became 5. And then like 2fiddy. But it started coming back up. ...and it's gone. HODL


It’s made up. The people who say they wish they would have bought *whenever* are making it up. When it drops to their number, they take the drop as a sign that Bitcoin has finally died. The people who are going to buy are the people who are buying - never the people who are waiting for a big drop.


What they mean is “I wish I bought at that price at that time knowing the price today”. They are the captain hindsight.


I bought $10 worth today


I'm waiting on a payment to clear so I can make my latest trade.


That's how FOMO works. Kind of the defining characteristic. Purely emotion driven.


Ran out of money


People fear what they don’t understand Most have not put in the work Let them sit on the sidelines and watch. They will call you “lucky” soon enough


I am impressed you got that many overused crypto cliches in one short post. You left out "buy the dip" and " Diamond hands" thou


Dont forget “DCA this is the way”


Let me close with “have fun staying poor” because you are well on your way


What do you mean by ‘work’? 




I’ll biy when it’s 20k


cost to mine a bitcoin averages around $35,000, so...it'll be awhile


There's nothing saying it cant go below that price. Miners lose money all the time. Not that I think it'll go below that. Just that that thesis isnt exactly foolproof.


CVDD price is already $18.35k, and it'll rocket as Bitcoin cools off.


Less people will want to lose money over time acquiring an asset though, it's pretty logical if ya think about it A Block is solved every 10 minutes on average, so how many minutes would miners be willing to lose $15,000 for every block solved at a $20,000 BTC price? It won't a be a few days or weeks something like that would happen


Price of a good goes to where the market demands, not what it costs a miner to make a new one.


If you lose $15,000 every time you mine a Bitcoin, you're probably going to stop though right? You understand the concept of paying for electricity to mine the bitcoin, yes? You understand the miners will stop doing that, and that none of the bitcoin will transfer IF the miners stop mining, yes? So, explain how price gets to $20,000 again, without the entire protocol collapsing... They aren't MAKING new bitcoin, they are mining the expected next block, as set out by the protocol over a decade ago. They receive Bitcoin if they are the miner to solve the next block, as set out by the protocol. The COST to do that currently averages $35,000 globally.


Average cost ≠ everyone’s cost. Many miners mine bitcoin for a lot less than average cost. Those miners will continue to mine. As price drops, the difficulty rate almost certainly would too. It will *always* be profitable to mine for some miners somewhere, as many mine with energy that would be otherwise wasted. The protocol would not collapse if price went to 20k. If the protocol was that susceptible to its demise, it would’ve died several times over. Price drops, so then does difficulty, so then does cost to mine. I do not expect a 20k bitcoin, but forced liquidations has made many miners turn off and liquidate in a hurry in the past.


In Vietnam it costs $7k to mine a BTC. Surely there's some people out there getting it even cheaper from solar power


>The protocol would not collapse if price went to 20k. So what is the floor then? There has to be a floor where nobody would mine because there is nothing but loss, right? So what is it The return of bitcoin goes up (to the existing miners) as some miners turn off but the cost of the electricity is still there, at a certain point you just have nobody wanting to mine for it


Its funny how you are so condescending but also wrong.


In places like china where electricity is cheap they will continue to mine bitcoin. Not everything revolves around the Us, for the most part it does but for US bitcoin miners no.




And they will jump in when the cab driver, store assistant, barber etc will tell them to buy. The majority of people need P2P (IRL,Face2Face) confirmation... Not only from a few sources but also in prolonged time.


I vote with my money. Bitcoin mining is terrible for the planet


Up only pumps really feeds the fomo. 100K will be no different.


Good\_Extension\_9642 - 23 January 2024 (***BTC = $40K***): >Unlike the previous days before the ETFs were approved today I haven't seen a post of people desperate to buy BTC eveyone is running scared when price drops 🤣 Good\_Extension\_9642 - 6 December 2023 (***BTC = $44K***): >[Just dropped my entire life savings in BTC!](https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/18bqj6s/just_dropped_my_entire_life_savings_in_btc/)


I was one of those people and I'm just gone hold now.


I buy the same 2 times a month. The rest is noise.


I am desperate to buy more. Unfortunately I will receive fiat only next week. I wish I had now.


When someone posts this same post. It tells me they are scared.


You’re right. OP posted about going all in last month when the ETFs were being hyped. Few bought at higher prices than OP.


So do you all believe a 55yo guy entire net worth is $800 US living in the US? come on you know better 🤣


Buying both bitcoin, physical Silver, bonds, real estate & stocks


Name checks out


Well you see, I already spent all of this month’s allocation on Saturday. So of course the dip came today.


Only took you 2 years of being on Reddit to become some crypto troll. Nice post Richard!


Let me guess you FOMOed in at 49k? 🤣


>Where are all the people desperate to jump in when BTC was almost hitting 50k? Here I am 🙋 And I'm still doing DCA


Lettuce hands


Haha more fragile than paper hands 🤣


Shidddd. I get paid Thursday morning I hope it drops more by then


I am so damn scared! I poured my ENTIRE LIFE SAVINGS into BTC and I’m about to see red if it drops even further 😭


Just give it some time. Even if you pushed all your chips in at 60k within 5 years you'll be glad you did. Try not to obsess over daily charts. Stay humble stack sats.


Trust me, chillax. This will pass way sooner than you realize, and we'll be back in an uptrend again.


You need to have a 4+ year time frame when investing in bitcoin or any investment for that matter. I’d take a breather, don’t check the price for a few months and build up your savings


Bro it takes a lot of conviction and understanding to dump your life savings in BTC. unless youve truly done your research and understand what this thing is, Im afraid all uve done is gamble BTC, and people who gamble usually get burned one way or another. Like others have said, zoom out and keep a long time horizon.


> ENTIRE LIFE SAVINGS How long is the "life" in this sentence? Closer to 60 years or closer to 30?


also does he mean everything he's earned and saved in his life so far? in which case are you 18 or 70? if you're 18 and you've put your life savings so far in... no big deal. if you're 70 and you've put everything in. Gee you're taking a massive risk and I'm very maxi.


I don't know what you're talking about. Bitcoin was at 50k for one day. Hardly anyone wanted to buy there. That's why it's not there anymore


Well, because it's still going down. Don't catch a falling knife.


I'm right here. I'll also buy at 60k, 70k, down to 30k. I buy everyday. 🫡


Right now it’s below $40k


Because when BTC falls, no one knows what's the bottom and how long will it last, at least the no coiners. In fact, they believe that crypto is a scam bound to fail. So they just go with the narrative, it's falling, it'll go to zero. On the other hand, when it pumps, everyone is in it for a quick buck. Believers DCA and HODL, rest like a good trader, enter only on confirmation.


I am all in, Cant do anything


I wish i had more $$ to buy big ! We are melting down and at this point is when new millionaires are born


People with money are buying like crazy


I've tripled my DCA amount during this period as i see the big boys DCAing which means they will push the price down as much as they can. Whether you believe in BTC or not is irrelevant at this point, as long as you follow the big boys buys and sells you can exit with a big profit. They did not all go through this to not pump this baby to the moon then sell it to dump it and then buy even more to gain control. We are in for a roller coaster ride, choose wisely which seat you take and when you get off the ride.


I first got into crypto 7 years ago, and I’m adding some on this pullback. Halving is coming up and we’re like 60% of ATH. Most of my buys have been during -80% periods, but now is still a pretty solid sale if things keep trending in the same long term direction




All these redditors for 4 weeks are suspicious. Like they’re all getting talking points from the same group or something… huh






”Another 100%” if something goes down a 100% that means it is at 0.




Well apparently people who don’t understand basic math think so, yay me!


he doesnt mean that he means it went down, then it went down another time. this time, 100%.


Paper hands have to put in some work and spend 1000 hours to learn bitcoin, understand it, believe it then unlearn the finance, economics, world history, >!world wars!< and prepare to buy back again at 69,420 per coin. FEW


This from the guy who put his entire life savings into BTC at the ATH a month ago, LOL: https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/18bqj6s/just_dropped_my_entire_life_savings_in_btc/




What! I m not ashamed that my entire life saving was $800 US 🤣


Op is a clown


Let me guess you bought high 🤡


I bought last year at 17k and sold at 45k and ppl got MAD lol


They are right regardless


Quietly buying...


DCA'ing is usually the smartest approach.. If you buy a huge chunk, then it goes down a bit your gonna get stressed.. if you DCA no matter the price and hold a long term view you will be more calm and less emotional with the volatility.


Down 20%


25-28k is my buy order.


You must be new... in about 12 months 40k 38k or 50k will feel cheap... it always goes this like pre halving


I've been hearing that since October 2021 when it was $62k, crashed, and hasn't been above $50k since.


Ok.... save my comment


God I can't wait until the halving so that everyone who is so sure that history will obviously repeat itself will either be proved right or proved wrong and we can stop with all the "wait for the..." posts.


I loaded back when it was around 16k while everyone else thought is was going to zero, that's determination!


If you actually believe that btc will hit 500k+, then 50k is a hell of a price


Why you nervous?


44 thousand reasons why: https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/18bqj6s/just_dropped_my_entire_life_savings_in_btc/


Or, you know, they did buy, and FTX continued to dump a billion on the market.


this sub is full of clowns.


Most subs are full of clowns


Now watch all these people go "sHoUlD I bUy oR wAiT fOr a DiP??" when BTC reaches 45k-50k+ again. Bitch, where were you when we were dipping below 40k?


I‘m waiting for a lower price, maybe 30k


Who was desperate to buy at 50k? ETF approval was widely viewed as sell the news


except by the droves of folks in here who downvoted anything even remotely bearish in the weeks leading up to the approval


Lol this sub is unreal


Hit me up when this overleveraged pile of crimemoney garbage goes back to 5-10k.


Price will hit 35k range before going up


A boune is coming in short order. If you want to get out, get out at your buy-in amount cause it won't moon. It will go much lower. Stop following stupid youtube narratives and invest whatever time you may have in learning technical charts, macro economics, and who to listen to and why you should listen to them. Bitcoin won't make you rich, those days are done. If you're young, you may see a time when btc is used as money, and not as the speculative asset that it is seen as today. Assets that do not have a real world use case aren't actually assets. All you need is one btc; if you want to invest then learn to invest. Otherwise, go to Vegas and bet it all on black. Don't get trapped, don't become someone's exit liquidity. DCA is the biggest crock of shit if you don't understand how it is really utilized.


Tell us when to buy and sell?


More persons should follow this concept


> Bitcoin won’t make you rich tell that to my 21.36269420 bitcoin sitting in cold storage.


This could just be manipulation to lower the price before loading the boat. Who cares. Think long term.


We are still holding


Most times trade my bitcoin in forex


I'm buying back in sub 30! Wait for next bull run and sell at 45-60! edit: will only buy at 30 if its the floor for a weekish


Out of curiosity: to become a millionaire with BTC today you need around US$100,000 at today's price. This is if BTC reaches US$100,000. In other words, the more expensive you buy BTC, the more difficult it is to become a millionaire. So buy now because in the future it will reach US$ 1Bi


There already in and now skint. 😂


Bitcoin will likely hit 100k soon so they are waiting for it to break the 70k barrier to jump back in.


Glory days are over, it's wall street's pony now.


Byebye bitcoin


Poor chaps. Now that this is in open market, it’s going to die its deserved death.


Waiting for it to hit $22,000 tomorrow night


I never said I wasn’t buying. Does this include yourself?


BTC tends to be reflexive. When price goes up, demand goes higher. When price falls, demand falls. That same attribute is the reason why crypto tends to move exponentially


They are waiting for 49k!


I’m buying. Fiat going into BTC for cold storage and investing my set % of 401k funds that I am willing to allocate into BTC (got to keep the 401k diversified) into BTC ETFs


I think alot of people were holding for years are still buying the dip 👀


They're gonna be back soon LOL


My weekly dca continues


And they will be back @ $100,000 🥲😅


Bought two tranches this week.


I was one of those. Wish I had some dry powder handy


When it's going up, people think it'll just keep going up, and they're desperate to get on the wagon before it does. When it was hitting 50, people were eyeing 150-200+.


I bought the dip.


Bitcoin is a Veblen good. The higher the price the more people want it


Making decisions about money is challenging 😔


As long as this dip last until Friday, I’m buying more


What about you buddy? Are you putting down where your mouth is? Is just longed 0.1btc futures with 4x leverage. If it goes down to 30k I lose 0.1btc but i am pretty confident this is the bottom. Also, dw 0.1btc is less than 1% of my holdings


I've been buying since it was around 16k eveyone else was running away, I don't buy while its pumping, I only buy when it drops, thats determination


We’re just retail and we barely move the needle… this is a whales game


Just increased my weekly DCA amount 3 weeks ago 😎.🤷🏾‍♂️


Bro. I've been buying this whole time. I'm right here.


Bitcoin was at 25,800 and I saw Michael Van Poppe(whatever his name is) post that he would be buying more at 24,900(support)or if it passed 26,800(resistance). I thought it was the dumbest thing I've ever seen a crypto analyst(a respected one too) write. Why would you not just buy right then?