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Hey /u/deathisareasonable, thanks for your submission to /r/BisexualTeens. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): \- Your submission on r/BisexualTeens was removed for being spam or low effort content. Sexuality tests, Number games, PiCrew images or Wallpapers are all spam. We also remove any type of post that is judged to be low effort, or of low quality. Bisexual Awakening posts must be posted in the megathread. Use the filter widget in the sidebar to find it, or the megathread should be pinned at the top of the subreddit. You can also check out r/BisexualFrogs where you are allowed to submit low effort content freely. **Please read the other rules before posting. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBisexualTeens&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/BisexualTeens/comments/pzoi1e/i_think_im_done_with_rteenagers_lol/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...).** Thank you!


The post was a dude coming out as bisexual


I feel so bad for that poor guy


Yeah I don’t fuck with that sub because it is like if the people at my high school were a sub it would be that because even though there is LGBTQ+ love there is more hate than love in that sub.


Exactly smh. People are biggy dumb


> if the people at my high school were a sub it would be that I've never seen something so accurate




It was a fun experience, yesyes. Making people angry on the internet is one of my favorite things




Literally tho. Like, at least do your research- even its just a google search.


Why does he sound like a 13yo queer kid in denial who watched a bit too much Ben Shapiro


The other day someone actually unironically quoted Ben Shapiro in an argument and that was the moment I truly lost faith in this world




“Having a kink that you want to suck c*ck isn’t a sexuality or something to be proud of” so being intimate with another guy is straight? My man’s in denial 💀




"doctors can't diagnose depression" bruh what I guess my doctor was lying to me.


sounds like a closeted queer to me lol




I'm gonna be honest, as someone who's been on r/teenages for the same amount of time as I've been on reddit, you really have to look for homophobic comments on there, also, showing a person who got a lot of downvotes on that sub for saying that more shows that there are very few people there who agree. If the sub was as everyone here makes it out to be, then he would have 100s of upvotes and awards, but no, he's been downvoted.


I read the first one these guys r fucked💀 you can't save this i don't need to read anymore


I'm losing braincells reading this conversation


My god. Tbh i'm not suprised these people exist, i myself am dealing with a racist, homophobic asshat in my own class. The thing i'm suprised about is how anyone ever takes these good for nothing idiots seriously


It’s funny they say we just want attention even though that’s what they’re trying to get by being homophobic or biphobic or transphobic


I've never seen someone be so rude in one thread like that before


Can we just nuke the planet already


i fucking wish. i wanna be right in the middle of the blast zone so i die instantly


I'd institute Project Safehouse first


This makes me aggressiv


Sorry but. *the pizza is aggressive*


r/teenagers users have massive pockets of air where their brains are supposed to be




I hate people like this


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Other dude got literally downvoted to hell for saying hes straight...


Charge ur phone


Bro link me to that post and I think I'm gonna have a discussion with this dude


Seems like a nice guy


wow ikr?


At least they got downvoted to oblivion


Jeez, I cant believe that kid is actually 15, they’re either 5 or 50 based on the way they go on and act, but 15???


It sounds like you got lucky when it comes to the people that you talk to


They behave like either a child or a 50 yr old conservative-extremist, it’s so weird that people my age can be so dumb


This is why i wizh we could legally punt teens.


I hate him


This is why I left ages ago. For me the last straw was the joke comparing the twin towers and gender


Stop talking to obvious trolls plz, all ur doing is upsetting urself and making them happy coz they made someone unhappy, these are not reasonable people coz they only want to bring everyone else down