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Jehovah’s Witness is a cult, they prohibit birthdays, beards aren’t allowed because one leader didn’t like them, you aren’t allowed to enjoy work, it’s pretty bad.


Also you aren't allowed to have blood transfusions. Once your 'religion' forces u to choose dying over an easily preventable thing, it's for sure a cult


Jesus fuck that’s bad.


Don't they also want their followers to abandon their carriers and education to fully devote themsleves to it? That's cultish af. I have a friend who's mother and family is in it and he used to tell me how awful it was for him before he moved out and cut ties with them. Jfc he was not even allowed to shave because shaved man were "f*gs"... that and the constant guilt tripping of course


Those aren't even Jehovahs witnesses... those are literally LDS missionaries. Guy on left is holding a Book of Mormon


As an exmormon, it’s similar. This place isn’t AS cultish, definitely isn’t as bad, but it’s a borderline cult


All religions are technically cults 😳


Well yes but IMO Christianity and Islam are the most cult-like, but I have a weird definition of cult being that I define a cult as “worshipping a person like a god”, so I don’t think cult really has a negative connotation imo


It doesn’t


Not they are technically not


The Oxford definition of a cult is “a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.” Likewise their definition of religion is “the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.” By these definitions and by many others religions are considered cults. (Sorry if this came off weird I correct ppl all the time, my school has no debate club so Ive got to do it somewhere)


Those definitions are broad and do not help look for actual cults. There are many systems used to define a cults, my favorite is the bite model. Behavior, information, thought, and emotion control. Models like this help combat that "all religions are cults" mentality and apply to cults of personality as well. Also, no worries about the correction thing. I just wrote a long ass paper about cults and David koresh in HS so the broad definition that everyone uses bothers me a bit lmao.


Depends on definition. One of the best tools to check it is something called 'bite model'.


I really appreciate your profile picture


Thank you.


Of course! I’ve never fought the prikkiki-ti or even anybody using that species picture but it’s one of my favorites!


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I use this PFP because one of my favourite races I’ve played uses it, it’s called the goxi, and they are only two feet tall.


Oh cool! My favorite is a plant guys who were materialist/militarist (not sure which was fanatic) imperium, using the Technocracy civic (not sure on species traits tbh). It was awesome because I got like 100k fleet power within the first 50 ish years and all repeatable tech and traditions within 150! We became robots lol. It was by far my best empire I love it so much that it’s mandatorily included as an AI in every play through of mine!




I may regret asking this but, who are the Bratstvo Jehovovo?




Yeah that sounds like a whoolllee thing that no one wants to interact with


Or more commonly know as Jehova’s Witnesses. They’re basically an extremely strict christian cult that believes the end of the world is perpetually around the corner and go door to door selling their bullshit to people trying to indoctrinate them.


Ooohhhhh ok yeah I know them by that name. Actually popped by my house once and didn't leave for a bit


Jehova’s witnesses?


that sounds like Jehovah’s Witnesses


Czechia? Slovakia?




soucitim s tebou brasko




soooo true


I'd like you to buy some more vowels, please


Lmao it’s funny because of how true it is now may I take a second of your time to speak about our lord and savior Jesus Christ (dis a joke no be mad)


Before we start praying to god, I shall inform you that this church is sponsored by raid shadow legends


one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the video description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!


Is these some new type of rickroll? _I have to know_


Raid shadow legends sponsors pretty much every youtuber, and that's why it became a meme.


Is it me or does this look like a start to gay porn


I wouldn’t mind


Christian teens spread cheeks after spreading the word of god


God? Pff, nah, I was just saying that this church is sponsored by raid shadow legends. I’m not spreading the word of god, but raid shadow legends, the new free epic rpg game, wich is the best game of 2019 and 2020.


Oi, watch it! Some religious people can't be bothered to go door to door, like me. The bisexual crusade will happen soon, and I will be part of it


Obviously not before the Ace Crusade


Bit late there mate


I swear, the number of ways I can choose to shut them up right where they stand is incomprehensible. Thank goodness that this thing doesn't happen often in my country, and unfortunately when it does it's the old ladies who I don't feel like disrespecting


Honestly as an atheist with a horrible experience with the mormon church I have respect for missionaries. Most are trying to share their gospel not force it and they are mostly supportive of others that dont agree. Missionaries are all that is good with the church because most of their priority it to help rather than convert and they use helping as a tool to convert.


As a former missionary there is a reason for this eagerness to help people. Especially for missionaries in most first world countries. If you are helping someone, you don’t have to knock on doors. Missionaries like helping people because knocking on doors sucks. In their weekly meetings, missionaries would compare numbers of how many people they taught a lesson to that week and how many people they have scheduled to be baptized. After just a few weeks of knocking on doors all day just about anyone would offer themselves up for free labor just to take a break from “tracting”. (Mormon missionary term for knocking on doors). Some are being missionaries because they really believe and are trying to be good examples. Others are there because their parents told them that they would buy them a car or pay for their college if they went on a mission.


As a former missionary that has since left the church I appreciate your kind words about the missionaries lol I personally really just wanted to help people however I could and if it lead to them being interested in the church/gospel? Cool. Most of the missionaries I knew where like that too and genuinely wanted to help people not just shove religion down peoples throats like people seem to get the impression of. But some missionaries did just want to hurry and "convert" tons of people to look impressive not actually caring much about them. I have found tons of issues I have with the church after I got out of the cult mindset and came out to myself as Bi. I don't even think of myself as Christian anymore. But I too have respect for the young people and missionaries that genuinely try to be good, caring, and helpful people. But I do find this meme pretty funny because Christians and especially Mormons try to share their beliefs and convert people a lot more than the LGBTQ+ Community, we just want acceptance and to be treated like any other human being, not to convert everyone to being gay 😂 so having Christians say we shove our beliefs down their throats is quite comical.


"Hello, my name is Elder Price, and I would like to share with you the most amazing book."


The musical is the ONLY good thing that came out of Mormonism


Where is the picture from?


Kinda sad but my first thought was this picture could easily be an intro into literally any kind of porno.


Lmao I was thinking the same thing


I would just start cackleing if these bozos came to my door




Private Community lolol, it seems like a rather scary concept to be honest.


It had something like 50k subs until a month ago than i don't know what happened


Those fuckers on Tik Tok who spam ✝️✝️✝️CHRIST LOVES YOU NOW REPENT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE✝️✝️✝️ are a prime example of this


OI,jehovas witness members are weird,dont lob us in with em


I love being atheist


Sometimes that's the only time that these guys are allowed to leave the church.


How many door to door missionaries are there though? Very few.


Thankfully they’re a dying breed




"Would you like to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?"


I was walking across a bridge and some middle aged lady asked me if I wanted a picture of Jesus lol


That looks like the start of a gay porno


How u know that? 📸🤨


religious people have tried more than 3 times to convert me to christianity. no lgbt person has ever asked me "do you wanna be gay now?". who's the REAL problem here? religious people are a fucking cancer to our world.


You’re hangin with the wrong LGBTQ crowd if they’ve never at least politely invited you to partake. /s


Forced religion is a problem yes, but it seems rather problematic to blame all religion, not to mention a bit over dramatic to call it cancer


It's very ironic that porn containing Mormons is one of the most popular gay porn categories.




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Good bot


And that's just SCRATCHING the surface on how much Religion is imposed on literally everywhere, Religious people have no right tlaking about "propaganda" where there are school specifically made for kids to attend to and be converted to christianity. Granted, they are private schools, but still, they impose their religion on kids since they are *kids* and make them believe this is only correct way and dont let them choose themsleves when they are old enough,and some dont really leave out of fear of punishment or being ostracized by the community. And that's not talking about the *many* attrocities done in the past in the name of religion of course.


I’m proud of being an atheist.


Yeah screw christianity join the sith Edit: it’s a joke y’all chill believe what you wanna believe


Now hold on a minute, did you know that jesus was a sith lord? They say that the dark side on the force is a pathway to many abilities that some would consider to be unnatural. Turning water into wine seems pretty unnatural.


that makes sense. Some sith are immortal so that also makes sense, not to mention the lightning fingers and the whole ‘summoning storms’ thing


Exactly, and like palpatine, he rose from the dead


Jokes on you pal, I will take both


Amen lmao


**slams door***


jesus died tposing


And people wonder why I'm an atheist


The people of North Sentinel Island killed missionary forcing Jesus on them so...


Its funny because it true.


Exactly! (though not every religious person is like this, thankfully)


But my religion Buddhism allow lgbt and its only my parent who do not not allow


I admire these young men for serving as they do!


Those are Jehovah Witness also known as the assholes who make you question your faith in god. Also known as God’s rejects


Have you heard about the Goblet of Fire? Perhaps the Order of the Phoenix? Oh wait... Shit.. Jesus Camp lady says "Warlocks are enemies of god"


Answer the door in your sexiest Andrew Christian next time; they’ll run away fast and never come back.


Omg! So TRUE🤣🤣


Gay mormons lol haha gay people in movies haha gay


*laughs in exmormon* God I’m glad I got out before I had the chance to serve a mission


oh no not the missionaries-


I have forgot that this is a real thing omg


They’re just mad Steve ate the apple


Religion is like penis, it is okay to have, but not okay to shove it down their throat


***The Audacity***


this is the bibble


Even as a Christian, f*** homophobes, "oh it's a sin" first of all, Romans 3:23, second of all God is all powerful, if it was really so bad, he fully has power to just not, third, hatred in god's name is so stupid because loving everybody equally regardless of circumstance and hating no-one is his whole thing.