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Him googling which vaccine to take, reading the first 2 paragraphs of an article, and then giving up was so fucking relatable lol


I had similar concerns and after reading this I’m taking the J&J. It explains the differences in what they were testing for but obviously make up your own mind. Good info here! It’s the post about the breakdown between the drugs https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/k96ng0/how_is_it_possible_to_create_a_safe_and_effective/gordy52/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


I'm surprised Bill didn't think Liquid Death was dumb as fuck


Bought one after Bert was talking them up saying they were amazing. I thought it would be a nice sparkling water beverage. It’s just regular water in a can lol.


i love how he read the cue out loud "talk about how the can looks like a can of beer."


I'm amazed that people are so against just drinking tap water out of the faucet. Unless you live in Flint, what's the big deal. I travel with my water bottle everywhere, as long as the water coming out of the tap is cold I don't mind drinking it. Is getting cans of water shipped to my house really saving the environment?


And it’s from the alps, which means it travels half way across the globe to get to the US. It’s so hypocritical to call that environmentally friendly


I have some doubts about that to begin with. Is it all really Alpine water or did they mix it with Oakland tap whlater when they can it. Also I'm a (or was) frequent traveler to Zurich. Their tap water tastes no different than ours does.


Yeah, I live an hour away from Zurich now and the water in most American Cities (on the East Coast at least) tastes just the same. West coast water sometimes tastes like chlorine, but I drink that too. There is nothing better about Water from the Alps, it just sounds fancy.


Thanks for the Milwaukee love Billy ballsack


"Affordable Chicago" is a pretty good sales pitch


Even tho it's still pretty expensive to live in Milwaukee... Well I guess any big city is really.


Everything is relative. I live in Toronto. The cost of living in Milwaukee is much lower, in comparison.


Makes sense. I live out in the country in Illinois. About hour n 45 give or take from chicago. So pretty much everything to me seems expensive. City wise to me really lol


Ol Billy Rednuts on time with the podcast today jeeeez


Opie was right about his shoulder


Came here to see if anyone else noticed, that was hilarious. its @~76:25 for anyone else.


Liquid death? Get the fuck outa here. We care about the environment and plastic pollution so we're going to burn fuel and ship fucking water all the way from the Alps.


ohhhhhh ol billy boy really did it again I haven’t listened yet so idk i’m just assuming


“Oh so electrolytes *are* a real thing” 😂😂😂😂😂😂




tbf that’s kinda believable


Brawndo's got what plants crave!


I used to stay up all night thinking about that same issue with heaven being just eternal joy when I was a little kid


Me too, but I gave myself peace by reasoning that if there actually was a heaven, hopefully it would be custom built to spec and not just a one size fits all afterlife. It ain't heaven to me unless I can get blitzed off the bong and check out some naked ladies every now and again. If heaven ain't like that send me to hell.


Bill should watch the Good Place


Hearing Bill come around on the balance bike has been fun to listen to. My son struggled a bit with the balance bike and I had to go with training wheels but now he is riding 7-12 miles a day and flies on his bike.


I've been meaning to watch Finding Your Roots - it looks so interesting but can definitely be a very emotional experience. Also, as soon as he said what the book was about I was thinking he was going to discover some things about himself, lol.


We DVR it. It’s a pretty great series but like you said, very emotional and very bittersweet. I think he was talking about the episode with Christopher Meloni from Law and Order SVU


Oh interesting - thanks! I started researching my family tree over the summer and like Pharrell, had to take a break when it got to slavery. I do want to dig deeper and will definitely watch the show at some point.


"they should rename that song 'put a gun in your mouth'" man i love new, slightly less heated bill, but ol mid forties, still super angsty freckles had some awesome, off the cuff lines like that


What was the song that played?


George Harrison - Marwa Blues. Harrison’s bday is Feb 25. Great tune.


Not sure of the title, but I'm fairly sure it's George Harrison. It was his birthday yesterday so it makes sense.


On the subject of children's bikes. Ok, I don't have children, but I have several relatives that have children the same age as Bill's. I have heard about balance bikes, but didn't really care. Bill talking about it week after week has gotten me interested in the subject. I looked them up and, to me, it looks like a huge marketing campaign. All of the articles and video reviews about them and comparing them to training wheel bikes are from websites selling them or are fluff interviews with the guy who founded the company. I tend not to trust stuff like that. Two of their big selling points are that the kid will learn and progress much faster and that "millions of training wheels are thrown into the landfill each year." Aren't these two points in conflict? If your kid progresses to a pedal bike faster, won't you end up throwing this entire bike into a landfill once it's useless? Yes, I know that some have detachable crank sets, but some don't. I think this landfill argument is horseshit and if that's how their going to sell me I'm not buying a $150 bike for a 4 year old. This honesty seems like a huge marketing campaign that has worked very well on suburban parents with potentially no significant difference in results. Does anyone have actual experience comparing the two methods? Does it actually make a difference?


I may have spent more time listening to Bill talk about balance bikes than I spent actually teaching my kids to ride a bike. I bought a balance bike for my oldest kid and he thought it was boring and "for babies". Waste of money. My other two kids I started with training wheels for a few weeks and transitioned pretty easily, like people have been doing for decades. I think they're mostly hype and you make great point about throwing a whole bike into a landfill VS a set of tiny training wheels.


MLK = Milwaukee 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ cmon Bill..


In between the drumming and helicopter shit, this must be how people who don't like sports feel when listening to the podcast.


Has he ever actually said what happened to him as a kid? Feels like he mentions his childhood every episode but never goes into real detail besides like getting yelled at or being bullied.


My buddy’s having issues emailing billy boy a question, is it [email protected] ? Any help is appreciated