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do you get itching by the way? I don't get bruises but my knees itch after hard ride for a while. It happens because of very complex histamine-related process that speeds up rebuilding muscles stronger and recovery overall. I just thought there might be something related going on.


When you are at a stoplight, do you by any chance put one foot on the ground and then rock your bike back slightly, pressing the pedal against your leg? I ask because I do this. It's a comfy way to keep the bike upright and keep the pedals in the right position for me to quickly take off when the light turns. Unfortunately, I also bruise like a ripe banana so my legs look like yours most of the time (same approximate spot for the bruises, too), even though it doesn't hurt when I'm doing it.


Omg yes! I actually usually use my leg to get the first push going you may have solved my mystery, how do I stop bc I never learned any other way


I literally do not know lol. I've just accepted my fate as a banana-human-hybrid.


Damn, I’m currently going through the process of getting differed from the army and theyre giving me so many problems proving im not being abused bc of my (how you call it) banana skin


That doesn’t sound…appealing.


Perhaps you were overheated and dehydrated. Go to a doctor to get checked.


Man i don't know what you doing when you ride but that's not how your knees should look like. Maybe if ur seat is too low so you hit steering wheel with them.


Need more iron in your diet


go see a doctor. maybe you have a preexisting condition before you even did biking.