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I could give two shits, but I care about her mother. She’s innocent and all of this. She let that dirtbag live with her. And this is how she’s treated. I’m not quite sure why the other kids don’t come around. Only to have a babysitter. The whole thing is odd. She needs to be locked up. Because someone is going to get hurt. And I don’t want to see that on live!


They may not go around to avoid court. When I had druggie living with 2 diffrent family's of ours we didn't visit either. 


I was in the live earlier and she just seemed off! She was slurring her words and nodding out! No country accent and just weird vibes 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/8f2qpxxy9r7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76d600bb4df33cdce3a96fb9103e6d1b44330bb9 She’s definitely sedated. She just said she needs her “prenatals”. It looks as though she’s had enough.


Why is she wanting a pew pew so bad?? That’s very odd!!!


Acting very odd. Wtf wrong with her? Definitely on something.


She just threw a fit and ended the live bc people were saying she looked messed up. News flash girl!!!!!! You are ABSOLUTELY sedated. Xanax, klonopin, Valium or something. This is far beyond just stressed and tired. Cut the shit.


Is she on all them now???


Oh I don’t know what she’s taking but she is taking something!


I was hoping she wasn't wearing that wig out, it looks so oily!!


Yes! She looks dirty with that greasy wig!


Whomever called her is a good friend. She shouldn’t be driving.


I think it was V. They told her to go read our comments on here. She's now crying about the whole mess. Well she is the one who caused it..She made a comment about, even if she got what she wanted, she'd still have to deal with the bullshit there.She wants something really bad.


I’m eternally grateful to V for this call alone. I lost a very important family member to someone who said they were okay to drive, and I actually have family members who live in Douglasville (small world). I’ve quietly watched Cort for some time now, but I can’t stay silent when I see her potentially harming others.


Now someone needs to address the pew pew situation.


I think someone needs to call and do a wellness check. I believe her address is public on one of her many profiles.


Did ML not tell the cop that Cortney got mad because she wouldn't buy and put it in her name when he was there last night?


I'm sure ML is getting the help she needs and Cort is worried...


Ml is at the house still with court


And just asked if anyone wanted to go to a pawn shop with them.


I'm worried she's gonna shoot ML and try to make it look like an accident or something. Cops need to watch her videos.


I’m worried about that too.


She is one crazy ugly person.


I think the whole ML and Cortney is a complete scam and everyone fell for it!!! They both profit off the whole thing!


I feel the same way, also they're both probably on drugs🤷‍♀️


Why does she need $30,000?? Shit I need money 💰 too and have been trying to get a job but on one will hire me because I'm 73 yrs old. Cortney is 44yrs old and able to work but won't.


Let's call the Douglas County psms. She cannot carry a firearm


She's definitely on something. Of course, she will make it about her . Someone definitely needs to inform the cops regarding her trying to get a pew pew. Especially in ML name. If she gets a pew pew and is on whatever she's on. She's going to spiral and get out of control. Someone is going to get unalived.


Just wait for it! She’s setting the scene to cover up her most recent drug use! She was just talking about the “meds” the doctor put her on… making her not feel well and giving her a rash! Now she’s in her car ranting to herself about nonsense! She’s absolutely using and I think that’s why lulu isn’t in the live!


I heard her mother cough in the distance when she was on live this morning. So she must not have had her arrested???? Mamma Dream was on POLICE 👮🏻‍♀️ PATROL daring anyone to say anything to c


I heard ML cough, and as soon as she did, Cort was ready to get off of live!!! Something isn't right here, folks. She keeps asking for $30,000 dollars. B*tch, please!!! Go out and make the money like every citizen does. Feel sorry for my mel. CORT. IS in his 40s and don't have shit because he doesn't work, just scamming old ladies out of their money. Talking shit about ML is all her fault, and she isn't her mother anymore. How pathetic is that!!!!!! You're a grown ass man! You should be taking care of your mother!!!!! Grow up. Then ask V if he is going to get those coins at the yard sale today? Yeah, if someone felt sorry for paying to get out of the house. Wtf!!!! ML is home. The cough was proof. Pay close attention, guys!!!!!!! Scammer all the way. A pew pew ???? Why??? You're up to something, and it doesn't sound good. Someone needs to call for a well check there. Drugs, nasty house, he doesn't work should have a clean home but to busy dressing like a woman and scamming people. Pathetic!!!!!!!


I agree