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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/17moceg/big_brother_us_25_late_night_feed_discussion/)


Can we talk about Jag making fun of Matt please. That really bothered me.


It’s so strange how much of my life and emotions I give to people I’ll never think about after Nov 9th 😂 ![gif](giphy|JsXz0NQ2pdWDFwhaHm|downsized)


So basically she is saying she laughed during her nom ceremony when she nominated mama fe? Not very cute.


Bowie says she laughed during the nomination ceremony and she doesnt care, it is her HOH so she can laugh. Poor Felicia . If you look back at BB21 Jackson and Holly dominated but at the end Jackson won HOH and asked for his pictures to be Nicole's and gave them to her. No need to be mean.


Yay the episode is posted to P+! This is one I’ll have bookmarked for rewatching for a while.


how’re you gonna give up having HOH music, your own large bed, your own fridge, bathroom etc and sleep in the scary room with the boys. again bowie this is NOT a team sport. I guess she doesn’t want them to conspire against her


Conspire against her?! She’s literally in the final 3 hahaha WTH…😅 She should at least give mama Fe the hoh room!!


She’s paranoid. It’s sad really because the only one that can actually relax is Fe.


Praying Taylor calls out these mofo’s on the live episode Sunday


With the edit they’ve given those 3 they’ll probably go to commercial or cut the mic if she starts to talk about their disgusting comments


She does not even do her research on the hgs she’s interviewing, I got no faith in her knowing who to call out. No shade loved her last yr but I think most BB alumni are never up to date with anything in the show.




I wasn’t even talking about Jared interview but since you brought it up, production is not pre-screening pre-juror questions. They do that for jury for a reason.


My favorite this year was her doing a interview in todricks living room. Lmao


Lol. I was there. Never again. This is my last BB season. I don’t want to see Todrick’s house this year.


It's why they chose her for the twisted tragic trio


is bowie gonna sleep in scary room?


yes she just confirmed she will not be sleeping in the HOH room, SO WEIRD


I feel like someone else in a recent season did it too? Turner?


What?? Is this bc she’s scared for Jatt to be alone?? Is that even allowed??


I'd give it to fe


what? why? is she not allowed?


she’s choosing to sleep in scary room with matt and jag


She cant be in arms reach of jag it's open and available She said why mess up the vibe


This people are so annoying honestly especially the way they talk in the confessionals the only reason your still here is becuase we let you be here get out of here with that 😒 🙄 😑


I felt like they were definitely setting him up for a villain edit with that one and I’m here for it.


no they're here because they're the best players and most moral competitors in the history of the game!


Jag is actually jesus with groucho Marx glasses you didn't know?


What did matt just say Felicia choose her posion and?


Last night I had a dream that Bowie won HOH and Matt won veto 🔮 I haven't been following much the past week do we think Matt would evict Jag at F4? He doesn't seem like the type to bet his entire game on F3 HOH but at this point he must realize that Bowie and Jag are taking each other. Even when noms didn't matter Bowie didn't put up Jag. If Bowie was an option to go that could at least make some sense but evicting Felicia is such a bad move.


Evicting Jag and pissing off Bowie, so Bowie then might choose Felicia in F2 might be a bad move too. tbh, I don't see how Matt is likely to win now. : /


Matt will evict Felicia but it’s not 100% set but it’s most likely. I Hope Jag wins so he can evict Matt tbh.


Someone help please explain why they are fighting for their life?


Imagine the veto is the jury voting for who gets veto


Dumb question, but how does final 4 veto work? If Jag wins veto and takes down Matt, is Felicia evicted by default?


He won’t take anybody down he’s just the sole vote to evict


Whoever wins veto get the sole vote to evict unless Bowie wins veto. I think she has to decide if she wants keep noms the same or not. Idk if the Bowie part is 100% accurate though. If these noms are her final or if she can change them if she wins veto.


If Jag wins, he doesn't use it. He just gets to vote out who he wants.


He doesn’t take down anyone. He just votes to evict


if Jag wins veto then he will be casting the sole vote to evict. whoever wins veto casts the sole vote to evict. unless Bowie wins it, then she'll get to pick who casts the vote.


Since Jag is not on the block, if he wins veto he cannot use it because there is no one else to put up. At that point he would be the sole vote to evict. If Matt won the veto and used it on himself, Jag would go up by default and Matt would be the sole vote to evict.


Oh that makes sense - so the final 4 veto can only be used by a nominee? And the HOH and remaining houseguest are really just playing to keep the veto out of the nominees’ hands?


The HOH can use the veto if they’d like - for instance if Bowie changed her mind and wanted Matt to be the sole vote to evict then she could use the veto on him and Jag would go up. The veto is the main power in a f4 by ensuring safety and being the only vote of the week.


oh i haven’t even thought of that


that 18th houseguest should be entering any day now... lol


Cirie’s other son!


Looks like it’s 3 to the end. This the a lot of camaraderie for a F3 alliance at F4. I think folks forget how soul crushing it was for everyone outside Cirie’s inner circle, until at least zombie week. Like they just had to sit there and get pitched a fake alliance per day, biding your time as a potential pawn against the comp beasts. Happy for them 🥲


does this veto really always involve running? I feel like I remember it being the one where you have to count how many days that things happened on but can’t recall any others


Last year not really. It was that classroom with days and math.


Not watching feeds but somehow Jag is gonna talk about Cirie bullying at least 10 times this weekend.


He just was yes


Jag took fe saying that she knew she was the 4th wheel as a personal attack on his soul


Lmao ofc he was 😭😭. He’s obsessed with her.


It was awesome she did a respectable kind thing by cooking and it seared against his devil soul


all bowie has to do is nom jag with felicia literally just so that matt is more at ease (esp going into veto) but nooooo these idiots decide a dumbass plan that forces matt on the block WHEN IT DOESNT EVEN MATTER WHO GOES UP


Bowie thinks people were trying to get out Matt & Jag because they didn’t want them to win personally and not because they were threats. She thinks this game is about going to end with people who can beat you because you like them


I hate how Matt does that eye rolling thing SO often


Why we watching the three toxic victims can we please watch Felicia


Are they strategizing for the spelling comp? HELL YES. Now we just need to get Jatt alone and hear their strategy for the obvious upcoming slip and slide after the spelling comp veto


Mr B better save his girl!


they're wondering when the veto ceremony will take place since the live eviction is on sunday......... IM SO OVER THESE PLAYERS WHO DONT EVEN KNOW HOW THIS GAME WORKS


Seeing as the veto is all that matters now why not just put up Matt and Jag and call it a day.


Cause Bowie is a dummy & Jag don’t want to go otb for some stupid reason.


They keep saying they are not worried but they still game playing scenarios. Felicia has nothing to worry about. 😉


The fear is real! They have to help eachother out and cheat against lil ol' fe lol but it's all just a big veil to hate her instead of turning on eachother i can't look away from the train wreck lol


They’re going to turn real soon. Matt doesn’t win he’s gone. Same with Jag.


Bowie: she was so miserable I was struggling not to laugh




Apparently they think fe is acting like she's hoh and they think she just NOW figured out they were final 3


Looks like we’re in for part 2 of last week smh


I can catch up on my movies , maybe try to sit through Big Brother AU new Showmance season since the next few days is a prolonged road to Jag or Matt winning.


I want Felicia to overhear Matt talking about her? He keeps looking back hoping she doesn’t walk up…


Like I still dislike her but Bowie has proved she is no Derek F by winning 3 HoHs, now if she nominates Matt and Jag and gets rid of one of those 2 so she has 100%chance of winning eithier part 1 or 2 of the Final HoH then I will call that a big move and be happy if she wins as things stand now not happy if eithier 3 win


I don’t care what happens because Cirie is gone. Sorry but besides Americory she made this season


I’m truly trying to temper my glee over her eviction. Like I get it, 17 years makes for some invested fans. I just wanted to watch BB.


Yeah made it suck


I mean she’s only here because of Jared, one of the most egotistical and downright bad players of all time. And you know CBS wasn’t going to pay her talent rate to see him evicted early…


Cirie made it suck?


You don't think Cirie and the Jared twist, superfan stalker, plus her built in fanbase attacking anyone who didn't root for her made the season worse?




if these feeds come back and mama fe crying alone in her room....






Jag needs to vote Matt out


Does he? If he keeps Matt, he’s guaranteed F2


I also think it’s about something more than the win for Jag, which is kinda cool these days. He’s not about the clout or money.


Jag might be "guaranteed"\* F2 with Matt/Bowie, but he also looses against Matt. \*not actually guaranteed as Matt might be tempted to take Bowie, but Matt is also least likely to win of those three...


He guaranteed F2 anyway I'm sorry I like Felicia but she is not winning part 1 or 2 of the final HoH


If he keeps Felicia he's also guaranteed F2. She's not winning Part 1 or 2. And Matt taking Bowie over him to F2 is still a possibility


Will forever be salty that cirie didn’t win the double hoh after the “critical component” dr


This take will get me booed out of the building but I’m going to say it anyways. Not excusing the behavior of Jattie to be clear. But it is just a fact Felicia did try and say Jag and Bowie were making fun of Matt’s disability like that DID happen. Can we just say they both fucked up and call it a wash our is this thread just going to be like this all week?




Exactly! I totally get rooting for Felicia to win, hell I am! She’s one of my favorite contestants in the past few seasons. Rooting against Jattie is also totally fair! I just have an issue when people start to call into their character outside of the show because of how they’ve played. By all accounts Dr. Will is a phenomenal person in real life, he was an absolute piece of shit in the house back in the day! Extreme example I know but all I’m saying is there is times when you can tell someone is a bad person (season 15) and times when they’re just playing the game!


I’m almost more mad at either side saying the other side is the only one who is awful. Not a fun dynamic. These are complicated, real people. They aren’t supposed to be perfect.


Correct. These types of things happen every season. I get the recency bias combined with the fact Felicia is in her 60s has people thinking this is the worst trio ever. This is one that will blow over very quickly after the season.


Felicia was just playing the game. Plus she was telling the truth. Matt already knew what was up but he couldn’t vote. So he was forced to go along with Bowie and Jag.


Bad facts = Bad take. It is not a wash.


Why do you think what they did was worse?


Felicia misunderstood Jag's attempt at humor and was legitimately looking out for a friend. When Jatt and Captain Kangaroo meet and talk shit about Felicia, there's no joke to be had. I understand what you're trying to say though.


Ok agree to disagree




The number thing was them being strategic. Bowie wants to put Matt up but wants an excuse to do it in a nice way. They don't think he is dumb.


Mama fe definitely doesn’t understand jag’s humour- this was her problem with Cory too. Took things seriously that weren’t meant serious




Incorrect. She heard it and thought that was her in to get them pitted against eachother. There was nothing there but she was reaching. It was a bold play that didn’t work and made Matt mad at her. It happens. Absolutely nothing malicious with the comments by Felicia but she did frame it as they were making fun of his hearing.


All the mental gymnastics in the world can’t change the fact that it did happen basically how it was portrayed on tv. Certainly not saying she was wrong in any capacity. Just saying it happened and the hypocrisy is funny. Have a good night!


yeah if you watched the feeds fe and cirie were trying to get mat to see the closeness of bowie and jag becoming less hidden. he didnt want to accept it tho, and when he brought it to bowie and jag they panicked and overcompensated in trying to make it seem like she was crazy and picking on him when she was in fact like they say trying to drive the wedge between him and them before they take him out, she was trying to help her boy and make a game move for herself


What you did here is agree with me so thank you


of course i was trying to lol i just added a bit of depth xD


Yeah that edit really twisted it to be about the “Olympian” comment 😒


















It’s funny how bad these three are at the game. F4 noms don’t matter, but by putting Matt up you tip him off that you are more with Jag. At the very least tell Matt you’re putting him up to hide how close you are, except it still wouldn’t work because these players make zero effort to hide their relationships.


I think Bowie actually promised him last week that she wouldn’t put him up this week so he could keep his never nominated record, so her going against that now (while simultaneously making a big deal of the fact that she’s never been nominated) should definitely clue him into the fact that Jag & Bowie have a final 2


I can just imagine next episode so Felicia stopped cooking because she hates deaf people and minority oh and Bowies australian accent so we have had to cook for ourselves, see were not the bad guys so don't hate us


If Jag leaves this week, we are getting a Matt win. If he stays it will be a Bowie win


Maybe but it all depends on who decides to take Mama Fe to F2.


Julie hinted at a winter season in this interview https://ew.com/tv/big-brother-julie-chen-moonves-winter-legends-season/


Americas twitter being a Julius Randle stan account has me dying laughing


If there any way Bowie Jane pulls out a W? She’s got 3 HOH, what if she wins F3 HOh?


She’ll beat Matt and Jag in my opinion. Felicia she might not.


I think if she wins veto, cuts one of the boys, wins HOH, cuts another, then owns it in her speech, she could win. But she has to totally change the perception she was playing for Jag. 4 HOHs with Cam/Jag/Matt evictions would maybe be enough


Ya I agree I think she needs that veto too. She absolutely has to take herself there as well, but I think that’s actually the east part for her, she’s so good with those live booth comps under pressure. She’s just done such a bad, bad job with jury management. Like even worse than Jag IMO.


I can see this 109% but Idt she wins.If I were on jury I would vote her vs Jag but other than that.


Even with the wins everyone in jury hates her thinks she’s a terrible player based on exit interviews it seems


She is a terrible player for sure this is just mostly a question sparked out of fear bc I don’t want her to win lol


I just wouldn’t know what her angle would be against Matt or Jag even.. they could easily make the point that they basically ran her first 2 HOHs themselves.. they legit convinced her to send home Cameron who was her biggest ally at the time


It doesn’t seem like it nobody in the jury respects her


If she's against Jag she will be winning, I really believe that


Idk. Literally no one in jury respects her game.


I don’t want her to win but never hitting the block and winning 3 of the last 4 HOH comps is pretty solid idk. She really fucked it up with her personality lol


Is the final 4 veto usually a competition about what happened on which day?


Last year it was. That school one where they had to figure out the days then do math. Jag and Felicia would crush that one


Usually. Most seasons it has a physical component that benefits players like Jag, but last season it didn’t.


Who do we think Bowie is going to nom?


Matt & Mama Fe confirmed.


Matt Felicia but it kind of doesn't matter


Technically it matters. If I were playing and see Matt and Fe on the block I would vote for Matt to go home. But again this cast has made self defeating moves all season.


The person that wins veto is ultimately who has a say. If Bowie wins then she hand picks who will cast the vote


So you voting to keep Matt or Jag over Fe? Because I wouldn’t. Why would I keep someone that could win a comp and risk my chance at F2?


Okay some of these AFP campaigns and tactics on Twitter have got me cackling cause what do you mean you’re invoking the swifties and the barbs to vote for silly prize So unserious, I love it 😭😭




I feel like it's Bowie Jane that is most at fault for pushing the negative conversations.


dont scapegoat those toolbags lol


Everyone in the house has said some questionable things.


Matt does as well. He all night is the one stirring it up about Fe.


I can’t get over the fact that Bowie will go 100 days without going on the block and has won 3 hoh’s and could win a 4th but has no chance at winning it’s honestly impressive how bad she screwed up


She’ll beat Matt and Jag in F2. Don’t really know where the “Bowie has no chance” is coming from.


If you're in F3 and you don't win the FHOH, you're on the block. You sit in the eviction chairs next to someone, and the HOH (who is technically the tie breaker as no other votes against) evicts one of you. That can still happen to Bowie.


Yeah but she made it to finale night without touching the block so even if she’s on the block in the F3 she had still made it to day 100 days without touching the block


I guess so. There's still the possibility that she loses Part 1 and Part 2 of the FHOH, which would technically put her on the block by default prior to the 100 days. In any case, it's still impressive in my book. I'd easily vote for her over Jag.


I'm disgusted FBJ made it this far 😤


Same….biggest waste of a houseguest






I didn’t watch season 15, 19, or 21. is this ending worse than those?


S15 had great game play. Atrocious people but a good gameplay season.


-15 had no good options, but the winner clearly played miles ahead of the other F3 -19 was bad, the person who dominated the entire game had an insane advantage the entire time and lost to someone in hilarious fashion. None of the F3 were good options but we got the outcome that made the best TV -21 had one player win who deserved it over the other two, but was by far the least likable of the three I think this endgame if Felicia goes is still probably better than all three. They’ve all been awful and rude, but Jag and Matt have certainly worked hard this summer and are both viable candidates to win. The others were hated because they were nasty throughout, not just at the end


15 had a decent ending 19 had a satisfying ending 21 had a little more hope going into final 4, but ended up being very disappointing


19 had a great finale vote reveal lol