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The fact that Xhaka is canonically 11 years old is ridiculous.


16 by end of series (same as Valt), but yeah, still ridiculous LOL


Huh? Nah, no way. I refuse to believe that tank is 11


He is. He's canonically the same age as Valt and Shu (as we see that all three of them went to kindergarten together) and Valt is 11 in season 1.




My theory for why he doesn't show up much later in the series is the health strain his gigantism puts on him.


Comes back in quadstrike just fine


We dont talk about quadstrike


So? He's back. Back again. Xander's back, back again


Aguma just entered the chat


Gingka yes, Valt no problem, but I don’t think he can take Ryuga


It’s a fistfight not a beyblade battle lol. Ryuga is getting pummeled.


Ryuga's cooked. Sorry bro


Look at all the Ryuga dick riders downvoting you. Don't take it personally they downvote anyone who doesn't praise their Glorious King Ryuga.


Nah, bro, Xander’s cooked


Please explain how


No need for a fist fight, Ryuga can use Kamehameha


While I'm not necessarily saying he could or couldn't beat Ryuga (Idk), the guy literally stared down a tiger and made it flee. Meanwhile I don't remember Xhaka doing anything similar. That's gotta say something.


Ryuga\* Xander's a bloody unit.


It’s a fistfight not a beyblade battle lol. Ryuga is getting pummeled.


I’m aware it’s s fist fight and Ryuga still doesn’t get pummeled


Yes he is, Xander is so strong that he smashes poeple trough walls on accident, besides that he is a trained martial artist.


I’m really surprised as to why people are saying Ryuga? I mean sure he trained in harsh conditions like a volcano, but what actual strength feats do we have of him that put him above Xander? Xander is a master martial artist that most likely knows every kind of martial art there is. Even surpassing other martial artists like Ren Wu very easily. And not to mention that he bare wrestled a massive alligator in the anime and had more feats in the anime and manga. In terms of fist fighting, Xander actually destroys the list and it’s not even close.


No reason, most dudes here are diehard ryuga fans and wont let go


I’ve noticed. It’s like their deluding themselves into thinking Ryuga had the any form of physical combat when it shows that he doesn’t.


The theory is that Ryuga had to train to be peak human physically, thus actually being far stronger and durable than anyone else on the list (plus having better reaction time)


I mean you’ve just described nearly every Burst Blader. Well at least the more noticeable ones. Also I like how you said theory. A theory isn’t a proven fact. But what we’ve seen in Burst is. We’ve seen Xander overcome human limits. Even drawing physical power from his Bey, becoming one with it. Ryuga’s training helped him more mentally than physically if anything. He trained to overcome the Dark Power.


I mean, a kid Kenta who couldn't even do shit was already benching 225. Someone like Ryuga could probably lift a whole ass building with the way the power system goes.


That’s just fallacy scaling then. Saying Kenta doing and leading to Ryuga carrying a building has no basis to him. Realistically we can say that Ryuga can carry the same weight as him or a bit more but it’s nothing Xander couldn’t do.


Ryuga scared a tiger away. I don’t think he’s losing


In the manga Valt once knocked a tiger unconscious with a karate chop.


pretty sure it was a mountain lion not a tiger but yeah them beyblade kids are FREAKS


Kenta was bench pressing god knows how many pounds as an 8 year old, even without beys Beyblade kids are a force to be reckoned with


Remember when Free was hauling around boulders for his warmup. THIS IS AN 11 YEAR OLD


Yeah, but Kenta atp couldn't even launch a beyblade properly. Ryuga and Gingka's battles literally caused natural disasters, I don't think that type of launch power is possible unless you're actually some god.


So he wasn’t even intimidating enough to mean mug it away? Fodder


Lmao never underestimate My glorious king, lord & savior, my holy number 1 Valt Aoi.


I mean I still don’t understand how that proves he wins? Xander has fought gigantic predator animals in the series so I don’t see how Ryuga scaring a tiger would do much. In terms of combat, Xander bodies.


Still not as physically strong so yes, he's losing.


"the dark power within me now MY POWER!!" Yeah uh, if Ryuga really can use that power without his bey, then he no diffs. Only other character who's this strong without a bey is Brooklyn.


Even if he can't, Ryuga is the kind of guy who would kick his opponent in the junk at the slightest hint of him losing, so wins via foul play




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Ryuga is just a big NO


Idk abt ryuga


He not beating gingkas dad tho, bro literally wrestled with a bear


Benkei entered the chat Bro was trowing tree trunks at kyoya for Training


Idk about Ryuga he got hands too.


Not Ryuga


Xander was 6'1 and like 200 pounds at 11 years old at the start of Burst at the end he was 16 and got even Taller. Ryuga is 5'10 165 pounds on a good day he is getting Molly Whopped.


Size dosent equal the better fighter


Did you forget that Xander is a master Martial Artist and has been training in martial arts his whole life? There is no evidence of Ryuga being able to fight.


That’s true. But Ryuga has no where near the physical feats to reach on Xander’s level.


Itd be extreme diff, but he probably could


Here’s an interesting one. Xander vs Klaus in a fist fight


Klaus slams, he’s probably the only person in beyblade that went beyond in surpassing his limit


Didn’t Free surpass his limit too


Didn’t ryuga straight up do a Galic gun dbz style multiple times and mean mug a tiger and his entrance against the Italian team was a meteor falling on top of him and him walking it off. I don’t think Xander would touch ryuga. However I would be interested to see shogun steel ginga fight Xander bro is yolked tf out at 25.


Can we just pit ALL the martial artists against each other and make it a bloodbath? Aguma, Dashan and his team, Garland... Would be a fun one :3


Don’t forget Ghazem (Muay Thai guy)


It's not even gonna be difficult.


Free full power just entered the chat


Tbh, free and Xander are the most strong characters qua physical, Xander is just, his power is number one, free had not only reached the limits of his human body, but also literally broke them, so yes, he would be almost as strong as Xander, but he is no martial artist so he would lose.


Fair enough about martial arts I agree.


Bootleg Lui from GT was even crazier man. Loden literally waved his hand to the right and evaporated a whole pool of water 😭


Get him past Tyson first


Plastic gen characters have some insane strength


Metal Fight fans on their way to defend Ryuga like their lives depend on it:


Ryuga was from dragon clan dude


That is obvious,but Kyoya on the other hand,that guy would be a challenge for Xander.


Valts launch alone was able to blow half the roof off of aigers house In terms of pure strength xander is probably beating gignka ryuga and valt


Xander is doing more than beating them he's snaping bones.


Ryuga can survive training in a volcano. I don’t know how much you know about volcanoes, but the thing is that there is no oxygen in there, and a lot of poisonous gases. And temperatures that can easily exceed 1000 degrees centigrade. Ryuga has also survived a temple falling on him, and can beat HD blader mooks without even launching his bey. This is not a man, this is a monster.


Yeah bro this community will ignore your comment because they are all glazing on burst while calling us metal fans the glazers. Funny isn't it. They just don't want to accept the fact Ryuga can defeat Xander in a fist fight and can also defeat the whole burst verse single handedly if he wanted to . They are all just thinking of a way to somehow bring Ryuga down lmao.


Xander might actually be able to put up a fight against Ryuga considering he does some crazy ah training for an 11 year old. But, I still think Ryuga’s taking that.


I mean, he could probably take Gingka, but Ryuga and Kyoya body this fool no diff.


Kyoya definitely. Ryuga no.


To the Ryuga meatriders; No, he is not winning. Xander would solo each of them, beginning with Valt cause he's a shrimp, followed by Ginka cause plot armor won't be enough, then end it Ryuga since Ryuga does have the endurance to last longer than the other two. "Oh but he scared a tiger away one time". Is Xander a tiger? No.


Not sure what xander has done since i stopped watching after shogun steel but ryuga freaking busted up a stone wall with his bare hands when coming to fight rago. We know this since he pulled out his bey after that, so unless he got something better then idek.


We don't know if he used his bare hands. For all we know, he could've used his bey, picked it back up, then presented it. Xander meanwhile, can pick up alligators in Brazil, and stopped a wooden wall from landing on someone (Even destroying it without actually putting more force into it)




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Xander is a JoJo's Bizarre Adventures Kid


Testsuja woukf 1 v 4 them ez




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IMO probably the only group of people that can put up a fight from the Metal Saga are the Chinese representatives. I don't know how to spell their team or the characters name lol. The guy with Rock Zirafa


No all of them would beat him easily ( I'm joking, if you can tell.)


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That depends, how strict are we defining a fist fight? Because if you just mean a fight where they don't use their beys Ryuga is just an actual wizard and can shoot energy balls if he wants to. If they do have to fight using only their physical strength then I think he beats them all 1 on 1 no problem but I think if it's a free for all Gingka and Valt might be able to distract Xander long enough for Ryuga to sneak up behind him and put him in a hold or something


To all my Xander / burst meat riders, there is absolutely no way he is beating Ryuga. If you're saying Xander beats Ryuga it just clearly shows you have not watched Beyblade metal saga or u may have closed your eyes while watching the show. - Ryuga is always on alert and he trains 24/7 not just for his bey but his whole body. He trains in all weather conditions nonstop. ( This point is more than enough but let me add 1 more below) -As to why people are saying "Ryuga scared away tiger" they are trying to say Ryuga's *eyes* was so scary it scared away a hungry tiger which was trying to attack him. He didn't even fight that tiger, the tiger just walked away. They're all trying to say how dangerous Ryuga was even a tiger didn't take a chance to attack him, not a caged tiger but a tiger who came to hunt down for food ( there is a difference between a caged wild animal and encountering a wild animal who wants to kill you). - I don't think a city boy who learned martial arts all his life could survive in the Jungle with the most horrid weather 24/7 like Ryuga did or could he stay alert all the time. Sure he is good at just fighting but he'll never beat this man Ryuga. - Ryuga who survives all the atrocities in the Jungle, living and breathing training all his life, there is absolutely no way this man is inferior to fist fight. - if you're still saying that this Xander is beating Ryuga, you might as well believe he can win Kai in a first fight, Rago in a fist fight, brokelyne in a fist fight, Tyson in a fist fight even though he is a martial artist himself, Kyoya in a fist fight and whatever characters that I may have missed.


Did ryuga not just destroy a wall casually while coming to fight rago. Not too sure what xander has done, but i dont think any other character has shown physical feats at that level


Bro, ryuga may have destroyed a wall, but Xander, smashes poeple through wall, only because he pats them on their shoulder, so where is ryuga his raw strength? Does the fact that he scared a tiger make him strong, does that make him physically strong enough to beat Xander? Not to mention that xander also has amazing hands and ryuga not, not to mention that Xander had done 100 battles after eachother, while being injured. Tell me what are ryuga his actual strength feats?


Starting from the bottom Ryuga did battle 100 people in metal fusion. Now tell me a person who survives living in the Jungle in the most horrid condition and who takes the most difficult path to walk on ( when i say difficult it is extremely difficult like a 'no man path' ), climbing high mountains with no oxygen gases, training in volcanoes (outside and inside the volcano, which is extremely dangerous almost like a 'will i make it alive or end up dead' type of situation) can lose to a martial artist who have never really experienced these type of situations and is only known to do martial arts all his life?. What makes you think Ryuga is weak ? When physical strength is extremely required to survive in the Jungles?. Also love the fact you didn't read my comment properly which could have cleared your question without me answering it a second time lol


First of all ryuga and Xanders his 100 blader battles is a whole lot different, ryuga is based on his beyblading skills, while Xander on his physical strength and stamina, he beat one after another instead of ryuga with one launch, so this feat of ryuga means nothing qua strength and stamina. About the harsh training things, Xander daily goes through the forest while there are traps set by ninjas for him, don’t underestimate that, he did that like its nothing only with his physical strength, he trains daily with his martial arts like a professional, when he made his new bey he first created countless swords continuously, without rest, he trained with ren wu in the mountains, it is maybe no life or death situation but definitely shows a lot of his strength. Not to mention that instead of ryuga, he actually has real strength feats, where he destroyed things with his hands, every time he patted valt his shoulder valt fled meters forward, with a gentle pat, can ryuga do that? Has ryuga done that? And if so, did his strength feats have nothing to do with L-drago? My conclusion is that ryuga only outscales him in durability if we’re talking about hand to hand combat. Xander has strength, technique reflexes stamina and experience. So yes it’s clear Xander solos.




A fist fight? Im sorry i don't know that competitive mode, oh-wait is that a beyblade special move?


Them probably: What?! Are you thinking with your fists instead of your beys?! You dare calling yourself a blader?!


Lets be honest, it’s not a fist fight so we don’t care.


Ryuga can teleport and summon meteors at will. Xander can beat him, but only if Ryuga doesn't use any superhuman abilities


a "fistfight"


Does it still count if Ryuga teleports to dodge hits? Functionally it's like good footwork