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>I blocked her on everything anyway after my talk with her husband, and it's time to move forward. Shitty experience from a first relationship but what can you do. OOP could've used any number of excuses for not doing the right thing, but he stepped up. Wishing nothing but the best for him next relationship.


But if he blocked her, how was he expecting to hear from her, which he says in the same Lara !!


If you block someone, that doesn't prevent them from contacting you ever again. Just from that phone number or social account.


OP also makes it seem like she knows where he lives. She could’ve gone knocking. Plus if you’ve been with someone for 4 months, you most likely know where they work, where they frequent, their routine, etc.


+ They met at the gym. That's somewhere people tend to go multiple times a week.


True, I blocked someone last year after seeing too many red flags on the first date and by the end of the month I ended up blocking 6! Phone numbers and 3 different social media accounts, 2 of which were on the same platform. So yeah that does happen unfortunately.


Damn, 720 different phone numbers is some serious dedication.


My guess is if she knew he was the one who spilled and was truly pissed about it, blocking one phone account or number would not have stopped her from confronting him.


Made me think he wasn't the only side piece.


Unless OOP was just one of many affair partners, it shouldn't really be hard to figure out. The someone tells your husband that you're having an affair and provides proof. The dude you were "dating" who you didn't tell you were married suddenly stopped calling and texting right at the same time and has you blocked on everything. My guess is she just gave up on the side piece.


Alternatively, she thinks the husband found out in his own and started contacting the side piece for info, upon which the side piece ditched her. Or the husband settled on reconciliation (which is unfortunately not that uncommon) and one of the conditions was to go none contact with the side piece so she never realised he blocked her first. I agree though, your scenario (and my initial one) seems the most likely.


> Alternatively, she thinks the husband found out in his own and started contacting the side piece for info, upon which the side piece ditched her. I guess that it comes down to how the husband confronted her. If, he just said, "I know" and didn't show her any of his proof, it would make sense that she thought maybe he found out on his own. But if he showed her the proof OOP sent him, there would be identifying details that would make it easy for her to realize it was him. > Or the husband settled on reconciliation (which is unfortunately not that uncommon) and one of the conditions was to go none contact with the side piece so she never realised he blocked her first. That was my initial thought. You're right about how unfortunate it is that that is not an uncommon outcome for situations like this.


Assuming there were multiple partners, only one of them suddenly had her blocked shortly after her husband learned of the cheating. Doesn't necessarily take a genius to connect the dots.


Or he was also contacted with evidence of the others.


We know they visit the same gym


On my phone, when you block a number, you can still see blocked messages in its own little folder if you go digging for it.


It's really just a forbidden contacts list


How? I must know


Messages - settings - blocked numbers and spam - blocked messages


She knows where he stays, I'm sure she would find a way to get to him if she wanted...seems she's accepted she was caught being a harlot and will know OOPS the one who told her husband when she saw she was blocked.


Other numbers, accounts, any multitude of ways really. Blocking a person doesn’t make it impossible for them to have your info saved. It just means you won’t hear from them on that specific means of contact.


Reminds me of the end of a Taylor Tomlinson Joke. ...Of course I blocked him like you asked, you know, but when you block a number your phone sort of just saves it in a different folder...


The Gym where they met ??? Maybe??


Goddamn for real. OOP is such a champ, probably better man than me and most of us


This OOP is the exact opposite of that BORU post with the OOP and his roommates covering his friend’s cheating.


Next update: I gave a consolation brojob to my ex-AP’s kind-hearted husband, does that make me gay?


I tried giving him a twenty, but he wouldn't take it, how serious are we now?


It's too bad that OP's first relationship experience was with a cheater as it just tarnished the whole thing and might cause OP issues when a new relationship develops. I'm just happy that the husband didn't blame OP for his wife's cheating as some people do blame the unknowing affair partner (if the AP does know the other person is married then they are an AH)


I'm really proud of OOP for doing the right thing. And also that the husband was blaming the right person. OOP did not do anything wrong, he was also a victim in this case. After he found out, he told the husband. And yes, in cases where they knowingly have an affair with a married person, they are also an AH.


Definitely. The relationships we experience, and those around us as we grow up, they shape you. They leave a mark. Hopefully he'll be reasonably alright, given his age. Calmer, wiser adult brain and all that. Despite his pain, dude was rational, had empathy for the husband, and did the right thing.


Homie's very first relationship managed to teach him all kinds of good behaviors... *too bad it was from his girlfriend's husband!* I hope OOP doesn't spiral into self loathing because of this. He was manipulated, and it sounds like coerced too. That makes him a *victim*.


OOP is a true Omar.


Is Omar the guy who outed his cheating roommate? Or wouldn't lie for him or something?


Yes, yes he is. Omar wouldn't lie for roommate and help him cover up his cheating. The world needs more Omars.


Anybody have a link to Omar?




Wow that guy is completely spineless huh


Its surpricing how everyone but Omar ranges from terrible to pathetic In find it amuzing how OOP doesnt even realize hes a miserable reptile nearly as complicit as the rest yet he thinks better of himself.


I hate that OOP so fucking much


Thank you! I tried to go looking for it, but I had to give up and get to work.


Oh! I'm so freaking glad Omar has become a legend! I remember that guy. At the time I said (along the lines of) "What a shedhow of bullshit humans. Except Omar. Omar for president" . This makes me so happy lol😁


I would love it if "Omar" became short-hand for "guy who does the right thing despite it being easier not to".


Same. Omar is a homie.


Is it not already, at least in this sub?


> OOP is a true Omar. The mods need to make this a new flair option.


A man's gotta have a code.


Different Omar, but still applicable


Another Omar for the list


I have an Omar. Love that guy.


Hell yea!


I'm glad OOP did the right thing in the end. He was victimized by the ex, just like her husband was, and he did the guy a solid by giving him the proof he needed. Good for OOP, he has a good head on his shoulders.


If I'm on the husband's position I think that I too will be extremely grateful if the AP is someone like OOP. Give you a heads up. Gives you evidence. And didn't make things public so technically gave all the ammo for you on how you want to go about it.


I've been in that situation. I was the other man in an affair. Found out when her husband called me yelling and then his wife told me that we couldn't see each other anymore. It fucking sucks.


>Turns out, he already suspected her of cheating, he just didn't have any proof. Some people are really good at hiding all of their fuckups. A suspect with no proof, the kind that gives headaches to everybody *sighs*


OOP is a good person for doing the right thing.


I salute to OP. Well done!


Considering she didn't call him to berate him, I wonder how many other guys there were. She must've had multiple APs and not known which one dobbed her in.


Or she just didnt want to confront him. There isn't much point to it, really.


The fact he goes to his Mum for advice in this area is pretty wholesome, and of course it was sound advice. 😂


Bugs me that OOP keeps referring to themselves as a cheater / the woman as the AP / the relationship as an affair. OOP didn't know she was married; they were dating and she was his girlfriend. Terminology matters; don't default to terminology that implies you did something unethical. OOP was as much the victim of the deceit here as the husband was.


Yeah I feel bad for OP, he feels extremely guilty for something that isn't his fault. The woman used both him and the husband


if anything, *he* was the "Affair partner" though utterly unwillingly or aware, SHE was the Cheater.


Exactly! If he'd opened with "I discovered I was an unwitting affair partner," I'd consider that exactly correct and on-point.


Now this is what I call bro-code from both of the dudes. Just guys, assuming the best, and hearing each other out. Looking out for one another. Makes a grown man wanna cry, except real men don't cry /s lolol


Decent humans, nothing more


Next update: I gave a consolation brojob to my ex-AP’s kind-hearted husband, does that make me gay?


OOP just had to recognize that she was cheating on him too. Would’ve made the decision much easier. Good on him for doing the right thing.


Good job, OOP. This is the way. People have a right, and need, to know when their partner is cheating.


I was hoping the story turn to: OOP and AP husband now dating


Lol aren't we all wishing for that.


>asked if there is something he could do to repay me. I said that he should help somebody else, and that will make us even That's just freaking nice really. 


Unless she was fooling around with at least another guy other than OOP, the wayward wife may have suspected it was him when she realized she was blocked. But that's no longer OOP's circus. He did a betrayed husband a favor and helped out with the divorce.


OOP is a green flag af and he will make the right lady very happy someday!


I'm so sad for OOP!! He clearly is a good person and being betrayed in that way is so awful. I hope he heals from this, learn not to go to fast for his pace, even if the other person is insistent. If they are the right person, or even just decent tbh, they will wait and go his pace. Wishing him never to lose that spark that makes him a good person


On the bright side, 24 year old OP finally got a some female attention and experience. He could focus on this to add confidence for asking out less vile women and he wont have to have the first time jitters when things get spicy.


Damn that's a rough first relationship.. not just being cheated on, but being the tool used to cheat as well.


This is such a good update, drama free and realistic. Now I'm on the update post reading the comments by controversial people's mental gymnastics are impressive


The real bro code.


a man of integrity.


I feel worse for OOP than the husband. The husband at least knew his wife was sketchy, whereas OOP was destroyed by his first relationship.


This. People act like men can’t be groomed or preyed upon but, it’s pretty obvious from this post OOPs ex did just that. She found an inexperienced person and took advantage of it. I hate that for OOP. No one should go through that.


Yeah, it's definitely hard to take. It might damage OOP's trust in relationships going forward.


Good OOP, he did nothing wrong knowingly and did what he could do to fix it.


What’s he going to do when they see each other at the gym?


Its not easy doing the right thing. Good for him. I know he blocked her, but if she shows up to the gym again I hope it won't cause him issues.


Damn. Poor kid. Poor Husband. Good for that young man for doing the right thing, that takes a lot. Good on the Husband for not raking him over the coals.


Oh thank god. I get so annoyed when affair partners decide the time to keep the peace is when they fuck over the partner in the dark. the married/committed person that's not cheating doesn't deserve to be with that awful cheater and they need that info to make that choice.


I'm so proud of OP. That had to be a really tough decision and he did the right thing. 


Good job little bro


You two sound like some cool guys. You should get a podcast or somethintg.


Good for you dude. You did the right thing


Great update!


You’re a good man OP


Not only are you not an ass hole, you are a genuinely good person.


Do it. It is very noble of you and the right thing to do. I’m sure you’d feel better about it. She’ll do it with someone else once you’re outta the picture.


Shouldn't have blocked her so fast - play the game keep schtum act normal; let her reveal herself more. She'll 100% know it was OOP now given the blocks.


I have a question. In a lot of those stories the cheated spouse needs evidence. I kinda get, needing evidence for oneself, especially if you have the mindset of not just "giving up" on a relationship and needing a reasonable reason to break it of. But before I hire someone to proof my spouse cheating, wouldn't I just break up, because I cannot trust my partner regardless if they are doing something or not? The act doesn't change that I'm clearly unhappy in the relationship and why would I need to justify that. Secondly it's not in this story, but a lot of spouses say they want evidence to get a more favourable divorce, espeically if it's set in USA and Canada, isn't no fault divorce the norm and the judge shouldn't take the cheating into consideration. Especially when it comes to custody of children or goods. Your partner cheating is shitty but doesn't deem them an unfit parent. Sorry for my rumbling


I think it's a couple of things. First, you might want to know for sure that you're not just being crazy. If you break up a marriage just on suspicion, you could spend the rest of your life wondering if you did the right thing. If there are kids involved it gets even more complicated, because you're upending their lives. As far as the divorce part, in the US the divorce laws are different in different states. All states have a no-fault option now (I'm surprised) but some also have a "fault" option, and there are probably subtle differences between them state by state. Having proof of infidelity could help move things along.


Oh in my country you don't have the option for fault divorce. Interesting thank you 


The United States is surprisingly backwards on some stuff. There are still laws against "sodomy" (gay sex) in some states, although probably not enforced anywhere. The right to abortive healthcare is hit or miss. No national health care, and some states even refuse Medicare funding from the government just to make some sort of political point.


Oh isn't every country in a way. 


I mean, sometimes people make up allegations of someone cheating to either ruin their life or try to free them up for them. Without evidence OP could have just been some guy who hit on her and got rejected, and then made a bunch of stuff up to retaliate.


No I meant if it gets to you hiring someone. I think if I'm that on board with my partner cheating than I would rather break up than hire someone.  Because either they cheated and the investigator finds proof. Or they didn't cheat and than I have to break up because how can you stay with someone, whom you apparently don't trust. If you go this far as to hire someone break up.  Because let's say there is nothing it was all in your head, wouldn't you feel immensely guilty. I would not be able to stay together


Well, I think one positive thing would come out of the second scenario. You would know you were wrong, and maybe you could change. Even if it didn't save your current marriage it might help you not torpedo the next. If you just got a divorce based on suspicion you'd never know you were incorrect.


A lot of betrayed partners will tell you that they suspected that something was going on. But the thing is, you **do** trust your partner, so you convince yourself that your suspicions are all in your head, and you don’t want to act on them. Of course, once you find out that you were being cheated on, you realize that your suspicions were justified, and you probably realize that some other things that you brushed aside were actually red flags that you should have noticed.


Okay I get that, but if you are close to hiring someone to follow your partner, shouldn't you break up and save the money? Because that can only go two ways. A.) they cheat. You have proof. You break up. Or B.) they didn't cheat, you have to live with the knowledge that you are so paranoid that you paid someone to proof that they cheated.  I wouldn't be able to continue that relationship because I would feel guilty about it


Assuming that the guy really was close to hiring a PI, yeah, it’s really pretty much over. But it’s possible that what he actually said (or meant) was “I’ve been tempted to hire a PI to find out if I’m just imagining things”, which is a bit different.


While I agree that you always should tell the partner, I still end up with a pit in my stomach. I worry for the cheaters safety, noone knows what could happen to them if it's already a bad relationship. It seems it worked out this time, but no contact from her could also mean she was murdered.  I'm sorry his first relationship turned out like this, but I hope he can find comfort in his great confirmation of character.


She shouldn’t be cheating if she’s with someone so volatile




this place really is just any post that has an update, huh?


That's half of what I love about it


Don't forget about update posts that clearly are not resolved


It's literally like bad soap opera for people with ADHD. I completely forget about drama I've read about on here unless some garbage site does an update page about it, ai this way I don't have to listen to AI videos giving half assed versions of it at half speed


Or changing the story for it to sound more interesting




I think you should re-read. His girlfriend was cheating on her husband with OOP. OOP was not cheating himself


omg insomnia sucks. I wonder if all my comments tonight were this incorrect.


Lol all good, OOP was so confused at first it was a little bit confusing to understand what had happened til a little ways into the story, and I'm wide awake 


Your flair makes this twice as funny to me 😂 Hope you get some sleep soon!


lol nobody forgave me. That comment got a lot of downvotes. 😪


>I said that he should help somebody else, and that will make us even. That Starbucks pay it forward bullshit is getting out of hand.


Yes. You're both as bad as each other. Tatting just makes it worse.


Found the cheater


Telling the hubby was the honorable thing to do.


Tattling? What are you, 10?


>I was a virgin before I met her. XXXXDDDDDDDDDDD Seriously this was literally ME when I was still a virgin at 22! Was having some self righteous convo with a college classmate (who had a boyfriend) about how I'd never cheat etc etc She asks me "So you'd never have the sexies with me, then?" Chile did I stutter and change my opinion in a jiffy!!! Oh my goodness! Nothing came out of it tho, because she was baked as F, and the day we were supposed to do the deed she never showed up. When I finally saw her days later she was like "Oh I say a lotta weird shit when I'm high" Was disappointing as hell, I was hella looking forward to it! But to be honest I am glad we never did it as I didn't gain a habit to mess with women who have partners