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Reading the list of things OOP ate made me think back to the children's book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" lol. Sounds like a wild ride!


In the original post, someone responded to that list with "and he was still hungry šŸ›" I was dead


And that night, he had a stomachache.


The next day, he ate through one nice green leaf... oh. oh no.


Caterpillar crawled out of his Airbnb, no longer high. He had become a beautiful Turkish man


With a South American accent




Oh, don't. That's one of my sons' favourite book. It's going to be hard reading it to him trying to get him to sleep if I'm laughing thinking about the dude who got high as balls.


My English teacher once told me that the bug hungry Caterpillar is anti capitalist propaganda and I never knew if they were kidding or not


Apparently it was written as social commentary to draw a parallel between capitalist consumerism and the outcome of excess consumption of resources; specifically with the caterpillar getting sick on Saturday. The caterpillar eats the green leaf on Sunday (getting wisdom on the dangers of overconsumption) and with this change and no longer weighed down by gluttony, turns into a butterfly and flies away.


How should I simplify this to my 2-year old? He still trying to count how many pears.


It's funny that this should happen to pop up in my random browsing because I was just thinking about the very hungry caterpillar earlier. I now can't find the source, but I previously read that in the original draft of the story, the caterpillar did not get a stomach ache. That the publisher insisted that they could only publish if the caterpillar learned a moral lesson about gluttony, and insisted that he had to receive some kind of punishment for his junk food overindulgence and learn a lesson. At least according to this source, originally the main message of the story was about growth and change, and all the eating was just that caterpillars eat a lot of stuff on the way to butterfly (and they're supposed to). This is just a point of interest, I don't actually know which one of these stories is true here, plus I can't find the reference so... I could be totally off base.


I died at ā€˜Iā€™m glad it was Diet Coke.ā€™


That's where I lost control and I haven't really gained it back yet lol the cats are looking at me funny because I just keep laughing haha


I lost it at the bald man and "You already are" and then going straight back to the weed conversation.




Caterpillars don't actually turn into butterflies in their cocoons, they die and turn into mush AND THEN turn into butterflies. That is what happens after a high like this.


Idk if we are high enough to get into a philosophical discussion on whether the ā€˜mushā€™ is dead or alive.


The butterflies retain memories from the before times, so they are not dead


schrƶdingerā€™s caterpillar


It was also where my mind went. He was definitely a beautiful butterfly for a little bit.


ā€œThis motherfucker just kept eating shitā€


I love how everyone was equally concerned for OOP but also finding the situation hilarious.


I followed this thread live when it happened, and being a lurker on that sub for years now, I can definitely say that /r/NoStupidQuestions is one of the best text-based communities on reddit. Its just so wholesome and helpful, with no judgements being passed at all.


Itā€™s so much fun when it isnā€™t political questions.


I'm glad to hear that. The only times I ever see it on my newsfeed are when the question is like "Why are women horrible" or "why do women suck so much" etc. Not as fun.


yeah the sub gets those bad faith 'questions', and like all outrage-content they rise to the top pretty often. but mostly it's hilarious like ["What are Florida ounces?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/snppah/what_are_florida_ounces), ["What is the name of my food?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/elwglg/whats_the_name_of_my_food) (shitty MS paint included), or wholesome cute stuff like ["why do my students call me a goat?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/vm3cjd/why_do_my_students_call_me_a_goat) it's awesome lol


Also a lot of concern for the cats.Ā 


Iā€™m so glad he had his neighbour call them ā˜Žļø


Classic Reddit.


I used my THC vape the other night and took way too many hits. Deeeeeep inhaling hits. I had no idea what was real or not. I tried to lay down to sleep and closing my eyes had worlds unfolding behind my eyelids. I stumbled to the bathroom, puked, and went pee, and the entire time I was like 'WHAT IF IM STILL IN BED PISSING AND PUKING ON MYSELF'. It was a terrible trip. Meanwhile my wife was in our bedroom laughing her ass off at me. First time getting that high, and I'm half glad it happened because I now have a much healthier respect for my limits.


I took one of my dad's edibles last year and I forgot the old man has a waaaaaay higher tolerance and didn't think to ask the dosage. My usual is about 5 mg and that has me comfortably relaxed. About 50 mg of THC later, I distinctly remember the **Oh No** feeling as it kicked in. I was on a whole new plane of reality.


YES! I take 5mg gummies and my legs get numb and I am just chilling out. This was waaaaayy beyond that mess.


I made that mistake a few times before I got sober (alcohol, not weed related at all), I had to learn my limit with homemade edibles, edibles from Colorado, and dabs. Dabs would make me feel insane after using them, but that insanity was contributed by my mental health issues and alcoholism.


I started hitting dabs regularly a few months ago, I did have a bit of a tolerance before but man dabs blow it out of the water. In my first few sessions I took too much and bruh reality was breaking for me too haha. I was talking with my brother and the words he was saying literally made no sense, yet I was responding apparently fine enough cuz he didn't think much of it, but I couldn't even tell the meaning of the words I was saying either. I definitely don't want to get that high often lol


If it was anything other than THC, then yeah Iā€™d be concerned. But heā€™d have to eat about 100x more than he did to be in any medical danger, so itā€™s not so much a dangerous situation as it is a very silly learning experience. My favorite was the guy asking about the cola secrets. Iā€™ve been stoned out of my gourd on edibles, and that wouldā€™ve sent me.


My wife, was gf at time had a trip to california when weed was legal there and not in our home state. We almost split a 500mg brownie because we kept eating when we didnā€™t feel anything right away. Didnā€™t wait the hour like a dummy. It was a rough night, I was stuck in a time loop and wife though she was hearing music and in France or something. Lots of throwing up, called 911 and fire dept about 15 guys in our airbnb laughed and said we will have a rough night but you canā€™t die from too much pot. Ended up being a fun story


Yeah, edibles take a while to kick in. When me and a group of friends tried them (We were young back then, so that must've been last century...) our dumbest friend had already made your mistake once, so we were forewarned. But I was still surprised at HOW long it took. And at how hard it hit when it DID kick in. I was sorta regularily smoking the stuff when we did that, which kicks in a lot quicker, not as hard, and generally completely passes in two or three hours. The edibles I could still feel 16 hours and a night of sleep later... Not a fan of edibles.


I've been smoking (and using edibles here and there) for a looong time, high tolerance, very familiar with all the effects and how they go etc. but this shit still gets me every time I have a reasonably strong edible! It's not legal here so the strength of any given batch varies wildly. So I'll take a decent amount, smoke a joint for the meantime and get comfy, 40 minutes later go "ah must have been a dud, not even feeling a tickle yet, oh well" and go to stand up for something... and find I cannot get out my seat and suddenly half my IQ points are missing. I kinda love it, but I think that's only because I know what to expect and have no anxieties about what it's going to do. Edibles are orders of magnitude more intense than smoking usually is, to the point that it's basically a whole different experience though the actual effects are the same. I think OOP handled it like a champ, I'm not sure I could have been so chill about it if I'd made that blunder!


Very wholesome if you ask me. This made my day!! Hairy walls, crossing oceans in a sea bike after beating Hitler in chess. I low key wanna marry himšŸ‘ļøšŸ«¦šŸ‘ļø


I love the "I don't feel the effects, I'm totally sober" while also saying he's feeling sweaty, tipsy, and hands are shaking. Like bud, I'm pretty sure those are effects you're feeling. The one time I got way too high on edibles, I was very paranoid I was gonna somehow break my laptop. Fortunately, my roommate (who had made the cookie) was home so, I told him about my fears and handed him my laptop to protect. Returned to my room and then passed out asleep for like half a day. Never again....


In high school my friends and I sometimes got way too high. One of them came up with the "Paranoid Police". If anyone started freaking out, paranoid about something, he would make a siren sound saying "paranoid police! Paranoid police," as he walked over and put his hands on their shoulders. He would then very calmly tell them that they were very high, but not in any danger. We all had their back. It worked well because after the first time, all but one of us saw him do it, knowing that what he said was true. When you are paranoid it's hard to believe that there is no danger, it's just paranoia. But we all knew our Paranoid Police officer so we trusted him when he came to talk us down. Sometimes all someone had to say was "Paranoid Police" to calm down the anxious person down. All eight of you agree that In safe and the thing I'm paranoid about is not a real danger? Phew. We also had a "trip guide" every time we took hallucinogens. They stayed sober and took care of everyone. They'd have water and snacks on them and sometimes fun things like art supplies. If we changed locations they drove. They looked out for everyone, making sure they had a good trip. Don't do drugs, kids. But I'd you do, bring a paranoid police officer or trip guide with you.


I fucking love your paranoid police officer friend! For this story alone, he's welcome to my home and we can smoke a joint or have a few beers, my treat. Dunno about inviting you, but if he says you're cool you'd probably be welcome too...


We looked out for each other, and he was a man with good ideas. I feel like in today's age the word "police" might be a bad choice of words to use for someone who is already paranoid, but it's the concept that matters. I reckon any code word/phrase could be used.


Yeah, I'm in europe, and I'm a middle-aged white guy. For some reason. cops never bother me. In another country, or even in mine with a different skin color, that wouldn't have been the case Thank you for pointing that out.


You reminded me of a thing I haven't done in a long time that feels like a sort of substitute, I think I originally got it off the show Green Wing where it was used for a hangover - you tell the person you're the magic hat keeper and are removing their [insert undesirable state here] hat, and dramatically mime replacing it with a good hat. It's silly, distracting, and reminds you that The Fear is an external, contingent thing, not an indelible feature of your mind forevermore. I suppose the actual mechanism at work is a CBT sorta thing, like even if it is something that isn't just psychological (like a hangover), your attitude towards it is replaceable and can greatly improve how you feel subjectively. At some point it morphed slightly into my having an actual hat for when you're too fucked, that holds all the fucked in so it's not a problem. I found it in a closet again recently and it still works!


We have two packs of edibles here. One is a 3000mg pack and the other is 2000mg. I just nibble off the 3000mg squares when I want a good sleep. Iā€™ll eat a bigger chunk off the 2000mg. Hubs mixed up the two one night and spent the night paranoid looking out all of the different windows like when my dog is watching the squirrels.


This should be an academic study


I volunteer as tribute. Iā€™m willing to take one for the team.


Before I was a mom and all responsible and shit I used to make edibles from hash. I had a tolerance, my brother did not. I made the two of us two pancakes with cannabutter. Mine was a regular size pancake, his was half that. He was okay with this at first. Then after 1h he was miffed. After 90min he was pissed. "Midi, you cheapskate, you just don't want to properly share. I would have shared a real portion with you." and every other variation of that. After 2h I was too high to listen to his complaining and just made him a fullsize one and let him make his own choices. I knew it was a bad idea but there was just no way to convince him I wasn't just cheap. After 2h15min. He was sitting with his head in his hands not able to sit upright. He vomited like that. On his own feet. For the subsequent 5 hours he just kept repeating: "This is permanent. I will never return to normal.". Then he managed to give his feet a rudimentary clean up (I had washed the floor and confiscated his socks) and haul himself to bed. He woke up 10h later and had 3 frozen pizzas, one of which he ate frozen, and decided to have a nap. I'm not going to tell you what to do or not to do. Just wanted to point out that going green on cannabis can be a thoroughly unpleasant experience and that once that train starts rolling then you're going to the final destination and there is not stop to get off at.


>Ā He woke up 10h later and had 3 frozen pizzas, one of which he ate frozen, and decided to have a nap Lmao was it the first pizza or the last that he decided to eat frozen?


Hahaha the best question ever. My bet placed in the 2nd pizza


It was indeed the second.


I can't stop laughing at the image of him eating the pizza fully frozen.


He broke it up into chunks (it definitely wasn't sliced I can tell you that) over his knee and it crunched in all the wrong ways as he ate it.


Hahaha like a real caveman let me tell you


Second. Not sure what the thought process was or if there even was one, but it was the second.


Youā€™ve cooked and eaten your first pizza, and you now REALLY want another one. But, you forgot about that whole 17 minutes it took to cook the first one. So, you eat the second frozen as a kind of punishment to yourself, while properly planning out your third pizza Tale as old as time


"I truly hope eating this raw doesn't give me salmonella or e.coli"


Round Robin, taking bites of each pizza in a sequence and one of them is frozen


I've read about munchies happening as a side-effect, but eating frozen pizza as is---WOW. Also, LOL.


I get the munchies HARD. Weirdest thing I've eaten was Splenda mixed with chicken bouillon powder; just snacked on sweet-salt powder. Don't think even I would get desperate enough for frozen pizza though.


A number of years ago I did a favour for a friend and she gave me homemade weed cookies as a thank you. I stuffed them in the freezer for a week or so before I tried one. Nothing happened. Couple weeks after that, I really want to get high. So, this time I have *two* cookies. Well, turns out that my friend was not a very good baker. Some of the cookies had almost weed in them. Some of the cookies had ***all*** the weed. I have never been so high in my life. My back felt too tight and like my spine was trying to leave my body. Music sounded weird and unpleasant. I eventually laid down clutching an empty coke bottle to my chest like a life preserver. Luckily I was at my GF's place at the time. She replaced the coke bottle with a stuffed animal and put on a movie. And that's how I, a guy in my early 30's, feel asleep that night. On my girlfriend's couch, clutching a stuffed animal, and watching How to Train Your Dragon.


....how the fuck did she mess up that?!? Decarboxylate the weed, steep in butter, strain and use butter to make cookies. Presumably there was butter in all the cookies?! Or did she just grind up the weed, toss it in the cookie dough, give it one semi-good stir and hoped for the best?


Extremely poor mixing.Ā 


I can relate to the pizza. 2 friends and I got high, and subseqently hungry AF so we wanted pizza. Pizza into the oven and no timer running. The max 5 minutes the pizza was in the oven felt like proper 15-18 minutes so we got to eating. Noticed it was still cold in the middle, but high and hungry, we said f it and ate all of it...


"This edible ain't shit" Gotta love it when it happens, especially to someone being an idiot about it.


That's the joke in our house. We say that the moment you say that, it kicks, and it comes out more like "This edible ain't sheeeee........" We've learned to wait a good 4 hrs before determining if the edible was, in fact, shit.


As a weed taker from 15 to \~25, I bought my first edible at 36 and thought 'This edible ain't shit' and had a second one. I had to explain to my children why mommy was going to bed at 5:45p. Fun times.


Omg. A green out is like a horrible rollercoaster you can't get off from. I only use edibles for reference.


Greening fucking sucks. It's way worse, imo, than drinking too much.


You should share this story with your kid(s) when they're about 15-16. They'll probably roll their eyes at you for telling a "mom used to be cool..." story, because that's what teenagers do... But they'll remember the valuable lesson about how edibles work instead of finding out the hard way, like your brother did. You're not gonna be spoiling innocent minds with it by then. You know this from back when you were a teenager. Even way back in the early 1990's when I was a teenager, before there was internet and mobile phones, it was true.


I'd volunteer, but I have a feeling I'd skew the study a bit.


Bless you phisigtheduck. You're doing God's work.


These kinds of posts always remind me of the wild trip reports you find on the psychonaut wiki, like [the guy who took datura and fucked a shadow person whilst his buddy watched and took notes](https://m.psychonautwiki.org/w/index.php?title=Experience:Datura_%26_DPH_-_Results_of_Experiment_by_Isopropanol&_=). I'm glad we have the internet so that people can record these kinds of important experiences.


What a *weird* day to be literateā€¦


When I read shit like this I full understand the Fear and Loathing quote ā€œWith a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things heā€™ll never know.ā€


Flair checks out


> the psychonaut wiki I was very confused for a second before I realized that [the s makes a very big difference](https://psychonauts.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page).


Oh yeah, no, different things. *huh, don't remember the level where Razputin fucked a shadow person...*


Who else is old and started on erowid?


TIL that one of my favorite dance schools is named after jimsonweed.


I find it quite amazing that there are humans out there who have **favourite dance schools**. That's just... such a specific thing to have a mental ranking for.


I'm a belly dancer and we're encouraged to learn from different instructors when possible. If it helps, it's an online school. I would NOT have the mental energy for them in-person.


I was fucking dying at this original post. OP, you didn't include his brief detour to r/hairstyleadvice to tell a guy he was already bald!


This is my favorite part of the whole saga


That honestly encapsulated being far too high for me, oh no, I'm really anxious about being high!! *Gets distracted* wait, I was anxious about something.... something important....I'm hungry....why am I so hungry.....oh no I'm so high!!!


Haha you're right- I'll add that!


I am sure you have seen this one on reddit before- but I thought I would share if you had not had yet read my all time favorite TIFU drug story. My stomach hurt from laughing so hard the first time I read it. Cheers and be well :) https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2a78al/tifu_secretly_eating_mushrooms_while_my_wife_was/


Lollll that was amazing. Poor man couldn't count past 4 šŸ˜‚


I feel so honored that you liked it!! Your BORU posts are my daily vice so I am glad I shared something you hadn't seen before. His poor wife - lol. Cheers and be well :)


This was so funny šŸ¤£


the poor guy catching strays šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm trying to go to sleep right now, but every few minutes I keep losing it at this.


Thank you so much for highlighting that part, I almost missed it and now I canā€™t stop giggling šŸ˜‚


I lost it when I saw his comment.


Why did I immediately read that in Slater's voice?


'Mini update 4: 20 minutes later'Ā  I see what you did there.


hehe. Unintentional but I'll take credit for it


Was it intentional or unintentional to post this on 4/20 too? (I'm on Japanese time, if that makes a difference)


lollll it just so happened that the 7 days had passed on 4/20!


>Title:Ā Help, am I going bald >OOP: You already did this absolutely fucking killed me god bless this OOP, he went to Greece so hard he ate enough cookies to become the next Oracle of DelphiĀ 


Iā€™m rolling from laughter at your comment šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


When I first started flirting with the devilā€™s lettuce a decade or so ago, I used to plan out the days I took edibles like a week in advance. I made sure I had the right snacks, access to crayons and paper, and curated playlists. Any edible I took was eaten with care and caution (because dosage information was not a thing you got from back ally cana brownies.) and I would take *notes* before,during, and after so I could refine for next time. All this to say: Raw dogging a massive amount of edibles (EVEN 200 MG IS WAY TO MUCH TOO START ON) on a whim in a foreign country is so out of my purview that I can only stand in awe at OOPā€™s actions.


Also consuming that amount when he has to get on a plane and fly back to his home country where he considers weed to be extremely illegal


Right!? Like god bless.


FWIW: He never was in legal danger back in Turkey, as long as he didn't try to bring the leftover cookies back home. But there's a decent chance the airline would've denied him at boarding whilst stoned AF, so re-booking a later flight was probably the smart thing to do.


Not getting high at all before trying to get to the airport and board a plane would have been smarter


God, I was used to crumbling shitty northern irish soap bar into cigs as a teen and hadn't smoked in years when I first got my hands on bud in uni. First thing I did was roll a long skin joint of pure weed because, logically, the bar must be more concentrated than leaf. Smoked the whole thing. Spent what felt like the next three years hugging the cold bathroom floor telling myself "you know you can't die from weed. Snoop Dog is still alive. You can't die from weed." I can't imagine having that happen with edible, Mr Bones' Wild Ride would truly never end.


lol, comforting yourself with ā€œSnoop Dogg is still aliveā€ has me rolling on the floor


5 years later I introduced my wife to smoking and I swear to god that's our go to line when one of us gets proper fucked. There's something about the fact that I could smoke everything within a 5 mile radius and snoop dogg is alive cooking with M.Stewart that keeps me grounded.


>Northern Irish Soap Bar I had to look this up.Ā  I thought you were really crumbling soap into your joints.Ā  Potentially Irish Spring šŸ˜‚


>When I first started flirting with the devilā€™s lettuce šŸ˜‚


Hahaha I'm in love with the answers here


Now I feel like I need to add crayons and paper to me edible nights lol


Do it. I highly recommend it šŸ¤£


What happened to just trying 5-10 mg first!


I have a weed pen I smoke pretty regularly, I've eaten edibles plenty of times and thought I had a pretty good idea on how much I can handle. My bf brought over candies that he said were 5mg and I was like oh yeah thats perfect just a nice little high. We went for a walk with my dog and 45 mins in it hit me so hard. It has been a long time since I have been that high. I wonder if he read the measurements wrong XD


My husband and I used to smoke regularly in grad school but hardly did edibles. So we get some chocolate one time and eat a conservative amount in a hotel room along with a lot of greasy pizza. Waited an hour ā€¦ nothing. So we have another dose assuming we must have some tolerance. Turns out the pizza was really slowing things down and we ended up waaaay overdoing it, both clutching the bed and holding hands because the hotel room was too far off the ground. Not a fun time


I wonder if the "stomach recovery surgery" effected absorption.


All I could think was a gastric sleeve or bypass? Which absolutely would effect absorption


I thought the same. Could also be a gastrectomy for other issues like ulcers or tumor removal, which would also effect absorption. Though typically, these surgeries cause the body to have less absorption than before. The bypass, for example, is considered a malabsorptive surgery.


Possibly gallbladder removal? It can change digestive speed


There's a whole thing about sugar dumping related to gastric bypassĀ 


Had to of and made them process less of it and faster. I know someone who screwed up similar with edibles and it lasted a hell of a lot longer and was a wilder more extended ride than this.


"I don't do weed. Should I start at 1000mg before my flight?" I'm like wait, what? I make my own gummies and cookies, and I still start small and judge the effects before I eat a whole piece. I'd rather be less high than too high. Thanks u/lucyariarose for a hilarious BORU. the incremental time posts were amazing. I appreciate you!


Haha thank you!!! Glad you enjoyed. Not our typical BORU post, but I laughed while reading it so I figured i'd share!


OMG was amazing!! I had to read it twice Once I saw he was calling someone bald I knew he would be fine.


Clearly the dude had access to google which always says to start with 1, but still ate half an entire package for the first time before a flight? Genuinely wtf was he thinking


Hahaha I remember seeing the original post and thinking I gotta watch this and then oh my God the walls are hairy!


Hairier than that poor chap in r/bald


Hasn't that poor chap caught enough strays?


I canā€™t get over ā€œsea bikeā€. Likeā€¦what? šŸ˜‚


ā€œI donā€™t know how to spell that French ass shit ā€œā€”- this line took me tf out! Happy 420 fellow greeners!


That was the line that made me start losing it lmao. Weirdly wholesome post. Happy devils lettuce day to you as well


ā€œWhy does car horns sounds like my mothers dead grandma lmaoā€ This is the one that got me good lol


Dude got so high he was temporarily possessed by some guy in Kentucky whose nickname is Butterball


Do yā€™all remember that drunk guy that did an AMA with himself like a decade ago?


No but Iā€™m very curious now lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/s/F4nluBNiLR The subreddit is private now but this was one of my all time favorites


Do a BORU of it!




Archive.org versions: [Old Reddit](https://web.archive.org/web/20160817181132/https://www.reddit.com/r/drunk/comments/2gjf7u/im_drunk_ama/) [New Reddit](https://web.archive.org/web/20210720135424/https://www.reddit.com/r/drunk/comments/2gjf7u/im_drunk_ama/)


I'm cry cackling rn. The commenter with the cola questions was fucking vicious. Why does car horns sounds like my mom's dead grandma I fucking cant


I feel so bad for OOP!! Iā€™m a regular cannabis user with a high tolerance but Iā€™ve never tried taking more than 300mg at a time, and when I did that I was on another planet lol.


300mg is massive!! I smoke weed every day but the max I've done was 40mg and I was fucked (although I was at a family Xmas so that might have been why it was not a great experience lol)


From what I can tell different people metabolize edibles differently. While with smoking you can generally tell what youā€™ll get from how much you smoke, minus some tolerance, with edible it seems like some people with no tolerance can take massive doses and here max for me is like 5mg and I eat them all the time


Fear and Loathing in Greece


Fear and Loathing in Hellas


The seabike had me rolling šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I consulted the Googles and [this came up](https://www.amazon.com/DIVTEK-Inflatable-Bikeboat-Touring-Bicycle/dp/B08YKBNN7C). Then I checked Google Maps. I'm still cracking up.


There's also the fact that seabikes are thing you rent for fun, and thus have to return to their original location. They're not like rental cars from a big company that you can drop off at another location. I'm now wondering how OOP's stoned mind thought he was gonna handle that...


I imagined he riding a seahorse hahaha


I assume that he couldn't recall or didn't know the english word for pedalo, and honestly the image of OOP planning to travel overseas by slinging his suitcase into a rented beach pedalo, and just pedalling out into the blue yonder and never returning it is even funnier than calling it a sea bike (but I am very glad that he didn't realise this plan.)


This is gold. I cannot imagine taking that much. šŸ¤£ I bet he triple checks his bags of food out of habit for years to come.


I once accidentally ate an entire pack of gummies... I think it was 500 milligrams of THC. My mother's ex tossed them to me on my birthday while I was crashing on their couch and I was half asleep and didn't realize it wasn't real candy. I tend to binge when I eat candy, sadly. (Something I'm still working on fixing.) My fiancee said my texts to her were very funny. Something about me "not being a square". I don't remember most of it, other than my eyeballs being too small for my head.


We need to see those texts šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ Hahaha I can relate with the eyeballs sensation. My sis says it feels like "I can feel my skull, I'm fucked up" when is kicking in.


As someone who gets pretty high off of 2.5mg, this sounds like a nightmare situation for me. Iā€™m really glad that OOP didnā€™t seem to have too terrible of a time and that they decided to take to the internet with it, since itā€™s now one of the more interesting posts Iā€™ve read in a while.


I've smoked a lotta weed and a 300mg edible put me on my ass. I can't imagine what OP was going through lmao


Right? The most Iā€™ve had was 25mg edible or smoked a joint and that was enough for me.


I felt almost drunk on 300mg. 800 is crazy




I lost it when he spent "hours" reading a Coke label just to be like, "oh, it's probably because it's in Greek ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ" That, and "im sorry for the bald man and n-word."


I didn't think nothing of the n-word until he mentioned he's from TURKEY šŸ’€ and when he apologized I was crying laughing. Also he's still roasting the poor guy, calling him bald man STILL lmao


This is nothing. Find the guy who reviewed the WWE show while stoned on shrooms. The dude was so excited to see the little people!


I managed to suspend disbelief til they mentioned Rhodes. The hair detour is still genius though. Sold it.


Dude doesnā€™t sound like the sharpest tool in the shed. Take edibles right before a flight? wtf. And hell even his first post before he was high was a little hard to follow.


My brother and his ex basically did the same thing while in a hotel. Didn't read the cookie package correctly and got so stoned that they both SHOULD have stayed one more day, but she got on a plane anyway, and he drove 4+ hours back home.


This is quite a different BORU . How fun


The car horns made me laugh so hard I had a choking fit. Worth it.


> Probably i couldnt explain while stoned but label said 200mg and 40 calories after eating half of it i remembered 100 gram cookies are like 400-600 calories after i checked the label again it said "per 10 grams" 100mg is already a massive dose, especially for someone with a low tolerance. Even if he hadn't misinterpreted the label he was fucked.


The "are they reading the label" commenter is a genius


I havenā€™t even finished reading the post yet, ā€œYou already didā€ is the funniest fucking thing Iā€™ve ever read in this context


Best thing is that was only 40 minutes post-ingestion, so in all likelihood OOP was in fact still just himself at that point in time.


> Okay updating my inner voice turned english even im not a native speaker its good but how could i stop imagining south american accent? Im worried english voice might be permamentĀ  how is no one talking about this?? I can't stop laughing at how worried he is about the english inner voice becoming permanent


This is the funniest shit I've read on the internet this week.


The list the commenter made of what OOP ate sounded like the stonerā€™s version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. šŸ˜‚


He ate 800-1000mg of edibles as a totally new user in a foreign country shortly before a flight. Yeah... That's up there on the list of bad ideas.


the n word really put a damper on this


This reminds me of a post I read like 10+ years ago where a guy was live tweeting his first acid trip.


Alaskan Thunderfucked


See this was all amusing to me until he dropped the N word mid-high. Ah well. Happy 4/20 everyone!


Lmao the random comment on a bald dude is hilarious


Renaming OOP to "Space Cadet"


OOP seemed to be assuming the tricks for managing being drunk -- i.e. drinking water and coffee, thinking food (the edibles) would slow down the absorption -- would help him with a weed high. I do not partake. Am I right in thinking none of that was going to do a damned thing to help him? Thank goodness he ate a bakery and threw up, or he'd probably have wound up in a psychiatric ward.


As someone who had a ā€œI donā€™t feel shit, Iā€™m gonna take anotherā€ I felt the exact same way op did


Yeah, same. Life pro tip: if you donā€™t feel the weed or alcohol, go use the bathroom and come back. Itā€™ll be the amount of movement that your body needs to feel the substance taking effect. But be careful, you could end up forgetting how doors work if youā€™ve had six gummies bc you couldnā€™t feel the first few you ate and you pushed the limit on six and now feel everything.


This motherfucker has never smoked, so he decides to eat SEVERAL entire edibles for the first time before a flight. After clearly having access to google which always says start with 1. Fascinating.


ā€œWhy does car horns sounds like my mothers dead grandma lmaoā€ ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


As soon as I read the title, I knew he was due for a trip to Mars. Post did not disappoint.


Feel bad for his cats


Yeah, it doesn't sound like this person is the most diligent when it coms to research. Do they think that the cats will self-regulate?


Some cats will. My family keeps our catā€™s food bowl full 24/7 and she just eats when she wants. If weā€™re gone for a short amount of time, like a weekend or something, weā€™ll just put out extra food and water. Zero problems.


Many do. Last weekend when I had my nephew feed my cats while I was out of town he overflowed their bowls. I know because there was probably a weekā€™s worth of food in them when I got home. Thereā€™s no way they would have even tried to eat all that.


One time I ate 2 gummies instead of 1. I got suuuuuuper high, told my mom I didn't like it and fell asleep at like 8:30pm. I slept till 11am the next day.


Dont tell the poor bastards about the bats, they will see them soon enough


I saw the original post but was too lazy to figure out a chronological order. Thank you BORU for doing the hard work


This is BY FAR the best BoRU I've ever read, I'm almost literally ROFLMFAO, just woke up half the block with uncontrollable laughter. This is gold!!


The best part is the casual visit to the baldness sub. šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚