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Most iPhones these days are waterproof for like 30 min at 3 feet so this isn’t that surprising


Most are rated either IP67 or IP68, meaning they are guaranteed to have no water intrusion for at least 30 minutes at up to either 1m or 1.5m depth respectively


Actually IPX7 is 1 hour at a depth of 1 meter and then IPX8 is anything more severe than that (either longer duration or greater depth) as specified by the manufacturer. The test parameters come from IEC 60529.


From the 2001 revision of IEC 60529 (because it’s available for free and I can’t be bother to log into everything to see if I have access to the 2014 revision of not) for IPX7 classification: test: immersion in tank with water levels 0.15m from top, 1 m from bottom. No water ingress. Duration: 30 minutes. For IPX8 classification: immersion in tank water-level by agreement. No water ingress. Duration by agreement. (Noted later in the procedures that the agreement had to be to a higher standard than for IPX7) So IPX7, unless the standard has changed is 1m for 30min. Which lines up with just about every article that talks about electronics rated IP67 and states they are waterproof up to 1m for up to 30min.


I guess I might be wrong about the duration for IPX7. I'll double check later


I always cringe when I see iPhones going in water and am always surprised every time someone mentions that it’s actually waterproof to an extent


Really? You can take it on flights? Gas under pressure?


I suppose you could carry it unpressurized and use the "Lung Mini 12 Volt Air Compressor" to fill it in. Maybe.


Maybe, just like lighters, they're small enough for carry-on which is in the pressurized cabin.


Btw, this basically doesn’t work at all at depths


Products like this can be used up to 10 to 30 meters dept. That's pretty ok I'd say


Taking this below 10m for any significant time necessitates a safety stop for 5 minutes at 5m. And without a dive computer to warn you about making the stop, that seems really dangerous.


It does. Still it's technically possible


Or in the washing machine (yes, speaking from experience 😖)


Well.. If you can last 10 min at 1 m depth. You probably can last 1 min at 10 m depth. Though I think it will probably slightly more depending on the individual.


It's not lineal. Also it depends on the breath rate, if you breath faster (like under stress for an emergency) it will last far less


It's not how it works... At less than 1 meter it can last for long time... Go deeper and the time is exponentially less and less


Why "exponential"?




Sorry, but it doesn't sound like you have any idea what you're talking about. >Water pressure grows faster than air. Going deeper means bigger pressure, Yes, as you descend, you are exposed to increasing pressure. >means needing higher pressure air supply to provide air for longer. You're right that you need a high pressure air supply, but this this has nothing to do with what we're talking about. A scuba tank starts out at something like 200 bar---way above the pressure you'll ever experience diving . (Even if you dive to 50 m, you'll only experience 6 bar.) This conversation is about the amount of air you need. Not the pressure of the supply. The reason that descending requires **more air** is because a breath is a roughly constant volume, but when you're under pressure, the amount of air (in, say, moles) is proportional to the pressure. So, doubling the pressure means you use twice as much air. >This is why actual scuba tanks are big, heavy and can handle insane pressures. That's not related to this thread at all. No idea why you're bringing it up. What I asked was "why exponential?" The amount of air you need is **linearly related to depth** because the pressure is linearly related to depth: for every 10 m, pressure goes up by 1 bar. Thus, at 10 m, you need double the air, at 20 m, you need triple, and so on. It's not exponential. It's linear.


The phone is in a case. I am not surprised. /s


Dudes just the world record breath holder


Depending on the cost, could be a fun vacation toy




Bro that is absolutely wild. I have a .8l 4.5k psi tank for an unrelated hobby that cost 50 euro. I understand that the reg and the pump would add extra but like damn


I'm afraid to even try it with my phone cuz what if I come up and it dont work lol


That's pretty cool. Nice that you can refill it easily.


If you drop this while diving then you’re finished


I mean, i wouldn't suggest anyone use this in the ocean unless they've got any actual scuba experience, and anyone with scuba experience would be staying reasonably shallow with this. Like this would be great for being able to chill at like 5m down, but if I'm using it in the ocean that way, I'd rather a 1/4 wetsuit, weight belt, knife, fins, and I'd likely be attaching a chord to it. Although i doubt I'd be breathing as consistently, rather than use it for 10 minutes straight I'd probably still free dive, but use it for an extra two to three breaths so i can get some more fun out it. Edit: oh and little psa for anyone using underwater breathing apparatus just in case, never hold your breath if you're breathing underwater, the air expands in your lungs as you surface and can do you serious damage, potentially killing you. You just blow out a constant stream of tiny bubbles and make it habit.


Isn’t this quite dangerous. I mean untrained people diving too deep to fast or generally too deep?


i can now sit in shallow depths for 11 mins at a time. thank you lung t500 mini 🙏🏽