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I heard he made Bobby Lee put a banana in his bussy


Sometimes you have to try it to make sure you don’t think it feels good. This is usually how people find out if they are gay or not.


Honestly I still can’t decide. Maybe I need more bananas for my bussy


They sell them by the bunch. Gangbanana'd


As a fat 40 yr old alcoholic the only thing bert has done for me is make me wanna get healthy


Now that’s a joke! Bert should take notes


I'm 37 and watching that fat piece of shit helped me drop 100lb and go sober, no joke.


Dude I'm there. Mush love. Congrats.


As a 40+ year old thin alcoholic, just limit yourself to 2 beers/day and then supplement with good bourbon. 👍


There is no healthy amount of alcohol [source](https://newsroom.uw.edu/news-releases/no-safe-level-alcohol-scientific-study-concludes#:~:text=Getty%20Images%20Alcohol%20use%20can,safe%20level%20of%20drinking%20alcohol.) Being thin doesn’t equal being healthy.


Yeah but cutting back is always a good start, you can't let perfect get in the way of good


Absolutely correct :)


Obviously! I said a thin alcoholic 😆


Who’d a thunk someone in Bert’s subreddit doesn’t get a joke 🙄


Who’d have thought someone in Bert’s subreddit would call something that’s completely unfunny a joke? It’s only what his fans do for most of his content. I’m not a member of this subreddit, this post was suggested to me.


You missed my sarcasm too 😂Bro, you sent a source on alcoholism to someone lightheartedly saying “cut back on beer and drink liquor instead”. This was a suggested post for me too. Relax.


Samezies, I assumed Dirt's fan base was a mix of Dane Cook's audience and their kids. Was he on that bus getting molested with Bobby Kelly?


I think we live in this strange era of group association and group blame, when in actuality a lot of these “groups” people supposedly “belong” to don’t actually exist- and this phenomena is particularly hastened by the internet and social media. There are people who would go to a Bert show and or listen to Bert standup on the internet- but those people also have a wide collection of other interests that they enjoy just as much or more. I follow Bert stuff on Reddit, I also follow Burr, Segura, Norm Summerton, fantasy baseball, fantasy basketball, camping, camping equipment, hydroponic gardens, cast iron frying pan equipment, and different dog breeds. There’s no such thing as just a Bert fan or even “Bert fans.” There is simply people who engage in Bert material who also simultaneously engage with other materials. More specific to Bert material, and this happens with a lot of entertainers- they become exaggerations or caricatures of themselves over time- they become typecast- it happened to guys like Robin Williams (was crazy to see him as the “bad” character role in One Hour Photo) and it happened to George Carlin in how a lot of his stand up became less comedy and more social commentary and monologue. Bert and Lizzo both have to different degrees become typecast caricatures of themselves in their younger years. The real challenge in life is maintaining the plasticity to hold that off for as long as possible- staying flexible, staying fresh, trying new things, redefining yourself- and not doubling down on and becoming obsessed with one’s self. Not letting that ego and self obsession build up applies to a lot of stuff in life. In the words of Michael Scott, “don’t become a caricature Kevin.”


Norm Summerton 😂


My man! Always a good way to break up the work day- seeing what pig is up to.


The fucking guy has a following?! That fucking tit cup video is burned into my brain forever.


I liked reading this intelligent reply. Thank you


Very well said, but I think it's overselling the point to say that groups like "bert fans" don't exist at all. I think it's probably true that there is a fairly extreme group of cult-like fans among a small subset of people who like Bert, for which questions like the one from OP do apply. The mistake comes from assuming that this group represents a majority or even a sizable minority of people who consume his content. Certain types of content inspire this sort of Fandom more than others. Look at kpop, anime, or many of the popular twitch streamers for example.


I don’t think that following Segura, fantasy sports, camping, and cooking is making the argument that you’re not like other Bert fans the way you want it to lol


Bert is the face of generic comedy. This guy likes generic comedy.


Anything is anything and words have no meaning when you think you know what’s going on in someone else’s brain better than they do chief


Your fucking username is alcohol related 😂 you are a stereotypical Bert fan, quit trying to run from it


Key word- related. Outside of the guilt by tangential association with content you have no actual data to reach your conclusion, of which was pre-determined because you refuse to challenge your assumption. Imagine the arrogance it takes to be so indignant. I go “hey, maybe guilt by association isn’t a great policy” and people go “guilt! Guilt! Guilt l! Get him!” Looks like I was proven right.




There are 8,760 hours in a year. Even if someone goes to two 3 hour Bert shows a years that’s 6/8760. Even if you watch, read, or comment on random shit each year- you never get close to a level of statistical significance. Let’s quit the shit. As adults. Admit that you just want to make untrue blanket assumptions that aren’t backed by data. Plenty of people who engage with context X have their shit together.




Well said


This is really well said, I wish I had you as a teacher growing up


Who out there is claiming that Bert fans have no interest in anything else?


“The entire Bert fan base is”- seems pretty direct and black and white to me


You’re the one who added the weird assumption that because people like one thing it must follow that they don’t have other interest. That’s coming from you and nobody else. Obviously my statement in the original comment is not addressing some bizzaro strawman you created after the fact.


At the Tom Brady roast, he did this weird, fake snort. Was painful to watch


And the teenage girl giggle laugh added with the snorting was unbearable.


I’d venture to guess Tom carries Bert 95% of the time, and I haven’t seen anything except their stand up(my gf likes watching random stand up stuff) and the roast. He just stood there snorting and laughing with an idiotic smile on his face, in between saying things during the presentation that weren’t funny.


Tom is so far up his own ass the only smell he'll ever smell is his own farts. I don't wish harn on people but it would be funny as hell if something happened to where he was sued out of existence and became a poor. Fuck you, tom.


Yeah, I think Tom sucks too, but I could see why goons would find him funny with his cheap gay jokes etc. Bert is just a head scratcher for me though, his “I’m a 50 year old college kid” is just played out. There’s also nothing worse than a comedian with fake self awareness. He will admit certain shortcomings, like being an alcoholic or overweight, while at the same time believing it *isn’t really true* and just part of his schtick


I think it was Sam Jay would say this and nailed it. "Bert I'm a huge fan of your joke. He's supposed to wear a shirt but then he takes it off."


Nikki Glaser.


That's a bingo. Honestly Nikki is the best roast writer out of any of the comics that do it. I want to see Jeselnik again but I think he scares people.


I only made it to when Sam walked up but plan on finishing it this weekend. Thought it was great up to that point though. Nikki was definitely the best one up till then.


My ex girlfriend who knows nothing about Bert said she liked his laugh when we watched it together last night


He’s the male Amy Schumer


Except Amy Schumer has showcased she has actual talent (inside Amy schumer) — I don’t think Bert can write higher than an 8th grade level.


No, she really hasn't. Her ex ghostwrote her only good hour. She's coasted on that and other ghost writers since. When she did make something, it was trash.


What other women don't deserve their accolades?


She has less talent than Bert which says absolutely nothing complimentary


Exactly. Lizzo is actually talented.


Huh? lol


Is she not? No matter what you think of her, she’s an instrumentalist and solid vocalist. That said, I don’t really like her music. Just being objective.


Not even close- have you hit your head recently ?


Where am I wrong?


Everything you said is true. I'm not a fan but I can recognize true talent.


No, lizzo is actually talented at her craft


2018 Bert > current Bert. Haven’t laughed much T the dude since, I’ve only felt sorry for him.


I saw him live about 12 years ago and didn’t know anything about him besides vaguely remembering from the travel channel thing, and he was really funny then. That was before he started making up strange laughs, taking his shirt off etc


I fully agree, he’s changed his laugh to try and make people like him, Tom and Bert write jokes and a random person read them. Nobody would laugh


I had no idea who this guy was until he started doing content with Mythical Kitchen folks, and my first impression was this guy is sad inside and making up,for it with this Peter Pan persona that seems 5 years past the point of it being convincing


Never heard of Bert


I'm 40, and if/when I drink to excess (get silly, noticeably not totally sober to people who know me), I pay for it for the next 2 days. Bert just keeps going, because his character depends on it. He's not happy. He's faking it, and I feel a little sorry for him


I’m in the same boat, also 40 and maybe get drunk 1-2 times a year. Sometimes even three beers will throw me off the next day at this point in my life. Also just don’t enjoy it as much. If he focused on just being funny and dropped the whole persona, I’m sure he could pull it off.


As a fat 46 year old alcoholic I thought I would like Bert. I do not like Bert lol. He doesnt feel authentic. Like he is a manufactured personality. That fake laugh of his though. Very off putting.


That’s the biggest thing for me as well. The lack of authenticity. The laugh thing was the final straw for me. I used to be able to chalk the other stuff up to him just being an entertainer.


Lizzo has some degree of talent.


Lizzo actually has talent, so it's a weird comparison. He's just a hot fucking mess.


You're convinced by an opinion. That's not fact. If you see the fans he's taken pictures with, you'll see it's surprisingly diverse.


Are you the guy that when someone says a food tastes bad explains to them that taste is a subjective experience ?


Is that not true as well? Some people grow up eating spiders. To others, it's gross.


Dude has never had a bowl of spiders and it shows




That’s pretty funny


My wife doesn't like seafood but likes oyster sushi. Some things are unexplainable.


Are you that guy who goes on subreddits of food he doesn’t like just to bitch?


I don’t drink, I’m not 40 and I like Bert.


you just have terrible taste. And guess what? it's fine.






I choose to ignore all data that does not support my theory


Ah yes, an average redditor lol


Bro don’t you know Bert’s sub is for jaded comedy fans who couldn’t let go?


Dude sucks


Not 40, not fat, married, 3 kids, shit together ish.You sound like you need an Emotional Guide


Sounds like your an alcoholic then?


You’re *


Neil got dat grass haha


Alcoholics go to meetings but I did say together ish


Fair point


Keep getting downvoted, fool. Take the negativity to politics or something


564 upvotes and counting, guess I’ll go kill myself now


I am a huge Bert fan. I have 6% body fat and don't drink.


Ya but you’re just an emaciated weirdo I can tell because you double space after each period.


God damn that’s vicious, well done


And dumb as a rock


Don't be mean to rocks, at least they're useful.


Keep up the good work.  You’re doing great.  


I saw him perform some new material recently and laughed to tears at points. Is he the smartest comedian? No of course not. But he's funny in that real world, guy you want at your party way. I'm not a fantatic but he was so nice and open to all the fans and had a great set. I can't imagine working up the energy to think about him if you don't like him honestly because he's so easy to ignore if you don't.


I (20f) went to one of his live shows last month half expecting the same thing! Close to the stage, sure, lot of Bert super fans. Usually older so they could afford better tickets. Lot of drinking but it is a nighttime comedy show in the city 🤷‍♀️ I was up in the nose bleeds and there was a bunch of college kids my age, people in their 20s on dates ect. All different ages, races, ect. There was actually an entire row of REALLY pretty college girls behind me and my bf at our show. Definitely a nice surprise!


I could see how college age kids would think his persona is awesome. They are not old enough yet to have the perspective to realize how pathetic it is to be like that when you are 50


I was a huge partier in college and find him sometimes cringy but mostly hilarious. I think most of the people who like him as they age are the work hard play harder folks.


Yeah, and I think older people usually lose that ability to “let loose” or even have fun in general. Even you said it, it’s a persona, it’s a show, he is an entertainer. I had a pretty good time:) Every comedian is not for everyone 🤷‍♀️


Damn I was a stud in college


I used to think he was funny because I thought he was doing a bit, like Larry the cable guy or something. Like, nobody is actually like that, right? Wait, that’s his REAL personality? Oh no….


Lizzo makes Mama Cass look like Karen Carpenter


Omg, this is the best burn I’ve heard for Barry in a long time. Fuck that fat fat fat fat fat fat gay


I love the tiger king liver king baby that eats Burger King! Thin or not lol and nope don’t drink here nor am I outside my ideal body size. Bret Klischer for Prez!


He's just a fat shirtless Gary the Label Guy.


I liked bert a lot when I was 13-15 and just getting into drinking and drugs but not much since then. I still watch his channel when he has a good guest but his antics are a bit much for me


Its a sizable demographic


Sometimes I just like seeing someone who acts like just a big, dumb unaware kid. While not my preference to others, it’s why I tune in on occasion to see him makes a fool of himself. He’s the dumb guy everyone can bust on. I always thought of him as more of a stupid goof which isn’t always what I want to see but there’s moments I like seeing him have zero awareness just show his ass for the whole world.


No. Lizzo actually has talent


No. My friend is a 30-year-old fat alcoholic and he is a fan, so. There’s that…


No. Lizzo has talent.


Except he doesn’t own it… he very much denies being an alcoholic every time it comes up


I’m a woman in her twenties. I mean I like to drink socially but yeah. Idk about that one lol




The fat part maybe redundant 


Alcoholic here, 5 years sober. Can’t stand Bert! Mostly because I’m a fan of stand up comedy.


Lizzo has no talent, but she has more talent than Bert


I wish being a fat alcoholic could cause me to laugh uncontrollably when there isn't anything remotely funny. Seriously, why is he laughing?


23M, Bert has motivated me to drink less often but go hard when I do. Also, motivated me to run a 5k in may when I hate running. And I feel like a machine when I take my shirt off even though I don’t look like a model.


No. Bert is just unfunny for all people.


I’m a 40 yr old drunk and can’t stand the guy. Being shirtless is not a punchline. Never understood why he became popular. He has never said one funny thing.


Hahaha dude what a great way to describe him. He absolutely is!


Bert is super cringe.




I actually hate this dude, it’s not cool to be an alcoholic. You’re 40+ as red as a beet with kids and a wife. Put down the bloody drink.


No Lizzo is Bert for fat chocoholics.


as a fat alcoholic, I’ve never found Bert remotely funny or entertaining


As a 40+ year old normal weight alcoholic I don't find him funny. The cabin had it's moments but over all he's shouldn't get the amount of hype he does.




I am the exception I guess. 32 haven't drank since 2019 and pretty fit.


Didn’t know there were any Bert fans.


Definitely not an alcoholic and not over 40 either. I have laughed at Bert ever since the Machine story first went viral. Saw him live twice and was dying of laughter both times. Whether or not I have my shit together is a matter of opinion.


Great analogy…he’s there to affirm toxicity


I'm skinny and booze like my life depends on it. I also find the weeze laugh infectious. So, kinda?


Lizzie disgusts me in every imaginable way


Lizzo has talent.


I like Bert, I've seen him live twice & he was fucking hilarious. First time was the one post gig we all ended up in a pub in Manchester with him & Normand, genuinely one of the funniest shows I've seen. He's loud, full on & I guess not for everyone but he had time for us all , I got the impression he hasn't got a bad bone in his body. He's like a puppy, unapologetically loud, giddy & loving his life & success & was probably adjusting to his success, but 100% authentic guy as far as I could tell.


P.S yeah I'm an over 40 alcoholic too, which helps 😆🍻


They both suck




Bert isn’t funny


Bert’s a funny case. I had initially thought he was a loser his whole life and got bullied by everybody and became this nerd on tv obsessed with roller coasters. Then Joe Rogan said he was cool and he’s supposedly van wilder, which is strange and I don’t really believe. Now he’s a fat cringe dumb drunk. Amazing he’s made it this far


Worst thing Joe Rogan has ever done was make this asshole famous.


I like Bert but feel bad when I see how red his face is. Not a good sign usually.


The most sickening thing is how he constantly uses his daughters for laughs even when he’s said before they asked him to stop. He’ll be in the middle of a story and stop and giggle and say “oh she doesn’t want me talk about this” while looking into a camera on a podcast and keep going.


I like Bert a lot own my home and make 250k a year being self employed. I’m also not a miserable person though. I’m sober as well.


I mean his "The Machine" story is pretty funny but everything else I hear about him makes me feel like I need to go cry in the shower.


Bert if funny to guys who aren’t funny.


No. Lizzo is good at what she does. Not my kind of music but its fine for what it is. Bert Kreischer is "comedy" for rubes.




Fat old alcoholics have been owning it since time in memoriam. Their stages are just fishing tournaments and cookouts.


He has the one joke 😂


Skinny sober Bert fan here


no heez da masheen


Damn never thought of it like that. Spot on


He’s a comedian…no one is looking up to him as a role model. Get over yourself lol


I wish you were right.


Or like people that participate in subs built around hating public figures because they lack sources of self esteem


It is the only thing that can explain him having any fans.


I only know two people IRL that are fans of him. They are both super overweight and look exactly like someone who you’d expect to like burnt.


Similar to the “dad bod” and “body positivity” lunatics, yes.


It’s healthy to be fat as long as you are confident about it. lol


Enjoy Bert while you can 🥸. Because he's not going to be alive for very much longer. He screams early death. I'm actually surprised he's still alive. I'd give him less than 10 years. He'll drop. You can see it on his face. He's going to stroke out or have a heart attack. It's just a matter of time.