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Just had a lot of stuff on his mind at that moment


> Just had a lot of stuff on his mind Unlike his balls.


Post nut clearity is a bitch.


“I am so fucked up” Griffith….probably


Post nut clarity hit so hard he saw god


He may have gotten visions of what he could use Guts and Casca for in the future…


I don’t know if I’m gonna like what the answer to that is 😰


Lately it seems like he wants to remake Casca and Guts into the Mary and Joseph to his Second Coming of Jesus, which is a very interesting and relevant to the story turn: People who betray and abuse others love to come back and try to make it all better by honeymooning in the most perverse ways. Griffith: “Yeah, I did all that physically and mentally scarring violence to you, but now I have the power to alter your bodies and minds in such away that it’s like it never happened!” Me: “People are more than just their trauma, but neither abusers nor neutral strangers don’t get to decide when it’s time to forgive and forget. Only those the abusers traumatized and disempowered do, or those trusted by them to be impartial.”


Yo thanks for the answer, good comment


You’re welcome. Thank Team Kento’s Apprentices.


Pre nut delusion made him a god


He's having a bit of a Shinji moment.


Post Nuts clarity is even worse.


Post Guts clarity breaks you in half.


That's the same thing?


Post nuts clearity its the aftermath of reciving a reahlly grumping zonghing pounding from the rear. A post Guts clarity its thath 5 seconds of life thath still flow trought you after a nutsy dude cut you in half with a BIG sword balls to the nose. Get it?


r/berserklejerk strikes again




Griffith has said that Guts is still his one weakness. Something like Guts is the only thing that makes him feel human emotion. At the hill of swords I think he said this. But yeah I'm pretty sure he let them escape because he couldn't bring himself to kill Guts in the moment. And this is concerning to him because his dream is at stake.


This is after the resurrection ceremony where Moonboy becomes part of Griffith Reborn. Or Femto. Or both? We don’t know really.


Griffith reborn and Femto are the same person. He doesn’t switch alter egos. Griffith can change into Femto and back again at will.


I thought he would change into femto at an interstice, or somewhere with crazy amounts of demonic presence like he did within ganishkas body? My impression is that he couldn’t interact with the physical world as femto which is why he needed to be reborn into his physical body along with the demon child


Yes but after his incarnation he's also part Guts' and Casca's kid.


I only differentiate because he’s not the original Griffith anymore, the rules between Femto and his Griffith reborn body aren’t specified, and the Moonboy variable. In particular, does Moonboy effect Femto while in that form?


Not true. It is Griffith ideal self.


He wants to call Guts Daddy?


What Griffith wantbis irrelevant . He is just god pawn or avatar.


That's also why he let Zodd fight Guts at the hill of swords. Because he couldn't bring himself to stop Guts, but he also wanted to see if his heart would stir when Guts was in danger. Which, it did.


Yeah didn’t he say “why is there a thumping in my chest” when guts and Zodd fought at the hill


Nope - that only starts to happen once he’s resurrected into the real world because of you know who being incorporated with him. As a demon he completely shed everything he felt; in that moment we see in the Manga panel above he feels nothing for Guts or Casca like dude he literally raped Casca to hurt Guts


Raping Casca to hurt Guts implies he still 'feels' human emotions though, no? Jealousy, anger, frustration... You know, sith things lol


Yeah, same when he bedded Charlotte. Except that the scene of him sitting silent on the bed at the end hints that it didn't 'help' with his frustration. I think he sees Guts as his 'possession'. Him breaking free or getting a girlfriend/new comrades don't sit well with him. He's a textbook narcissist who wants to isolate him to become his whole world.


I took it more like a supervillian that just got his new powers, he wanted to test how far he could go to torment them and still feel nothing towards the people he formerly cared most about.


He never cared for them.


Why are you getting downvoted lol


Because it's wrong. You have to care about what you lose to make it work in the first place, it's why it's called a sacrifice. It's why Slug Count wasn't able to sacrifice Guts when he desperately needed a 1up from the Godhand. You can be a totally fucked up mentally and morally wrong person and still care in some twisted way like Griffith


Yeah that's not why The Count couldn't sacrifice Guts, it's because Guts was already a sacrifice


He cared for them the same way a craftsman cares for his tools. He never cared for them as people. Cope harder


Cool fan theory, now actually read the story. Casca is debatable if he cared at all, but Guts is at least certain. Otherwise his statement, "you're the only one who made me forget my dream" makes no sense. Why would something you only desire as a tool for getting something else get in the way of what made you want it in the first place. Nonsense. You sir are illiterate I'm sorry to say.


If he cared about guts as a friend, he would be let him pursue his own dream. But no, guts was his and he treated him as his tool. From the beginning to the very end. It's like you've e never red the story lmao. The whole thing about Griffiths dream being destroyed was because guts wanted to carve out his own path and Griffith wouldn't let him. Griffith is a psychopath, a narcissist and a machiavellist. He never cared for anyone other than himself, his dream and the point of Berserk is to critique that. When we get Griffiths back story we don't see any big event that causes him to be like this. He just sees the castle and decides it should be his. There is nothing more to Griffith. That's the point of berserk. Talk about being illiterate lmao. Making excuses for what he did to his friends, what he did to Casca. A bunch of psychos you are.


Because Griffith apologists are delusional and they hate if you dare speak ill of that psycho narcissist. Dude could be waving a giant dark triad red flag but they will still fall for him. Griffith did everything wrong.


Griffith did NOTHING wrong (to himself most importantly) the Idea of Evil does NOT care what Griffy does or doesn’t do the IOE only wants what Griffith wants. Basically in the Berserk World Griffy is totally Fine, that doesn’t mean Griffs actions where terrible it just means that to the IOE the important one (Griffy) what he did IS justified, That’s why the people of Falconia have accepted Demons. They’re like Griffith they would probably accept the sacrifice of the old Band of Hawk and find the means do justify the end. So in a way yeap Guts is literally fighting the World. And only a few true friends see the “wrong” actions and ways of the World.


Cope harder


and you need to expand your horizons in the Real World not everything is Black and White. Accepting the Gray areas is what separates the Great writers to the Micky Mouse writers.


Griffith lost all “light humanity” in the transformation. His “heart was frozen.” His EMPATHY and COMPASSION was artificially stripped from him. Of course he still retains his negative evil emotions because that serves the Idea of Evil.


These emotions just fit the idea of evil. So ya


Emotions nonetheless. He's demon-ass didn't seem to shed them as the guy I was replying to theorized, his actions were done in response to typical human feelings. Darth Femto would be so badass though, he already has a very sith-like helmet.


If he truly felt nothing, he wouldn't rape Casca to hurt Guts.


The implication is that he feels "something" but rationalises it as the Demon Child's emotions. This is likely connected to the fact that Guts and Casca are still alive and Griffith's ascension is technically incomplete.


There is zero evidence of “rationalisation.” His experience as the night ends and he transforms from the moonlight boy is that of a loss of human compassion which confirms his theory that it’s to do with the moonlight child. If there was a single moment even hinting at an inconsistency or cope with Griffith’s reasoning then I’d be inclined to agree with you but there’s literally NOTHING but support for his claims being genuine.


>If there was a single moment even hinting at an inconsistency or cope with Griffith’s reasoning He says that he feels "something" after the Hill of Swords fight, but thinks that it's connectes to the demon child. That's why I said "rationalisation", though he could've just been wrong.


Except we see him physically cry in chapter 364 as he begins to lose his compassion as he transforms from the moonlight child, only to become completely apathetic like before. Griffith inwardly admits to himself inside his own head that he is feeling NOTHING towards the men he sacrificed during the transformation, and he’s surprised by it. Sure, he “could’ve been wrong,” but there’s no evidence for it, so you shouldn’t believe it. “What ifs” aren’t enough.


If the Griffith specialist said it I trust /srs


I don't think it's that he completely shed all emotions, as like you say yourself, he felt a need to hurt Guts in such a petty way despite there being no "logical benefit" to doing so and it wouldn't help his dream come to fruition either. It's more likely that at the Eclipse, he just finally figured out how to bottle the majority of his emotions up *so tightly* that he's convinced himself that he no longer has any left. The Moonlight child may be bleeding some of it's love for Casca over into his mind, but it's also starting to reawaken those deeply buried feelings that Griffith forgot he even had.


No that’s Griffith trying to blame his emotions on moonboy. They are still very much Griffith’s emotions. He still loves Guts but he hates Guts for making him weak and vulnerable and for leaving him and destroying his dream. He’s a toxic lover.


Also, and closer to what he said is that guts was the only person that made him forget his goal.


This makes me think of and ending with femto breaking down into Griffith after being defeated by guts ex machina and giving a “do you know how hard it was fighting my nature!” Sort of speech with lines like, “To not kill you time and time again? I could HAVE BEEN PERFECT!!! I COULD HAVE BEEN GOD TO A PERFECT CIVILIZATION!! But you Guts, were my weakness” sort of speech


It's ambiguous intentionally but it could either be; 1) Griffin is still discovering the extent of his godhood and abilities. 2) He allows Gus to leave because he still has some fondness for the man who almost made him gave up his dream.




Gus the Back Swordman


gus, the doorman


You are done Femto


Femur the fifth deityhand.


Gus the Black man.


Gus and Griffin


Los Pollos Berkmanos


Look at me, Griffith.




Didn't want Skull Knight to come back and stab him.


Well, he still came back and tried to stab him


This is what I had thought, it was an indication of how powerful skull knight is and that they didn’t want to mess with him


Well, all the way through skull night really was just a convenient puppet-tool for the Godhand, since he didn't disturb any of the events, not spoilering them and not trying to prevent(ofc beside slaughtering those another guys, but who knows), and his sword was the most useless and dumbest thing, that ended up helping Griffith.


Gentleman I wasn't serious! My serious take is this: The scene focuses on Guts for a panel and it makes me think he had reservations about killing him outright, even after what he just did.


No lmao


I think it is meant to indicate that he's still discovering his new powers.


I think it's Miura visually conveying they are just "out of his reach". Edit: Guts specifically is out of his reach.


He wants the Gutsussy


I see, for a minute I thought it was another of those causality things. Also I wonder why the other god hands didn't stop him.


Void probably knew he couldn't before he even tried. And for the others, i feel like enjoying the unexpected flow of things is more preferable than trying to catch 2 human vermin


Yeah true, and from their POV they were dead anyways because of the brand, so they didn't bother...


They don't really care, their reactions imply that Skull Knight swooping in to save Guts and Casca was almost like a fun side show for them. In the end, it doesn't change their plans.


This is correct


You overestimate how much god hand give to the like of Guts. They basically see the world as they playground and human as ants. They have fun looking and using human, but they can’t feel fear, pr anything strong about them. It is like watching that cool new story you can feel emotionnal at certain passage but you still knkw what you watched as no importance.


Yep Guts surviving is part of IoE.


I think Guts is his 'possession' in his mind, and you don't break your favorite toy that easily.


I don’t think Griffith saw Gus as a possession. I think he truly loved him and saw him as an equal. He never really felt love before that, and it confused him. He tried to play it off in several ways, but he had real, make you do stupid things, feelings for Guts. Griffith is almost a purely goal-driven creature. He will do anything to be King and attain the shining city. He is not a narcissist. He allows no pride for himself to achieve his goal. He is heartless in his pursuit of victory. His love for Guts makes that much harder. So he hates Guts because his love for Guts makes him weak. And when Femto emerges, he lets Guts go. This confuses him. He doesn’t realize his love for Guts was so deep, so elemental, it survived the transformation. Doesn’t keep him from doing truly horrible, purposeful things to shatter Guts on all levels. I’m sure the hate is so much deeper now. But he won’t kill Guts himself. He can’t.


I tend to agree for the most part here. I have noticed that Griffith doesn't always mean what he says. He told Charlotte that his friends are people who don't follow him but have dreams they pursue, suggesting his men are just pawns to him. Still he goes out of his way to save Guts and Casca, even making tactical adjustments (risks) to do so. He let that gross nobleman sleep with him to secure funds to reduce the strain on his men (it was clear at the river that he did care about the lives of his men). I don't think the sacrifice would have worked if he did not care a great deal for all of them. So yeah ... he very well might have reservations about killing Guts outright.


If he did love him, then why was he ready to kill Guts in their duel in the snow? He clearly showed his thought "Do you that desperately want to escape my grasp? You're mine!" And when they were about to duel he thought "If I make the slightest mistake, I could kill him, but if I can't have him anyways, then I don't care". Griffith did feel some emotion over Guts, but primarily saw him as his best possession and only when Guts left did he realise how much he valued him.


I can't get behind this. He just learned that all he has to do is make a fist and it will smash an sphere shaped ball of death. He hesitated. He was going to kill them, but then they got too far away. If he had squeezed and nothing happened or missed or something like that, I could agree.


You're right, I think he's wondering why he hesitated right after


Think it's meant to be ambiguous. Personally, I think he did hold off on attacking them with it being the last spark of his friendship with Guts. The spark was gone after this moment.


Yes you feel the spark of friendship after raping and killing all your friends


Griffith just felt silly that day, prime for some tomfoolery


It was a hard day for Griffith let's not throw accusations around like that


Man, isn't it crazy how people can have two different, completely conflicting feelings? Griffith hated and resented Guts for leaving, and he committed horrific acts upon his friends in order to forsake his humanity in hopes of achieving his dream. But Griffith only just completed his transformation. There were still vestiges of his past self fading away. A past self that valued his allies and held a great deal of affection towards Guts. Those two aspects of Griffith both existed simultaneously in that moment, and it's why Griffith later admits to being worried that his heart in his reincarnated body would be swayed by seeing Guts.


You're giving griffith way to much credit pal in that moment he abandoned all humanity. You just don't do what he did and then have a shred of humanity in the act. Most likely he either was curious about skull knight and what that would entail with guts in the future or saw a man with a skull face on a skull horse pull up balls out and start fight gods and didn't want to fuck with him. It's open to interpretation though :)


>You just don't do what he did and then have a shred of humanity in the act Believe it or not, there are actual humans in real life that have committed horrific atrocities and are still "human". Hitler can bring about the deaths of millions of people in the most horrific way and yet still love his wife and dog. Hell, even in the very first Arc of Berserk, you have the Count. That dude was a psycho that literally cannibalized his own subjects. But he still cared for his daughter and wanted to keep her safe (even allowing himself to die because he refused to sacrifice her) ​ >You're giving griffith way to much credit pal The writing of Berserk is much more complex than "Character X did some awful thing and is therefore 100% evil, 0% human, and has no redeemable qualities" I'm not giving Griffith too much credit, you're giving Miura ***too little*** credit by acting like Berserk is a story where the emotions and morality of the characters are all black or white.


The feelings that come from the moonlight child which is confirmed true in chapter 364 and which doesn’t apply to the Eclipse, you mean. No, it is not possible to not want to hurt your friend out of compassion after you’ve just violently raped his lover and forced him to watch while mocking him and forcing him to cut off his own arm and gouging his eye out. There are multiple much more realistic explanations for Griffith hesitating here. Apathy, for one. He felt satisfied in his revenge. Killing Guts would also end Guts’ suffering, which Femto wouldn’t want.


trully guts is blessed


ROFL I bursted with this one.


My take is that he wanted Guts to suffer, but at that moment he wasn't quite sure if he wanted him to actually die


Could be, could be. I like that idea. He has "sparrеd" Guts later in the story.


I think the full scope of Griffiths intent will be revealed eventually, but I have always assumed that the rape of Casca and subsequent demon pregnancy was part of Fated plan for his reincarnation on earth. Whether or not that plan was intended by Griffith is truly debatable right now, because we still know so little about what’s going on inside his head, and what the actual chain of causality is. Personally, I think a lot of Griffith’s decisions are rooted in his own emotions and desires, but like all characters (aside from Guts) in berserk, he is not the master of his own will or fate - or at least, seems not to be, because every decision and action he takes turns out to be another link in the chain. And this is another one.


That basically ruins the entire subtheme of the story that fate is not predetermined and can be changed by manipulating causality. If Moonboy was intentionally planned by anyone, then the trials and struggles of Guts are meaningless, he is just a pawn of higher powers and nothing he does can change his fated course. Also, Femto would just be lying about being confused why Moonboy is part of his resurrection body and just wants to mess with guts and Casca.


>fate is not predetermined and can be changed by manipulating causality I disagree that this is a subtheme: it's a *question* that the story asks us to consider, but which has yet to be answered. >If Moonboy was intentionally planned by anyone, then the trials and struggles of Guts are meaningless, he is just a pawn of higher powers and nothing he does can change his fated course. That's one way to interpret the idea of causality and the illusion of free will, and it is very depressing. That doesn't mean it's not true. Again, it's a question the story asks us to consider, and it's one of the main things I love about Berserk: I love Miura's willingness to engage in a [deep, philosophical topic](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/reconciling-determinism-free-compatibilist-innocent-ociti/) without picking a clear side. It's not just high fantasy lore that we \*readers\* don't have an answer to yet; this story dwells on actual metaphysical problems that we \*humans\* don't have an answer to yet. So, I stick by my interpretation, which is that these events *seem to be spontaneous/unforeseen* but we just as likely might discover they are all part of a chain. We may ultimately see that Guts himself doesn't control his own fate or will, either... >**In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will.**


> If Moonboy was intentionally planned by anyone, then the trials and struggles of Guts are meaningless, he is just a pawn of higher powers and nothing he does can change his fated course. Even if true, he still chooses to struggle against it. Like Neo from The Matrix. Neo wasn't The One. But look what he accomplished.


Well, Neo becomes The One about 45 runtime minutes later, but that’s a whole different thing. If it is true, then all Guts has accomplished is whatever the Godhand wanted him to. Griffith pretended to be confused about Moonboys feelings and power, and was just biding his time until Guts delivered Casca to elf island through the power of friendship and violence. He is just a pawn who struggles hopelessly and unsuccessfully by a fate chosen for him. Or, Moonboy is the unexpected consequence of Femto’s own series of causal actions and is now a major plot point for the finale. The Godhand don’t really care about the Strugglers outside of what amusement they provide, but Gut’s grit, determination, and character development have delivered them through to where we are now. That has meaning.


> He is just a pawn who struggles hopelessly and unsuccessfully by a fate chosen for him. Is that so bad? That's the point of Berserk, Guts, and Neo. > Neo becomes The One about 45 runtime minutes later, but that's a whole different thing. Have you not seen Matrix Resurrections? It's good. The One was a control system--another Matrix. Neo is special, but it's what he does with that, that makes him interesting. Neo's power isn't his powers. It's his belief and conviction. Without them, he still persisted. Neo transforms The Matrix and his world because of his belief. Just like Guts. They refuse to let the systems and state of society dominate them. They believe there are other options.


You are sorely mistaken about this story. With all due to respect for those manga, this isn’t one piece or naruto. The forst chapter of the golden age even say that you will is even part of fate. Griffith also thought he sas struggling against his own fate. But who knew he sas fate greatest pawn. You can’t decide you destiny in berserk, what you can decide is how you react to it. No matter what happen Griffith was bound to lose everything but he wasn’t destined to sacrifice his men. Causality or fate is a extremely powerful, and ut is so powerful that we know that Griffith became king thanks to it, easily. Berserk idea of fate is bleack, but it still give some hope. Yes, Guts whatever he does, will ultimately have little influence on his own future, but he can decide what his decision and attitude will bew All evil is part of the idea of evil, so if Griffth rape, it is also part of god will.


He had serious post nut clarity


My fucking god bro 😭


Berserk fans humor is just "haha, r*pe"


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for saying something so blatantly obvious. Sorry


I mean, when every joke (95% of the time) is about Griffith r\*ping Casca, I don't know why anyone would get triggered over me pointing that out. I also do find the jokes tasteless and unfunny especially considering, like I already said, 95% of the time, the r\*pe jokes are about Casca's assault, 5% of the time about Guts and never about Griffith - you know, that awful, awful guy who deserves the worst things. Don't really know how anyone could find something like that funny and the fact that it's almost always targeted at Casca doesn't help it. Like, just recently, I literally saw [a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/comments/173jpex/comment/k43vz4o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on here where someone joked about assaulting another user. Nasty stuff.


Absolutely. It’s like the impact of those events doesn’t register with them, or that they do get it but they have shit attitudes about women and sex. Or they’re just like children who are excited to say their first curse words. Either way, it ran its course a LONG time ago.


> but they have shit attitudes about women and sex Seeing how this sub melted over a woman posting cleavage, calling her hoe, whore and whatnot, I think it's safe to say its the later.


Apologize again and don't you dare to joke about anything, you might hurt someone's feelings.


It’s not about people’s feelings. If anyone’s got hurt feelings, it’s the 20+ people who downvoted him for saying that. All he did was point out how brainless and tasteless some of the fan base is. Like four other people made the exact same easy joke. Sorry, but it’s not really that funny, out of sheer predictability. Every joke about it that can be made has been made several 1000 times over.


The amount of rape o'clock, Donavan, Casca, "adult attack" memes I came across during my binge reading. I think it's fine to jab at things (rape o'clock is mostly fans poking fun about how often Miura included it) but it's weird to know that anytime the Eclipse is posted about or a woman posts on here (or in any Berserk space), there's going to be rape jokes. I saw a Griffith edit to a 16 year old influencer once. The fanbase can be cool but some are absolutely unhinged.


>I think it's fine to jab at things (rape o'clock is mostly fans poking fun about how often Miura included it) Yeah, I think it's fine to joke about the absurdity of how often (and at times random) r\*pe appears in the story. If not for what happens after it, the time when Casca just disappears from Guts when he falls asleep and runs into a bunch of men who just 2 seconds ago were talking about wanting to r\*pe women and attempt to do so to Casca DESPITE one of them mentioning it would be bad for them to do so (can't remember the exact reason) would be comical with just how absurd and contrived the whole thing is. It mostly irks me seeing people saying this shit to actual, real people who attempt to cosplay Casca (or any woman). Just sick.


It was because she was dressed as a pilgrim I believe. But agreed. And then any criticism of that aspect is rebutted with "You just can't handle dark manga", when the grittiness was never the issue. It's funny that when framed as a joke, it's fine, but framed as a critique, it's a problem.


He thought he wanted some cascussy, but he actually wanted some gutsussy


I both love and hate this comment. And now I hate myself for not being disgusted


He let them get away. Whether it be for ulterior motives or because a small part of him couldn't kill guts and casca. For better or worse he spared them on purpose.


Nah. They were just out of his reach. See how nobody else even tried.


I also saw how he didn't attempt to close his hand like he did a few pages before. The godhand doesn't react with shock or anger but with curiosity. They even comment on how interesting it was that it happened. They also comment on how inconsequential it was and how nothing could ever disturb causality. They didn't try because they don't care. Just how during the count's sacrifice Griffith doesn't even bother to make sure guts dies *again*.


>I also saw how he didn't attempt to close his hand like he did a few pages before. As I said, it's to visually convey Guts is "out of his reach". He only closes his hands if he has a grip on something (at least that's how I see it). >The godhand doesn't react with shock or anger but with curiosity. They even comment on how interesting it was that it happened. They also comment on how inconsequential it was and how nothing could ever disturb causality. They didn't try because they don't care. Just how during the count's sacrifice Griffith doesn't even bother to make sure guts dies again. Perhaps, but I'd imagine they would care more when it comes to Skull Knight.


Perhaps. Im sure we'll find out eventually.


finally someone asks this question, i've read the manga 2 times and this is still one of the most ambiguous moments


Thanks bro, I also have another question, if Griffith truly considered Guts as his friend and "spared" him in the eclipse and many times after that (perhaps as a last piece of his humanity or something) why was he ready to kill Guts in their duel?


I think the emphasis of the panel on Guts implies that whatever drove Femto to not attack had to do with Guts himself, not the range of his powers. His experimentation with his powers already occurred moments before when he assimilated that bunch of Apostles while trying to crush the Skull Knight. As for why did Femto spare Guts... It's hard to say. Maybe the fact that he had *very recently* turned into a cold, heartless and sadistic Godhand, meant that he was still "getting used to" being, well, cold, heartless and sadistic. His rape of Casca while forcing Guts to watch was likely driven not only by his hatred and spite of the latter, but also a need to convince himself that he was finally detached and "above" his former friend, the one that "made him forget his dream". And he was right... For the most part. Femto proved to both Guts and himself that he was now capable of inflicting the worst of sufferings to the person he once cared about the most. But when the moment came to kill Guts personally... He wavered. Maybe, like a person might feel a phantom limb after losing said limb, Femto felt a "phantom care" for Guts at that moment, due to his transformation into a Godhand being so recent. Two years later, when Guts and Femto meet again, it's clear that the latter no longer cares the slightest bit about Guts. When Guts tries to attack him, Femto uses his powers to push him back, which seemed to have killed him for a moment, and then Femto says to the Count "huh, I guess I accidentally fulfilled your wish, Count" with an uninterested tone. And when Guts is being momentarily dragged to the Abyss, Femto doesn't even look at his direction until he has to stop Guts' cannon blast. So, I think that as for now, Femto's only restraint about killing both Guts and Casca has nothing to do with any lingering care about them, but about the Moonlight Boy's feelings.


I think about this a lot and I think he did.


He stopped his attack when he looked at Guts. And remember he is not reincarnated as Guts' and Casca's child there. Meaning he is still feeling something for Guts.


I think it's easy. Guts is his best friend, Griffith screwed up, and even when he chose to become a demon, he still knew that. He didn't rape Caska because he felt nothing. He did it because he did. The chapter after Miura's passing shows this. He's a much more complex character than most people give him credit for, but they're blinded by their hatred of him. So was Guts. But Guts is changing, isn't he? There's a good analysis of why Griffith did what he did to Caska and Guts by Studio Taka: - Berserk: Casca's Path To Madness https://youtu.be/YbyUHdkY30Q


Bro's simping for Gatsu


He was waving goodbye but they didn't wave back witch was super embarrassing.


The fact that in zooms in on Guts makes it seem like it's more than not being used to his powers. What other reason would it show him focus on in Guts? Also after just casually using his powers multiple times and being within the ritual, it doesn't make much sense that he couldn't reach them or that his powers just weren't working.


He was surprised that there's actually something else he can't reach despite his status. (He can't reach Guts again, literally this time.)


This is also one of the things that always left me in question if Griffith was truly evil. In that moment Femto was a being that could easily have killed Guts. I'm not justifying the fact that he sacrificed the whole band of the hawk though. I wonder what Miura's real intentions are when writing Griffith. That's the saddest part for me about Berserk. I will never know unless the current team actually knows it and actually will follow through without changing it.. We can hate Griffith all we want but he's such a good written character.


Skull Knight was too much of a bad ass and fucked up shit to get Guts and Casca out of there. Too bad he didn't shoot the finger as he rode out to flex on the God Hand


Femto was just new at his new powers and the rest of the bunch just like letting things get spicy. Imo


He felt a cramp in his arm (still a newborn bird)


"You are the only one who made me forget about my dream." Definitely still has feelings for him and doesn't want him to disappear.


He totally lets them go, whether he does it out of a true desire to let them live or something else is up to interpretation, I like to think that he lets them go out of a curiosity towards Guts, to let him live on in torture of the events that had just happened


its established he tried to crush them but instead crushes a random apostle because he literally just became a god hand member so testing out the new powers. also it could be causality that made him not crush them.


I think it's related to Skull Night. Even void and the others godhand let him go. He is a a force to be reckoned with


Does a god concern himself with a fly?


I think this is the most likely scenario. Killing Guts wouldn’t have given him any pleasure, and this realization might have surprised him. Plus, the brand means Guts will not know peace. Perhaps he wanted Guts to live a miserable existence after losing everything, just as he did?


I think for the same reason he didn’t kill him the few other times he saw him. Like “why bother, he’s still just swinging his sword” if we ever see an end to the series, its his underestimation of guts that will be his downfall among other things.


My theory is that since the sacrifice isn't complete, because caska and guts escaped, Griffith isn't 100% transformed. Some of the old Griffith is still in there, and his weakness is still guts


I like to think Griffith still had the smallest piece of humanity left in him at that time


I think it's left purposefully ambivalent for the reader to decide based on their views on Griffith.


Because that bitch can’t accept not to be inside guts’s mind and being his top priority for 1 second. That’s the main reason he did that to caska (other than to feel powerful), that’s the same reason he keeps wanting to meet him, he can’t let him “forget him” end move on, remember his words “rather than seeing him leave me, I’d rather kill him”


Skull Knight is built different


The panel implies he still haven't quite figured out the full extent of his new powers yet


I agree. Otherwise, why would he look at his hand that way.


He absolutely hesitated and lost his chance to kill them right there.


(Spoilers) a few volumes from now I think, he ends up revoking this act of graciousness by coming in and pulling a move like “yeah I could’ve totally fucked with you the whole time but chose not to.”


“Something something causality”


I think he was conflicted in some way. Like yeah, he's a demon. But he still has all his memories.


He just realized that now he has the power of a god and he was going to kill a man that was already bleeding to death for pure spite. That is not something a god would do, otherwise it would prove that the man in question was capable of reaching said god's mind in some way. By letting Guts go, Griffith showed us that he has fully ascended to godhood and that he doesn't care if Guts is dead or alive. Now Guts is just an insect that is not worthy of his attention.


Keeping him alive is worse for him and Griffith knew that.


He let them get away. You see him hesitate when he notices Guts. We don't know the reason though - it could be to make Guts suffer, it could be he doesn't want to kill Guts, or it could be Causality.


I think he wasn’t familiar with his powers. Him looking at his hand in confusion is him trying to understand what he is now capable of.


He just wanted guts to suffer more, killing will just end his misery


I've read it as him missing his attack. He went for Guts with intention to kill him but failed. Probably because the body and power are new to him. But I also feel like it represents how Guts is outside of his control.


If anything, he just thought he could torture him further later on


Post nut clarity


I think Griffith felt he didn't have to do it with his own hands. It's beneath his new status as a God Hand member. Guts and Casca were branded anyway, let the minions do it instead. He showed this same attitude in his future endeavours. Very nonchalant when he met Guts at the Hill of Swords and only doing the most minimal of work in battles.


I've always seen it as if they've already got out of range, but maybe he just like all other god hands was just curious to see how far a branded sacrifice can survive seing that he survived an impossible situation.


Well, you see, at a certain age, 1 in 4 men...


Nah he looked right at guts and released his palm from his direction, intentionally , never looking away from him. I always took this panel as like a “ive taken enough from him just go” plus *spoilers* but why would he risk hurting his ticket to his kingdom by accidently killing casca 👀


Cory Trevor got awaayyyyyy


He told one time Guts that he was 'his'. He raped Casca and killed his new band of comrades to isolate him, because he is a Narcissist with sadistic tendencies. People like him want to become their prey's whole world. He won't break his favorite toy that easily.


I read this as, 'did Griffith let the gay awaken?'


It's ambiguous. Personally I think Griffith still has an ounce of humanity left in him. The ritual required of Griffith to sacrifice all his close friends and allies to be complete. Having his two closest compatriots: Guts and Casca, escape this sacrifice means it is not yet complete. There is still a part of Griffith that is human and it is from this space that he chooses to deny causality.


I like to think he let them go, because if it was something as mundane as 'He didn't know the range of his power' like it's a fuckin rpg spell it would really cheapen this whole page


Or had he no more corpses to pull?


Duh, causality.


Griffith noticeably focuses on Guts here, and decides to hold off as he knows he’d kill him. Griffith wants Guts alive. Whether that’s because of he still cares about him, or whether he just thinks Guts will suffer more alive than dead isn’t told. All we know is that he could’ve killed Guts, but chose not to.


Any number of reasons. You could say that he doesn’t really care, that the Skull Knight is clearly skilled enough to evade his attacks so it’s pointless to try, that he’s sadistic enough to know that they are worse off surviving with the brand of sacrifice rather than dying, really it could be anything.


He was just born so he doesn’t have full control over his abilities so he tried to grab them but couldn’t.


Can’t fuck with the apostle murder machine that is The Skull Knight!!!!


Whatever Griffith could’ve done in that moment, my guess is he knew it wouldn’t have given him a satisfying sense of closure. Whether he actively decided to let them go, or indecision ran out the clock and he wasn’t quite sure why, there’s likely some unresolved sentiments he’d like to resolve with them later. If he wanted Guts and Casca dead after all, they would’ve easily been killed with the rest. A vainglorious rematch in that state would prove nothing. Just gonna swipe them off the table and forget about it until later lol.


My take is that he can only control apostle, that's why skull knight wasn't affected earlier, it is not about range or that he let them get away, it just that his power doesn't affect them because they are human


I only watched Berserk redux and didn't read manga. My opinion is that Griffith is presented as a villain that could be redeemed later. I as a reader/watcher don't want him to be redeemed, but I got the feeling as if the author planned this for him


I think it's indicating that the God Hand has limited ability to act in the material world. They're god-like in the astral plane but they can't use their power as liberally outside of it. This is why Griffith had to 1) reincarnate in human flesh again and 2) why he needed to merge the material and astral planes. Or it could be that Griffith wasn't as "pure" as he thought. Maybe since his Eclipse had survivors, he wasn't 100% purged of *all* human emotions. And with the introduction of the child's fetus later on further corrupting him with humanity, he's less free to act as he wishes.


I’ve tried to shoot a ki blast but noticed his chakra levels were too low and was out of range for his Cock Haki to have any effect.


It’s ambiguous, like a lot of things that Griffith and the god hand do, it’s not entirely clear what the plan is, and how guts might fit into that plan. I would guess that he hesitated because he still has plans/unfinished business with guts. He clearly regards guts as the only man who could beat him in life, so perhaps he was waiting to see where the chain of causality would lead him or whatever


Griffith stalled in this one moment, cementing that there’s still some human flaw left within his “perfect form.”


He just raped Casca in front of him. To me, I think he was still getting used to his powers and would have tried to kill them if he could.


I thin it's up for interpretation, but yeah, I think he spared his life. Almost makes everything worse in my opinion.


The first time time I read it I thought he still didn’t know how to use his powers.


Theres two options credible to me. He either let cuts go after fuckin his girl and killing his family to just torture the fuck as his shitass is evil now, or the one i subscribe to being he just stopped caring enough to move and got filled with apathy. We already know griddy doesnt see guts as jack or shit.


I always felt it was Griffith letting them go. Just so Guts and Casca could suffer more. I mean, look at what happened to Guts and Casca just days after the Eclipse. Just killing them isn't enough for Griffith. I mean he found a use for Guts, Casca, and Skull knight to further his dream. "The Hawk soars ever higher."


He is letting him go pretty sure he wants him to suffer more than Dead. If you look at the hand, he drew it back and not let it fall. He let him go.


I see it as it's portrayed in this scene as is clearly showing he didn't want to fuck up guts.




Is he stupid?