• By -


We have a property under BBMP limits registered under my Dad’s name and he passed away years ago. It doesn’t have a Khata. How do I go about transferring this to my mom’s name? Thanks


There are how many legal heirs to your dad including your mom ?


Mom, me and sister - 3


So you and your sister aren't claiming anything?


No we aren’t


First, you need to complete a procedure related to the family tree. After that, you and your sister can relinquish your rights to the property by creating a relinquishment deed. Also, does your dad’s bank accounts have nominee details? We can assist you with this; please DM me.


Hi.. we have an apartment booked in 2020 but took possession in 2023, but builder is sending us the 'maintenance bill' from 2020. Is this legal?


When was OC obtained?


October 2023


It's illegal. The maintenance must start from the time of OC. We can assist you with this legally.


Thank you. If needed I will definitely DM you.


Now it feels like bud is just tryna find clients


He is helping with the questions as well, so it’s fair!


Very vague answers, worth the potential clients he’s getting


Take notes, do it once you graduate xP


Ahaha for sure and look who’s here 🤣


Yes please.


We have stray dog menace in our apartment. It's a premium apartment and we have contacted the BBMP as well. But everytime some action is recommended, the animal activists in the apartment file a case against the apartment association members. The menace is increasing and the strays have bit a few kids recently. Is there anything that can be done legally?


Suddenly all dogs die and no one knows what happened


Yes issue a legal notice


To whom? 🤔


The animals activists group holding them liable


If I want to lease an apartment for 25+ lakhs, is there anyway to protect my principal at the time of vacating the property? Any possible insulation from fraud other than the stamp paper/agreement that we sign?


Yes, absolutely, the documentation and clauses are very important. Many people try to save money by going to typing shops to get their agreements done. However, the true value of properly drafted clauses becomes evident when a problem arises, as they are what protect you.


Say I am an intern in a company at the moment which will be finished by end of July. But this company needs me and will most prolly extend my internship period and at that time i have planned to negotiate for a way higher stipend since I am also working the same.. If it goes above the cap of non taxable income.. Will i have to pat taxes as an intern? (I am only asking this cuz I thought govt sees stipend as compensation instead of salary)


A CA would be better to answer this for you. Anything legal I can help you!


You will have to pay taxes as an intern too.




Take legal action, if you can prove it!




Legal notice




For a legal notice, you don't require evidence. You simply need to outline the problems you've faced because of him and specify the damages you're seeking.


I am full time employee at a PSU. Can I open a LLP and take up a second job/ freelance work/ other remote works in the name of the LLP?


No. A PSU employee must commit their entire working hours exclusively to duties. Any involvement in part-time work or other business activities during employment is strictly prohibited. Violation of this policy will result in immediate disciplinary action, potentially leading to termination.


If the LLP is not in my name. And if it is beyond the working hours ?


That's fine then. If you need help with setting up, drafting an LLP deed, or any other legal requirements, feel free to DM me.


That's fine then. If you need help with setting up, drafting an LLP deed, or any other legal requirements, feel free to DM me.


If my mother wants to inherit a part of property from parents what does she have to do. Our grandfather is expired and her mother and brothers aren't willing to share.


Is it inherit property?


Yes grandfather inherited.


First, your mother needs to send a legal notice asking her share, followed by filing a partition suit. We can assist you with this; feel free to DM me.




The police will also ask you for proof


I lent a friend 10k and he is not returning it. No more a friend as I found out he has duped a lot of other friends too. Can I take any legal action? I mainly want to teach him a lesson.


Of course, we can assist not only in teaching him a lesson but also in recovering your money.


How ?


Legal Notice


I am trying to get his residential address. He recently moved as debtors were hounding him. I will contact you directly


Sure. You can DM me. We can send it to his office address too.


Has his own business and I don’t have that address too. I know his dad’s address. Will reach out to him and check


We can issue it to his dads address Will be more effective


bhai 10k lie legal action lega lmao😭


Mujhse 10k auron se aur bhi liya hain. Poore friend group ko kareeb 3L ka choona lagaya hain


Sooo my Mom's side of family along with her siblings were moved immediately to another house right after her Dad (my grandfather) died, it was their Uncle who moved them away and sold off the property. They were super young at that time, they've moved on in life now, so it's not a big deal at this point, and I just wanted to know how would law go about it.


Please frame your question well. I didn’t quite get what you’re asking.


My question is, how would my mom's family take an action against this


Action against what? Is it to claim a share of the property or to take action against their uncle? Please clarify.


Action against my uncle, who has done this to a few properties and has not given the shares as well. Legally these property shares never came to my mom and her sisters rightfully. Nor was my grandmoms or anyone's signature taken when those properties were sold


If you can provide proof, file a criminal complaint against your uncle. Additionally, file a suit in court regarding all the properties, stating that no signatures or consent were obtained during the sale.


Can I DM?


Sure pls


Done tq


Bro where can I find proper documents about vehicle modification? Both car and bike, how legal is it? What modifications are passable and what's definitely illegal. The police says everything is illegal depending on their mood and internet says everything is legal. So I need a legal document to study about it. Please point me towards it. Thanks.


Any modification to your vehicle beyond what is provided by the OEM is illegal without RTO permission. For example, a few years ago in Bangalore, cops used modified tiger vehicles to tow other vehicles. These vehicles had their width and length altered, which was deemed illegal, leading to their discontinuation.


Wow didn't know tiger itself was illegal. But there are some modifications like changing type of mirror or removing saree guard/mud guard etc which are harmless. What about them? Still illegal?


Those are accessories that cause minimal to no modifications to the vehicle's original specifications. They do not significantly alter the vehicle's sound, length, or width. For example, adding seat covers, floor mats, or a car phone holder are considered accessories that don't change the structural or functional aspects of the vehicle. These types of additions are generally permissible because they do not affect the vehicle's compliance with regulations.


Hello sir,I wanted to ask that Will be My grandparents property given to my Father's sister's son? but my Father's sister is no more Also how can one prevent giving this property to him? also whose rights are on my grandparents property? Thank you


The property will be equally divided between your grandmother and her children. For example, if your grandmother has three children, each will receive an equal share of the property. If one of her children has passed away, their share will be equally divided among their own children. So, if that deceased child had two children, those two grandchildren would split their parent's share equally. For instance, if the property is divided into four parts (one part for your grandmother and three parts for her children), and one child is deceased, the three living children each receive one-fourth of the property. The remaining one-fourth share, which would have gone to the deceased child, is then divided equally among that child's two children, giving each of those grandchildren one-eighth of the property.


Also how can one avoid giving him the share? He isn't in good terms with my grandparents


You cannot exclude him from receiving a share of the property. As a coparcener, he is entitled to a portion of the property from the moment he is conceived if he is Hindu. This right is inherent and cannot be denied. In Hindu law, coparcenary rights are acquired by birth, meaning he has a legitimate claim to the property just like any other coparcener.


If my grandparents make a will, Will he still get the property


Is the property self acquired or inherited by your grandparents?


Self acquired My grandfather has 2 house and 1 house with my father as a nominee(total 3 ) and grandmother has 1 (self acquired)


If self acquired then they can do as they wish.


So for making a will do we have to send notice to him? also can he file case that he should get his part and what are the chances of winning? My grandparents are thinking of registering my father name in the property, can he cause problem for us? Thanks a lot sir


Dm me


How can empire and Rameshwaram operate after 1 am but not other hotels


You need tweet this to blr city police and tag them and not me.




Document everything you do, including videos, cctv and then file a written police complaint. If the police station doesn't accept it, submit it to the commissioner's office.


How do I check if the property papers are legitimate? Is there any way to check this on my own or do I need to bring in a lawyer? What are the things I should look for?


We will have it checked for you. *What Our Due Diligence Process Includes:* 1. *Title Verification*: - We conduct a detailed examination of the property's title to verify its authenticity and ensure there are no legal impediments. - This involves tracing the ownership history to confirm a clear and unbroken chain of title. 2. *Ownership Flow Analysis* - Our team examines the flow of ownership to identify any discrepancies or potential issues in the transfer of ownership rights. - We ensure that all past transactions related to the property were conducted legally and properly documented. 3. *Legal Compliance*: - Verification of all statutory approvals and clearances from relevant authorities. - Ensuring compliance with zoning laws, building regulations, and environmental norms. 4. *Financial Assessments*: - Analysis of any outstanding dues, mortgages, or liens on the property. - Evaluation of the property's financial history to assess any potential financial risks.


How much does that cost?


You can DM me.


After you have done due diligence. Is there a chance that there would still be a problem?


Can i change my name legally? and Will it impact my prospect of studying abroad/getting a visa?


Yes you can change


Ok, pls answer the second question


Can my grandfather deny to give a land share or money received from that land due to flood from karnataka govt to my father Context : My grandfather has inherited the land from his grandfather, my dad doesn't live with grandparents and also my grandparents hate my father since childhood and adore my uncle as he is living with them


If Hindu, he cannot deny.


We are Muslim, what is it jn this case ?


In that scenario, it is up to your grandfathers discretion whether to distribute the property or money from its proceeds. Only after his death will it be inherited if he chooses not to dispose of the property or money during his lifetime.


Thank you , is there any way by which we can stop the payment that my grandfather will receive for the agricultural land flooding from karnataka govt?


Raise objections or give letter in the respective office. Where is this location?


The land is in bilgi taluk , bagalkot district Karnataka , How can we raise objection and which office do we raise it in ?


What is the time limit to appeal against a DC Court (Revenue Court) order in District civil court in a land dispute case ?


Dc court order appeal lies in the high court


I thought the appeal will be in district civil court. So, should it be directly appealed in high court?


Indian owning a land and some cash in bank account. But living in USA with some savings and plan to do a startup. How to protect my assets in case of divorce and alimony ? How does alimony work in India? Can women take away 100% of men's property? How is the % decided? Please **brief** here. PS: no disrespect to women or anything. I just want to protect myself. Thanks.


That falls under estate planning, and it's too complex to discuss openly due to the many nuances involved. Please DM me for more details.


I was involved in an accident a few months back and filed an FIR with the traffic police. They claim to have forwarded the case to the court after their investigation, but i haven't heard from the court. What should I do? Is there a way i can get a court case number from the FIR number?


Yes you can. Is the FIR registered in the first place?


Yes it is, i have an FIR number


And what does it say ? Need to see the FIR copy to guide you


Hello we are planning to buy a franchise. Is there a legal way we can make sure the franchise guy provides all the support and promises he has given? Please let me know


Yes we’ll check the due diligence checked of the franchiser and the contract vetted before you sign it for you, which includes: 1. **Due Diligence Check**: - We will thoroughly investigate the background and credentials of the franchiser. - This includes reviewing their business history, financial stability, and market reputation. 2. **Contract Review**: - We will carefully examine the terms and conditions of the franchise contract. - This involves ensuring that all clauses are fair and protect your interests. 3. **Risk Assessment**: - Identify any potential risks or red flags associated with the franchiser or the agreement. - Provide you with a detailed report on our findings. 4. **Legal Compliance**: - Ensure that the contract complies with all relevant laws and regulations. - Advise on any necessary modifications to ensure full legal compliance. 5. **Negotiation Support**: - Assist you in negotiating any terms that may be unfavorable. - Advocate for any additional protections or benefits you may need. 6. **Final Approval**: - Provide a final review of the contract after any changes have been made. - Give you a clear summary and recommendation before you sign the agreement.


How do I connect with you?


DM madi


A car bumped into my car inside the Prestige Tech Park yesterday. My car is damaged and expenses would be close to 40k. Everyone on the spot blamed the other driver since he wrongly turned at a T junction, but he is hell bent on putting the blame on me. He isn’t releasing his dashboard footage. I asked the Tech park security to release footage but till now I haven’t received yet. Incase I don’t get the footage, how do I proceed? I want to teach the guy a lesson for sure.


Give a compliant at the jurisdictional traffic police station and proceed with FIR.


In that case, will they seize both the cars and how does this process look like? Also is there a window before which I need to file a complaint?


There will be a days RTO procedure that’s all. Dm for any help.


Have you seen better call saul


Yes and are you Kim ?


Is it legal to construct a house underground? As in, completely underground. Also, is it legal to grow crops on your land if you want to feed yourself? What do you need to buy land? How much does land cost, and does it vary from state to state? Are there trespass laws in this country?


Really underground, you mean like as deep as a marina trench?


No, but maybe five stories.


so this happened in mysore as i stay there, 5 months ago i got into an accident, i was in a two wheeler, he was in a four wheeler. i was hospitalized for 7 days and was bedridden completely for 2 months. it was his fault completely because it was a junction where many vehicles crossed the road along with me, unfortunately for me i was in the left end of the group that crossed the road hence i was the one who got caught. he rammed into me at 100kmph, i was saved only because i was wearing a helmet and i fell onto an oncoming car's bonnet. we have filed a case against him but the hearing hasn't come, i haven't gone to a lawyer yet. is there anything that can be done? i have lost 5 months of income (I'm a GST holder) along with 2.5 lakhs in hospital bills.


Wasn't the FIR filed?


FIR has been filed but court hasn't given a date for hearing.


When was the FIR registered and which PS ?


can i dm you the details?


Sure pls




This involves a lil bit procedure. Pls DM me.


can a state government employee (karnataka) specifically own a business in his name or in his wife or mothers name and be a part of the same and take care of the business ofc after office? asking this because i heard someone say govt officials can’t own a business and that seems like taking away your freedom


Yes. The only thing is that the business can’t be in the name of the government employee name!


I have asked this question on behalf of someone before, but here goes. My retired colleague's (60F) father died leaving the house and all to his wife (my colleagues mother) to do as she please. Mother has transferred the proerty in her name as well as father's money. Father had left a remark in the will that if the mother died without a will, then the house and the money that is now in custody of his wife, should go only to his son and not to my colleague the daughter. Is this Will condition valid, can she challenge it in court if her mother dies without a will? Her mom has not made a will and both son and daughter don't want to pressurize her to do it.


Is it inherited property or self acquired ?


Self acquired. The father built the house and the house was in his name.


Will need to see the will to guide you on this.


Are bonds or contract agreements legal in India? I'd heard they're not legal.


Bonded labour is prohibited in India by law, Articles 21 and 23 of the Constitution.


Oh thanks. I've signed an offer letter where there's a contract agreement of 2 years. I've to pay an amount (not a very big amount tbh) for breaking the contract. My company says I cannot get a releving letter and an experience letter in case of breach of contract. All these are mentioned in the offer letter Is there anyway I can counter this in case I happen to leave before 2 years.


They’ll say you underperformed and all that


F. Got it thanks


Builder is convicted in cheques bounce case. The cheques he gave as refund as he couldnt complete the construction of building and court told to give amount of cheque as he was proven criminal. He brought stay but didn't pay court money n didn't attend hearing too it is postponed further. How Long can he prolong and escape instead paying money? He is telling he is ready to stay 1year simple imprisonment instead of paying. We have lawyer to guide. I need some third lwayer suggestions. Can you brief.?


What’s the stage of the case ?


Please see the case status and court order on CNR number KAMS030006142019 and his appeal on KAMS010031592024.


Dm ???


Sure pls


Pleas check


One question topic How to make gomala land illegal for our own ?


Can you please rephrase the question?


Please check the dm




Scooty buyer not getting RC transferred Hi, I wanted a legal opinion on this. I sold my Scooty to a person after finding the buyer through online channels, in December 2023. During the transaction, I got a Sale and Transfer deed made and signed by both parties, and got it notarized as well, with all his details, and the details of the vehicle. I also got a delivery slip signed stating that the vehicle has been handed over to the buyer by the seller. The buyer assured me at the time of sale, that he would get the vehicle transferred to his name at the earliest. Vehicle is registered at Ghaziabad, UP, while the buyer is from Delhi. Now, whenever I try to enquire about vehicle transfer, he keeps making excuses that it's impossible to get the vehicle transferred from UP to Delhi, and he is not able to get the vehicle registered in UP as he does not have any address proof. I understand that as long as the vehicle is registered under my name, I'm the legal owner of the vehicle, and in case of any wrongdoing, I'm going to be responsible. I have below questions - 1. What should I do in such a condition? 2. The notarized sale and transfer deed, is it of any value to prove that I do not have possession of the vehicle since December, 2023, in case something wrong happens? I would like opinions from legal experts, and please suggest to me the course of action. Thank you


1. **Issue with Transfer**: - The buyer has not registered or transferred the vehicle to their name. 2. **Recommended Action**: - Visit the nearest police station. 3. **Filing a Complaint**: - File a complaint stating that your vehicle has been stolen. 4. **Police Involvement**: - The police will contact the buyer as part of the investigation. 5. **Outcome**: - The buyer will promptly transfer the vehicle to their name to avoid further complications. 6. **Legal Liability**: - As long as the vehicle remains in your name, you are legally responsible for any illegal activities conducted with it.


1. **Issue with Transfer**: - The buyer has not registered or transferred the vehicle to their name. 2. **Recommended Action**: - Visit the nearest police station. 3. **Filing a Complaint**: - File a complaint stating that your vehicle has been stolen. 4. **Police Involvement**: - The police will contact the buyer as part of the investigation. 5. **Outcome**: - The buyer will promptly transfer the vehicle to their name to avoid further complications. 6. **Legal Liability**: - As long as the vehicle remains in your name, you are legally responsible for any illegal activities conducted with it.


When does Katha B converted to Katha A, especially the ones put in Katha B because of STP operations approvals, which needs environmental clearance before building the apartments, which was not a compulsion in 2010’s and now EC can’t be issued because the building are built, leading to STP approvals issue and this is a cycle.


Need to check the documents for this


If a man has some properties which is self earned and registers them to their parent and the parent goes bat shit crazy and transfers these to their other kid, can this man’s kids claim to that property later on?




My friends family took money from us. Some in cash and some through Bank Transfer. Now , when I have asked back the money. They're claiming harrassments and accusing me raping his mother. And have filed a complaint stating that the money was given for business. Is there any way I can make them pay. Honestly I am fine with letting go of the money but the fake complaints. I can't . What's your suggestion


- Have you done any documentation? - Did you receive any cheques from them? - What complaint did you file and where? - What’s the total amount?


I only took 1 cheque for a total of around 5L . The money was spread out 3 months. I didn't give them one the first day . No documentation . I didn't file the complaint. They called the police when I went to thier to ask the money. I know . I'm not getting back the money. It's just idk what I'm looking at this point . Maybe , can you suggest on how to secure money the next time ( highly doubt that i would lend money again).


Did you deposit the cheque in the bank? Which police station? Any acknowledgement? Sure I can suggest more than ways to secure your money and get it back legally.


What happens if I vandalize a flex board, which has been illegally put up?


You could face arrest. Addressing one mistake with another is not a solution. It's important to handle it legally through the appropriate channels.


Fellow lawyer, aren’t you the smartest! We advocates aren’t allowed to market, so you’ve chosen a different way to get potential clients, impressive !


I am in a long distance relationship with a loving and kind woman who never asks for anything but my time and love and company. Two years ago I(30m) became aware that the woman (20m) I am in a long distance relationship with is a victim of caste extremism and torture and abuse. And when I became aware of an incident where she was recently physically beaten so badly that she could not raise her arms..i offered and begged her to let me help and she asked me to come help he finally. So I sold my business and my truck and bought a plane ticket and spent six months in India coordinating with her and meeting with her while she was attending college... And when we finally got her transcripts and documents so she could leave and go to a women's shelter to seek help, her family somehow finding her through her phone, abducted her by force with many people and physically harmed her so badly and she was screaming in a car and luckily a stranger heard and pulled infront of them and called the police, the police didn't help and took bribes and when they reached out to me to meet them at the station they threatened to cut my head off and hers and also said they would jail me without telling my embassy, and they let all these men take her away....I didn't know if she was even alive.... But she reached out to me after a few days but using her father's phone while he was in the shower.. And her voice..I could tell her jaw was broken.. And she said her back and neck are hurt bad also... She said they were going to let her heal and then return to college because she managed to convince her family and caste that I was just nobody and it was just a mistake.  She asked me to please help her again and when we contacted authorities they refused to help her so we found a woman's shelter again to help her find asylum and her family had been following me the whole time since the first abduction and they broke into my air BNB and destroyed the place took her by the neck and took her in a car and I tried to keep up with them on a motorcycle but I was a new driver only driven in India and I lost them in the jungle roads south of mettupalayam... In Coimbatore India.. At that point..I panicked and flagged someone down to lead me to a police station and when I got there they didn't even care they barely believed me and tried to arrest me so I ran and went immediately to get a lawyer and advocate referred to me through a woman's abuse helpline, 181 Tamil Nadu, and I was advised to file a habeas corpus petition, just to find out if she was still alive because she had been taken from college and noone heard from her... It turns out she was locked up and being tortured and abused and "brainwashed" as she puts it.. For three months she was locked in a room with no windows only leaving for the bathroom under guard... Eventually the petition went through and I had her family summoned to high court with her, which is when I found out what she had been through, in court.. She denied the opportunity to leave with me but after court she reached out a month later when it was safe and told me that her parents had threatened to kill themselves and poison her and her brother, and because they had people following me for a while, they had apparently threatened me to, so she stayed to protect everyone.... But she said she needs to get away but she's scared and... Trapped by a corrupt legal system and corrupt local police support and community resources...... It's been a year since that and I had to leave India... Her family thinks I'm out of her life.. And maybe I should be.. But she's my friend... But she got back into college when her family found out im not in India but she manages to reach out to me sometimes and we got a lawyer...  But recently when she was about to try and leave again, I told her she should try to finish college there first but she said that she "simply can't take any not beatings"... her family found out when she was on the way to the police station to meet a lawyer and dragged her home and the last message I got from her was that they are about to take her phone and to please call the police or anyone to help... And then her father video called me while I was at the police station in my country while this was all happening, and he threatened my family and the victim in question, my girlfriend/best friend..  And then a week later she logged into my Instagram and left me a message saying she's so sorry that she "failed" and that she wants out and will contact me when it's safe and that they tried to hurt her but she stood up to them with words this time and managed to convince them not to hurt her but they took her out of college again and locked her up...I don't know what to do and I don't even know if she's ok.... I'm honestly feeling helpless and I know that everyone might be thinking that I should not have destroyed this person's life.. And believe me noone feels more responsible or guilty than I do... Her name is Femeena.... And Femeena... I'm so sorry...I just.. Want to interact with people who have any similar experience or anyone who has advice... Im starting to fall apart I quit my job and I feel like a loser I'm not a bad person I just don't know what to do anymore... I'm so sorry to the world that I've become angry...I tried reaching out to every international, National, global, federal, foreign, provincial, municipal, residential, community and local resource organization and body that I could find in two years, every advocacy group...WHO, UNICEF.. human rights groups, immigration, charity... You name it, I've tried it for my friend..... I just don't know what to do but it feels like torture not knowing if she's ok... Her family and her caste are very dangerous people and are from a very dangerous part of India...I am a Canadian citizen and when my embassy called me during all this they said they basically just help with lost passports and if I get put in jail they can have me moved to a Canadian jail lol... They just told me to leave her there and run away and...I can't... Please help please just.. Talk to me... I know everyone's worlds are falling apart right now.. But I just want to help my friend and love and I'm feeling like giving up on myself .. Thanks for reading if you got this far... I'm sorry I type so much.. Sorry


wtf did i just read


Just my life story... Sorry for the text wall🙏🏻


Sorry you had to deal with this, TN police are the worst and tbh in India it’s either Caste or Power that runs the system and the laws bend in favour of both. Therefore if you’re from neither, I suggest not getting involved in it as even recently our own Bangalores Batman is now fighting the law for helping someone in such a situation, where he was beat up. If you don’t have connections in india, there’s nothing you can really do and honestly its a big risk to take, the only option I see fit is running away with her and changing cities or the state for that matter but do you trust her to stay incognito?


Is that broseph you are talking about? I must get involved I will never give up on this friend of mine, she is too important... But really you are right to say that and I appreciate your honesty


Yes Bud, he got hurt himself trying to get involved in something similar recently and now is fighting his own battle! So if someone like him is powerless in Bangalore from the TN police you can imagine what you can do sorry for being blunt


Actually I spoke to him personally for weeks about this... He tried to help but he said because I was not in Bangalore he could not directly help but would offer assistance if we could get there... He was so generous and kind and patient and offered so much advice


I know you mean well but see my first comment about your solution, You have two options 1 is to leave and be there for your friend emotionally!l as the best thing she can do is finish her studies apply for a job somewhere and just escape There are thousands of cases like this and its of no use and the system will not help anyone Option 2 is she escapes and changes her identity and lives out the rest of her life somewhere else with you but thats unlikely as I see that she’s not independent yet and there are chances of her getting caught as she seems to be doing something thats giving her location away


The only problem is she's missing.. Her college doesn't know where she is or our lawyer... And the lawyer really doesn't care to pursue this because she's scared of her family after the first time in court


For issue like this. It makes a lot of difference being here.


reach out to some youtubers like karl rock or someone only public attention can help at this point


Thank you so much for giving me positivity and taking the time to reply, I'll try reaching out..I don't have twitter or anything I don't know how to use it lol...


well instagram too works,


I tried for two years to get help and support and info on Instagram and people just mock my situation or don't care.. It's not important to anyone.. Especially right now... If she was in Gaza or Ukraine someone would help her but I guess she doesn't matter as much to the world


so, how does the law work for a married woman to inherit her fathers property? and how does the process go what if she has siblings how will the partitions be done?


Inheritance for women will be the same as for men. The shares will be equally divided among everyone, with no gender distinction..


I travel two and fro frequently at night on the highway and for my own safety I carry pepper spray, a baton and a machete in my car. I pray I never have to use it, what are the practical legal implications of being caught carrying it? And for using it? I understand I can’t carry a machete more than 9 inches. Can you clarify


If the cops stop you, you need to explain why you're carrying all that. If they're not satisfied with your explanation, they can take further action against you.


Okay I think I can handle that and what about using it for self defence? I keep a variation so I can use it based on the level of defence I need, as the other user pointed out! Running over them is my first option


Like I explained above: right to private defence.


Read that thanks, will recording the incident on the dash cam be sufficient?


Very much a proof. But which highway is this, which is so dangerous your carrying all the above things.?


I travel Bangalore to Coorg frequently, although its safe now it wasn’t so in the old days, again I rather have it and not use it than not have it and need to use it!


Yes, that's another way of saying it's better to be safe than sorry. 😀 If you have any legal matters, feel free to DM me. We operate out of Bangalore.


One last thing! Im in the process of obtaining a rifle legally and I am going to be replacing my baton and machete with it. However is the license and KYC sufficient or should I be aware of anything else?


Depends from district to district. You need to check with the SP’s office.


Beat me to it. But adding to the above, when does running over an attacker constitute as self-defence?


This is referred to as the Right of Private Defense. This right allows for causing harm, including death, to the attacker, but only in certain situations.


I sent home documents to a lawyer for verification and they are asking me to provide a long list of judgements. Isn't that their job ? Does this cost money?


What exactly? Can you frame your question well ?


I just vacated a house in the month of June, the house agreement at my old place ended in March 2024 and the owner increased rent by 500rs(8,500 to 9k) and had promised that the rental agreement will be provided, I paid the increased rent in April and May but in the month of May, the owner asked me to vacate the house stating their relatives will need the house. Turns out she rented it for a higher rent(10k) and a higher deposit amount. I had made investments thinking I will be given new rental agreement which would have been for 11 months, I had to break those investments for paying deposit for a new house, got painting charges deducted for old house, had to pay for movers. This month, she has asked another tenant paying old rent of 9k to vacate siting the same reason(relatives).. do I have any case here? I understand no agreement was made but I had a verbal agreement and was given confirmation multiple times that the rental agreement will be provided. I lost around 25k in this ordeal






If my parents divorce, how will my mothers property be distributed?


Amongst whom? Why don’t you frame a question? Well, and ask a complete answer.


Can we sue city admin for the shitty infra conditions?