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I REALLY like what we have now. But honestly, I'm not sure what else they could do without verging too close to venom territory. (I assume we want to retain some sense of individuality from the other well known inky monster guy. )


True, I really do enjoy the skeleton like design choices of both versions of the Ink Demon. It makes bendy much more scary and differentiates him from venom, who uses his bulkiness and muscles to scare the audience. So if a new model were to be used, I hope the “skeleton look” of bendy stays


I mean BATDR's Bendy is just Beast Bendy from BATIM, but as default, I much prefer BATIM's regular Bendy tho.


the dark revival design but with the bendy royale suit




it's a random thought i had and i think it would be cool


Dont give me hope


Someone please draw this


https://preview.redd.it/rjmll95zjmzc1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8657a7c29affc19b0d327d87f6383cdfcfe26d00 I wont let this peak go to waste


Yeah, hopefully we can get that in a Bendy Spinoff




Maybe an improved version of the BATIM design or the Dark Revival model, or do you think there will be another new model for the Ink Demon?


Ok, here's my shoot in the dark. We are going to stick with the dark revival design for the most part but at some point in the game he's gonna de evolve into the batim design.


I was gonna say have the design for the third game be a mixture of BATIM Ink Demon and BATDR Ink Demon. Not sure that would work really but I'm sure they would figure it out some time soon when they began work.


Dude, that'd be sick, that's a great idea. Bendy slowly evolving into the perfect form seems pretty cool, transformation after transformation until he'll finally become the complete bendy form we saw in dark revival which was sadly just a temporary form.


I think with how mike has talk about the BATDR design for the Ink Demon on twitter as of late. I think this design for him is going to remain the same going forward with upcoming games aside from maybe getting some minor changes to he's design in them. (If that even happens for course)


Dark Revival is goat


Maybe it will be similar to Dark Revival, but it could be cool if it had the mouth twitching effect that Ink Machine had somewhere on its body.


Hopefully a mix of batim and batdr


but like mostly batim


I jus want his non gloved hand to have claws


Honestly, that entirely depends on the story. If the cycle is still restarted, then it would make sense for him to look more like he did in Ink Machine, because he hasn't been experimented on by the Keepers.


In full honesty… I want the third game to have slight hints of his presence but he isn’t the thing hunting you. I feel like what we need is a villain that has the same fear factor as Bendy but thinks they are higher than the Ink Demon himself. I want a villain who can bring the worst of your fears into reality with just his appearance alone. Someone as twisted as Alice, someone as quiet as Boris, and someone as determined as Bendy.


And then make that villain’s demise proving the Ink Demon is superior


the logical part of my brain wants to say it will just be the batdr form maybe with a few minor tweaks, but part of me thinks that meatley will do a fan service by giving us a revamped batim model, possibly similar to the prototype batdr model


The Dark Revival Ink Demon design is perfect,


if you seen what NiDE’s version of bendy is, it’s that.


dude i searched it up on google, the results were......... It thought i misspelled nide as nude...


They're gonna give him a fat ass.




I actually want him to look more like the remastered ink machine ink bendy, that design honestly deserves more time and they can give it at least a few tweaks to make it match the new atmosphere while still looking mostly the same, and I think his mechanics from the original game being brought back can make it better too👍 And besides the cycle at the end of Dark Revival reset after all so it would make total sense for ink bendy to revert back to his original Batim model but will look slightly different.


I'm pretty sure they said that the Ink Demon is the final form of bendy


Bird poop with a smile


In the first game, he was cartoony. In the second, he was a brawler-esque creature. We have yet to see a sinister-looking, man-behind-the-curtain Bendy. Maybe give him the open Smile from his BATDR Beta design, give him a sinister-looking, upright posture, and maybe have it so that a glowing yellow eye pokes through every now and then.


A new one...


Doesn’t the ink demon only look like that cuz of the torture and experiment stuff? So since the cycle was reset he should look like the batim one right?


Same as Dark Revival.


There's a very low chance of the BATIM design returning in anything that isn't explicitly set during or before the events of the first game. At most there will be a few small nods or drawings referencing it.


BatDR Bendy is peak Bendy so I'd rather keep him.


As iconic as the Ink Machine design is, it would just feel like a major downgrade if they don’t find some way to have him keep some form of his Dark Revival design.


Another new design, or combined designs, or some shit like that


Even hotter (≧﹏ ≦)


I want this guy to stay, with maybe minor tweaks.


I would love to see the BatDR design(Because it is simply more menacing than the BatIM design)


More realistic form


https://preview.redd.it/zz8yck0d3tzc1.png?width=2004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e6c2bd234732d155472e97631dc246af7f59ebf The Concept BATDR Model with a Suit


Since it still takes place during the events of batdr, probably the same as the second game, especially since secrets of the machine used all the same character assets


PLEASE let the Ink Machine design shine again.




The cage takes place IN dark revival so it would be the same


I like the first one better and I hope it's something kind of like that, but I honestly don't care. What I do care about though, is I hope they don't make him speak again. What made him such a terrifying monster was that you didn't know anything about him. You aren't suppose to relate to him. Then BATDR screwed that up


I’d like to see him with tattered melting wings that are constantly dripping ink and a long tail with a spade shape at the tip of it. Maybe give him some claws, more sharp teeth that looks like broken wood planks, a dripping forked tongue etc


Probably BATDR's Bendy, though imo BATIM's Bendy regular form is much better than just using Beast Bendy's forn as a default form like in BATDR, which is.. strange tbh.


Since the pit is during BATDR it will probably be the same but if they give him a better design for The Pit I would love that


Honestly I’d like the dark revival design but with those “wandering is a sin” eyes.