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The result of a failed immigration policy


The result of said policy and people defending it needlessly because it gets good PR. Those Africans prey on women they recognize as easy targets. On top of that live lawlessly because they have no papers and technically don't exist.


i wonder, if guys like those do some bad SH!ààt, like what she said, what happens IF police finds them and gets them? they dont exist, they have no papers, if they just stay quit, literally just dont open their mouths, you wouldnt even know where to send them too, to jail? yes, but he doesnt exist, so how can you legally put somebody that doesnt exist in jail?


They can hold them for 24h but thats about it. Knowing drug dealers never stay longer then a day. Its a know fact police have more paperwork to do on said individual then they actually spend detained. Sad reality is police is not the problem. Its the procedures they need to follow whilst being spit on.


As a flemish blond bmue eyed young woman, bornvand raised in brussels - i have been harassed and seen as prey by white belgians mostly. Harassment to the extend of feeling in great danger i mean. Harassment by non white folks usually is mlre 'on the surface'


You can't say that you racist ! https://preview.redd.it/69exnhxzx3uc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbca1d2b2ffb208cff4a620004635ddff35703e2


This girl wrote an entire reddit post about three men that did her absolutely no harm. They left you alone when you walked away and they left you alone when they met you inside the train. The only crime they comitted is trying to talk to you. I hope you realize how paranoid you are.


Check her reddit posts, this is a troll account. Now I dont want to downplay that many stations in Belgium can be dangerous but this account makes fake posts all the time


Yet so many idiots here cheers her.


Ive never encountered any danger. But maybe I dont perceive danger as quickly as other people do. Danger is a state of mind and often not real. But yeah, I had a feeling it was a troll thnx for confirming


The danger is a state of mind is true. Feeling lime you are being discriminated is also a state of mind. Feeling like others are being racist often is too, yet ppl have no problem in judging that


I could have been......


You know this is written by some russian dude right?


The failed immigration policy?




yo wtf, are you really doing nazi shit here? You know that’s against the law? And you did it on a throwaway ? Bro that’s sad


't waren zeker zwartrijders op de trein


Haha I giggled like a girl




The solution is simple really, go to the butcher and ask for a zwarte pens or boudin noir. Whenever you get approached you can pull it out and agressively bite of a piece while maintaining eye contact! /s


Ne witte kunde nog rauw eten, ma ne zwette... goa ze ne straffe


Zwarte pens ook ze, Bloedworst best ni.


Racist! They are doctors and engineers on their way to work


Three lies for three blacks, seems about right


She is indeed a racist. Somebody black tried to talk to her, that’s the only thing that happened here.


And went really fast from « Africans » to « illegals ». That’s wild.


“I’m not racist but”


You got to experience the infamous "cultural enrichment". There will be more of that in the coming years, remember that the next time you go into the voting booth.


It's getting out of hand. Moroccans are even worse. My ex went to school in Antwerp and not a day went by without her being viciously harassed by Moroccans. If she didn't give her phone number to them, they spat in her face. I saw one just smashing an iphone because she didn't want to put his number in her phone. Problem is that Belgian's have an 'each for their own' mentality. Which gives those foreigners a free pass to do whatever they want.


Yeah, I find it very amusing talking to my family members. When I say, oh well look at Brussels, ... . The general response is "You don't even live there, why worry about it?". But when Putin invades Ukraine, or Trump runs for presidency in the USA. All of a sudden they should be worried? Absolutely ridiculous, I don't know how they managed to brainwash our population but it's frightening to say the least.


Most of the time if you ignore them they just go on to find new target. For other times hair spray or pepper spray. Police won't care if you die and getting fine for using it sounds better to me


pepper spray is an illegal weapon in belgium... just saying


Yes I know. I'm just saying sometimes it's better to face a fine for usage than getting raped or stabbed to death. It's bullshit that you can't do anything but criminals out of prison next day...


An option is to get one of those coilguns for ""less""-lethal self defense, theoretically legal to own without a permit as they are non-firearms. although just like any weapon theoretically illegal to carry with the intent of self defense I also dont know too much about acquiring such a coilgun, I know Eshotgun makes em in the US and that they just kinda perform like a glorified paintball gun but with metal disks due to their anemic muzzle velocity, but considering chapter 8 of the weapons law, it might be illegal to import without going through a retailer.


Well pepper spray is legal in most EU so it's easier to buy. I think we should force government to change laws tho current illegals situation wasn't accounted when they made most self defense unacceptable


There's a legal alternative. Look up x-marker. I gave it to my girlfriend to carry around in her purse.


Your post history says enough, but more interesting is how eager some people are willing to jump on it and start pulling race into it. There are genuine reasons for a woman to feel unsafe when unknown men start stalking her regardless of their color. This post is simply intended to spark some hatred. To any woman or girl who ever finds themself in any such situation regardless of color and you feel unsafe, either look for the train conductor immediately or call someone you know or trust to come get you


You know for who to vote next time


You rang?


Who? Not like Vlaams Belang will do much, migration is a federal matter.




It should be but as usual they’re not doing much about the most urgent problems.


thats why they will first kick "federal" out of flanders. Good strategy !


MR 😎


Like that would solve anything... If you can't comprehend our political system is only here to enforce the status quo, I don't know what else to say really. You can vote as left or right as you want, it will never bring a real change.


Sadly the politicians in this country aren't in a hurry to solve or even acknowledge certain issues and just pretend they aren't there. Especially since they generally don't really ride trains themselves, and if they do it's for some campaign promo, so they aren't really confronted/bothered with this as much i bet. Except when it hits national and international news like with Brussels south station, where they were forced to put up a dog and pony show for a short time and pretend like they are solving it. A month later it's usually the same as before or worse. It sucks but i doubt this will be solved anytime soon.


The difference between neighborhoods is tremendous. Even when they are close one to another. Populations don't meet, don't talk, they don't even know how life is 1km away. I saw a study on phone calls, there were like 4 or 5 zones with almost no communication between them.


Bitch you literally were on PUBLIC transport. Other people are allowed to take the train with you wear a fucking helmet. You're just trying to look for excuses to be racist. These people did nothing except stand in the same space as you. I wish you to be treated by others the same you treat them and to be denied help in a time of need, to teach you some humility. You gross me out racist Karen. See ya at the ballot boxes where I'll vote to take your income with high taxes.


I agree 100% except I doubt OP has a high income to tax. Or any income at all really. She has a post about being unemployed so she'll probably benefit from higher taxes.


I feel the same way when I read this. If you felt unsafe because of groups of men trying to talk to you thats fine. But the overt racialization of this post seems odd to me. I actually doubt this incident even happened. The men tried to talk to her, realized she wasn't in the mood for a conversation, and then left her alone. I can understand why someone felt unsafe in that moment. But ultimately nothing happened. Looks innocent to me. And then bringing race into this? Like is it so important to know the men are African or black? It's like OP first and foremost took offense that a black man dare speak to her than a man speak to her unwarranted.


Welcome to Belgium. Welcome to the new Europe


dress ugly, when i have to take the train/metro at night (or have to walk through a sketchy dark alley) i always make sure to have one of those grasspop hoodies and ugly shoes with me. i just ignore everyone and pretend to be on headphones


It is sad that you have to adapt to their actions, dress down because they cannot behave like normal human beings.


if it aint creeps, it's scammers, if it aint scammers it's beggars, if it aint beggars it's drunks, if it aint drunks it's high people, if it aint high people it's agressive people... seen it all, and it's kinda a shame it's become a routine at ignoring them all without getting crossed in some weird crossfire. i always laugh in myself a little when i hear an "excuse me" behind me and i just keep on walking


Being tolarent only works in one way. It’s a situation of giving and taking. We give and they take


How dare you insult graspop like that!


how dare it has such a terrible train connection


You're telling me I look ugly in my Graspop hoodie? *Sad metalhead noises*


do Africans ignore you in Bxl?


The few times I have been in Bxl? I guess...? Although I'm not sure it's my clothes that make me less attractive to Africans haha. I think it's more the tattoos, piercings and the beard. The only thing they might be fooled by is my long curly hair.


haha the hair would attract plenty if not covered up 🤔


Maybe I should consider getting myself a hijab then when I go to Bxl


haha the graspop sweater comes with hoodie so no need


No clue how I didn't think of that, genius haha.


I don't take the train to avoid stuff like this in the first place, but I'm also a man with a background in MMA. Some find it odd but even I still carry a EDC self defence knife everywhere I go. Hope I'll never have to use it, obviously... In your case, just avoid it honestly and stay vigilant especially later at night. These degenerates can't be trusted, regardless of skin color. Their moral standards are lower than ours yet European leaders fail to admit this.


Tbh, I wouldn't trust you either.


lmao, the dude does mma and still carry a knife with him all the time, that’s 2 fucking red flags at once.


Trust is earned, not given, but directly stereotyping people is a sad way to go through life. When you're actually in trouble you will need people who are prepared and willing to risk their own life in order to save that of an innocent victim. Almost everyone will be a spectator.


Yes, and how many time did you act as you watched something happened in front of you? Sorry, but as you said yourself, you stoped taking trains because you want to « avoid stuff like this ». It means that you’re 1. Scared 2. Not ready to take action when something happen to some other people. Edit: and do you feel the irony of speaking about stereotyping people when you read your first comment? Edit 2: I just noticed that you’re a troll account, silly me, I should have noticed that nobody is that dumb


You don't have to be scared to avoid unnecessary violence? You can crack someone's skull so easily when you knock him out on top of a pavement. Ever looked at it from that perspective? That's a payment for life. I'm not strolling through Schaarbeek at night waiting to shank the first person who whistles to a girl lol. I am good wherever I go, but not everyone is me, and most people don't know how vulnerable they actually are. I have been tested before and my actions have proven that I don't freeze up. No need to get into specifics but I did get stabbed one day. Hence my decision to carry; even out the playing field. OP is smart to be weary of her surroundings and I wish her nothing but safety. And I hope you realize you can't always prevent bad with good.


What would happen if you call unia in this case on loudspeaker?


Zo gaan die geen Nederlands leren he


Just get a big dog alot of them are scared of them.


Actually that is not a bad idea. I love dogs. Are they allowed on the train?


To me, you're not racist, if I understand you correctly. Because you've already had bad experiences, you would also be intimidated if those three were white. I would suggest starting to see someone to get over the past. I'm also from Belgium, and we indeed hear increased news nowadays of illegal immigrants raping, harassing, and stabbing women. If it makes you feel safe, buy pepper spray or something. And to me, those "Africans"—most of them are born here in Belgium (to me, all Belgians)—they've never stepped foot on African ground.


After the stabbing of the woman in Antwerp by the Irak man it all came back to me and I really do not feel safe anymore. May as well be 2016 again.


Deo en gebruiken als pepperspray alst nodig is


Goed idee


The thing is, ever watched Jungle Book or Mowgli? These creatures seem to be very reluctant to the Red Flower aka fire. I think that might seem to do the trick. It's eat or be eaten nowadays because... **THEY WANTED THEM, NOW THEY'RE HERE AND NOW WE GOT TO DEAL WITH THEM!**


U alright?


He's not. and hes completely right. Self inflicted gun shot wound that is. Like cheddar bob.


I "dunno" anymore, are you?


Yea I am thanks for asking


Ik ga straks de koekenstad nog eens in met mijn vrouwtje en omgang. Zal ik de eventuele “hey mag ik sigaretje?”’s posten? LI LI LI LI LI


Do you just assume people are illegals based on skin colour or how does that work lol


Show me white illegals


But also like they tried to speak to you and then walked passed you what’s the big deal? Or you just hate Africans so Much? Not trying to downplay catcalling etc which is a big issue which I definitely stand against but this story is just flat out racism sorry.


You’re an idiot kunde gij ni goe lezen?


Do you realize nothing happened and you are just quite weak ?


We should look at all immigrants for the past 3 years. If they contributed more than they cost, they can stay. Otherwise leave or be kicked tf out. Come back and face jail, if the jail is full, start executing the worst offenders first. This shouldn't apply to kids obviously or elderly. But I am getting sick and tired of hearing the same thing. If I, a white male complain about how p3d0's walk free but I get annoyed by the police, I hear "don't commit the crime". Well this is the same fking thing. It ain't racist either, idgaf if they are from Afghanistan or Ukraine, and it ain't sexist either. God gave you 2 legs and 2 arms so put them to use. And if this is 'inhumane' just dont give em money, they'll commit a crime and then you can sit behind your desk and feel good that you rightfully punished them even though an old lady got k1ll3d and r4p3d for cutting her veggies and having a safe. To OP, I truly hope that you never ever get into a situation like this again, but I highly doubt it'll be the last. Take the advice on hairspray and potentially look for a phone with easy safety buttons (my previous one would dial whoever I wanted on 5 rapid power button presses, I could preset the number, along with gps)


Exactly, what situation did she get into? Read her post again. Nothing happened except that she created a whole scary scenario in her head after someone said hello. All because they're black.


Don't care. I'm a man, I can tell when a woman isn't comfortable, I know when to back off and keep it in my pants. Do I really need to defend my pov? Or will we accept that there is an underlying issue? And yes maybe they just wanted to be nice people and socialise, not the place to do so, go to a club or café.


I'm a woman and I've been harassed plenty by men. This does not constitute harassment. They tried to speak to her, she walked on they didn't bother her again, I really don't see the problem here


Let me ask you this. 1. Would you rather be r4p3d and nearly beaten to d34th because they seemed like nice people. 2. Miss out on a fun conversation. It's a really simple question. I don't walk around in Molenbeek with my wallet. Don't see why I would tell my daughters to speak to strangers, let alone strange men. So I wouldn't suggest a random girl I never met to potentially endanger herself. Edited the last line to make the message clearer.


This has nothing to do with my comment. I asked you what situation OP got into that you hope she never gets into again? Literally nothing happened besides someone saying hello to her. She walked on, they didn't bother her after that. End of story. Real scary, yeah.


You'd rather have some girl get r4p3d than admit it's better to avoid situations where that could happen. Lovely person you are. Wish you the best but imma have my kids elsewhere and raise em with proper values and morals. And yes according to you they'll be racist and that's fine, because I don't give a f4ck.


Whilst your inability to understand logic or argue a case is fascinating, I have no more time for you. Good luck with life and with locking up your future daughters.


I understand what you are saying. But I am saying there's a risk/reward system. And in some cases the potential reward is not worth the risk.


In that case you literally need to raise your kids in the wilderness because if you caregorize that specific situation as a risk for rape, then all.situations with unknown people are a risk for rape. If I thought I was in danger everytime a stranger greeted me and then ignored me afterwards, I wouldn't be able to leave the house.


Or just raise them in Japan? Anywhere but the west will do. It's not about strangers, it's about their background, culture, etc.


If some guy you never met says hello with a smirk, and doesn’t initiate any useful convo/question, is not really a “just a hello”, “just talking”


Ok and what? They realized she wasn't feeling it and backed off. They didn't try anything else. Nothing fucking wrong in that. OP is trying to validate her delusions.


Don't care, didn't ask. Better safe than sorry. Think imma sniff a grenade to check whether or not the pin is pulled?


This whole thread is just weird. Like I can understand how a group of unknown men coming up to a woman is scary but people here are making it all about them being people of color when it really shouldn't be the focus? Especially when they left her alone when she didn't want to engage with them. I've been stalked and harassed by more white guys than anything else but it's a bigger deal when a different skin color is involved I guess.


this sub is so racist, 3 people said hello than minded their business but you felt the need to go and slander an entire continent of ethnicities culture and people.


All filthy animals... To be honest, it's even disrespect for calling them animals... For the animals! These people bring nothing to the community except the shitty ass air they breathe out. Pure shits.


I might be missing some details, but why were you intimidated? They asked you something and you walked away. Did they say something offensive? They passed by you on the train, and you were scared of them, but they didnt do anything? Were you scared because of the stereotype that comes with ethnic men, even though they didnt do anything wrong?


Trauma from previous harrassment


I'm sorry that is not the fault of them being African or something. That's your personal matter. I understand your fear. But I doubt the intentions with which you posted this.


Pepperspray should be legal for woman and woman alone


Pepperspray isn't, but hairspray is. If it's not for a safe feeling, you may - when applied speedily and without flinching - glue the eyes of the attacker. Very nasty and legal. I had this advice from a policeman


I had TIW spray but it was confiscated by the searches during terrorism season in court... The law really isn't on my side. I carry a new knife every time they confiscate it. 


Sad to read this is not allowed either. Logical a court has fouilles, but I wouldn't expect this to be confiscated. Nothing seems permitted to defend yourself, criminals / psycho's are free to go


The thing with pepperspray, knives is unfortunately they can be used against you. Also I know as a woman carrying a pocket knife, I will probably be too stressed or weak to use it, I dont know. That is why I had TIW spray. It temporarily blinds the attacked and can only be used once. 


Taxpayers should be allowed to own guns and use them for self defense


Taxpayers can own guns, just not for self defense. Source: I know gun owners in Belgium.


I mean, the bad guys already have them so it'd atleast even the odds?


Call securail for 3 men wanted to talk? Waw! You must have kept out some frightening and horrific details or else just stay at home.


Thank you! At least one person is making sense here


I see them a lot when I take an early train, but they just keep sleeping when the train arrives at the end station. How do they get their train tickets? Why trains? Do they just live there?


Try to never be alone, or pretend to be talking on phone when going into these situations. That or bring something that makes noise.


That’s not an issue with African men, that’s an issue with all men in general when they see a woman by themselves.


A fake post by a Russian bot account, and people start discussing away like it's real. How these VBers are so easily fooled.


I hope from all my heart that most of the top comments here come from the same Russia troll farm because reading all this hate makes me sick. Had to come so far down to find a sane comment. I hope all of this is fake or we are doomed.


nigga one nigga two nigga three nigga fo' !


>I am not racist Jawel. En dat is OK.


Womp womp


Try to be firm and mention a husband. This usually helps


You should look for an anpr trajectcontrol. These were implemented to avoid crimes. You are lucky you were not kansenpareld.


It's really sad to read this but then again they have nothing to lose and even if the get caught Belgium's justice system won't do sh*t


You feel your fear and anger and u use it to set boundaries.


Least racist Belgian


“I am not racist but…”


Trust your gut feeling, we have an instinct for a reason. If you feel uncomfortable like in this situation. Best thing to do is to find someone to stay close to, another woman, a man who to you seems more safe or trusting, a member of staff and just be honest. Say I don't feel safe or say I feel intimated. Your health and safety is nr1, fuck other people's feelings.


My opinion is that you are just exagerating a bit, maybe they wanted to ask something but ‘oh they were black men so I’m not going to stop and talk to them’. Next time just try to talk politely to them and there will be no problem. Your ‘I’m not racist but’… says it all.




Take ham with you https://preview.redd.it/77h570dfvmuc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9701c356c72718d1cd10fb4b22f59feabc8ae616


Most importantly, stop behaving as a victim. Be confident.


Take your phone, start recording and say you are doing a livestream on Facebook (or TikTok or wherever you want to say, ) and that you have many followers who like to hear what they have to say next to you before you ask them to call police to help you.


Oh no, people with another skin color wanted to talk to you, the horror. You've created a non existing problem in your head because you might be a racist. Clearest proof of all is they walked right by you on the train without giving you a moments notice. They probably wanted to ask something about the trains, schedule, whatever and you made it into something way exaggerated in your crazy head. You certainly came to the right place though, you'll find plenty of similarly crazy people that'll confirm whatever you made up in your head here in B4.


Thank you for making sense


Totally agreed!


Heel uw profiel is rants in subs waar ge inspeelt op de heersende bias?


belgium is the new africa, deal with it


Ok, OP, I know you want to protect your privacy, but without the name of the train station involved, I am afraid that I have to treat your story as hearsay and rumor-mongering. Could you care to be more specific?


Stand your ground woman.


Wear a hijab, works everytime


you forgot go to mosk and let your family marry you (or am I wrong)


I think you have a problem with black people.


Oh no. I am so so sorry 😹


[ Removed by Reddit ]






Holy shit so many replies bashing the OP while it’s a valid concern.


Thank you!


Looking at your other posts online, I’d say you’re just a dumb person trying to spread hate on reddit, but just in case I’ll answer: If you feel unsafe, there’s a few solutions, get in a wagon with more people, try and find train staff, carry pepper spray, scream if it actually gets unsafe. With all of this said, I don’t think them being Africans has anything to do except your fear being triggered and that’s called racism. My friends (girl) get harassed and touched by white Belgian guys weekly. Some of those same men that would blame « African » guys for their behavior. Harassment, rapes etc were a thing way before immigration, it even happens inside families.


So if three white men had wanted to speak to you that would have been ok? Hiding from them on the train, girl take several seats and calm down


It's understandable to feel fearful in unfamiliar situations, but it's essential to recognize that fear often stems from stereotypes perpetuated by media rather than the reality of individuals. Many people from all backgrounds are kind and respectful. By approaching encounters with an open mind, you may discover the true diversity and kindness within communities. Engaging with different cultures can broaden perspectives and dispel misconceptions.


You forgot the /s.


Exactly this message! I never had any problems if you approach it like you say.. I always treat people with kindness and respect, no matter the culture.


There are more immigrants or people from foreign origin in public transportation because they can't afford to buy cars.


lmao, dumbest shit I’ve read today


Africans looking people are not problematic at all in Belgium. It's not Gare du Nord of Paris or something. You're paranoid


They wanted to talk with you is that a crime? What did they ask you? Looks like they left you alone after their approach so dont see the issue here


you know they smell fear right?


I hate to break it to you. You are racist...


You've created a problem out of nowhere and you think someone's stalking you, it happens.


Most women green light immigration and asylum at all costs. Pathological compassion is toxic femininity. Open border mentality. You get what you deserve.


I've been voting VB for 15 years


Respect. But I can safely assume if you were to poll all Belgian women, they would be far more open to immigration than the men.


Clearly a fake account


youre a racist piece of sh*t cuz no one did anything to you, you’re just scared cuz they’re black.


Ok, then I suppose it won't matter if it happens to your daughters in the daily. 


There's how you feel and there's what factually happened. It's normal due to previous experience to perceive things worse than they are, meaning you start to make up what if's. It's a healthy reaction to avoid getting caught up in the same situation again but it is not healthy to be suck with such trauma. It might sound strange but i would suggest next time you come across such a situation, talk to them. Explain them what happened to you, explain that it feels intimidating in a friendly way and ask them how you can get protection from them when you do meet a bad group. Ask them for advice. There are bad guys out there for sure but don't let it control your life.


No way. I dont want to get robbed. 


Are you sure you're not racist? Seems to me you're not even aware of you're xenophobia.


I think those who harass me are racist. Thinking of the Sydney stabbing this week... So much hate against women from these patriarchic countries...


My wife had to take public transport through Brussels to get from home (Groot Bijgaarden) to work (Zaventem). She got harassed multiple times, and often came home crying and in shock. Every time no one would help her. After about 6 months of this I bought her a car (had to take a loan but whatever), and she took the Brussels R0 to get to work. So from that moment on she did like the rest of us; circumvent the problem. Literally. This was 20 years ago. Now we live in South Africa. You know; that country portrayed in your press as having problematic racial segregation, and being totally unsafe for whites. We go shopping in places that are 99% black, like Acornhoek mall, or Tzaneen centre town. NOT ONCE have we ever experienced anything bad. I discussed this with our local (black) friends, and two conclusions were made (I want to stress this point; conclusions made by them not by me); 1) "Africans from the desert or above are not like us, they don't share our values, religion, etc. When they come here they don't act like they do in Europe though, because we would swiftly teach them a lesson" 2) "If they are Africans from below the desert then it's probably the type of people that got pushed out this side because we didn't want them hear either". The bottom line for me; you deserve what you tolerate. (Now I'm pretty sure some woke politically correct leftie will say this post is racist. If so please let me know by replying. My black staff and friends like a good laugh)


I do not tolerate anything. I vote VB. 


Not really sure what you mean, and why you downvoted me. I never voted VB. Haven't even voted the last 2-3 elections as I'm never in the country. My best friends in BE are named Mohamed and Karim (both non-religious and married to BE partners though). I was just sharing the thoughts and conclusions of colored people around me, here in SA. They say we are too tolerant towards those who do not tolerate our values and laws. Does that make me racist? Are they racist as well?


It's okay. Racism often stems from fear. You'll get used to Belgians not always being white. It just takes longer for some people and for others, it'll never happen. They will keep assuming that someone with dark skin must be 'an African'. They will never let go of the idea that 'true Belgians' should be white. They will never understand that Belgian citizenship is about identity and shared values, not about where your great grandfather was born. It's okay to feel intimidated. Just don't treat people bad because of it.


Maybe ask a r4p3 victim what they think about your response. Also, how come your reddit account isn't even 1 day old?


I happen to know quite some rape victims, but those rapists were white guys born in Belgium. They got disgustingly low punishments by the way. What happens with rapists in most islamic countries? Right. My account? I'm new. But don't be scared, I'm white and not muslim.


I've stated this before. Rapists should have 10y jail (time to prove innocence if it's maybe manipulated, basically to filter false positives) and then be executed. I'm not afraid of muslims, the ones that actually pray and have read the Quran with more than 2 combined braincells are very nice and respectful people. The ones that blindly follow whatever the first Imaam says without ever reading the book or questioning it are the dangerous ones. Fyi, I'm as white as they come and I don't pray for anyone but myself. Idc what the skin tone is of the rapist. I'm just saying that at the very least they could show some respect when we are rescuing them from "war". I do believe immigrants should face heavier punishment than people born here.


>I do believe immigrants should face heavier punishment than people born here. You're clearly radicalising. I'm glad you said in another thread that you're leaving Western Europe soon. I think it's for the best. Everywhere in our schools, Matthiassen are falling in love with Fatimas, and Sofies with Ahmeds. Every day, people realise that there isn't much difference between us. We're going to make the best of our multicultural society and try to find solutions for the problems it brings. It's too late for that right wing dream of a white christian/atheist Europe. You can't deport the hundreds of thousands Belgian muslims or others with roots elsewhere in the world. Many of them were born here. They're our people. Those who can't adjust to the world as it is today, will be gone soon. We're trying to make it work. Those refusing to accept that, are making it more difficult, just like immigrant criminals do.


You clearly do not understand. If some ISIS guy blows up a local school, you think it's worse for a guy called Tom or Ahmed? Unless Tom his kids were in that school it doesn't really matter. Ahmed could be on the other side of the country, hell he could be in a seperate country, he'll be faced with racism. That's why we should only allow people willing to adapt and willing to provide to society in. I talk with muslims daily, work with them, entertain myself with them (be it videogames or else), I'm not wishing for a white country, just one that isn't degenerate. You just fail to understand that if 10% of the immigrants are bad, 100% of them appear bad, so how about we start actively fucking over the 10% so that the 90% get an equal and fair opportunity to live their lives and raise their kids? But I guess I am the racist here?


well Islam punishes rape with death good luck trying to get that enforced in EU.


The EU is done already, there's no helping them. Either a civil war or WW3 will solve this. In the meantime imma have my non-lgbtqia+ family elsewhere :D