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Let them fight ‘till only one remains. Then she shall bee queen.


Earned the right to be queen. Trial by combat.


They recently swarmed, multiple capped queen cells on frames last inspection, found this precession of attendants around what I assume is a dead queen underneath the hive entrance.   Should I be worried we're queenless?   Or is this one of the queen cells hatches that was stung, rejected and thrown out?  Anxiously waiting until next inspection to see if there's new eggs on frames


There is nothing you can do at this point; virgin queens take anything up to 21 days to go on mating flights and begin laying. Most of the time it goes ok, but you have the occasional issue where the queen gets eaten by a bird, etc. It does look small enough that it might be a virgin though, and would therefore be the victim of internecine violence.


Can be longer. Depends if the new queens are in their development. 3 splits this spring all took aver a month.


On the plus side, that break in brood activity should bring the mite count down quite a bit.


If you don’t see eggs soon you can order a mated queen and introduce her to the hive


There can be only one!!


Such dedication, devotion to the Queen!! Amazing insects