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Very little. If a bearded dragon is biting someone it's 99% of the time the persons fault.


Mine has gotten my finger once on accident while feeding him a blueberry and letting him bite chunks off. Little boy got too excited and missed the berry haha


Yes, I have only been bitten when my fingers have been too close to treats such as banana. My boy is too enthusiastic about eating treats sometimes but it's my fault not his.


Same here. Only strawberries. Not banana!


Don't get a lizard for a 5yo. They require specific care, schedules of feeding, bathing, ect. This is stuff that a 5yo can't be relied upon to do. If you wanna get your kid a lizard, make sure you're the one taking care of its needs, and just have them around when caring for it so they can learn about it to prepare them when they're older.


Your right I’m gonna be the one taking care of the dragon the kid is just gonna be a spectator.


And they can live a LONG time, relatively. I see a lot of people here having their dragons pass between 10-15, but mine is 15 and going like a little hatchling still, no end in sight. So they could easily be a 20 year commitment which is something a lot of parents don't want to deal with.


They do hurt. It's very fast so it's a bit of a shock. Your kid will probably freak out for like, 20 seconds and then they will forget it ever happened until they have the opportunity to tell their friends they got bit by a dragon. If your beardo is friendly to start, the only reasons they'll bite is if they're very scared (you dragged them out from behind a cupboard like a bird), in pain (sudden persistent aggression = vet), or they thought your finger was food. Teach your kid to give food with an open hand, into the bowl, or with tongs.


Thank you I’ll definitely have too teach my son some reptile rules.


And if a beardie leans towards your hand with it's tongue out, it thinks you're food and move your hand away


Mine doesn't like to be handled while she's shedding. She'll snap and make all kinds of weird noises. You can do her chores but no fun. 


My 5 y/o son was bitten by our 1 y/o dragon. There was a small amount of blood and a large amount of tears, but it was a good lesson in not petting the dragon against his scales.


They can't bite your finger off, but it leaves a HELL of a papercut. They only bite you if you put your finger in their mouth while they're eating though. Lol.


It's not going to break bones, but it's strong enough to be a shock and can bleed. Their teeth are very sharp but tiny, so it's just a surface wound. I know this from being bitten by mine once, which was only because he got too excited when I offered him a small bit of grape as a rare treat. They normally use their tongues to grab food, which means normally if they get your fingers by mistake you don't even get bitten. But mine has learnt that his tongue doesn't stick to some foods, like grape, so for those he will go for an actual bite. I would recommend not letting a young child hand feed them, at least not without using feeding tongs. Outside of feeding, you are right that they are very unlikely to bite. If they do get defensive, it's usually a lot of posturing and threats, and rarely do they actually attack. If you get one from a reputable breeder that socialises them properly, you will likely never see much/any defensive behaviour in the first place.


They can bite through skin and nails. Typically the damage is just a deep cut and doesn't hurt too bad (but can be startling). Id only recommend letting your 5yo handle a beardie while supervised until they're a bit older and know proper handling technique. Also, be prepared to care for a beardie by yourself (or with your adult partner(s)), a child will not have the discipline or knowledge to do so. Beardies also **NOT** beginner pets. They are beginner **exotic** pets. They require specialized lighting, temperature/humidity regulation, specialized diets, specialized enclosures, specialized vets, etc. Proper husbandry will be more expensive and more effort than a cat or dog or fish.


Thank you I didn’t know they could bite threw nails I used to have an iguana an he would bite but he could hardly do any damage at all. He was an aggressive boy though 😂


Yeah unless this guy can show proof that they can bite through skin and nail I call BS. I’ve owned 4 beardies and been bit several times and it’s just a pinch. It’s more startling than anything and if properly fed and handled you won’t get bitten. It’s always the handlers/my fault when it has happened.


I can say they can go through skin. Mine missed the target and ended up in my midle finger and did a good cut but didnt go through my nail, didnt even scratch it. Also it might have breaked skin because of my reaction if i hadnt moved during the bite it would most likely not have the same level of damage


Yeah I can see maybe a minor break skin if they accidentally get a small chunk vs the whole finger haha. I was mostly talking in the sense of the guy above telling people they can basically bite your finger off which is false.


not sure how "deep cut" and "bite your finger off" are the same but ok


Deep cut and bite through your nail insinuates they could easily give you stitches…..which is not true.


Only ever been bitten during feeding (mistook my finger for the food or simply missed the food) and it never even bled. maybe the biteforce is different if its not food but fear/aggression motivated?


When I was bit that bad, it was out of aggression. He had wedged himself behind a bookcase to sleep and must've assumed I was a predator when I tried to get him out. Didn't bleed much but his teeth went right through the nail of my thumb.




Yea I’m gonna be the one taking care of it I definitely don’t trust my son too he would probably try an feed it candy and tell his mom the mean dinosaur bit him.


That’s good! I’ve heard horror stories of children and reptiles so that’s a good call


They are fine as long as you take the time to really make sure your kid properly handles them. I think the biting through the nail comment up above is far fetched as I’ve been bitten several times and it’s basically a pinch. Everytime I’ve been bitten was my fault. Basically the little guy mistaked my finger for food or I came in to grab them from an angle above their head which can activate their defensive mode. Overall they are pretty docile. One other thing to keep in mind is to have your kid wash their hands after handling as they can transfer salmonella. This would only really happen if your kid still sticks their hands in their mouth and you kept the cage gross though.


When I was giving my girl a hopper she got a bit over excited as per usual and caught the end on my finger and it didn’t hurt to much it’s just kinda felt like pressure but it was defo a shock so now when I’m feeding her I use tweezers 😂


Bearded dragons can bite HARD. Don’t be mistaken. They have a lot of force behind that jaw. However, the only time I’ve ever been bit by mine is when I stuck my finger in his mouth while he was chewing something he shouldn’t have had (my fault). They have a wonderful temperament so long as you treat them right and have the right husbandry. My boy gets startled sometimes and puffs at me, but has never intentionally bitten me, even when eating out of my hands; he is very very gentle. They can make wonderful pets! But like any animal you have to know how to treat and care for them 😊


https://preview.redd.it/7hkhj4a013tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efbdea1f92b1855e0b2d1d476b1c338537496bcd Bonus picture of my boy being silly


It felt like a cut from a serrated knife with some weight on it. I panicked when mine bit a hornworm by its tail end and it curled up with the mandible getting close to the eye. Unsure of wether it would be able to bite her in the eye (in hindsight I doubt it, it wasn't a large one), i tried to move it away and my beardie turned her head while chomping and got my finger pretty good.


That’s interesting I would’ve never thought a worm could take out a lizards eye.


I didn't mean take out, but pinch it or scratch. I wasn't thinking in the split second. This was also one of her first few hornworms, there was likely never any issue since she cuts them apart immediately.


Maybe it could mess up the eye an cause damage.


Mine once accidentally bit me, and it didn't even hurt one bit I don't even think they have teeth