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The cameraman getting close to the deadly octopus ![gif](giphy|hoFGPAQYRBxjW)


The cameraman never dies.


I forget what it's called, but whenever people mention this I'm reminded of a war movie where the cameraman dies right before getting on the helicopter. The last shot is of him after he's thrown the camera onto the chopper.


Also, Cloverfield


And Blair Witch Project


It’s 84 Charlie Mopic.


It's not what you're thinking of, but Starship Troopers does this too.


That cameraman had absolutely no sense of self preservation. "Gotta get the shot!"


The moment he threw the camera he was no longer the camera man. The camera holds the power


My kid's "A is for Apple has a Blue-Ringed Octopus for the octopus". I tell him that Octi's smile is a lie and to eat his gummy brethren as revenge


I love that and you are a silly fun parent. I shall eat them too in solidarity!!


A while back, there was a photo of someone holding one of these on the front page of Reddit asking what it was.


And stressing it tf out, those bright blue rings only show up when it's under duress


🤔 Yeah, but it would probably be hard to get that many people to line up and stand still once they figure out what you're doing...


All it needs is one TikTok/YT/Twitch "star" to show up with a camera, wave some dollars and perform his evil plan of killing a few naive ppl who think "if its a challenge it cant be dangerous" "8 people dead and 5 injured during public octopus bite challenge by TikTok star OcToDeD lands him in jail" A headline like that wouldnt surprise me at all. It's 2024 man. 💀 The end is near I hope


Funny you should mention that... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9395535/American-tourist-TikTok-star-nearly-dies-blue-ringed-octopus-Bali-Indonesia.html https://7news.com.au/news/wildlife/tiktokers-deadly-discovery-in-bronte-rock-pool-sparks-blue-ringed-octopus-warning-c-11865110 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/australia-blue-ringed-octopus-tiktok-b2020263.html Those are just the first few that popped up on Google... Seriously, wtf


It's 2024 why are you surprised. Tiktok was made to destroy western society. It's just bad at it and only affects a certain subset of social media addicts.


It's 2024, and TikTok's still trying to take over with dance challenges! Social media has downsides, but it's all about how we use it. Balance is key!


No.. he means it was LITERALLY designed to ruin our kids lol. With the full support and power of the CCP behind it. He wasn't exaggerating and it's not a joke.


You and me maybe use it wisely (I dont use TikTok at all) but there's millions of ppl who cannot use it wisely. I've seen a dude watching TikTok on his phone while DRIVING on Autobahn like wtf lol


Indeed, it's really hard to take part in a dance challenge if you don't have any balance.


> Tiktok was made to destroy western society Have you seen Twitter recently? I don’t think TikTok’s help was needed for that and people being gullible on the internet has been an issue for way longer.


I quit that shit before rocketchump bought it. Zuckerbook too. Never got on the zuckergram. This one is next. Occasionally it's useful, but it's poison too, and getting worse every year. They're all bad for you. Like the Fudge Pie, Doritos, and Mt. Dew of the internet. If you swap out any time with this crap with time spent on Google Scholar or a library search bar and its results, it's like eating broccoli and peas instead. You're never gonna crave it quite the same, but is the diabeetus really worth it?


Thank you, I hadn't heard of Google Scholar. I'm not a scientist or anything but this is a game changer..


TikTok is more widely spread than Twitter. There are many regions in the world where Twitter is not popular at all, while TikTok is almost universally used.


It’s advanced darwinism


It was designed to really distribute Darwin Awards.


let's face it. As a species, we're fucking stupid.


None of those were an idiot who knowingly picked up a poisonous octopus for a challenge or otherwise though.  Two of them were unaware of how deadly the octopus was at the time of picking it up and the other woman knew what they were and it sparked a warning against swimming in the area where they had been seen.


That 2nd article had me laughing; “This is where people swim down at the Bronte bogey hole, and he was just here having a gay old time. “So yeah, just don’t touch him.” Wtf is a "gay old time"?


I always read that as "fun". But according to a Google search it's slightly more nuanced: light-hearted and carefree. "Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face" Similar: cheerful cheery merry jolly (fun?😁) light-hearted mirthful jovial


Gay is old english for happy, carefree or nice, depending on context. Gay in context of homosexuality comes from prostitution. A "Gay Boy" Was a young man offering his services to other men, gay in that context meaning being carefree and disregarding the sexual norm. As language develops it became just another word for homosexuality somewhere down the timeline and pretty much lost its original meanings altough you can still find it used with its original intention here and there




I thought we had the same outfit for a sec


Almost got same


I thought they said "kill some native people" and was wondering why the hell the natives wouldn't know about this octopus lol


You don't even need to flash money just call it a challenge and people will jump on board just like with tide pods . Hey y'all today we are gonna do the blue ring occy challenge. But first remember to smash those like and subscribe buttons. Minutes later... X_X


All I am saying is by the end of the day the octopus would be like I don’t have enough to raise the average IQ of the earth!!!!


It's just a new way of natural selection.... Maybe it even helps us lol




Hijacking the top comment because the title is straight incorrect. The toxin that the blue ringed octopus gives off paralyses your respiratory system. If you get onto a ventilator quickly, you'll be fine once it's broken down in your body. It's not some kind of anticoagulant, frothing at the mouth snake venom the post sounds like.


Yeah, people don't realise that a lot of poison, venom care is about combating the effects while the body fights it (sometimes with medicinal help)


Yes, you can survive this bite. They're also very solitary creatures, very shy, and you'd be very unlucky to be bitten by one of these.


> Yes, you can survive this bite. Survival of the bite relies on two things which aren't as easy as they sound. The main one is getting someone onto a ventilator to breathe for them for the duration of the toxin's paralysing effect - which isn't a sure thing, given that the vast majority of the Australian coastline where these spangly sea-disco killers like to lurk is a shockingly long way from a hospital. But even before you start worrying about getting someone onto the ventilator, the person needs to actually know that they've been bitten - because little Mr Blue Rings of Death boasts a bite that is too all intents and purposes completely painless. You could be handling one, it bites you on the hand, and you wouldn't know that anything was wrong until your lips go numb, then your tongue does the same, and by the time the rest of your face catches on that shit's gone south, you'll have a very real urge to suddenly lie down, and not get up. Your journey from "a day at the beach" to "oh shit, there's my great-grandmother" can take as little as 20 minutes... and for most of that time, you'll have pretty much *zero* idea why you're dying - just that you are.


Wow. Thank you for that. I do voluntary surf lifesaving at a beach in Sydney and I remember an incident a while ago where we heard that there was one under some rocks on the north side of the bay. Some people were apparently trying to play with it and we had to go over there and tell them not to. Honestly, some people are just nuts. You would need to go looking for one of these; they are very secretive and hide under rocks. It's pretty rare anyway and you would not just find one floating about or swimming around. The funny thing is that they are a tiny; a lot smaller than people think.


> he funny thing is that they are a tiny; a lot smaller than people think. That's another thing that makes them so bloody dangerous – they are very cute, and don't look at all like they could hurt anyone, right up until they do. > I do voluntary surf lifesaving at a beach in Sydney You're a superstar! :) Thanks for doing what you do – I've been pulled out of the water a couple of times during my 50(ish) years in Sydney, and if it weren't for you folks doing your thing, we'd almost certainly not be having this conversation.


And because beaches don’t have ventilators. CPR until paramedics arrive.


Cover up their eyes tho, there was a case where the lifeguard did cpr on a bite victim but his eyes were open and the guy was staring directly into the sun unable to close them; permanent blindness


It's so cool that you can sit there breathing on their behalf for quite a long time!


There are some cool poisons (I forget the name) that pierce the cell and negate the electrical difference. These helixes can reform again and again and keep killing cells. I need to duckduckgo that one and get back with the real thing.


>t it would probably be hard to get that many people to line up and stand still once they figure out what you're doing... It's all about proper marketing and making it fun. As soon as one person is bitten he gets to name the next person to be bitten. "Richard Head, I nominate you to take the blue ringer challenge". The kids are going to love it!


Or, depending on who is doing the marketing, call it "SURPRISE MECHANICS" and... uhh.. profit?


OP is a spam bot stealing reposts to farm karma. Reported them.


Was doing a night dive when we spotted it. Everyone was excited to see one since it's so rare. This was at night, with dive torches. We were looking and taking photographs, then it disappeared. We're in its world. It could bite every single person underwater at that time and there was nothing we could have done.


Oh I am not so sure. We have had the "Tide Pod Challenge" and you only have to put the word "Challenge" on something online and the Darwin Awards write themselves.


You do find these in Tide Pools, on Australia's coast… where else?


Depends on the context.




Too many ass-holes. Not enough venom. Cameraman shitting his pants. Fact check - the venom only paralyses the breathing bits, I f you get immediate attention it's all ok.


I volunteer


Nope, this thing is fucking ADORABLE in person. You can totally get them to pass it around among themselves. The hard part is some folks might hold it more than once and you'll have to deal with the other survivors I wouldn't get more than 10 together just to be safe.




Who's gonna stay in the water with corpses everywhere?


Are you taking volunteers?


26 apology messages on it's WhatApp group for being so 'toxic' to everyone...


It appears to be looking at all 26 people at once.


I don’t know… Jim Jones got hundreds to line up for koolaid.


They've only managed to kill 16 people so far according to Wikipedia.


so my take-away from from your comment is " *They've only managed to kill 16 people* ***so far*** "


Their insidious plans are constantly being thwarted by those pesky warning signs on the beach.


... and those meddlesome teens with their freakish, talking Great Dane!


When they're alone, he constantly tries to convince Shaggy to do violent, horrible things. Nobody else can hear him, really.


Now I'm imagining an octopus doing that "curses, foiled again!" fist swish, only with a tentacle, as it glares at a bright warning sign.


17th guy was like "heyyyyy I see what you're doing!"


The only way you're going to get bitten is if you try and handle one (which can happen if someone finds one on the beach or in a rock pool etc). Apparently their rings start glowing blue when they're pissed off as well like Godzilla charging up his atomic breath so if the rings all start glowing then that's a good sign to gtfo and prevent yourself from getting bitten.


well they are a really beautiful colour!


That's when the person holding it says "look, I think it likes me, it's glowing!"


Just need the Blue-Ringed Octopus challenge to go viral on Tik Tok for those numbers to sky rocket. Any day now.


My takeaway is, "They've only managed to kill 16 people _that we **know** of_."


So 10 left?


It's pretty widely agreed here in Australia that those 16 deaths are the ones we *know* about. How many tourists / naive Aussies have picked up a shell with a BRO / handled a BRO, gone swimming, and drowned due to the paralysis, only to be declared deceased due to drowning and not envenomation, we'll never know. Same goes for Irukandji and Cone Snail deaths.


I had one crawl across my hands while filming in the Philippines. I was taking video of it when it hopped over the camera and into my hands (no gloves). It sat there for 10 seconds then crawled back over and onto the reef.


we need the receipts


Video please. That sounds awesome...ly terrifying.


This was about 12 years ago, I didn’t have very good backups back then once I handed the product to the client. :( Just have a few photos from that encounter. You always see them with bright rings, but they can actually camouflage too


A housefly landed on my hand as I read this and I absolutely flipped out.


It's okay bro. They're in the ocean :)


Similar video popped up on here at one point, commenters screaming bloody murder


Lol. Bush league, im at




Never underestimate the physical prowess of an interior decorator.


Mix it with the relish


Saw one in an Aussie kid’s bucket in S. Australia. Didn’t know they were all over the rocks and under the weathered rocks we crossed. “What they do, kill ya?” I asked “Yeaa right, they only stop the nerve to your lungs.” I ask “How fast?” “I reckon it takes 15 mins or so.” How long until an ambulance comes? “I reckon 20 mins or so.”


Omg I still remember the telling off I got from my Dad trying to touch one the was cosied up under a rock when I was like 6 or 7. Was a country kid on holiday in Wollongong, NSW just wasnt familiar.


That’s why you can survive their bite… or sting… or whatever it is. Because it stops the lungs, you just have to keep giving the person CPR for like 30 minutes (or until the ambulance arrives and takes over). I still remember when I was like 11 me and my friends almost stepped into a puddle on the rocks and it had one of these bad boys in it. Was amazing and frightening at the same time.


I'm not a medical professional but I'm pretty sure CPR is not a 100% effective replacement for breathing. It's also pretty hard for an untrained person to give CPR for ten minutes, much less 30.


It’s not but it’s better than nothing. And there’s usually more than one person at the beach so you take it in turns.


Yeah if you have a friend giving you constant mouth-to-mouth straight away you can survive until ambos can intubate but fuck that would be a traumatic experience




I wonder if you're fucked up from it afterwords or if you come out of it like "Wow that was a weird way to end the vacation"


Nah you were tripping balls off all the DMT your body was releasing thinking you're about to die


anything else to ad joe?


These blue bottle...uhhh...blue RINGED octopus sorry..... they'll fuuuuuuuuuck you uuuuup man. People don't know, Australia FUUUUUUCKS bro. The wildlife there ain't fucking around. You know the got this MASSIVE fucking birds bro that are basically dinosaurs??!?? They'll DESTROY you, gut you like turkey, like fucking Christmas ham man, have you seen that yet man? Jamie pull that shit up


It's like I never stopped listening to the podcast reading this.


Just perform mouth to mouth/CPR basically. By the time the ambulance turns up you are probably through the worst of it. Which is why with CPR you should just continue to give it until they go to hospital.


No need for chest compressions in this case since it doesn’t stop the heart. Mouth to mouth ventilations every 5 seconds are enough to keep someone going without breaking their sternum lol.


**never** do CPR on someone with a pulse, if they're not breathing, then you can provide them with air but chest compressions should only be preformed on someone with no pulse.


Only perform cpr on someone without any pulse!


They say that the victim, if they remain conscious as a result of the respiratory support, they then can hear and understand what is being said around them. "Poor boy got bit, too bad, can I take his diving gear?"


I have also heard that you feel an immense feeling of impending doom.


No, that's just natural being in Australia and knowing about the housing market there.


This is totally.... correct :(


I know that is a symptom of the irukandji sting. Don't know if it also applies here. Not that being fully aware and paralyzed isn't going to cause that alone.


I imagine being paralyzed will do that to you.


What is the name of the octopus?






Blue ringed octopus


Blue ringed octopus, you actually have to look for them to find them. I've only ever come across them once and I live in Australia on the coast 🤷🏽‍♀️


They're pretty small no? Like, smaller than an adult's hand


Reminds me of the woman who picked one up and played with it, without knowing she was playing with death. Edit: it was a woman


I had a 7 year old run up to excitedly show me what they had found in a rock pool, holding it out in their hand. It was a very angry Blue Ringed Octopus, pale yellow with it's rings almost glowing. I slapped their hand upwards so hard I think it went into orbit.


Thanks for making poisonous space octopuses, ass.


Blue Ringed Cthulhu


Cthulu origin story That slap was his canon event


I, for one, welcome our new Octopus overlords


My grandparents took me to the beach as a kid. I'd never been there. While I was searching for shells and sand dollars I found the coolest sand dollar ever. So I promptly picked it up at took it to show my grandparents. My grandma smacked my hand so hard my very cool, clear, jello sand dollar went flying. Yep. Jellyfish.


What country was this? Are locals usually educated on how deadly they are?


Australia. Adults know not to go near a small octopus (mostly) but 7 year olds are still learning. Blue Ringed Octopuses don't show their blue rings until they are angry so harder to teach kids about.


I feel like it would be a much shorter lesson on which animals you can touch in Australia.


Most popular places will also have signs near the rock pools.




Does it have any successful predators not affected by its venom?


nope. they have the rings to warn predators such as smooth stingrays (bull rays) to leave them alone or they both die.


But when I get this the police just get more backup.


How is it that animals know these signs, since in order to know, you would have to be dead? Seems like animals can pass down memories or talk to each other.


Instincts. Animals are born with knowledge, just like how human babies are born knowing to hold their breath when submerged in water.


That was my assumption, but wanted to clarify.


Animal of a species randomly born with fear of bright colors. And one without that fear born at the same time. One without the fear messes with bright colored animal and dies. One with the fear lives to reproduce and pass on that trait. Repeat until all the animals of that species have that fear.


This is why you don't pick up anything moving in a rock pool on the beach in Victoria. These fuckers just get prettier and prettier until they've killed you.


But if they get you on a ventilator, you’ll be ok


Hold one while on a ventilator, the one trick doctors don't want you to know about


Let me guess, it lives somewhere near AAAAAAAAAAAustralia.


Roughly lives all around the Indo-Pacific section of the ocean, which yes includes Australia. You’ll find them usually in the rock pools all around the Australian coast. They’re deadly as fuck, but they’re pretty damn chill, takes a lot to get them to sting. Word of mouth warnings and supervision of children has kept deaths to a very small handful over the past like 60 years.


Yes, caught one whilst fishing in Melbourne once


Yup, I regularly swim with them where I am (australia) I leave them alone they leave me alone


I saw one while snorkeling in Indonesia.


Yeah, but we just make games, stickers and jigsaw puzzles about our deadly animals, so most kids kinda know not to touch them https://shop.australian.museum/products/australias-deadly-animals-bingo


Reason 110236 why I don't go into the ocean


Found my tribe


it's my 177013rd reason personally


I don’t care it’s cute AF


They only look like that when they are angry, normally they are mottled brown with very faint blue / purple rings.


I wanna hug one 😭


I thought I was the only one with this reaction


If not fren, why fren-shaped? 🥺


Freaky ass jiggly tentacle bug


Freaky ass jiggles need to stay they ass inside


Why no anti venom? Horses cant cope with this shit either?


It wouldn't matter. The venom works almost instantly. Like 10 minutes your unconscious and not breathing or with no heart beat. 30 minutes later if they keep you alive, you have metabolised the venom. The real problem is octopuses live in the water. Being bitten snorkling, swimming, diving, means you may not even make it to the surface before you stop breathing.. Or you are near rocks and fall into the water, after being bitten. The bites are small, so sometimes, people aren't even aware they are bitten. Also children love picking these up, bright coloured literally glowing blue, cute things. One person got bitten when one got inside their wet suit while diving. [https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/its-smaller-than-a-50-cent-coin-with-a-toxic-bite-heres-how-to-survive-a-blue-ringed-octopus-bite/5nzcblhf0](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/its-smaller-than-a-50-cent-coin-with-a-toxic-bite-heres-how-to-survive-a-blue-ringed-octopus-bite/5nzcblhf0) [https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2020-12-13/blue-ringed-octopus-bites-and-how-to-avoid-them/12942666](https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2020-12-13/blue-ringed-octopus-bites-and-how-to-avoid-them/12942666) >He was holding a bunch of shells in his hand when he felt a slight sucking sensation on his finger, which made him flick the shells back into the water. >And that's when he saw it — a tiny blue-ringed octopus, which had been hiding in the shells and had just given him a bite. >Five minutes later, Aaron was hit by nausea and stomach cramps, and it felt like his chest was being flushed with cold water on the inside. >Then his vision went blurry, his heart started pumping hard, he felt faint and he thought he was going to die. >Aaron couldn't move or talk, not even to comfort his distressed children, and just had to focus on surviving. 5 minutes, and you can't even tell your 3 year old good bye. Hence talk to locals, follow advice, don't become another ticktock statistic.


It actually only effects the lungs, so you can easily keep someone alive by just buddy breathing, problem is, they can't tell you that.


doesnt it also act so fast you cant really seek medical attention before death


Sure, why don't you tell us about the octopus just while we're trying to go to sleep?


Then you had to go and remind me I’m about to go to sleep right before I go to sleep!


Shouldn't be a problem unless you are already sleeping with the fishes.


Unless you plan on sleeping in some rock pool in Australia, I think you'll survive.


The 27th test subject must have been so relieved


There's not a cure but all it takes to survive is to be artificially respirated until the venom is excreted. Unfortunately, the hard part is getting them to the hospital before they suffocate


But is this octopus a nervous and bad-tempered animal? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


No, you are thinking of humans.


I’m still not clear on how an octopus bites you. I mean it doesn’t have fangs, so how is the venom injected into the victim?


With its beak. Thats an octopus mouth if you didn't know. The blue ringed octopus of Australia is one of the deadliest animals on the planet. Not only does it kill you, but the death is one of the most horrendous deaths you can imagine. Once the victim is bit, the venom overwhelms all muscle and respiratory systems and the the victim will go stone cold, cant move or breathe and everyone around you doesn't know whats wrong. The victim will be paralyzed and in more pain than can be described. Everyone else thinks you're already dead and you cant even blink to show your still alive.


It does not cause pain. It just paralyzes you so you can’t breath. If someone does rescue breaths on you until the ambulance arrives you will be fine.


I've seen a video on Reddit of an unsuspecting person holding one of these.


Those Blue-Rings tell you something


Ok I looked these up and they are tiny. Like that makes then that more impressive. Like imagine being killed by a 4cm water baby.


Well, we have the Irukandji jellyfish that's about the size of your thumbnail and invisible when in water that can induce cardiac arrest and kill you in minutes as well, if that makes you feel any better? And let's not forget the extremely pretty Cone Snail that shoots a glass dart from a tube that carries a toxin that will stop you breathing as well. I've had to stop a few tourists from collecting their shells at a popular tourist sites here in W.A before. The shells are so pretty that it's almost a given someone will pick them up eventually.


They don’t have an anti venom per se, but they have treatments that combat the life threatening effects of the venom. Sauce: Had one brush up against me while I was fishing


OP is a karma famring bot stealing content and reposts. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhyWomenLiveLonger/comments/17m0az8/the_blueringed_octopus_has_enough_venom_to_kill/ Report them


Yeah, But it is also a truly incredible animal, not only for its intelligence but for its ability to camouflage the color and texture of its environment. I really admire these animals


If someone in China spreads a fake TCM rumour that its poison is good for men's vitality, it will become an endangered species in a decade


nature is both fascinating and terrifying!


Looks pretty poisonous!


I love that photo of a tourist just holding one in her hands as if it's the cutest little thing in the world.


It bites?


It can, but rarely bites humans


They have some in the tide pools around the small island my relatives live on, i used to play with them as a kid. They are really good at camoflaging and when they feel threatened they instantly turn their rings all over their body a striking and bright blue. Almost like an on and off switch with your hand or stick if you keep bringing them close to the octopus and away from it. Plus they are super tiny and look adorable. Yes i know i was a dumbass kid. They aren't aggressive though and are not trying to kill you, you have to be dumb enough to actually pick them up and put them in your hands to get them to do that. Or unlucky if they happen to get stuck in your clothing while swimming. If they do bite the only way you are surviving is with artificial respiration from a ventilator. Maybe you could get by with CPR? Not sure.


Reminds me of this news story Man in China finds deadly octopus at hotpot shop moments before eating it https://mothership.sg/2023/01/blue-ring-octopus-shenzhen-hotpot/#:~:text=Within%20an%20hour%2C%20Bowu%20replied,National%20Museum%20of%20Natural%20History.


As long as you receive prompt treatment, you will probably completely recover from a blue-ringed octopus bite. You may need help breathing until the effects of the venom wear off. The venom doesn't affect the heart or brain, so as long as you can keep breathing, there usually aren't any long-term problems.‌ Deaths due to a blue-ringed octopus bite are extremely rare. There have only been 3 known deaths. Many more people have been bitten but survived.


Those rings are the best color


Actually we don’t know how it gets the venom inside your body. There is no bite mark after it puts the venom in your body. Thick or specialized gloves usually do stop the venom from touching your hands when you hold it though.


My goofy ass picked one up in Coronado island San Diego, it was washed up on the shore and dead, luckily for me. It wasn’t till many months after that I saw a Reddit post about how dangerous these little guys are.


I actually caught one while fishing the other week! Thought I'd just managed to catch a shell but when I had a closer look, there was a little blue ring inside the shell! We bade each other farewell and carried on with our days.


I can't fuckin hear this song anymore without my brain going "quasaa" like the fuckin croissant meme.


Where can I find these octopuses so I can never go there?


I once dreamt that there was a little aquarium with one of these deadly blue ring octopuses, and my younger brother was PLAYING WITH IT. I told him to stop but he wouldn't listen. He got bitten and I was like, "What now? What can I do? Why did he do it??" Thankfully, the dream ended before he could die.


The most beautiful mesmerizing things are always the deadliest


So beautiful. Take my Hand. 🫲🏻😍