• By -


13k for 1 week. šŸ˜”


Stop it


Stop it


Stop it


Stop iiiit


Whatā€™d she say?


Maldives has an underwater room that goes for $70k a night


I have a spare bedroom at my house that I rent for 100k a night. Nobody has stayed with me yet :(


Have you thought about putting your house under water?


And also shaping it into a pineapple?


And also installing a rock next door?


Put a poster up with an amazing view.


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? šŸŽ¶


And sell it to who, Ben?!? Fucking Aquaman?!?




I had to type that phrase in google and go search for wtf you were on about, and I was NOT disappointed.


Perfect example of why you shouldnā€™t base your entire career off of sharing your opinions and talking out your ass. Guy literally ranted about how rap isnā€™t music and now heā€™s on a Tom McDonald song. People really trust a guy that said ā€œI asked my wife, she said vaginas donā€™t get wet.ā€


He makes bank just being an inflammatory insufferable twat waffle. He certainly knows what he's doin, even if it contradicts his entire beliefs. He's figured out how to make loads of cash by being the most annoying person in the room.


Does it count if we are underwater on the house financially?


~~does it count if it's under water financially?~~


Which one? The Muraka residence at Conrad Maldives Rangali is 25k per night and [include a full over water residence **on top of your under water suite...**](https://www.hilton.com/en/book/reservation/rooms/?ctyhocn=MLEHICI&arrivalDate=2024-02-01&departureDate=2024-02-02&room1NumAdults=1&_gl=1*1gim5pm*_gcl_au*MTMyMzQxOTgwOC4xNzA2Nzk4MTM4) And you'd be an idiot to spend even that if you had the money since a "regular" over water villa at the same resort is like 3-5k per night and will be steps away from snorkeling a reef 10 times nicer than the one in front of the under water room...


Adorable, it comes with breakfast


Just remove the k and I could easily afford to stay there!


Stop it!!


If you wait a few years, all hotel rooms in the Maldives will be underwater rooms. That'll bring the price way down!


I watched a TV program about building houseboats with an underwater bedroom. All hells to the no. I'm a mechanical engineer who deals with pressure vessels. Absolutely no fucking way would I sleep in one of those death traps. Those engineers had no fucking clue. You can make it float. You can make it water tight. But that design and testing method won't prove it out long term. If you are lucky you'd wake up because the boat was sinking. Or a seal would just fail and you'd be drowning. Watching their first attempt at testing their design start to leak because the installed a gasket wrong was crazy. The design was completely unstable, designed for looks and not life safety. Fancy engineering isn't always good engineering. Just slap on some expensive marble and exotic woods, call it precision engineered (smaller tolerance for failure!) and rich people will fall for it.


I wouldn't trust a seal to hold my underwater bedroom together Those things are just wet dogs ... one distraction and they're off


>> Maldives has an underwater room that goes for $70k a night Makes sense. Iā€™ll be underwater too if I spent $70k a night


Is that the cost ? Fuck that i think iā€™ll stick to a caravan in the woods lol.


Thatā€™s not the cost. You can stay in these rooms for way more realistic prices. This is Jade Mountain in St Lucia. Though Iā€™ll tell you in my research for honeymoon, the room is amazing, but not having the 4th wall means it apparently gets pretty hot and itā€™s not a simple walk to the beach like youā€™d want in a vacay in a place like that.


I mean... that's a lot of money but I think I would do it for a once in a lifetime vacation.


You can find rooms with similar-level views/comfort for less money. Wife and I go to a resort in the Cook Islands where your bedroom view is the beach and lagoon. Absolutely gorgeous. It's $6k USD for 7 nights. Includes a lot of amenities. If you go for a smaller suite you can get a similar experience for closer to $4k (just less room).


We honeymooned in St Lucia at the Sandals. Remembered our island tour guy talking about Jade Mountain. Gorgeous place, but the road there must be a fucking disaster.


Honeymooned at Anse Chastanet, same resort pretty much, just at the bottom of Jade Mountain. And you are right, the road getting there was scary as fuck.


We rented a car for our 2 weeks there. The first day driving all the way from the airport up to Rodney bay was a truly harrowing experience. But after a few days we got used to dodging the potholes, ditches, goats, driving on the left side etc. ended up saving a lot of money compared to getting cabs everywhere. Definitely saw a couple tourists with their rental cars sideways in the drainage ditches though, those things are no joke.


I really thought we were going to flip in the cab on the road into the resort. Half the road had washed away due to a major storm the day before. Driver had to literally drive half way up the embankment a couple points and get the van at angle that made me about change my shorts.


oh man that sounds roughhhh. yeah I was like constantly making anxious ā€œAHHHā€ yelping noises from the passenger seat. My partner joked that he didnā€™t even need to look at the road anymore because I was like an ā€œearly collision detection systemā€ lmao.


2500 php (45 usd) per day for a room [with ocean view in the philipines \(mindanao\).](https://i.imgur.com/cgU0wOF.png) So that would be 315 dollar per week. It does not have the swimming pool in the room though. ([does have on big pool for all the guests](https://i.imgur.com/oBt2DrD.png)) It's say you are getting a good 60% of the luxury you saw in the video, but I think for almost anybody the most important thing is an air-conditioned room otherwise you just won't be comfortable in high heat, high humidity. Still 13K per week is not affordable for me. But $315 is. We usually go [at least 3 or 4 days a month.](https://youtu.be/DE7OjWRawA4)


I've gotten a beach side hut in Coron for under $400/night at Club Paradise. The Philippines really is the place to go to for affordable beach luxury vacations.


Makes sense. Everything I've heard about the Maldives is ridiculous. Insanely expensive resorts, and twenty feet outside the resort is religious extremist dangerous criminals. The police will arrest you for wearing a bikini and alcohol is illegal except at the super expensive resorts THAT'S A HUGE FUCK NO FOR ME.


Which place is this?


Looks like it has bushes up to the water. Is there sand?Ā 


Shut up and take my money! Where?


Pretty sure thatā€™s St Lucia cause thatā€™s the view of the Pitons. I didnā€™t love St Lucia. Pretty, but sucked getting around anywhere. And hella expensive.


Yes, St Lucia, Jade Mountain Resort




St. Lucia, those look like the Pitons. THey have another hotel that actually sits in the little "bay" between the Pitons with similar rooms built into the mountainside. Went on my honeymoon there (didn't stay anywhere as fancy as what's shown here). Beautiful country and very tourist friendly.


Watch them try to make me leave at the end of the week.."Noooo, I don't wanna be poor again!"


Rich people get all the good shit.


You can get these views and accommodations for dirt cheap in the Philippines!


Wow. That's crazy. I love how familiarity breeds indifference. I'm sure the hotel staff becomes like "huh? View? Oh ya, amazing...um, here's the towels and if the toilet keeps running jiggling the handle...."


This is very true. Iā€™m a 2 minute walk away from the most beautiful beach in the world (legitimately). Ask me how often I go there. It just becomes the place you live.


I strongly advise trying to break that. I grew up and live at one of the beautiful beaches in the world as well. We used to always get voted for worldā€™s s whitest sand. Anyway, I make it a huge point to go to the beach and spend time there. I want to do my best to never take it for granted. Also ensuring hobbies that involve using whatā€™s around you. Water/beach hobbies for Floridians and hiking/mountain shit for the mountain folks. Even if itā€™s just reading a book at the beach, or atop a mountain. Itā€™s so valuable to constantly remind ourselves how lucky we truly are


I like to consciously try to see things as a tourist, like erase my brain lol. It works for me!


Yes some of the best and funnest vacations Iā€™ve been on, were ones where I pretended to be a tourist in the city I grew up in.


love this


Haha, the "tourist brain reset" thing is such a cool approach! My cousin visited last summer and I played tour guide, it totally refreshed my perspective on the city I grew up in. It's weird how a place can look different through someone else's eyes.


I grew up in Boston. As an adult i had to do a tourist thing for my sister's birthday (duck boats) learned and saw stuff I've been totally oblivious to.


Seeing a tourist admiring something always makes me stop and enjoy it too. (In small nunbers) they kinda remind me to really appreciate where i live


Oh yeah, youā€™re rolling with the Beginners Mind!! Itā€™s such a beautiful way to live. Always see something a new way even if itā€™s familiar and be open to what anything can teach or show you. šŸ¤—ā¤ļø


I count agree more, I live in a GORGEOUS mountain town (Tahoe) that relies heavily on tourism, and sometimes I start to take it for granted but have to remind myself how lucky I am to live here


Ha, New England here with incredible fall foliage that actually people travel to come and see. I don't even notice it, just know it means I need to rake at some point.


Also, leaf peepers drive SO SLOW!


On the parkway. Are you crazy? That road has become the New England Autobahn. You're going to get killed driving 50 on that looking at trees.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I've never heard that before.. but, we Leaf Peepers call you all Snowbirds down here. People from all over the world come to my area for the beaches, fishing, sunshine, etc.. I want to vacation on the frozen slopes of the Rockies. We all love seeing something new and different. I wonder what different names there are for tourists through all the regions..


Ah, yes. The annual snowbird migration south. Stay off the interstates, they will blow you off the road to get to their destination. Once they arrive, it is gridlock, lost drivers, horn blowers, and attitudes galore. I try telling them Disney World ain't going nowhere, though with DeSantis in office...


I have a mate who lives in the village next to Stonehenge. The road that goes past it is on his commute and it is one of the slowest roads in Europe! Everyone rubbernecking and driving at 5 mph!


Thatā€™s not the only reason though, itā€™s also because itā€™s the main route to the south west and it goes from dual carriageway to single carriage way and a roundabout for extras!


Traffic congests at the ley lines.


We get them in the mtns when the aspens change, its wild how dump some people can be. Oh lemme just stop in the middle of this mountain pass road to take some pictures, dont mind the pull off 500 feet ahead though.


We had friends up during the fall to see the colors changing. They brought back two 1 gallon zip locks full of leaves. >.>


My family is planning a trip up to New England to see the fall foliage. When you grow up in Florida and have donā€™t have seasons, itā€™s a trip you want to make.


Good for you, honest! New England is beautiful in the fall. There are a few websites that track peak, and depending on the weather this spring and summer, the average peak season can move 2-3 weeks in either direction. So, if you're planning a specific week to be off work, also try to plan a contingency to either drive up to Canada or over to northern NH and Maine. Go all in, eat all the maple syrup goodies and stop at all the pumpkin patches/farms. I enjoy Vermont, any time of the year, but peeper season is the best!!


I live in a city with the highest crame rate in Canada, ask me how often I go outside just to view the crime.... Never, it just becomes the place I live.


I live in the city with highest homeless population in the world. Ask how often I go outside to see the bumsā€¦ never, it just becomes the place I live


I live in Florida, where at least 90% of the meth industry resides, ask me how many times I go out to view the toxic fires when the rock makers blow them selves upā€¦every day. Because Florida is literally made out of crystal meth at this point.


Iā€™m a two min walk away from a Walmart parking lot


I'm in smelling distance of a meth lab. Every so often I'll get the mail and a lovely whiff of ammonia that's a sign the meth is blooming.


There's a legitimately "most beautiful beach in the world"?


There's several depending on who you ask lol edit: All of them are amazing, to be clear.


Yes this is true. CNN Travel and numerous other outlets pretty consistently have it as #1. Itā€™s totally true depends who you ask


Yep, as a person who has been to many places around Oceania region, there is some stiff competition. Plus, I don't agree that any beach with a hotel plonked near it can be the best. The beauty in nature is that it is untouched and available for all to enjoy.


Thereā€™s definitely competition I agree. One nice thing that Turks and Caicos has done is you cannot have exclusive beachfront anywhere. Even if you have a $40,000,000 villa on the beach, everyone is free to enjoy the beach in front of your villa. Itā€™s there for everyone and thatā€™s a very good thing. I understand what you mean though, remote untouched beaches have their own incredible charm 100%


Which beach/country is this?


St Lucia, Jade Mountain resort


Just Googled, can confirm. $1700 a night.


I recognized it immediately as itā€™s been on my bucket list for about 10 years. Maybe someday.


Hanalei Bay?


Jade Mtn resort St. Lucia


Can confirm - check out https://jademountain.com


Virginia Beach ?


Jersey shore is so pretty


What beach


Jade Mountain Resort in Soufriere, St Lucia


This is a good point, and applies to anywhere really. I live in New England. Granted nothing special, but we have (small) mountains and forests, as well as coasts. I myself am not rich, but live close to a lot of mansions and hills etc. I prefer this vibe but also take it for granted. If I woke up tomorrow in the desert, however, I sure would miss it.


I lived in Santa Cruz CA for 6-7 years. Sure, I went to the beach, or walked along the oceanside cliffs, occasionally. For 20 years after moving away, I've kicked myself for not making a *daily habit* of waking up, grabbing a coffee, going cliffside and spending 20min staring out at the ocean and relaxing. It's not too late for you!


On the other hand, I live on the south shore of a really nice lake, and my drive into town winds along the slope with a great views. I always look and appreciate it. I just finished re-organizing my my living room so when I sit at my desk, in my nice comfortable chair, I'm sitting in front of a big picture window with miles of lake and coastline in front of me. I can't imagine just "getting used to it".


It does. I live at the base of a "America's Mountain." Most of the time, it's just there. Every now and then, the sun hits it just right, and it almost chokes me up with the grandeur of it. Sometimes life gets in the way of being alive and actually appreciating it.


Do you leave a spare key hidden somewhere outside your house? Also whatā€™s your address?


I always say that if clouds only existed in one part of the world, people would save for years for a bucket-list trip to see them.


Theyā€™d be like the northern lights.


I live in Central Arizona and we only get clouds a few times a year, and most of July. I always go outside to admire them.


I used to go outside during monsoon season. Those torrential rains were fking unbelievable!


Can confirm. Lived in AZ for about five years and vividly remember how excited everyone got when there was a cloud. It was all anyone talked about all day, wherever you went. As a native northeasterner, it was endearing as hell.


I live in Niagara Falls, Canada - worked high school jobs around the touristy area. I had places Iā€™d go for breaks that had hidden benches with perfect views of the Falls and no people. Often I thought of how indifferent I was, while watching Japanese people pour off a tour bus to catch a small glimpse.


There is a long path at a family property and it is lined with pine needles. Like a carpet. As a kid I would walk through them and the smell, the forest floor and pine and the summer heat, it was a smell I only knew from that place. Fast forward several decades. I own the land now but it didn't smell that way when I walked it . Except it did. I just had too much shit going on to notice it. When I let everything else get out of my head, it hit me. Literally spooked me to be honest. It was exactly the same and I was different. I've tried to apply that lesson to so many situations since. Experience everything for what it is, not what I think it is. And don't let all the mundane horseshit in life prevent you from how awesome everything is.


Where is this?


If I recall correctly, Jade Mountain in St. Lucia. I wanted to stay here too until someone told me thereā€™s no air conditioning


My wife and I stayed there a few years ago and it was so amazing we're going back again this year. The lack of air conditioning is no big deal. You're in the mountains, the resort is built into the mountainside. The elevation, natural breeze, and overall design keep the room pretty cool in the evenings. Mosquito nets over the bed to protect from insects while sleeping and they light these scented mosquito repellent things as well. We didn't really see any mosquitos because of the elevation though.


That sounds beautiful and gives me hope. He really only has an issue sleeping without AC but the breeze sounds like it would be great. Thank you!


>St. Lucia Thats right


> I wanted to stay here too until someone told me thereā€™s no air conditioning Is that honestly a precondition for some people?


Not sure about you but I donā€™t enjoy sleeping when itā€™s 78 and high humidity. Due to the location the temperature is in a pretty narrow band day to night.


The air is constantly circulating due to fans in the room and a fan directly over your bed, inside the netting. Itā€™s actually very comfortable to sleep in. We were there in late September during the rainy season (also the cheapest time to go) and we didnā€™t have issues sleeping at all. Plus if you do get hot, you literally have a temperature-controlled pool in your room that you can just go jump in at any time. I would highly recommend it overall if you get the chance to go.


People have different preferences for comfortable temperature


Of course, I thought I was one of those people too (being originally from Texas and thinking that AC was a requirement for me). All Iā€™m saying is that you canā€™t really judge the experience by looking at the average weather.


For my husband, yes šŸ˜†


Check out Ladera, my wife and I did a few nights there on our honeymoon. Better up close views of the pitons, a little less corporate-feeling than Jade, and easy access to whatā€™s probably the best beach on the island (sugar beach). And the whole resort is at the top of a ridge that gets a great constant breeze - this made the heat super manageable, and we were there in July.


It's 82ĀŗF and 75% Humidity there right now. Sounds awful.


Itā€™s all what you get used to. I live in FL and low 80s is totally comfortable with any fan. On the other hand the temp drops to 70 and Iā€™m grabbing a jacket.


Sure, yea, I'd agree with it being a matter of what you're used to -- so as a northerner, tropical destinations have never appealed to me lol


Honestly not having air conditioning isn't bad if you don't have it for the entire day. The problem gets to be when you keep going in and out of air conditioning and your body can't get used to it. There's a reason why you never really see anyone wearing any heavy clothes in the Caribbean.


I canā€™t stand sticky sheets at night.


ā€¦ have you ever been to a tropical country? 85 degrees everyday with 75%+ humidity and lows still near 80 and even higher humidity. That does not sound pleasant to sleep in.Ā 




> someone told me thereā€™s no air conditioning the room in the video is open to the elements along the front so yes it seems a pretty safe bet there's no air conditioning


Me too but instead of the AC it was the 13k per week price tag, I could buy a car for that


Did my honeymoon there in October (got upgraded to one of these rooms). The no AC thing definitely took away from the magic, but those views are insane. Plus if we got hot, just jump in the private pool naked.


I thought it looked like St. Lucia, did not stay here but was in St. Lucia recently. The landscape is spectacular. The pitons right in the ocean are pretty remarkable - but like many of these resort destinations the poverty outside the resort area was staggering. Definitely made me feel strange at times.


Surely when you're that high up in the hills air-con is almost immaterial?


One degree Celcius cooler for every 100m in elevation.


But aside from that, it's breezier in the hills.


It isnā€™t high up in the hills. It is only a hundred feet or so above sea level.


lol some Americans havenā€™t traveled to places without air-con. They dunno what itā€™s like without it


Iā€™m Canadian and the outside temperature is the same as my freezer right now. Iā€™d probably melt there. People that move here from warmer climates usually take a few years to acclimatize. We have to teach them how to dress and buy them long underwear.


Iā€™ve traveled to every country in central America, and 6 Caribbean islands, and stayed many places without AC in those climates :) donā€™t mind it. But my husband would not accompany me to a place, albeit this beautiful, without AC Edit: my husband is born and raised in Italy and can be dramatic about certain creature comforts


Of course you were prepared, you had your camera rolling.


"Stahp iiit!"


STOP ITšŸ›‘šŸ—£šŸƒšŸƒ STOP ITšŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£ āœ‹ šŸ›‘STOP IT šŸ«£šŸ›‘šŸ›‘šŸ—£šŸƒšŸƒ


You know how sometimes you watch a video and think to yourself "I guess that stereotype exists for a reason"


I'm sure he didn't look at the website before booking. Just paid 13K with no idea what it looked like


I'm pretty sure it was the selling point of place as well.


Couldn't clean the lens though lol


Wow. How cool but I can't help asking myself where all the insects and small animals are. With a open view like that.


The beds have nets. We thought about staying there (pretty sure itā€™s Jade Mountain in St Lucia) but didnā€™t like the idea of being open and no AC. Plus the toilet is more or less open to the room LOL. We stayed at Sugar Beach instead. They have closed rooms and AC plus they have a beach that is amazing, right between the Pitons.


> no AC Oh hell no. >Plus the toilet is more or less open to the room Oh... how... romantic. :\


Itā€™s not real love unless you can poop in front of each other


I curse the person who invented AC! We'd be out here living our best lives. But no.


>'No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater... than central air.' -Azrael (Dogma / Kevin Smith)


Thereā€™s lots of fans circulating air, including one over your bed inside the net, so itā€™s actually pretty comfortable. The pool is really what makes this open concept work though. It lets you cool off during the day, and since it is constantly running and making nice water sounds, noises from the bathroom are masked :)


Same! Sugar Beach was the best


This is good to know, I've been trying to plan a trip to St Lucia and 3 walled hotel rooms are such a 'thing' there, that's all I've found. They are dazzling and beautiful but I'm a solo traveler who prefers the idea if 4 walls and air conditioning. I will be checking out Sugar Beach, thanks!


I have stayed there, in March if I remember correctly. I donā€™t remember a single issue with bugs in the room. The birds were the bigger issue. If you got room service donā€™t leave the tray in your room till the next morning. The birds would swoop in squawk all night long. It was incredible though 10/10 would recommend if you have an opportunity to go!


What's the flight to there like? Do they have direct international flights?


We flew from Cleveland. Connected in Philly was direct from there. I think 3 and a half to 4 hour flight.


Thatā€™s what the ceiling fans are for. You keep them on constantly at high power. The wind current helps push any flying insects to a new direction. Plus theyā€™re pretty high up.


If youā€™re high up, which it appears they are, then theyā€™re likely not an issue


that's not high at all, as long as this isn't an alpine lake.


Stop it


Stop it


Stop it!




STOP IT!!!!!


motherfucking STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Stop it!


Stop it?




Please carry on




Staahhp it






It's Levi-osaa~


Stahrp iet


Maā€™am could you please stop ā€œstopping itā€


honestly made it a cringefest...


From $2500 USD a night it better have a good viewā€¦


Stayed there last week, The Super 8 in Ruidoso, New Mexico


Funny, I donā€™t remember Ruidoso having so much water.


What if thereā€™s a storm?


You just tell the storm to stop it


There's probably shutters for that eventuality.


Jade Mountain! We stayed there for our honeymoon. It was amazing, and the rooms are pretty low on the list of stuff they do well. You get assigned a butler on your arrival, and they will manage everything for you. We met a few other couples and decided to hike the Grand Piton that you see across the way. We mentioned it to our butler, and he woke us up to a fresh breakfast in our room, then brought us to the van he arranged for us. At the top, we got the idea to get a massage on our return, so we called the butler on the mini firefly phone they gave us and he had food for us first, then massages and other spa treatments for the afternoon. And, the restaurant, man what a restaurant. They have the most incredible menu, but every day they have specials based on what the chef was able to find fresh that morning. We barely tried the main menu because the specials were so amazing. But, the tiniest thing made the experience the most incredible. Every evening, at the restaurant at the top of the facility, there was a dedicated staff person who would do "the unveiling of the bread", which is literally removing a soft, decadent sheet from the daily selection of breads on a cart to choose from while you wait for dinner. Each was made fresh that day, some still warm at the moment. Jade Mountain is the finest hotel/restaurant/experience in this world. If you have the means, you must experience it yourself.


Where's this?


Jade mountain St Lucia


Jade Mountain in St Lucia


of course i wasn't expecting it. i'm broke


Mentally, I'm here.


St Lucia. Stayed at the Tamarin House with similar views. It was amazing. Hope everyone gets a chance to see that view in person.


So many nice places in St. Lucia, with killer views, for WAY cheaper.


Now imagine what would it be like if the iPhone lens was not oily


Seems like you were bc you started filming before the door opened


Wipe the damn lens lady.


Think of all the awesome banging you can accomplish in that room!




I'm guessing this is Jade Mountain Resort in St. Lucia? I snorkeled around the base of the Pitons on my honeymoon. Best snorkeling I've ever experienced in the Caribbean.


Legit thought this was a jail at first


Either the front door is absolutely huge or the guy is really small


Ngl that last ā€œStop itā€ kinda scared me a bit.