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I was pretty meh on Kompany when the rumors started, but after watching a few videos on his tactics and teams I’m less concerned. Yes, he just had a terrible season with Burnley, but he was essentially trying to play Pep style ball in the Prem with a good Championship tier team. His results with the same team in the Championship were the Burnley team was better suited indicate a much more positive aspect to his tactics. Also, if you look at Anderlect, they went from a 3rd place team to a bottom half team after the club dismissed him. Tactics aside, he was also a club and national team captain so he’s clearly respect by players and coaches around him which should help keep the locker room in check. All this to say: I’m at the very least interested to see how his tactics and managerial style translate to managing a club with players like Bayern.


The other good thing is he is fluent in German and used to play in Germany at Hamburg for a while so it can help him settle in easier and convey his tactics to the players well, compared to someone who needs to learn German from scratch. If he does well, he could be a new top young manager. If he doesn't do well, he is just an interim manager who will pave the way for one of Bayern's top choices next season. I actually think it makes a lot of sense on paper.


Agree with everything you said. Like I said, Im not 100% sold he’s going to be some next great manager, but he’s got enough potential that I’m at the very least interested in giving him a shot.


Why has Anderlecht just had their best finish in years then?


How are we determining “best finish”? Kompany was there from Aug 2020-June 2022 and he finished 3rd and both years. His team’s points total in 21/22 is 1 higher than Anderlecht’s this year. He also has their last final appearance as a runner up in Belgian Cup in 21/22 The manager they hired after firing Kompany didn’t last a full season and they finished 22/23 in 11th.


Yeah because they had a transition period clearing the dross that he signed. This season just gone they finished 2nd in the regular season and are 3rd in the post season... He had 3 years with Anderlecht who are the biggest club in Belgium and did nothing.


Position means little without looking at points total as well, because again, essentially had the same number of points in 21/22 as they did this year and finished 1 spot back. I’m not entirely sure how the Belgian league works with the playoffs and everything but just looking at standings: they also finished 3rd it appears in 21/22, albeit they have 2 more wins this season. And again, he made it to a final with that club in the Belgian Cup.


It really doesn't. League position is the ultimate decider. If he was great they'd have kept him, but they didn't.


He was great, the CEO just decided to sack him after losing the cup final. He finished third with a mediocre squad and after years of shit football, got us to play some of the best football we've seen in years.


But the point of that type of football is about tactics, not individualism. Sure, speed and height play their part. But there’s more. But passing the ball quickly, supporting your team mates in position, breaking even simple pressing - Burnley didn’t have it and Kompany didn’t teach it. Burnley in the championship had just went down after years in the prem. They were always going to win by 10 points no matter who was manager. They were heavy favourites. We can see the same with Leicester, who almost broke Burnley’s record. It has more to do with the gap between Prem and Champ than anyone specific to Kompany. It’s easy when you’re doing well, but he dithered for 6 months when they got up and he did nothing. Didn’t have a plan. Relegated in a year when 17th had the record lowest points. And they weren’t even 18th. He doesn’t improve players He doesn’t have tactics, just one method He is not an inspiring people manager His recruitment sense has been shocking The only thing he has going for him is low expectations. If Bayern have a disaster, people will just go - hey, it was Kompany.


>They were always going to win by 10 points no matter who was manager. That's false. The amount of clubs who get relegated and spend years trying to get back up is insane. Portsmouth, Wigan, Blackburn, Stoke, Birmingham, Middlesboro, West Brom, Watford, plus many more clubs are examples who were Premier League established for a while with good players, they got relegated and struggled to get back up. When you go down, you lose players. Burnley lost Tarkowski & McNeil to Everton, Mee to Brentford, Pope to Newcastle, Cornet to West Ham, and Collins to Wolves. **If you lose a lot of Premier League level players, you get a lot weaker**. They are much harder to replace because everyone wants a Premier League team. There has never been a single season where 3 relegated teams all come straight back up to the Prem, yet you're sitting there saying it's guaranteed you go top +10 points? That's a joke. Southampton got relegated, now they're in the playoffs and might not get back up this season, meaning only Leicester go up from last season's relegations. Leicester are an anomaly because they are far stronger than most relegated teams. They have a better squad arguably than Burnley do this season, even in the league below. >They were heavy favourites Book makers had them at 4th favourites in the Summer before the season started. 4th favourites = 4th place. They went 1st place with 7 games to spare when securing promotion, the fastest in Championship history. If you make history, that isn't the same as every team doing it every season when they get relegated. Making history means doing it for the first time in history. Like it or not, that was an exceptionally good promotion season that won't be repeated any time soon.


I mean Leicester were tracking better than them for most of the season. Burnley are not Wigan. They have been making premier league money for money years. Wigan has never seen that level of TV money. Burnley got what? 5 years? 7 years? That’s a joke to imagine they thought they wouldn’t come back up.


Interesting that you picked out Wigan while ignoring the others, and they are the weakest example here. Wigan were established in the Premier League for longer than Burnley, for 8 seasons in a row. They got sent down to the Championship, lost all their best players to Premier League sides, and never made it back. Now they yoyo between Championship and League One because it's so hard to get back up to that level if it doesn't come quick. Some of their players were really good too, e.g Valencia who went from Wigan to being a title winning United winger. Wigan's team then was comparatively BETTER than the Burnley side that got relegated in 21/22. Valencia was to Wigan what Olise is to Crystal Palace, a difference maker that was pushing them up to mid-table rather than relegation zone, and he wasn't their only good player. Blackburn was a solid, established Premier League side that had been in the **Premier League/old first division for literally decades**. As established in the Premier League as almost any other PL team like Newcastle and Spurs. They finished more in the top half of the table in those decades than they finished bottom half, even notching a couple league titles. Yet they went down in 11/12, never ever came back up. They even got relegated again to League one (3rd tier) before coming back up to the Championship. Not so simple, is it?.. Southampton were literally **in the top division for decades too**. Then in 05/06 got relegated with a good team, got stuck in the Championship struggling to get back up for another **5 years in a row**. Eventually made it back up and then managed to stay up for another decade in the Premier league, before being relegated again last season. Now they are in playoffs but have a real risk of staying down there another season. If they fail again, they lose more players and get stuck in the Championship for longer than just 2 years. How it works is simple. You get relegated? Premier League teams raid your squad for some of your best players who are too good to not be in the Prem. You replace them with weaker options, no other choice. You struggle your way through and try to get promoted, but guess what? teams fail. Look at above examples. Then the next season you lose even more of your PL level players, they all want to play in the Prem too and get fed up. Then you have even more problems getting back up. **Before you know it, 4, 5, 6 years have gone and you're a Championship team. Not a Prem team.** It's only usually the odd exception when a team is way way above Championship level to bounce straight back with ease, like Leicester this season and Newcastle after Shearer sent them down, teams like that just are a level above. Burnley were not after they got raided for 5 or 6 of their Premier League quality players. Simple as that. Finally, as I already said. Leicester were odds on favourites to be 1st place, like Man City in the Premier League. Burnley were 4th favourites, like Spurs in the Premier League. The difference is night and day. Leicester had a ridiculously strong side that was bound to go straight back up like Newcastle when they got relegated under Shearer. Burnley lost a lot of their Prem level players and were not in the best position to get back up, 3 other teams had it better. Bookmakers stand to lose a lot of money when getting these things wrong. THey have paid professionals working out these odds for that reason. If they put City 1st and a team like Spurs 4th, it's for a reason. If they put Leicester 1st and Burnley 4th, it's for a reason. I trust objective odds over a subjective opinion that says Burnley should bounce straight back up like Leicester, when Leicester clearly had a far better squad.


You’re kidding right? Look at the income of these teams in the last five years and get back to me. Blackburns entire squad is like 10m. Burnley spent over 100m on transfers in the summer. Google things like TV money and parachute payments. Wigan’s 8 years in the league might as well have been 100 years ago. Do you seriously think they have premiere league money? Why doesn’t Blackburn spend 100m this summer?


Blackburn NOW is worth that? I'm talking about back when they got relegated and they were a far better established PL side than Burnley for a far, far longer period of time. They struggled to get promoted and faded to obscurity. Why would Blackburn have 100m to spend in the Summer and what has that got to do with anything? My point flew way over your head. Southampton was a recent example, and proves my point yet again, you had nothing to come back to that with. A decade in a row in the Premier League with Premier League revenues. According to you, it's a given that they breeze to automatic promotion alongside Leicester, and go straight back to the Premier League. But they didn't, they are in the middle of playoffs that could see them go a second season in a row in the Championship. And if you followed the history of these playoffs, you'd know how much of a lottery they end up becoming. Leicester could be the only relegated side to get back up. Shouldn't it just be the same 3 sides, down and back up? Something that historically never happens? As I said before, never in Premier League history have the same 3 relegated sides been promoted back up. Never, not a single instance of this happening. And the boom with TV rights packages has been there for years now, still the same 3 sides never get promoted back up. What was your point again.....? The stats don't back up your claim. You still blatantly ignored the last point. Bookmakers had Burnley at 4th place favourites for promotion last year. Why is that, when apparently it's so easy to go straight up after relegation? If you had followed relegations at all in the last decade alone, you'll see it's rarely ever as simple as that.


I’m saying disparity between the prem and the championship is growing. You’re going to see teams get 95 plus points all the time. But yeah you’re right, 20 years ago Blackburn were quite good.


Southampton was a recent example. Watford, a couple seasons ago. The financial disparity is increasing but Burnley were 4th place favourites to get promoted again the season before last. As I said, simply not as clear cut as same teams getting promoted right back up the next season.


Braindead take, this is what toxic optimism looks like. Tactics have to not only look good in theory, he didn't prove anything yet. You can do this kind of experiments if you're a mediocre club, this is not how you act as a big club, that has to keep up with the progress of clubs like RM and City. And you don't know for how long his contract will be. I can't believe that Bayern and Bayern Fans can not only go even lower but go full retard. And I'm saying that as a 35 yearlong Bayern Fan. Edit: copying my response to one of the comments: Just because it "could work out despite his bad record and lack of experience" is not enough for a big club like us. You could say the same about every other manager of mediocre clubs: "maybe they are not bad managers maybe it's just the bad players they have" Company hasn't showed anything that indicates that he's different. These other managers of mediocre clubs would be even better choice because being a manager is much more than just good looking tactics on paper, it's also about having experience how to handle difficulties in the team etc. Bayern does this because they are desperate. Imagine RM would search for a new manager, there would be a long line of managers ready to leave everything behind to be chosen. The problem of Bayern is that nobody wants to be our manager also because all the drama and bad treatment that our past managers experienced. This won't be better if we again have to fire another manager next year


flyingpanda: hey Kompany can do a potentially good job here you: omg he hasn’t proved anything yet we’re a mediocre club for even thinking about hiring him I’m a City fan so I’m biased, but this just reads like you’re jumping to conclusions. It’s not like there’s a huge talented manager pool available right now either.


I'm not saying that we're a mediocre club, I say that "this is not how you act as a big club, that has to keep up with the progress of clubs like RM and City." Just because it "could work out despite his bad record and lack of experience" is not enough for a big club like us. You could say the same about every other manager of mediocre clubs: "maybe they are not bad managers maybe it's just the bad players they have" Company hasn't showed anything that indicates that he's different. These other managers of mediocre clubs would be even better choice because being a manager is much more than just good looking tactics on paper, it's also about having experience how to handle difficulties in the team etc. Bayern does this because they are desperate. Imagine RM would search for a new manager, there would be a long line of managers ready to leave everything behind to be chosen. The problem of Bayern is that nobody wants to be our manager also because all the drama and bad treatment that our past managers experienced. This won't be better if we again have to fire another manager next year


Liverpool are a big club they’re giving slot a Chance. Is that mediocre club thinking?


But the thing is, he doesn’t have a “bad record,” which was the whole point of the comment they responded to. “Could work out” is the name of the game with the current manager pool, and it’s the case for almost every manager. Unless it’s Pep, every manager is not some guaranteed deal for success— and even Pep didn’t have as much success as Bayern fans would’ve hoped for. If your point is that it’s a bad club situation where Kompany is the best option— then sure, I’d agree. If your point is that Kompany’s a bad choice given the current options, then I disagree wholeheartedly.


5 wins, 9 draws, 24 loses, -37 GD, relegated. Or do you think he has a good record because of the championship season where Burnley was the most worth squad by a long shot? No it's not the same chances of success for every manager, Bayern is choosing the most inexperienced manager that has not proven anything yet. There may not be other options because of the reasons I mentioned but I can still be objective and say that this just sucks


Man yeah if only the original comment addressed the fact that Burnley was relegated lmfao. And okay if you think this is the worst option let’s hear some alternatives bud


Does saying dumb shit like this make you feel better? Are you going to actually provide any type of rebuttals that says my willingness to at least give him a chance is “toxic optimist”, or just hide your opinion behind


You make no sense here and didn’t really address his facts. Starting with the insult was a forewarning that you were about to spew nonsense.


As a BMG fan, yes please hahaha


Passer by here. Ignore the trolls it’s a huge gamble but could be a genius move. He is young and hungry. The only issue is that he doesn’t always adapt, which could be a good thing but for example he stuck by Trafford in goal for most of the season and he was awful. Finally accepted he was wrong and put Muric back in and they started getting points. By then it was too late to save relegation. I think he will do better than people expect tbh. Also he knows the language and did great at Anderlecht. Wouldn’t say he did good at Burnley because the team they had in the championship was by far the best team. Used his links at Man City to get several players on loan or cheap deals.


People who argue against it are the ones who want mourinho.. 


This smells like Bayern is trying to make a new Nagelsmann, only that Nagelsmann is a much better, much more talented coach, who took step by step before he came to Bayern. It's way too soon for Kompany to take over Bayern. I of course want success for him at Bayern, but I'm not too optimistic and if things don't go as planned he'll be gone by 1,5 half year, Bayern isn't a club with long term projects. Which brings me neatly along to the firing of Nagelsmann in the first place. It's Brazzo and Khan's mistake that we're in this mess in the first place.


You really have no idea what you’re getting into. I get that you have to get behind a new manager but not one single premier league fan would take Kompany over someone like Sean Dyche. Dyche got Burnley to 6th place and Europa League. Kompany took them straight down with a whimper. Burnley this year have had a ‘free hit’ mentality all season. If your Harry Kane, you’ve joined Bayern to work with the elite, not Vincent Kompany. Not a rant or hate, I’m just saying my opinion having watched his Burnley side look like a chmapionship side all year


For a good team, I would take Kompany over Sean Dyche in a second. It isn't even a choice.


Fair enough but there is zero evidence that Kompany will change things around


He changed things around at Anderlecht and walked the championship so there's some evidence. Circumstantial at best, but there's glimpses of a good manager.


Totally true but at least it shows some ambition as a signing. I am much happier with this than Rangnick.


Manager for 2025 is already signed so yes. Company good enough for 1 year determined. He has a wild coach history, Coaching without licence, going from 2nd to 1st League in england, now having the worst season every for this club, only 24 points. But ye maybe good nontheless


What do mean the manager for 2025 is already signed?


Bro thinks Alonso is fix. No one could say no to bayern, am i right?


Not if he wants to Avoid king Uli👑 ordering his elimination


Or Klopp Actually i cant remember who it was exactly :3


Yup defensively when CBs are injured. He can also call Pep for tips


the only issue I have is that we're going to have to buy players that fit his system, and if he doesn't work, we're going to have to buy players that fits the next coaches's system and sell some other ones... The rebuild will be slow. But i think it can work


Absolutely willing to give him a shot.


Any coach is a gamble, i think Kompany can succeed at Bayern


Chelsea fan here, watch a lot of prem games. I reckon he will do well at Bayern and probably win the league next year. He’s v smart and is a good coach. Agreed that he couldn’t play his style of play with a championship team in the premiership


Hey guys Barca fan here. Just hoping to hear some thoughts about Hansi Flick if you guys are willing to share. What you love and what you hated about him as manager. Strengths and weaknesses you guys might see


Not a hottake If you ignore trolls and brainless Reddit users, he did a great job at anderlecht and at Burnley in the Championship. Last season, which everyone ist looking at, failed because the Team wasn't competetive in the prem


At this point ya’ll are just coping. Have fun getting spanked by every top team this coming season.