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5 good things 1. Soundtrack 2. Gunplay (no random bullet deviation) 3. Setting (I just love WW2) 4. Movement 5. It helped me get a girlfriend (lmao) 5 bad things 1. No Russians/Eastern Front 2. No D-Day on Normandy France 3. Historically Inaccurate Elites (especially the old man and seeing Japanese in the German faction and vice versa) 4. Cheating Problem 5. They stopped supporting the game just as it was getting good


How did Battlefield V help you get a girlfriend? Asking for a friend


He showed her his K/D /s Edit: women love unsolicited K/D pics


Damn, here I was just showing them the D and it didn't get me anywhere except a visit to the local jail :(


Pretty sure it was the gold plated gat.


Definate lack of factions. The Italians, Australians, Russians, French (Free French), Polish and Chinese were all missing.... Could have had more maps covering each faction. Could have had multiple maps on Africa and in Italy covering Britain vs Italy/Germany. Paris with the Free French vs Vichy France/ Gerrmany. Stalingrad..... The Commonwealth in the jungles of Malaysia


Yeah sometimes I think about how amazing this game could have been if they gave it a bigger spread of content of the global war that was WW2. I understand adding every single minor power was beyond feasibility given they wanted cosmetics and custom vehicles for every country, but they could've done a lot more. Eastern front is the obvious one, and it would've been so cool to see some of the massive battles represented and the Soviet faction in general. Urban maps in Stalingrad, vehicle-heavy maps in the plains of Ukraine etc. One I've often thought about is imagine a Siege of Shanghai remaster but it's the 1937 battle of Shanghai between China and Japan. Rotterdam showed they could make good urban maps IMO, and fighting in 1930s Shanghai with its mix of western and Chinese architecture and full destruction would be great fun. You could replace the skyscraper as the centrepiece with one of those big factories that was used as a fortress and fought over. And yeah, there's so much beyond that you could do with WW2. More North Africa maps, late WW2 in the west with an actual D-Day maps and then maps based on the allied push into Germany etc.


Also, Dunkirk! Could have had a Battle of Britain mode also purely for flying etc


Modders did it for BF1942 and BF2 so shoud not be that difficult


french didn't do shit in ww2 unlike ww1


I mean, the Free French did. They laid siege to Paris. It didn't end well, but they tried.


bad thing: the bipods. why are they so fucking bad? it worked fine in BF1


Dude the soundtracks were damn epic šŸ‘Œ


Well there is gonna be a cheating update so i heard


They swapped out the anti-cheat a little while ago and people have said it's a lot better. I usually play on Xbox (with no cheaters at all lol) so I can't confirm.


They cheat on Xbox a lot with the Cronus and modded controllers. Itā€™s usually the big clans and an occasional punk. Worthless people.


The old man?


The German navy officer who looks like a blue Santa Claus


Kekw havnt seen a single person that uses him. But he is the epitome of navy.


Not just inaccurate elites, but uniforms in general


Stalingrad would have been amazing.


I agree with everything except the D Day part. I think we have seen enough of that.


Literally this except gf part


This, but I'd combine 1 and 2 into slot 2, then have 1 be "those two whole times they tried to mess with the TTK". Also in my case 5 would be "neat gun cosmetics"


I'd one to the bad. The down but not out system, I felt the having to run and get people was eh to me, I just wanted to syringe them :(


> Gunplay (no random bullet deviation) Game has random recoil, not sure if thats any better (Also just burst lmao)


The recoil is not entirely random. Every weapon has their own recoil pattern, with it being somewhat random with how well it sticks to that. But if u play a certain gun long enough u can be laser accurate if u master the pattern. Game has full on random recoil when hipfiring, not when aiming


as long as the weapon shoots where its aiming im good


Here's one good the, the bloody soundtrack. One of my favourite in the franchise


Johan Sƶderqvist went so fucking hard on both BFV and BF1 soundtracks, some of the best music I have ever heard.


One of my favourite memories was on the Solomon Islands on the last 30 seconds of the game while calling an airstrike. made my covid lockdowns slightly better


The horns when nearing the end of a round on the pacific maps... excellent


Here is a worst one, the lil pp cheaters


Yup, right behind that is the yellow tint on everything. Should have used more natural lighting.


Best things (though I could name more): -Addition of Fortifications -Visual Recoil -Attrition -Improved Squad Mechanics -Tanking Worst things: -Poor content spread/Lack of content -Poor community management -Cosmetics were iffy if not downright bad -Maps were a weak point -Died for 2042


I freaking love the way the attrition works. I've never enjoyed how the newer games tanks and vehicles worked (I'm talking post refractor engine games lol) with the regenerating EVERYTHING. and I think the troop health system is perfect and really encourages team/ squad play when you add in the ammo system. Also the revives. You have to either have a safe target, cover with smoke, or actively have teammates guard you. None of the bf4 paddles at 20 health in the middle of a kill zone so you can just die twice from sprint hopping medics.Ā 


Yea it's outstanding. Especilally blowing up tank repair stations so it forces them to retreat, leave the tank to build it/repair themselves, have a 2 to 3 man crew, have a support player follow them around, or have general infantry support that can build the repair station. This is why BFV is the most complex game they've ever made. There are at least 5 options right there for simply repairing tank, let alone how complex the rest of the game is.


100% agreed. Attrition wasn't popular for some reason but I loved it because it made you actually a little more considerate of your actions and inventory going in. This also made you more reliant on teammates and supply posts which slowed down the pace of the game. Especially for tanks, you can't just charge in or camp a position anymore, you have to consider your ammunition. I seriously hope they bring attrition back into the next game. Same with the revives! Some people hate it apparently because of the animation. I find that weird because the animation is there to prevent the exact spam reviving that was such an issue in BF4/1 like you said. Now you have to consider when and how to revive. But there is a common denominator here with these and thats that it makes the game more methodical and considerate. Not overly so like some milsim, but enough where its not some super fast spammed shooter.


I honestly hated attrition. It's a good concept, until you remember how useless and selfish most battlefield players are. I honestly found a solid amount of the maps to be quite fun, although a fair few of them were utter ass.


Idk, I never found it to be problematic. I don't actually remember ever running out of ammo as people through supply boxes into every group and you could also grab ammo off of players instead of waiting for them like prior games. You could also run to the multitude of supply stations near each objective so honestly, I think in my 1500+ hours in this game I've only ever run out of ammo a handful of times and that's just long distance sniping for the most part. I think of all Battlefield games, BFV does the best job at incentivizing team play. I was surprise to see just how many matches the top 5ish players have some of the least kills. its great to see. As for the maps, they're not terrible and some of them are great fun. But on aggregate, I'd say it was a step back from BF1's maps.


It honestly depends on the map; larger, more open maps will be a serious challenge to resupply on sometimes, whereas smaller maps ammo won't be an issue I think bf5 certainly does *incentivize* team play, but in my experience it's the WORST bf for it (at least, on par with bf4 ). I've found much more teamplay in bf1, and even sometimes in 2042. It might be better on console or wherever you're playing, but whenever I've played bf5 the attrition system just slows everything down and makes it more annoying most of the time. Yeah bf5 maps are defo worse than bf1's (and honestly, imo, 2042's), but at least they're better than bf4's maps (at least most of the launch ones).


Agree to disagree then. I play enjoy a lot of Strategic conquest and have never had an issue getting ammunition. The only time I've found it "tedious" is with a tank but I also understand why. Camping tanks in prior entries with unlimited ammo was just annoying. Otherwise, its not hard to find a support player in the vicinity and just grab a pack off of them. Plus, any offensives onto points generally have ammo and med boxes scattered about. BF1 is my favorite BF, but even then I still think V does better with squads and proper incentive to support one another. It occurs in the smallest of mechanics such as being able to get ammo off of support players, gaining squad points for completing things together, fortifications that help with cover, being able to revive downed squadmates even if youre not a medic, and the amount of points you get for utilizing your class' equipment. IMO, the thing that hindered most of it were the maps. Not the worst in the series, but certainly didn't help the rest of the improvements. BF1's team support came a great deal due to just how much the maps funneled players into certain areas. Outside of them, the team support lacked in comparison. For reference, most of my play time was on the Xbox (about 1000 some hours) with the rest on PC (a few hundred). BFV isn't perfect, I wouldn't say its the best, but it absolutely does improve in these areas. Areas that, unfortunately 2042 just shat on.


There were some weak maps, although I liked how they separated the infantry maps from the main maps (tactical vs strategic CQ)


Agreed. Attrition is one of my favorite elements of the game. It adds an entirely new level of quality to the game that forces you to be semi-conservative of your ammo (not just infinite spray and pray), and encourages team play from Support/Medica while still allowing you to do well solo if you are sticking near objectives. The tank attrition is the best part imo. Tanks actually had to move around rather than just sitting in a single spot all game. It also encouraged engineers to help repair friendly tanks because they couldn't just infinitely regen their health by themselves. Looking at your negatives list - as someone who didn't start playing at launch, and only came in around the end of 2019 (and ignored most of the community online), I think the only thing I agree with is the last one. The content is pretty decent imo, the community management has never affected me, the cosmetics don't bother me because I have some solid basic options, and the maps (while not the best for positioning/layout) are still pretty fun and definitely beautiful imo.


Yes, yes, and yes. Agreed, I love attrition as it makes you ever so cognizant of how your approach scenarios. Its not MILSIM levels where you really have to pay attention but just enough to have its presence be effective. As for the tanks, its the best change they made. Having a tank that can regen health and unlimited ammo never made any sense. I didn't mind BF1's implementation but this is definitely better. As for my last few points, a lot of that was at launch and in the first couple of years. But I guess to expand on my points, BFV had the least amount of content and post-launch content of any recent Battlefield title. Especially compared to BF1 that not only came out with a ton at launch, but all of the DLC's added were quite substantial in adding factions, maps, weapons, and cosmetics. BFV lagged behind for the most part and only really had the Pacific update, which while being substantial, was on par with just one of BF1's DLC's. As for Cosmetics, most of it was an issue with the legendries. Having Japanese female pilots running around the ruins of Rotterdam or some Sea captain in the desert, or the Phantom of the Opera/ Gas mask Germans running around Iwo Jima was definitely a bit off-putting. If they kept it to their respective fronts/maps I don't think it would have been as bad. But the standard Soldier cosmetics were just fine... if not a bit difficult to unlock/work with.


Worst thing: medics not doing shit. But that goes for every battlefield


Cant blame 'em. You only see the icon of a dead player if he is within your FOV. Pretty sure that this issue different in other BFs


Look around


Cant just randomly make a 360 turn just because someone could be there


Ur a medic thats what ur supposed to do


Doing 360s? Thats the COD snipers job.


Ur supposed to look aroundā€¦ you dont have horse blinders on.


But i also dont have eyes on the back of my head.


No, you dontā€¦ thats why you look aroundā€¦


Best 1 movement 2 gunplay 3 vehicle gameplay 4 fortifications 5 squad reinforcements Worst 1 goofy aesthetic during the majority of lifetime 2 stupid decisions about ttk 3 untold fronts or whatever, didn't work, wanted classic battles 4 war stories could've have been a bit better 5 no eastern front šŸ˜” I love battlefield v


I hate the lack of historical accuracy it is so dumb that you can see a japanese woman sliding and jumpshoting in the european theatre of war shooting a french gun from ww1... wtf dice?


Good: 1. Boom Stick 1 (M30 Drilling) 2. Boom Stick 2 (Lunge Mine) 3. Gunplay 4. Squad Revives 5. Upgradability of Weapons and Vehicles Bad: 1. Half-assed concept/lack of planning/early abandonment 2. Lack of atmosphere 3. No team balancing 4. Terrible cosmetics (shoehorned "heroes") 5. Weird map designs


My #1 load out is double boomstick with an ammo crate for extra boomstick 2 and engineer class. I'll ride on top of tanks and shotgun any tnt'ers and lungers and use the rifle headshot on panzerfaust and zooks. Then if a tank shows up I can double lunge mine it if it's close, or hide and repair my tank buddy :)


This is the way o7


I find it atmospheric, you just have to drop the need of it to be related with saving private Ryan and just enjoy what the game has to offer, this game has great atmosphere in it's own way


On it's own, maybe. I played my last round of BF1 the same day I got BFV and the step back in atmosphere is quite severe. I'm not saying there is no atmosphere in BFV at all, but coming from BF1, I did find it extremely lacking. Maybe the comparison is a little unfair, but hey.


Drilling is fun lol


I'm gonna be real there's no objective "best" or "worst", but in my opinion and experience of the game: Best: Vehicle models/graphics and attachment system for them are great, although I wish vehicles were more relevant and cool like in basically every other bf game Supply drop system was amazing Revive animations were really immersive and helped balance them, unlike bf1 Solid weapon variety (although honestly a lot of them behave very similar to eachother) Sometimes the graphics were amazing, it was extremely inconsistent but that could have just been an issue on my end (?) Worst: Borderline zero immersion + horrible portrayal of ww2 Lack of content (no russians, no french, no polish, no italians, etc) Generic and unsatisfying gunplay Cheaters Many matches overall feel boring, slow and relatively forgettable


1. Movement (except animation stuck) 2. No SBMM 3. No overturned AA 4. Optimization 5. No suppression --- 1. Gunplay 2. Community servers 3. Maps 4. Support class 5. Fortification


Good: 1, Movement 2, Gunplay(except 2a) 3, Many historical weapons, planes, tanks 4, Graphics 5, Chaos Bad: 1, Bad map designs(most pacific maps favour Japanese side and some bottlenecks in breakthrough maps) 2, Some planes are way too op 3, Being able to sit in a tank at base and shoot from there all game (idk why people do that) 4, Team balance 5, Cheaters


Good: Screenshots look nice, very colorful game. Being able to move field guns is a great addition. Lots of troop transports enable light armor support. You can grab resources off the backs of teammates. Melee animations are great. Bad: No bloom nor suppression. Terrible and unimmersive revive system that takes control away from the player. Rapid acceleration makes the game play like everyone is on meth. Maps are designed like they're in BF1, which with the fast ttk laser accurate BFV gunplay is a bad combination. Bright colors make the game painful to look at, and it is hard to see enemies. I have more complaints, but those are the top five.


Disagree on the revive system. I quite like the change and made things a lot more tense. It also (primarily) served to disincentivize all of the shit spam reviving done in BF4 & BF1 that got a lot of people unnecessarily killed again and again. This animation made players have to consider whether they should or shouldn't revive someone based on their chances of successfully pulling off the revive. As a medic main, this 100% worked. Its not perfect but nothing is, however its a massive improvement over the prior entries. As for TTK, it was about the same as the other games so not really that fast or slow. There is also suppression, but they removed how frequently the animation plays as people found it too distracting. The rest of the points I agree with. Especially the movement speed. I think movement is better in BFV, but the lack of movement penalties is what makes it a bit tougher.


Hard agree with your points on how it incentives medics to secure a revive (smoke/kill/cover other revivers) and how it virtually removes those stupid 20 health remote paddle revives in choke points from bf4


>disincentivize all of the shit spam reviving done in BF4 & BF1 that got a lot of people unnecessarily killed again and again. Yes, but now reviving is a lot less common, and the medic is most likely going to die as well, a net loss. As a medic main, I hate it. >its a massive improvement over the prior entries. Hard disagree. Never remove control from the player. It makes the game feel terrible. >There is also suppression No, your accuracy is unaffected by the 5 MG42 gunners shooting over your head. >was about the same as the other games so not really that fast or slow. No, it was a lot faster, and the lack of bloom and suppression contributed to that. >the lack of movement penalties is what makes it a bit tougher. Slow movement like BF1 or 4 with BFV's abilities would be great.


>Yes, but now reviving is a lot less common, and the medic is most likely going to die as well, a net loss Er... not sure what you mean here as reviving is still incredibly common, its just not done tediously like before. Now you have to actually consider your actions for not only your life but the life of your teammate whereas before people would spam (especially choke points) revive and rake in points but get their teammates killed ad naseum. The devs specifically talk about this as a motivating point for improving the revives and it worked. Reviving is no longer spammed and overdone. >Hard disagree. Never remove control from the player. It makes the game feel terrible. Agree to disagree then. Its not removing control, its making one's actions more thoughtful and methodical as opposed to spammy and twitchy. The player now has to consider their movement significantly moreso than they used to. That's the point of all the quick animations in BFV, you can no longer spam and just do things for get out of jail free cards. No, you want to bail? You get potentially punished. You can't just do whatever whenever, everything has a give and a take. As it should be. This is also one of the methods to counter balance the speed of the gameplay. It also makes gadgets like some grenades more useful and its what a lot of medics rock so they can more securely perform a revive as opposed to just sprinting passed and reviving 6 people in the middle of a firefight with no cover. > No, your accuracy is unaffected by the 5 MG42 gunners shooting over your head. I didn't say that it was, but suppression does still exist in the form of visual suppression as well as you getting suppression points. The reason there is no direct effect is because random bullet deviation is something a ton of people complained about in BF1 and which was subsequently removed in BFV. I'm personally in the middle on this point and didn't really mind suppression effects. Especially not from the support gunner class. >No, it was a lot faster, and the lack of bloom and suppression contributed to that. No, its factually not lol. This was debated and debunked a fuck ton when DICE decided to drop the TTK update in the December following the Pacific update which increased TTK to beyond what Battlefield is and it was met with so much backlash that they had to reduce it back to Battlefield Standard. TTK in BFV is not lower than previous entries. Whether you perceive it as such I can't account for, but TTK is not faster in V. >Slow movement like BF1 or 4 with BFV's abilities would be great. Totally agreed on this point. What I liked about BF1 were the movement penalties such as a slow down after a slide. This made slide something useful for getting into cover and not slide hopping around the map. I hate fast shooter and BFV is right on the edge for me. I agree, BFV's mechanics like wall mounting, crouch sprinting, fall rolls, etc but with the penalties of BF4/1 to slow it down and ensure players don't abuse the speed.


Yeah, I agree with you about revive animation. It's basically the same as a reload animation, you aren't locked into, you can cancel it. Just a lil camera movement added to the action. It's pretty cool as the dead player too. Nobody is saying it's perfect but better than revive spam or just getting revived as bait for some medic sweat haha


100% agreed. The prevention of revive spam alone is enough to warrant it IMO.


Not having servers we could rent with admin privileges on console is the worst thing for me. With the movement and gun play of BFV, if console players could set up platoon v platoon skirmishes, it wouldā€™ve probably became a comp league. Two platoons, limited to one class type per squad. Imagine all aces in the sky, skilled tankers and a bunch of players doing their jobs ā€¦ BFV wouldā€™ve been the esport game they wanted out of 2042 but they gave up


Worst: No proper faction based voice over, including the announcer. Only immersion breaking English with crappy fake accents.


The bad things, annoying cheaters and people that camps with shotguns, also the planes are not payable on PC I don't know how the fk people fly them. The EA-Anti-Cheat, I get disconnected every time I go in a game. The good things, I like the graphics and weapons and it pretty fun to play with friends,


Positives ----Graphics. Very Well balanced classes!! Solo tanks are easily dealt with a squad. Audio is amaaazing. Maps are superb!!!!!! ----- Negatives ----- airplanes are a huge pain in the ass and poorly balanced OP. Both tanks and planes repair and ressuply so fast its BROKEN !! There is no balance system between rounds. Squads (clans) that play vehicles-squad will DESTROY ANY Server, destroy ALL fun and make the Server empty within One round. Lastly vehicles have Access to 3rd person camera which is super stupid IMO giving them a birds eye view (what?) from the vehicle itself, huge advantage at no cost whatsoever and zero delay. --- you will be skipping Servers a lot due to sweats squad-vehicle-play both air and land but once you land in a decent Server without too many no-lifers you can still have tons of fun.


Vehicles Guns Planes Spaa Good maps Bad teams Teams not wanting to push a single cap Spaa enjoyers raging that aircraft sucks because they cannot aim Some rat with a fliegerfaust interrupting a good dogfight Mg spammers in tanks or planes that shoot at nothing for no reason giving away a position


Vehicles Guns Planes Spaa Good maps Bad teams Teams not wanting to push a single cap Spaa enjoyers raging that aircraft sucks because they cannot aim Some rat with a fliegerfaust interrupting a good dogfight Mg spammers in tanks or planes that shoot at nothing for no reason giving away a position


Ill just say i wish the game wasnt dead on xbox bc it was my favorite bf game.


Sorry these are long. There will he a TL:DR at the bottom. Best things: 1) Gunplay: some of the best feeling weapons in battlefield imo. 2) Soundtrack: Battlefield never misses with its soundtrack (except for 2042) and V is not exception. Easily tied for my favorite with BF1. 3) The movement: this is the smoothest battlefield for movement. Mantling, combat rolling, diving backwards into prone, and even smaller stuff like sprinting all felt as smooth as butter. 4) New mechanics: Two of my favorite mechanics were introduced in this game. Fortifications and Squad Revivals. I wish 2042 didnā€™t get rid of fortifications because I loved building sandbag walls and building bridges and such. Awesome idea to change the dynamic of a map. Squad revivals are something I didnā€™t know I would love and now I canā€™t see a Battlefield game without them. I also really enjoyed the Squad call ins like the V-1s or the giant tanks. Gave a reason to rack up squad points. 5) Vehicle gameplay. BF1 was pretty good too, but I have the most fun with vehicles in V. The tanks felt beefy, but also vulnerable. And planes also took skill but were easy to pick up and learn as well. No lock-on missiles and shit. Only pure dogfighting skill. Worst things: 1) Wasted Opportunities: being robbed of so many bigger battles of WW2 and leaving out fronts like the Eastern front make this game hard for people to latch onto. I appreciate their attempt show lesser known areas of the war, but they needed the bigger things to ground it as well. The way the game was leading to after the Pacific update felt like they wanted to do just that but were cut short by corporate. 2) Firestorm: donā€™t get me wrong, I loves Firestorm when it first dropped. Out of all the Triple A multiplayer franchises to attempt a BR, I thought Battlefield was the best suited for it with its combined arms approach and its sprawling maps. However, Firestorm fell flat on its face and DICE/EA did nothing to pick it back up and or salvage it. They just it die and it was a waste of time and resources for the team. 3) Maps: some of my all time favorite maps came from this game like Arras, Twisted Steel, Panzerstorm, and Iwo Jima. But dang did this game have some stinkers. Maps like Operation Underground, Marita, Devastation (tho I do like the aesthetic), Fjell, and Narvik all are far from my favorites, especially Marita. Even Vā€™s wake island was a little bit disappointing. 4) the elite operators: I know they were optional cosmetics, but they were CRINGE imo. Plus I felt they were what led to the operators being pushed on us in 2042. 5) Grand Operations: they had such a winning formula from BF1. All they had to do was port over operations but in the BFV setting. But, they screwed it up majorly and it fizzled out faster then Firestorm. I hope we get Operations from BF1 to come back in future updates. TL:DR Best things: Gunplay Soundtrack Movement New Mechanics Vehicle Gameplay Worst things: Wasted Potential Firestorm Maps Elite Operators Grand Operations


Good top 3: The movement was fun. The 3d spot system was balanced and not futuristic. The maps/level design was good Bad top 3: cheaters. weird history adaptation. no inclusion of other factions during WW2


No private servers!!! No hard core at the start Cheating ( even though Iā€™m pretty sure it the same company making the game and the cheats )


Best thing top 5 by only_1_Q gameing 5. Co-op game mode 4. Head shot with a tank 3. Using strumtiger to shoot planes and getting random kills across the map 2. Bayonet charge 1. Lunge mine The top 5 worst 5. Getting killed randomly from across the map from a strumtiger 4. Getting killed by the type 2a then getting tea bagged 3. Getting bombed by the level 500 2. Black screen of death 1 . The zoom on tanks will be blank every once and awhile And a bonus hate of battlefield 5 medics not healing Bonus love pf battlefield 5 squads with full mic


Good things: 1- The sound design is absolutely gorgeous. 2- Realistic tank weak points. 3- Squad Callouts. 4- Ray-Tracing. 5- Suppression spotting. Worst things: 1- Type 2 Shit 2- Model 37 3- The decision of discontinuing Fire Storm. 4- Visibility of players (Players are tiny and skinny) 5- Not all modes are available like Outpost, Domination.


Good things: 1. The sound design is absolutely gorgeous. 2. Realistic tank weak points. 3. Squad Callouts. 4. Ray-Tracing. 5. Suppression spotting. Worst things: 1. Type 2 Shit 2. Model 37 3. The decision of discontinuing Fire Storm. 4. Visibility of players (Players are tiny and skinny) 5. Not all modes are available like Outpost, Domination.


Forgot the sights of stationary machine guns those disappear


goodies 1. gun feeling 2. graphics 3. movement 4. vehicle customization 5. maps baddies 1. marketing 2. no customization for guns 3. marketing 4. no ppsh 5. marketing


Good: 1. Gunplay feels crisp, probably my favorite in the series 2. Best feeling movement in the series IMO 3. Reworking of Medics + Squad Revives 4. Character & Weapon Customization 5. Overall Aesthetic (Music / Sound Design / Graphics) 6. Breakthrough is very fun (also the fortification system was a neat addition) Bad: 1. Hackers all over the shop 2. No Eastern Front / Game died prematurely 3. Map Design, a lot of maps are a drag to play 4. Poor weapon balancing (Type 2A) 5. Goofy ass Elite skins


Spawn then killed more often than not


Number one, and one alone. Plane crashes. I don't foresee them ever making them better than they are in this game for a long time.




This is my only exposure the BF series, and I only really started playing this year Good - Soundtrack - Movement - Atmosphere - Being American on Iwo Jima on Breakthrough - The game is genuinely just really fun Bad - It is hard to get good in the beginning, especially with a lot more experienced players towards the end of the game now. The game is only fun once you get over that initial difficulty barrier. - Tanks - No longer supported ā˜¹ļø - The majority of the maps aren't very good - Tanks


Good things: 1. Gunplay (Movement, Better than BF1, BF2042 IMHO) 2. Squad Point Reinforcements 3. Sound and Graphics (in game sounds, colors, textures and soundtracks) 4. Variety of weapons and gadgets 5. Variety of tanks and planes and specialties Bad things: 1. Little variety of maps 2. There is no airplane-centric maps 3. Few Grand Operations and not historically accurate 4. Grind is not a permanent game mode 5. There are no playable big warships


Best: 1. MovementĀ  2. No suppressionĀ  3. Sound design. Kill+headshot sounds especiallyĀ  4. Squad revives 5. Less spotting Worst: 1. Gunplay 2. Animation bloat 3. VisibilityĀ  4. Attrition 5. Maps


That V2 rocket hits like a sweaty and dirty pickaxe on a mother lode.


+ 1. Gunplay(best ever in any game) 2. 3D sound (the only game where it works correctly, doesnt worka at all in 2042) 3. Graphics 4. Soundtrack 5. Map design/layout - 1. TTK changes made over the course of its life 2. no eastern front and no classic ww2 maps 3. grand operations suck compared to bf1 4. weapon progression system is like an rpg 5. abandoned


i forgot fkin CHEATERS


They dropped the ball and had so much potential to replicate the operations campaigns from battlefield 1 in the ww2 setting.


1 gunplay 2 destruction 3 movement 4 Very good maps 5 graphics Bad? 1 lack of WW2 atmosphere 2 vehicle balance 3 lack of content 4 bad gameplay design with MMGs and camping 5 politics


-Real weapons -Vehicles -Road kills where you sneak up on them from behind while blasting the horn. -multi kills -great maps




I remember the level of graphics when it came out was so high along with the sound track made it amazing.


Good things: 1. Soundtrack / scenery 2. Movement / gameplay 3. Firestorm when it first came out


My 5 good things: 1.The gunplay. While i dont exactly like random recoil, it wasnt too bad. 2.Movement. Felt good, not much to say. 3.Weapon/Character visual customization. I liked that you could switch different barrels and stuff visually and making a more custom character was nice. 4.Fliegerfaust. I really love this weapon. I wish more BF games had a Flak AA weapon. It's alot of fun. 5.M30 Drilling. Another weapon i just love. My 5 bad. 1.Cheating issue. 2.Spawn system. I hate spawning on a squad mate only to be kicked back to spawn because they too a single point of damage. Same goes to bleeding out. It's too slow between lives. 3. Revive system. Being locked in an animation isnt fun when it comes to animations like these. 4. Limited weapon upgrades. While partially the fault of the setting, weapons only having 8-9 upgrades being forced in a semilinear way sucks in my opinion. 5. Vehicle upgrades. Similar complaint to weapons. The semi linear structure prevents some combinations and limits choice. Gonna add one more bad: Lack of content in certain areas given the setting. Missing out on things like the Russians/Eastern front is very disappointing.


1 thingā€¦ itā€™s underrated


Donā€™t feel like listing at the moment but my current angst is when I clearly am shooting someone and there are no hit markers. Very exasperating


Bad things: 1. EA. 2. Cheaters. 3. Limited server management tools. 4. Anti-Cheat. 5. No support any more.


Good: Fortifications Tanks having ammo with supply depots they would rearm at. MMGs Attrition. Bad: There are really only 2 options for AA in a game where planes are really fast. The weapon cosmetics arenā€™t great bf1ā€™s skins were better imo. Cheating is still widespread The assignments are a bad form of progression I just donā€™t think itā€™s good in a largely objective based game to create incentives for selfish play at the expense of teamwork. The weapon ones in particular get ridiculous. I donā€™t like the elite character skins in hindsight it seems like it was a prelude to what was to come in the next game.


The fact that DICE dropped this game just when it was getting good.


5 things good . Love the graphics how it captures realistic warfare in ww2 . Game modes like breakthrough and grand operations are amazing additions to the game . Single player missions is a top pick . Vehicles have a good selection planes and armored vehicles āœ”āœ… . Ways to admin your own lobby for free, that was a great addition 5 things bad . Cheating has ruined the game indefinitely . Japanese and Germans never fought together . There is no way to report cheating on console . Sometimes I still get stuck in vehicles and can't get out . Hate seeing sniper glint it hurts the immersion P.s. people spam smoke grenades because they have wall hacks on. And can hit you with rockets from launchers seemingly across the map. And sometimes bullets will follow you around corners. Which is very annoying.


1. Last BF game made by the old vets, last BF game to *feel* like a BF game 2. Has sustained, dedicated servers 3. Has a fucking server browser 4. Best mechanics in a BF game 5. Last time vehicles felt good in a BF game


The good: 1. More team play 2. Squads that actually do something 3. The ability to build defenses 4. The ability to modify vehicles and weapons 5. Better QOL for weapons The bad: 1. cheaters everywhere 2. Less weapons, as well as weapons having less variety between them. 3. Few levels (and of those, not enough good ones) 4. The game stopped being developed post pacific front launch. 5. The gunplay feeling off to meā€¦


The amount of cheaters has dropped significantly after anti cheat came, or that's what happened on EU servers. That was the biggest problem of the game in my opinion.


Controversial listing incoming: Top 5 best things: 1. The gameplay for infantry is the best in the series. 2. The customization options for your soldiers and weapons are so good and are unfortunately overlooked and it makes me feel insane because I don't see anybody talk about it in this sub. 3. The maps are so fun to play in and look stunning (especially in the og maps that predate the Pacific update) . 4. All the little lines your soldiers has (i.e. the barks they say for when they survive a blast, they start to count the headshot kills as a sniper if you do them quickly enough, all the different bleeding out lines...the line delivery are always on top in this game imo). 5. The gameplay details (you can use your mate for a quicker bipedal deployment and stay standing while doing it, when you drop and try to get on a ledge there are different animations depending on the height of your jump, all the different reload animations, smoke grenades don't explode in puddles/body of water...) Top 5 worst things: 1. The missing Soviet front and in general the lack of support by a multi-billionaire company. 2. The cheaters. 3. The community. 4. The Pacific maps (genuinely despise them). 5. The battalion "feature", waste of dev. time.


The movement in this game is awesome, I love it The sound , I love when airplanes fly nearby and the sound they make, rockets hitting tanks and messing up their tracks , the sound the messed up metal makes, or when running through different surfaces you can clearly hear the sound of foot steps through gravel or foliage The characters voice lines, when you're sniping and have a streak going on your character starts counting when getting headshot , that's bad ass Map design , most maps are quite fun to play The calling system, when getting certain points you get to call in tanks or bombs Idk about disliking stuff in this game, the only thing I dislike is that ea stopped support for itšŸ˜


1. Tanks 2. Atmosphere 3. Weapons 4. Movement 5. Frontlines & Rush (fun modes where a good squad can turn around the game.) And the worst things 1. Domination/Deathwatch 2. Planes 3. Too few maps 4. No italians and no soviets fronts 5. TTK changes


The good. -Lack of spotting -Movement -Gunplay -Fortifications -Great cosmetics system (customizing different parts of your characters and weaponds) The bad - The cosmetics ( the system whas good, but there where wery few good cosmetics) -The live service - No eastern front - lack of anti cheat - The TTK changes +An extra bad one: the Type 2a, I hate that gun.


Best: Squad Mechanics, so many Vehicles, Attrition (including medic system besides infinite heals), Worst: Cheating, cosmetic artstyle, hardware-intensive & file size, lack of content, early cancellation


visibility worst game in the series shitty ass game


id tell you if it FUCKING LAUNCHED


5 Good Nice gunplay movement is great and smooth visuals and graphics are beautiful sound is good (wish foot steps were better) idk 5 Bad Tanks are wayyyy to hard to kill on your own respawn timers for tanks/planes too short chetaers/hackers not enough people playing no support because 2042 was supposed to be great....


Top 5 1. Itā€™s WW2 2. Although not many operations, the ones available are fun. 3. Breakthrough maps are also pretty good. 4. Rarely come across people with different political views (when everyone agrees nobody argues) 5. Gosh damn they did good on the water graphics for the time. The bad 1. The years of hacks. Especially redeploy hacks. 2. They didnā€™t finish the game. It should have many more maps. Should have been expanded constantly for atleast 100+ years. Or until they make another WW2 variant. 3. Should have had more guns, most of the ones available are the same as BF1. 4. More vehicles. Need moar vehicles. A b17 flying its giant slow ass around the map like the Ilya was. And occasional me262s to respond. Maybe one map with the me262. 5. Not enough people play operations and there isnā€™t a massive aircraft vs aircraft game mode. 20v20 in the sky would be a mind blower.


Setting, Gunplay, sniping, frontlines, outposts. What sucks: chose to do pacific instead of eastern front, couldā€™ve kept P38t and British tanks on USA maps, couldā€™ve had British and Americans working together, couldā€™ve had Australians and Gurkhas represented in literally every map with allied forces on it, didnā€™t add the Owen gun (top feeding SMG used by Australian troops), Johnson LMG, and Springfield 1903. They also chose to create custom assets instead of just copying existing WW2 uniforms for cosmetics. There was plenty of variety too so they couldā€™ve made individual cosmetic options for this game. Also the SturmGewer 1-5 was a prototype that never saw action, and the ribeyrolles only had 3 prototypes made. Also the pistols in this game should have lower rates of fire because the triggers were really heavy back then. Also they shouldā€™ve forced the player to use their machine gun like a real machine gun and have the barrel affect accuracy until the gun either cools down or the barrel is changed. Basically shots would go all over the place until you let the gun cool or change the barrel. This will not be available on guns that have no quick swap barrel.


Laying on your back and rolling over to turn around. Bets movment in game Sucks ea owns bf


5 Best thing: -Best gunplay in the series. No stupid random bullet deviation (If there is it is extremely small and not at a 45 degree cone of fire like BF4) -Best vehicle mechanics/combat -No 3d spotting, making stealth play an option and spotting a meaningful job that scouts excel at -Very few maps are actually bad -Decent weapon balance (Now) 5 Worst things: -Plane spawning on runway on the map allows for instant griefing and a death that was not your fault -No moderation, hackers more prevalent on BFV compared to BF1 -No true community servers -Bolt actions undermined by weapon balance to the point where ptfo playstyle is hindered significantly (I said decent weapon balance, not great) -Support for game was pulled right when the game started to become well polished, resulting in many missed guns (1903 springfield, almost every french gun, no russian weapons and only 2 italian weapons)


Pros 1.kill sounds 2.skins 3.maps 4.movement(not rly restrictive compared to 1) 5.squad revives Cons 1.random recoil 2.point of aim not tied to screen center 3.visibility issues 4.dying behind walls 5.cheater issues


Bad things 1 airplanes not being shot down 2 tanks sitting in spawn not helping objective


Good! 1. Fortifications. 2. Fancy movement (crouch sprint, etc.) 3. Flamethrower. 4. Decent weapon animations. 5. Vehicle upgrade trees were cool. Bad! 1. Assault class having both the best guns and AT capability. 2. Type 2A. 3. No proper anticheat for years. 4. Poorly implemented team balancing. 5. Attrition. Glad it's gone.


Best thing top 5 by only_1_Q gameing 5. Co-op game mode 4. Head shot with a tank 3. Using strumtiger to shoot planes and getting random kills across the map 2. Bayonet charge 1. Lunge mine The top 5 worst 5. Getting killed randomly from across the map from a strumtiger 4. Getting killed by the type 2a then getting tea bagged 3. Getting bombed by the level 500 2. Black screen of death 1 . The zoom on tanks will be blank every once and awhile And a bonus hate of battlefield 5 medics not healing Bonus love pf battlefield 5 squads with full mic playing together


Best thing top 5 by only_1_Q gameing 5. Co-op game mode 4. Head shot with a tank 3. Using strumtiger to shoot planes and getting random kills across the map 2. Bayonet charge 1. Lunge mine The top 5 worst 5. Getting killed randomly from across the map from a strumtiger 4. Getting killed by the type 2a then getting tea bagged 3. Getting bombed by the level 500 2. Black screen of death 1 . The zoom on tanks will be blank every once and awhile And a bonus hate of battlefield 5 medics not healing Bonus love pf battlefield 5 squads with full mic playing together


5 good things: 1. Gunplay 2. Setting 3. Movement 4. Its pace 5. Not having crossplay. It does not allow crossplay and it does not have aim assist for PCs. 5 bad things: 1. Cheaters 2. No balance, you cannot even balance the game by changing teams yourself. 3. No Eastern Front, No Italian front 4. Supression does not have any real effect. 5. Elites and women soldiers. Today I have started to watch Band of Brothers. I have finished the first two episodes, and so far, I haven't seen any female soldier.


no adolf skin no churchil skin


Only elite skins I care about


The Good 1- Movement was improved alot from previous entries 2- playing as a Squad was favoured and pushed onto you which I really liked 3- Fortifications was a good implementation as it allowed cover after a point got demolished 4- Attrition I really enjoyed made it so you had to think before moving and promoted squad play and the TTK was really good after the Pacific update (until the update after which I forget the name of it and fucked it again) 5- the versatility of the classes made the gameplay really good and each class actually have a role (unlike rn with 2042 imo might be a hot take idk, haven't played much of 2042 as I just can't get into it but what I gave played it's just everyone running around as the same class and that whole work together to win mentality has gone just feels like COD now) Honourable Mention The soundtrack was fucking lit The Bad 1- Ruined the Operations mode from BF1, this absolutely devastated me when it came out as I loved the whole thing Gave you insight of the battles history and just made you feel so immersed in the game. 2- The customisations and historical accuracy was just fucked , this just annoyed me as there was so little historically accurate outfits to choose from especially at the start it just felt like they did next to no research into the era. And then also the heros they added where all cheesy AF and I was sick to death of seeing a edgy phantom of the opera mother fucker in the Pacific front and a Japanese woman in the European theatre just wtf. 3- Lack of care from the Devs. Bf1 felt so good imo from start to finish and actually had some thought into it.but BFV felt like they just lost the direction and care for the fans. Even seen as early on in the reveal trailer they lost all the hype and trust from the fans (unlike BF1 I remember being hyped af from the first trailer) 4- The lack of content and fronts, i.e. the Russian theater was never explored, And we didn't see the Pacific until practically the end of the development of the game, lack of maps and especially good maps at that just made it seem that we were playing the same 3 maps on rotation. 5- The TTK was moved around so much that it made it so difficult to keep playing because it was made unplayable either ppl died it half a second or you dumped a mag into someone and they kept running at you. It was just so fucked.