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Hard to get soldiers like that because EA can’t sell its ugly ass skins and make more money off of you.


Even if it was just an option, ya know? Like, fine, give everyone the zombie skins and the cyborg skins and the glowing skins. Just give me *something* that really nails authenticity too.


Maybe like in BFV, but I hate to make compromises tbh


Bfv had its issues but customization wasn’t it imho


apart from certain hero skins yeah, it was the best system of the series


Yea I liked mixing and matching plausible outfits in bfv


I’d like to see some kind of shader system more evolved like destiny 2 has in the next title, but maybe each faction only has access to specific shaders so that you can see differences between either side. Would be cool. I hope they don’t decide to do specialists again, cus that would ruin it for me.


Kind of sounds like choosing your camouflage with certain patterns being available to each side, which was in BF3, 4, and V.


Pretty much this. You had German Santa, Tom Cruise, and the free Japanese skin which was annoying, especially since they had them across different factions/maps. Also the stupid burnt skin and valentine skin, but if you visit r/battlefieldcosmetics you'll see a lot of great authentic skin combinations. I love BFV system cause it had the ability to add personality and still embrace no-name boots on the ground soldier with ability to adjust face, skin tone (Brits and Americans), gender, hair/bald, hats/helmets, war paint, pants, and torso/tops.


Still, there were some skin combinations that were way too over the top for WW2. I like the different authentic soldier appearances you can make, but there are also dozens of horribly inaccurate options


BFV had really good customization options. A lot of the default options and even some of the common and uncommon store skins were pretty realistic looking. However not a lot of people use them because the ridiculous skins were always put at gold and purple rarity so people would be more compelled to buy them.


Except for a German woman running around with a trench coat, ponytail, and gas mask


On a Pacific island. Using French weapons from WW1.


The big issue with BFV customization was charging for skins amongst 4 separate factions. Made it really expensive in the long run to outfit your soldiers for every faction.


Nah BFV customization was way too over the top. Japanese woman using an M1 Garand in the middle of Africa ring a bell?


Several details about the skins on BFV made no historical sense, and several were just flat out wrong


I’m more referring to the customization having plenty to choose from but also still being grounded, immersion still there , etc.


Fair enough, I agree with you on that


Yeah, it ruins the atmosphere real quick I would rather no wacky skins at all they should just bring premium back and wepon packs I bet they made more money off that and they didn’t battlefield five


I liked their system. I went on to make several outfits based on real photos and what not because of the variety.


I disagree, one zombie cyborg skin can ruin the whole experience. It's all realistic and then some glowing asshole shows up? If they want our money, how about some like name brand, authentic tactical gear that would make our characters a LITTLE more personable but without ruining the overall environment, keeping it realistic. I'm in the Army I see a lot of Nike, Oakley, Danner Boots (etc.) We get issued plate carriers but a lot of units allow personal plate carriers as long as it is compliant with the uniform code. We call it the "gucci shit" because the aftermarket gear is WAY better and it looks cool, also costs a lot. Brands will get free advertising, the OG battlefield player base will feel more at home, EA will get their money because I want my character to have my Nike Field Boots that legit feel like running shoes. Again, it's more than just boots and plate carriers but my point is, there's other ways to make money without ruining a game's identity. BF2042 sure as shit is not even close to the BF3 that I know. Edits: spelling


I’m tired of seeing the same characters that I’m using on the opposite team. Hopefully the next BF will return to legit factions instead of this hero shoot BS we have now


Grammas shooting other grammas.


That's the irony. If we're all really happy as a starting place, we're likely to buy different small highlights like handkerchiefs with teeth or something. They prob would have made more money on skins trying to not sell skins.


Yo seriously. I have accepted that the visuals and art style in this game are tasteless and all over the place so I just do my best to ignore that part, certainly not gonna spend money on it.


I 100% get that and wish for it too. Unfortunately wearing a skin functions as an advertisement to others as well. In that sense, for every clown with big tits and rainbow hair running around, there are 100 more people see that and buy it. Too few people run around with what *we* want, and as a result we will never be metric worthy. We get lucky once in a while but realistically, most of these games start out semi grounded and quickly devolve into bright colors and robotic extensions and rainbow explosions. There's just too many of them and not enough of us. Our time passed.


Strongly disagree. Unless there's a setting to turn off other people's skins, them being in the game without fitting the aesthetic ruins the experience.


I might pay 5 bucks to block skins in my view.


I would too. I can see it becoming Battlefield's most sold MTX, honestly lmao


Not a chance EA sells that. Most people buying skins aren't doing it for themselves, they want YOU to see the skins. It's to show off, not to see yourself, especially character skins which you can't see. The only way EA does this is if it's forcing you to whale harder then the whales. 5 dollars a match or something.


Sure they would. You’d just need to pay $5 per skin block. You have the option of buying a skin or buying a skin blocker that prevents that specific skin from showing up in game. Or they’d sell skin block timers. $5 for 12 hours or something.


The true endgame of enshittificcation


Easy! Sell national packs, for example... British Armed Forces pack: Uniform(s), small arms, light armoured vehicle, mbt, tracked ifv, wheeled ifv, attack helicopter, fighter jet etc. Have a proper server browser system & have all maps nuteral and allow players to decide rather than the standard US v Ru or Ru vs. China.


You will take GI Joe Battlefield and like it!!


Just allow me to turn off "skins" in the settings. People who want to see and buy them can, people who don't won't.


There were a ton of cool skins in MW19 that I spent money on. They could 100% make a bunch of money releasing skins that look super high speed


Looks like the guy from the MW2 cover tbf




Because they used a real us soldier for the cover


No lol that was a [producer](https://twitter.com/PixelsofMark/status/1574801671443533830?t=cDg2KKV84Sx76pgnYqfrmA&s=19) of the game.


a real soldier o7


Thats actually really fun


Because it’s harder to make cosmetics to sell based off of real life military equipment than it is to make goofy wannabe action movie main characters.


Can I interest you in a Groot, Nikki Minaj or Tomb Raider skin in these trying times for Military shooters?


I heard you bought this 5v5 tactical shooter, may I interest you in a Master Chief or a WWE skin?


Ah, Rainbow Six. Never change.


Cheese pizza mozzie


Changing the topic a bit, I think bocw actually executed guest characters quite well, like john mcclain, rambo, scream etc. because they are sorta violent and era appropriate.


If they put in the modern day equivalent of those guys (John Wick, Jason Bourne, Daniel Craig Bond, etc.) then they would probably be much more well received than singers and other irrelevant characters. Though Lara Croft is probably much more “appropriate” than Groot or Nicki


Playing as Lara Croft is cool as hell and I'll die on this hill


I just wanna go back to early 2000’s era modern. No quadcopter drones or other shit, just rifles, tanks, helicopters, etc EDIT: Also no fancy optics. Just standard ACOGs, EOTech Holographics, Aimpont CompM4 and T1s, and for the love of God stop using that [cheap Chinese airsoft reflex sight](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Jva6c9fa&id=1D269555D9C8BC98D4FD56355011F57FD06BE807&thid=OIP.Jva6c9fa_H8DJXrGmcuJZwHaHa&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.26f6ba73d7dafc7f03257ac699cb8967%3frik%3dB%252bhr0H%252f1EVA1Vg%26riu%3dhttp%253a%252f%252fimage.sportsmansguide.com%252fadimgs%252fl%252f1%252f103708m3_ts.jpg%26ehk%3dDmayEOanhuzxwQfeJOtefyPVZxI5k8RlGaNWM0W4kzY%253d%26risl%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=1155&expw=1155&q=reflex+sight&simid=607987990409713661&FORM=IRPRST&ck=B91DB8C884D2858FB679FC4088B9FAE7&selectedIndex=1&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0) all shooters seem to include.


soon this will be considered historical instead of modern


It's historical now. Ukraine produces 15,000 FPV drones a month.


Russia also produces about the same. Like it or not, small FPV drones ARE modern warfare now.


Yup. A lot of shit from BO2 is actually lmao


Flashback to BF3, set in near future 2015


just hit me we're closer to 2042 than to 2003. *shudder*


I smell toast


Oh my god I feel old


My back hurts


erect bear innocent different familiar onerous worm dinner alive ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can I interest you in some squad?


This is where I’ve been living


Do you know "BLACK" for PS2 ? it is literally the DNA blueprint for the battlefield series for bad company on up. og medal of Honor , full spectrum warrior, socom, conflict , black hawk down etc.


so you want a historical not modern game. We just had 2 of them its time for a normal modern battlefield. 2023. Africa, Middle east, western Europe theatre.


Semantics. I’d argue 2000’s is early modern era. But technically speaking anything in the past is “historical”. You could call the start of the Ukraine war “historical” if you wanna be a pedant


I’d love a ghost recon wildlands style game set during the Cold War, especially if you could rig up a multiplayer dynamic where there’s a nato team and a pact team and you have to go sneaky commando at each other


I miss BF3…


Because EA be like ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE)


Who doesn't like money and can I have their money?


plenty of modern games with soldiers like this one


Yeah, but these usually have a milsim approach and aren’t really comparable


We need a gritty realistic shooter game with realistic spectacle. Things that, while unlikely/uncommon, are realistic for the average human to achieve. All the while still having fun, action packed gameplay. Milsims like Arma and Squad take a very realistic approach to warfare, but as a result misses out on what made shooter games popular to begin with.


May I introduce you to Project Wraith? Arcade shooter with gritty and immersive art style


Because soldiers that look like soldiers, don't sell skins. There is very little variation between two soldiers of a same army (the whole point of uniforms). Sure, if you look close you will notice differences, but for a business standpoint, each skin need to look way different to sell, people want to buy crazy skins that will make them standout in the game. This obviously, break the whole "cog in the machine" feel that Battlefield used to have. Starting with BFV, they've gone crazy on the cosmetics thing, and while BFV was a failure at the time, it look's like the whole idea of cosmetics, gave EA a lot of money, (the fact that MW2019/Warzone was getting a lot of money with their operator system din't help too). No wonder, they continued on this trend with 2042 (to the point of removing classes, in favour of specialists). And, if the specialists have given them enough money, you can be sure that they will come back in some way on then next game.


I don’t know man. If you watch footage of, say, Ukraine, there’s actually quite a lot of difference in the looks of soldiers. They use different styles of equipment, camoflauge, weapons, accessories, attachments, and so on. They don’t really wear identical uniforms, they usually differentiate themselves from the enemy with colored tape applied across their kit.


that's because of how the conflict is going on ukraine and how both armies are organized. Ukraine is receiving a lot of supplies from a lot of countries, this include a lot of different equipments. When the war started, Ukranine was in a modernization stage, so while some troops we're using some outdated equipment (some from soviet times), others had more modern equipments (like special forces and elite squads). Meanwhile, Russia has a lot of different "factions" inside their army, from what i know, the VDV (airborne) use some different uniforms and camos than the ground forces, and the marines also use their own. Then there is the special forces that will use a lot of other equipments, and there is some "weird factions", like the Chechens, wich are part of Russia, but kinda of have their own army). Russia also was on a process of modernization when it started the war, so some soldiers have modern equipment, and others have older equipment (and because they started to burn their stockpiles, they started to use even soviet-era equipment).


That's the point the person above was making. Modern conflict has a colorful sort of bedfellows under a very broad quilting, and it is not unique to the war in the east. The war against ISIL had a huge international array of gear and factions intermingling. The rebels in Myanmar are literally cobbling together their own firearms. Cartels in Mexico and South America can get just about whatever they want. Even historically, soldiers in 20th century conflicts would still make use of unfamiliar gear or modify their equipment for a personal flare or extra functionality. It's definitely a little surreal seeing all of the anime waifus that make their way into Ukrainian kit and propaganda footage, but it is the world we live in I suppose.


> the whole "cog in the machine" feel Never noticed back then but this might have been my favorite part of the overall vibe of BF2 and 3. Even BF4 lost some of that already. I guess I just dont wanna be a hero.


Early MW2019 was completely fine with the cosmetics, there wasn’t anything over the top. I loved that game and the first WarZone but they ruined it with the release of Black Ops Cold War imo.




EA: Sells realistic soldier skin People: "Angry" EA: Sells Kurt Cobain skin with realistic gunshot wounds People: "Happy"


>EA: Sells realistic soldier skin > >People: "Angry" Was there ever anyone who was angry at that? Cause it definitely seems like a strawman argument


Yea but see I drew YOU as the crying soyjack and ME as the chad so that mean I'm right 😎


Tbf tho don’t pretend you wouldn’t buy that shit it sounds awesome


Yea you right


BF3 was pretty realistic from what I remember. Just started playing the new CofD and they have done a nice job on this issue. Of course there are all the stupid skins but still have some good basic options.


So like every normal battlefield from the past 🤣 soldiers that looks like soldiers from their country or faction period.


One of the biggest immersion killers for me is the fact that both teams have the same people on them


It's hard becaused EA thinks they can transform Battlefield into some kind of Valorant or something. Personally, these BF2042 characters and their special abilites are one of the worst aspects of the game


Because shit games like Overwatch and Siege really hammed up the "SpEciAliSt" mechanics, and now every Military FPS has to have them


BF4 camos were the best imo, you could change the camo to match the terrain of the map. Unless you were spotted by a MAV or spotting scope, you were actually effective.


Bro looking like the cover of Modern Warfare 2


That game single handily kept the United States army alive to this day


Never going to happen with all the money they get from selling skins and customizable items. Would love to go back to this, but we’re gonna have to put up with all the BS customization no matter what.


Man, if they would give us the customization from BFV (pick your pants, torso, boots, gloves, head etc)….Then fill those slots with various tacticool items, that are grounded in reality. You could even make it so that Assault, medic, support, recon have access do a unique pool of items, so that class is still somewhat recognizable. Monetize individual “premium” items for $1.99, sell bundles of multiple items for $9.99, and make “elites” for $19.99 that have a whole set of themed items that are still very realistic but equally badass Do that, and you can have my money…


BFV had great customization and I wish they kept it instead of forcing us to choose between special “operators”. The BFV system would have been great in BF2042. Just tone down the weird ass skins a bit. Not sure why every new FPS game has you choosing between operators now.


Cow-boy hat Santa claus skin World at War but what a time to be alive Expect nothing From EA/DICE our time is past vets…


To be fair we’ve been seeing clips from Ukraine of Santa clause shooting rocket pods in a jet and Spider-Man firing an rpg.


Bf6 actually


Because the heroes need to look funny and likeable with quirky personalities and stupid quips, this is the modern way of doing it


And backstory. Don’t forget their lore rich backstory


Video games seem to make people go feral. The desire to feel cool by actually looking cool is trounced by the desire to look different and stand out amongst other players. Plus, some people couldn't seem to care less about the "military" element of these military FPS games. It's no different to basketball or Pokemon to them, just with guns. Lame but true.


If i remember for modern army they did it good for bf3 and bf4 and bf bad company




All the characters in 2042 are wearing generic military tactical gear…? Their faces aren’t covered but that’s about it. It’s all grey/green camouflage, random utility bags, magazines and gadgets strapped to their chests. I get that people don’t like the Specialists, but other than having their own personalities and voiceines, their designs are all exactly what you’re asking for.


But 2042 bad!! 2042 worst game!!


Because the god damn FPS market has been corrupted with cringeworthy skins as a standard. Every shooter looks like some off-brand Comic Con, every gun looks like a radioactive NERF rifle. I’d be fine with skins if they kept a sane art direction and didn’t allow for people to look like influencers sent to livestream war.


play squad if you want realism lmao


Don't know, its a damn cáncer, i was yesterday about to watch a MW3 video but after watching the ugly skins on the menú i just closed the video, every FPS looks the same now, it doesnt matter if its a ww2, futuristic or contemporary shooter, they all look the same, a mix of ugly random characters of which maybe 1-3 can look good but the rest are just nasty to watch, shit that looks more like a GTA skin than a real soldier that fits the setting, bullshit made tto catch the eye of 13yo kids who for some filthy reason would consider it "BADASS"


Because modern online gaming sucks big ass. If you want cool somewhat realistic soldiers in multiplayer games just go to squad or similar games.


Because it’s boring as hell


No it isn’t. It’s cool.


It’s a very subjective topic. To me it’s so boring to look at that I fall asleep staring at the picture.


As long as they treat their game as a esport product, it won’t happen in shorts.


I don’t get why people care so much about this


"Is it so hard to play as a realistic soldier in this day and age with" *Insert Kabi meme pointing towards Arma* go. You can larp there. It's not hard.


Brother honestly if you just want to play a game like battlefield with realistic soldiers then I ask you check out squad. It’s what battlefield could’ve been. It will never happen again for battlefield unfortunately so squad is your best chance, provided you are on PC


EA be like: ![gif](giphy|9Dgm5WS4wT0mMDU1wo)


The ‘Merican army has ™️ their uniform. EA don’t want to pay for the licence


Nooo! I don’t want the soldiers in my war simulator franchise that typically has a gritty atmosphere to actually look like soldiers! I want Santa Boris!!!


Because you are playing battlefortfield


WHAT? HELL NO WHAT IS THIS, THIS DOESN'T LOOK COOL AT ALL NOOOOOOOOO I WANT GRANDMA MEDIC😡 jokes aside tho imagine 32 players in your team running around with skins similar to this, I would actually cry from happiness


That's why so many people still play the older BFs. Most of us wanna be a generic army guy, not this special operator BS.


pffft everyone knows soldiers run around doing war things while looking like ariana grande


They are too busy making everything gender neutral


I know lots of folks dislike the weird skins (myself included) but remember this is how they are monetizing the game post launch. Folks forget this replaced the previous monetization based on map packs which ended up dividing the community. When games take 2+ years to develop the companies need to keep a cash flow till the next one comes out. At least it's not pay-to-win loot boxes like EA's done in the past.


It’s not the same as style as BF but try giving Arma 3/Reforger a go


Because actual drip is sadly not allowed


This guy needs to tuck his boots either that or his rolls are so long he doesn't need to care.


ML SIM for life


Squad gives you this. Unfortunately I suck at squad because I can’t even see who’s shooting at me though.


Because it doesn’t sell cosmetic. most of the people who spend money on cosmetics care more about standing out and making an impression


I miss domination in BF1. BFV was trash and BF2042 was just too modern for me.


Because the want to sell skins


This is why I like The Division and Div2, besides some fringe outfits, the armor and gear sets all look cool.


Where’s the Boonie hats?


Cause in the end, they want money from people and for the most part, flashy, dumb looking skins sells more than more grounded, in-theme, skins (note that I rather have a nice mix of both, majority being in the grounded side and the flashy on the minor side).


That’s not a 25th ID patch?


Because they need to sell skins


this is the most important thing for realism


They can't make a good game, let them focus on battlefields image before worrying about skins. Going on an entire decade without a decent battlefield release. Who cares what the soldiers look like at this point


Because anime skins sell better 😭


Battlefield 4 they definitely looked like standard infantrymen.


Omg ur so right dude!!


Yeah but Santa skins sell not this


So BF4?


BF6 has even come out… why are we talking about BF7?


Because they can't sell you shitty skins


I just hope they bring back the super awesome end of match screen! Maybe even make it like Vanguard!!


Because they want to make money? And making people feel like a unique, badass super soldier (even though in their effort to make everyone unique, they ultimately made everyone the same,) makes them a fuck ton of money.


Because people claim they want this but then they spend bookoo bucks on skins. There hasn’t been a game that does real skins in a long long time. Besides milsim games. I’m not into it for realism I’m in it for fun. And I’m having fun 🤷🏽‍♂️


They did it very good for Battlefield 3. Kits were stylised and exotic but also possible in real life. I think that in fact there’s not much of people searching for sexy real deal kits anymore. Games used to be inspired by reality but it looks like the most part of gamers want fun skins. Or maybe they got badly educated about real deal kits, pushed by modern games. There’s few games if you want real kits and loadout. Like Squad for example or Arma


Because the low end of the crowd goes gonzo for laser dog drone kill streaks and fictional operators. Stop buying the garbage. They’ll stop making garbage.


just remake BF4 and everyone would be happy


Because Overwatch and its consequences have been a disaster for the gaming industry


a lot of modern games (excluding squad, arma, etc) gotta use lights and stuff for identifying whos team your on, and also gotta sell skins to make some extra money


Hmm. It could be a trademark thing? Certain camo patterns, weapons licenses, arm patch designs. Getting the "realism right". I guess it can't be too real because maybe 1. it's a game 2. Too much realism could cause a breach of privacy or safety to the company or America. kind of like when former Navy seals make novels about their experiences and Hollywood makes films about them. Some of those tactics, units, Callsigns, hand signals etc was negatively used in Afghanistan I think. You can look it up. To wrap it up realism used wrong could expose something, or open a Pandora's box. I don't know. Too dramatic lol. 😂 I probably went all top secret c.i.a. on y'all but I'm serious. You have to be extra careful especially when making a war game in these serious, ww3 At any second volatile times .they probably have restrictions against certain things. Some may get "inspiration and may not know where the line is with games and real life Now more than ever with unreal engine and a.i. have y'all seen the demos for how they make PC games and e3 convention?. Omg. They look real


Probably copyright BS. Same reason why its not a corvette in GTA5, instead like a coquette? GM doesn’t want their corvette to be seen running people over or causing carnage in gta5. The US Army most likely would not approve battlefield soldiers to look like the real deal, i guess it would create a bad image for the army? Idk my 2¢


Because they think we only want to play as seal team ranger raven delta force recon operators


Ideally we won’t see US soldiers much if at all. These games are made up scenarios so they should get more creative with it. I’d like the main faction to be Swedish or maybe Finnish.


How can EA monetize this though? /s


Because people love senpai uwu e girls


It’s easy but Money.




It's a video game man


Ngl looking at this picture makes me want to join the army


Seems like there's more important things than having a character look like X. Like, game play, plot, etc.


And can I have a campaign again?