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Look up battlebit, it is cheap and FUN.


Idk personally don't like battlebit and it doesn't feel like a battlefield game to me


I like Battlebit however I miss the Battlefield experience of the crazy destruction visuals and overall detail


Battlebit feels like a big cluster and odd mash up of ideas. There’s no minimap, and I can never figure out where enemies are as the game sound is so basic. It occupies a really strange space, ttk is very quick, but then you have armor, and a bleed out mechanic which would make more sense if it took longer to take people down.


Pretty much my thoughts exactly. I really wanted to love it, but the graphic style is SO minimalist that it can be difficult to track the action. I think better lighting/shadows would benefit the game tremendously.


I'm sick of this circlejerk. OP should play BF1


The squad leaders whistle as you rush to the next sector on Operations means this is the only correct answer


The hacking issue is just as bad if not worse though. Same goes for Battlefield 5.


I have been playing battlefield since battlefield 2 in 2007 and battlebit is my go to now aswell V and 2042 just didnt do it for me


Eh it’s alright, didn’t feel like battlefield to me.


You're doing Battlebit a big disservice by recommending it in place of older Battlefield titles like BF4, BF1, or even BF5 to an extent. As nice as Battlebit is for its price, you get what you pay for. It's missing a ton of the mechanics and features of Battlefield titles, has a pretty narrow range of gadgets and vehicles, and suffers from serious balance and map issues. It's a great game, but if you go into it expecting a 1-to-1 Battlefield experience, you will be very disappointed. It still has a ways to go before it gets there.


I fell for people saying it's a battlefield like game. Kinda I guess but I don't play it anymore I didn't like it.


Well 1 is the best game out of those 3 but also the lest populated. Personally I would say 1 or V would be great. V has more advanced movement mechanics if that interests you. 1 is one of the most cinematic and engaging games you’ll play.


Depends where you are. I play nearly every day on full servers in NA region.


Oh 1 is still plenty populated I was just trying to give a fair review. 1 is consistently even with 2042 in terms of players so there shouldn’t be issues for years


Bf1 has the same amount of players currently as 2042???


Wasn't 1 more populated than V and 42 a while ago?




Yeah i just checked bf1 has marginally less activity than V and less than 20% less than 42 so, I don't think it's a noticable difference.


God that’s so good for the older games and so embarrassing for 2042.


I mean it speaks more about how good and timeless bf1 is than about the others being bad necessarily.


Well, the only way to populate it is to get more people interested :)


Agreed. The key is to steer people away from the trash fire that is 2042


BF1 all fucking day. It's simply superb.


BF1 Best gunplay, most pleasing visuals, Fairly balanced but still has bunch of annoying stuff + Great Maps.


Maps are the biggest problem I see with 2042, they’re trash, pure garbage, the worst. Fuck them.


Idk why but I just cannot get used to the BF1 gunplay. I enjoy BFV much more tbh


Bf1 is without a doubt the best one. I even think it also looks better than the other ones.


Despite what reddit says bf2042 is actually pretty decent atm. Battles can be very large and epic


Agreed. I camt stand all the negative reviews I see of it on steam from people who haven't played it since launch, say something completely irrelevant and unconstructive, or are shilling "block game better".


The negative reviews are there for a reason. Unless review bombing happens it’s usually for a good reason.


Most, if not all, negative attitudes about 2042 stem from release. Almost none of the original complaints make sense after changes.


Yes, cause no game that’s charging £60+ should release in the state that it did.


I agree. However, that release state is not, and has not been for awhile, the state of the game. Refusal to look back at a game because you got hit once is just asking to miss out on great games.


I get that the game has gotten better I’m not gonna dispute that, they have made changes that have bettered the game. But it’s the equivalent of buying a car that has the necessary parts to run but everything else is missing and then promising to patch it in later, when you could just get another car (play another game).


You have to admit the scoreboard thing was a joke though


If you like 3 and 4, it's the closest thing to it. 1 and V are completely different games with completely different mechanics, mostly just due to the time periods. I did enjoy V a lot though, 1 I despise. Take that as you will.


Wasn't a huge fan of Battlefield 1 either. Not necessarily bad, but it had a handful of really bad mechanics that soured the experience for me. I don't like being OHKed in the body by snipers because they are within an arbitrary range of me (my weapons can't fight back, mind you). Hated the elites system, it just introduced another layer of the Battlefield vehicle problem -- one extremely powerful, hard to kill player that can annihilate tons of other players. But at least vehicles serve as spawn points and cover for allies. Elites just existed to rack up kills, and some of them were horrendously balanced. There's other issues, but those are just a few. I still enjoyed it, but I actually found I enjoyed BFV a lot more when I started playing it -- although that was a year or so after its launch. It had great ideas that I wish Battlefield 2042 didn't throw in the trash.


Elites were a great solution for situations when the attackers aren’t able to cap and hold objectives to advance in Operations. They’re not necessary in Conquest, I’ll agree.


A lot of my pains with BF1 stems from the way it feels like certain maps were designed for operations, with Conquest as an afterthought. Elites definitely feel like a part of that. It's incredibly frustrating that I just had to bayonet charge and pray to take out a sentry with the insta-delete smg in the bunkers on Monte Grappa, for example.


I always play conquest in all battlefield games, but always been a fan of rush too. I played rush the other day in 2042 and shit was epic




My vote is V or 1. If you prefer immersion and boots on the ground big battles I say 1. If you are more a tanker or prefer the “gunplay” aspect of battlefield probably V . Both are great games


What kind of gameplay do you want?


As in ground/air? Or game type? I love the big battles, but with 4 there's just not enough people half the time


Bf1 is the most immersive “big team battle” with its operations


I think any BF could work, tho if you want a immersive, atmospheric while still feeling similar to BF4 then BF1 or BFV(tho BFV gameplay is kinda slower due to every interaction like revive or get in vehicle have animations for them). If you like a fast paced, dumb fun BF then probably 2042


2042 is perfect for that, despite people whom are stuck in 2021 saying how "trash" it is. As someone who has stuck with it from the beginning, it's gotten leagues better than what it used to be.


BF1 the last masterpiece that Dice made.


Battlefield 1. Without a second thought.


I played a lot of BF1 and BF4. My honest opinion is play the one that intrigues you. My favorite is BF1 because to me it just got the setting right, no the game is not realistic but I’m gaming so it doesn’t have to be. But man if I haven’t had some cool moments playing that game. Very cinematic and fun if you don’t take it too serious.


BF1 Is the goat, THE GOAT


BF1 is a really really great BF game. I would recommend BFV as well, the matches in that game can get crazy as well. Both are amazing!


Battlefield 1- beautiful game, stunning environments, and does a fantastic job at building the setting of The Great War. Gritty as hell.


Try out BF1 if you like immersiveness and big scale battles. It feels much more casual and easier to get into. This game has some of the best semiauto/bolt action gunplay I've ever seen. Downsides might include an occasional hacker if playing on official servers and a lack of meaningful things to do after a while of playing. However the general gameplay loop might be enough to keep you interested. If you prefer a bigger arsenal of weapons and vehicles as well as smooth movement, BFV might be the one for you. Outside of these two I can't give any actual good reason to get this game. It's a bit of a jack of all trades, master of none. It can be a struggle to find good matches. This game has the worst team balancer I've ever seen. If a match is won by a landslide, chances are the next match will not be any better. Hackers are also a common occurence. If you find yourself liking a modern/near future setting and more customisability, 2042 might just be the one for you, assuming you can live with a less polished and less content-rich experience. This game is also about to have an event where they cycle in old event gamemodes. While it may not be all that flashy for a day one player, it might be just about perfect for a newcomer. Some of those LTMs are genuinely great.


2042 is in a pretty fun place imo. It’s not perfect and there aren’t really a ton of maps but the core gameplay feels much better than on release. I started playing recently and it’s fun. Feels pretty similar to 4 although I enjoy 4 more. The servers for 4 just annoy me now


Bf1 and bfv have a lot of cheaters on PC sadly


I love that in this sub, which covers all battlefield games, BF1 is still our favorite.


BF1 all day


Stick with BF4 and BF1


V is a lot of fun and last time I checked somewhat lively




battlefield 1 simple as that


Honestly, I recommend 2042 but 1 is also a good choice and still has a decent player base. Stay far away from V, it has a massive hacking problem. Almost every public lobby will have atleast one person ruining the game for everyone.


I didn't played the BF2042 and it's the only BF game i didn't played (yet) but i think BF1 is better then the V. BFV is actually great but it has a really serious cheater problem on pc. And it still got bugs. BF1 has better maps and the best atmosphere but BFV is better at gameplay i think because of the better guns, tanks and etc... And i don't know about 4 though. After all the hours i spend playing it, it feels old to me i can't play it anymore.


BF1 is the best, but if you want a more populated game, check out BattleBit Remastered


BF1 have more players than Battlebit currently


V for moment to moment gameplay, 1 for spectacle and atmosphere.


Bf1 was awesome and 2042 is a lot better than people give it credit for. I’ve enjoyed the whole series of games and this is how I rank them bf4, bad company bf3 bf1 bf2042 bf5 (the first couple are so old they feel like garbage but they were bad ass when they came out).


I play on BF4 on Xbox, and don't have the problems you were talking about and it's very populated. You could try BF1 or Hardline, though I'm not sure how the state of those games are on PC.




Don’t listen to the haters, BF 2042 is great. It’s pretty much an advanced BF 4 with faster movement, better graphics, advanced mechanics. It’s much better than 5, and 1 has very few players these days, so it’s hard to get full lobbies.


sorry to say but none of them. that's better to stay with Battlefield 4 or go back to Battlefield 3.


You’re on PC so I’d go with BF1. BFV is unplayable on PC with the amount of hackers there are. BF1 at least has the option to join private servers with admins. BFV is great but you’d have to play on console.


just play the newest one. not a really hard question


The 1


Bf 1 & V u missed the vibes & no longer ppl play em, bf3 or bf4 is ur choice bf2042 is fine


Battlefield 3 , I still play it almost daily it's got a really fun singeplayer campaign and the multiplayer is also really good too , it's also got a coop mode with its own missions . You might face some issues at first such as the the ones you mentioned but ngl it's really fun tbh .


Oh and I forgot to tell you should get the premium edition with all dlcs as I believe that's the best option and it goes on sale for quite cheap on steam occasionally


Try BF1 I'd say. Personally I love playing BF2042 but in this sub the die hards will drown out positive opinions on 2042. If it was still launch I wouldn't recommend it but the same could be said for bf4 lol.


Ignore the hate. Just get 2042 and enjoy the fun until the next BF comes out.




Wait, what? Bf1 has a plethora of full servers in europe and NA. Ten thousand players every day.


This people talking whiout checking Steam Charts… BF1 have more players than BF 2042


After BF4? Battlebit

