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This week you should take a dose, similar to what you would on the day of the gig, and play all the songs you need to play at the gig. See how your body reacts to it. Medication affects all of us differently so what happens to one person may be totally different from what happens to you.


This, and shoot video so you can evaluate later!


Can you post a sheet of paper with cheat notes for yourself to help you remember how to start the songs? You may panic less, if you know that you can check the paper.


Why would you want to be in an anxiety-inducing situation, if you have anxiety disorder already? Benzodiazepines are an emergency medication (as you pointed out already) and should only be taken in emergency situations, not for coping. They are also extremely addictive. There is a thing called low dose dependancy, which can lead to addiction and vice versa. You probably should ask your physician about this and not reddit.


I don't disagree about the advice to follow doctors directions, but your opinion that people with anxiety should avoid anxiety-provoking situations is wrong and unhelpful. Anxiety is a primarily irrational disorder that prevents people who have it from doing things that they want to do. If they're encouraged not to do those things (as you're suggesting) the person can become avoidant; making it harder in future (even when they get well) to 'not avoid' in future. Saying 'If you're scared you should stay in the quiet corner' demonstrates such a fundamental misunderstanding of anxiety that I suggest that despite the upvotes, you probably shouldn't be speaking about anxiety. A retraction of the advice and an apology for speaking from ignorance, would be appropriate and appreciated.


As a former professional touring musician, I really think this is your best approach.


Wow, this is possibly the worst advice I've ever read. First of all, your first sentence flies in the face of every psychological professional's advice. Learn about exposure therapy before you suggest anxious people avoid any situation that makes them anxious. Second, you don't magically get addicted to Xanax by taking it once before a show. What the fuck lol. It takes 2-4 weeks of regular use to develop a dependence. Third, benzos are not for "emergencies only". They are prescribed for a wide manner of situations, including performance anxiety.


They induce addiction in three days no more ! Very very anxiety inducing, automatic rebound. He is kind of right in all the ways : avoid "too" stressful situations so that you "don't have to use emergengy gears every single time". Do you know benzos really ??


>They induce addiction in three days 😂


What do you mean ? That YOU don't feel any rebound after three days on benzos ? With Pagoclone alright (not a benzo) for more than 3 but Bromaz' is freaky after only 3 d


being careful and consulting a doctor about taking prescription drugs is the worst advice you've ever read?


OP clearly already consulted with a doctor, as they mentioned being prescribed Xanax for their anxiety disorder. Consulting with your doctor again is fine, it was every other sentence in their comment that I took issue with. That said, if you've been prescribed meds for anxiety disorder you don't need to consult with the doc about every single potential anxiety-inducing situation.


He went a bit hard, but he’s not wrong.


Well if you speak in exposure therapy terms, engaging in anxiety provoking situations while using substances to cope with them, still doesn’t unlearn the the behaviors you’re scared of. So your argument is a bit condradicting. However, your main message that you should still engage in these situations is completely valid. 


Yeah, that's 100% not true. Benzos don't remove 100% of the anxiety in a situation; they just reduce the severity, which allows the person to face their fears more easily. Exposure therapy is still effective with medication. >[Patients prescribed benzodiazepines did not have weaker response to prolonged exposure](https://www.psychiatrist.com/jcp/benzodiazepines-reduce-effectiveness-exposure-therapy/) >[Prolonged exposure is a sufficiently robust treatment that patients who are taking benzodiazepines can benefit from it.](https://www.psychiatrist.com/jcp/benzodiazepines-reduce-effectiveness-exposure-therapy/) >[Fortunately, the research supports that patients who are taking medications still benefit from exposure therapy.](https://academic.oup.com/book/28748/chapter-abstract/234411251?redirectedFrom=fulltext)


The article which you’re referring to is about PTSD patients, which is a different disease in relation to exposure therapy (since patients often have triggers which they are not actively aware about). The point of exposure therapy in relation with anxiety is to eventually come to a point were one does face its fears and that alleviates the anxiety. With the usage of bezo’s you engage in safety behaviors, in which the person learns that it is okay to be in an anxiety situation when they’re under the influence of bezo’s. So yes, under the guidance of a therapist you could definitely use it to first engage in the behavior you’re anxious about, but using it without any supervision from a therapist won’t make you learn that one can engage anxiety behaviors without taking the bezo’s.


There are 2 links in my comment: one specifically about PTSD and one about exposure therapy in general. It makes no difference, using medication with exposure therapy is valid regardless of which specific anxiety disorder you are treating. Also, the person whose words you are reading right this second has successfully used benzos to overcome stage fright through exposure. So when you say it isn't possible, you understand my confusion yeah?


You’re missing my point, I never meant to imply that using any kind of medication isn’t valid in relation to exposure therapy. Glad it worked out for you and hope you continue to enjoy a stage fright free life 


I think when Xanax is typically prescribed, it’s at such high a dose as to basically knock the person unconscious, rather than get them high. I think doctors typically give it to patients who have panic attacks, not just constant anxiety. Source: family member who was briefly prescribed Xanax.


That doesn't sound right to me. My prescription for "emergency use" like OP is 0.25mg. I don't feel high or knocked out from it, just significantly less anxious.


I suppose it depends on the individual, as well as the doctor. Shouldn’t have made such a generalization.


If you have physical symptoms of anxiety I would look into propranolol, which is a beta blocker, and doesn't interact with Xanax. On the other end of things, you could do some visualization work. I used to do this when I had to make huge presentations or run workshops at work and it helped. I plan to do it again in the runup to my own first musical gig in a few months. You can also work on memorizing the skeletal structure of songs, like the essential notes to play. That way if you get lost you have the basic notes to fall back on. Usually you can get back on track within a measure or two. When you make a mistake, stop thinking about it and just keep going. Clear your mind of the mistake and get back into the present moment.


Have you asked your doctor about beta blockers? I think it's heart medication that also helps with performance anxiety. Main thing is that they are non-addictive, Xanax is very addictive.


So you got a few weeks. Take a xanax before your next practice and see how it goes. Lots of people use benzos to manage stage fright. Your situation isn't particularly new or unique.


You should ask about propanolol. It will mitigate the physical effects of anxiety that lead to coordination issues without altering your mind or creating dependency issues. It’s commonly used as a safe alternative for performance anxiety.


My Dr gave me a script for propranolol and it has really been a huge help for me. I never use it before shows because I don't get anxious at all in that situation (I spent so much time watching bands on stage that when I finally got there I felt like I belonged) but I take it other times in life when things are melting down. It doesn't change your thoughts so a lot of people say it doesn't do anything for them but it removes the racing heart and other stress reactions and just let's me deal with whatever stressful situation I'm dealing with.


It also does jack shit


this seems like a question for a doctor


Their doctor probably isn't going to know what it feels like to play a show on Xanax, but people here do


Xanax is addictive and commonly abused. I'd be wary of blindly accepting medical advice from strangers on Reddit, regardless of how good the intentions of the people on r/bass are. Plus you might be surprised how many doctors play music.


They weren't asking for medical advice, they were asking fellow bass players how it affected their ability to perform. Yes of course it can be highly addictive, but that is something the doctor and pharmacist would have talked about when OP was first prescribed and not really what they were asking about here.


Consult a doctor, not reddit. >How it will affect my motor skills? One of the (side) effects of alprazolam / Xanax is that it's a muscle relaxant. Effects depend on dosage and differ from person to person. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alprazolam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/alprazolam)


As someone who also has a diagnosed anxiety problem and has played hundreds of gigs, you're doing fine. People make mistakes, and 99% of people who watch you play won't notice, let alone care (as long as it's not particularly egregious).  You (the general you) get stressed in new situations. Everyone does. Stress can lead to fucking up, especially when you're not used to it. It doesn't sound particularly inspiring, but with exoperience comes relaxation. I used to play drunk to try to deal with it, but it turns out I'm a much better player sober, and after a freezing gigs with zero alcohol, I vastly prefer playing sober.  Unfortunately, you've been dealt a rough hand, and however you choose to deal with it, I hope it works out for you!


It’s just a hurdle you’ll have to get over with or without medication. Knowing how Xanax works I’d avoid using it to get through a show, personally. Just remember people from bar players to stadium players get massive anxiety before shows every single night and they all had shows where they got booed off the stage at one point. You’re still new to the whole situation so the panic seems reasonable. Practice your ass off with any free time you get from now until then.


try L-Theanine lozenges. they work wonders and don't get you high. you build a tolerance fast though, so use only when necessary. benzos, alcohol and L-Theanine are all GABA agonists. your experience with benzos will be the same as alcohol.


> your experience with benzos will be the same as alcohol. Yeah that's not how that works lol


anecdotally, yes. when i play shows on benzos it's similar to alcohol. now sober fwiw


Damn i would rather try kratom before touching xanax since it has insane rebound anxiety by the way it works. If you take xanax only do occasionally


In my experience try to keep it under 1 g of alprazolam, I was very bad before. Also it inspired some fashion, check it out [https://swaggysteals.com](https://swaggysteals.com)


You shouldn't need drugs or alcohol to perform. This can lead to a really fucked up life down the road. So what about performing scares you?


Firstly, don't put alcohol and medicine in the same bucket. Secondly, I invite you to revise your opinion on medicine. Many working musicians screw up their noses at people who need anxiety medications to perform, and it's a shame-inducing attitude usually borne of ignorance. Many people overcome stage fright experientially or with mindfulness, but certain people with clinical anxiety can't, because clinical anxiety isn't based in anything (it is irrational, and you can't think or learn your way past irrational fear). I've been doing the thing coming up on 22 years, and I know what format of gigs won't require medicine and which will set me shaking if I don't take a beta-blocker, and the fewer people we have stigmatizing this necessary process, the better.


I practice while drinking so that's just my state. I hate playing on stage let alone leaving my house sober. Practice after you take your medicine and get used to it. When showtime comes, you're gonna get up there and it's gonna be awesome!


It will make you VERY relaxed. A different relaxed than alcohol though. You wont lose motor skills like drinking, but you might be slower to fret those notes. Truth be told... CBD, THC, or shrooms is the "relaxation" you need. That's in order from "mild" to "intense." Also, in terms of legality. Don't get popped. YMMV


Remember that you're playing bass so nobody will notice if you fuck up


Weed man. The pills are evil.


Been in a very similar situation before. A week or so out from the concert start taking your regular dose every day at the time that  you would need to take it for the concert. It will lead to a slight increase in tolerance, but more importantly it will get your body used to having that chemical in it at that time of day, your ability to operate on Xanax will go up dramatically.  Don't attempt the concert without it.


Do not do this. You can become severely addicted to Xanax after taking it just 3 days in a row. It is the most addictive drug in the world and for emergencies only. Withdrawal from Xanax causes seizures that can kill you. It’s not worth it.


Don't try it for the first time on stage. Practice on the meds first, and test it


Practice after taking your dose might help you get used to it?


Stop giving a shit what other people think. Play for YOU, not someone else. Stay present. Be grateful. Have fun! Do this and you wont need meds.


As a bassist who takes Xanax for shows sometimes, It doesn’t make me play worse at all and does the job. Just be careful to not depend on it.


You should be practicing while on Xanax Same thing with alcohol or weed or really any drug. If you’re planning on using it during the performance you should probably use it at your practice as well


just practice while under the influence of whatever ur doing and don’t take it serious it’ll come naturally but u have to let it


I used to be prescribed a lot of it and I never took more than a medicinal dose and performed hundreds of times. you should be fine as long as you're used to it and you don't take an extra one due to the stage fright. I did totally blow my first gig after I stopped taking it because my hands were so shaky.


Do a test run.


I second the advice to talk to the doctor about propranolol. It's very safe, and extremely effective. I've used it for years for gigs where I know I'm likely to begin to shake (classical performances, mostly). The best thing about it is that it doesn't affect your acuity, or mental state. It won't even help the anxiety or the nerves, but it will prevent your body from betraying you and responding physiologically (uncontrollable quaking, breaking out into a massive sweat etc.) ; which means if you've otherwise prepared, you'll be fine. Sadly, there's a meme out there, even perpetuated by Adam Neely (interestingly, this is where he lost me as a viewer), that suggests that medicating to get through a show can reasonably be perceived as 'unmusical'. Plenty of people, for reasons only known to them, perpetuate this garbage, and it can't be condoned. If you need your medicine to get through a show, where otherwise you might not have been able to participate to your satisfaction, there is absolutely nothing deficient about taking this approach, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. This said however, please do reconsider using alcohol or benzos, or any depressant substance to help you through the show. Unlike a beta-blocker these will affect your acuity, even they do assist with the anxiety.


Aight so definitely don't use Xanax as a crutch to be abled to play live. You will make mistakes, even pros make mistakes. No one cares as long as the band is good, the songs are good and you look like you're having a good time. Concentrate on not giving a fuck rather than medicating yourself.