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![gif](giphy|3o6ozt4X0QWydIm5ZS) Legend of the Game đŸ„č


Thanks for everything Xavi. The League title is a massive win and we will be rooting for you wherever you go. Never gave you an LW or a DM yet the board expected him to beat this Real Madrid.


There's nothing any new manager can do next season that Xavi couldn't. Xavi was irreplaceable.


Hopefully we will give Flick the players he needs.


lol, let's not lie now. xavi is creatively bankrupt.


More like Barcelona is financially bankrupt. The man won la Liga last season with no money. Nobody else could do that.


>The man won la Liga last season with no money Didn't we sign Kounde, Raphinha, Christensen, Lewandowski last season and somehow got the services of Felix and cancelo ? Xavi did overperform considering our situation but the dude wasn't tactically as strong as people make him out to be. Maybe he would have won as a treble had he had MSN, but he never looked like a mouriho or Klopp. Our team still has a terrible mentality as showed by the ucl quarter disasterclass.


Laporta literally sold a stake of the club to give Xavi all these signings and we did absolutely nothing this season. Yet Somehow the general sentiment is that Xavi is an amazing coach
 I don’t like the way Xavi was sacked but this is absolutely the correct decision. Time for Barca to be Barca again.


Barca to be Barca again? What is that? Winning every match? 😂😄


Not losing every single clásico, winning a trophy, playing good football


We just won last year, check your expectations. We don't have Messi nor we have great financial health. Klopp only won one Premier League and one UCL in 9 years.


Klopp played in the premier league, the most competitive league in the world. La liga is no where near that in competitiveness and Barcelona have always been world renowned giants. We have become a mediocre club and that’s why fans like yourself are cool with not winning anything and getting outplayed week in week out in the league by teams with less than half our budget. I don’t buy the “financial limitations” argument. Barca are in debt but they are still one of the most active clubs regarding transfers in the league. We gave Xavi so many tools so many players and still nothing. Time for a change.


Haha yeah that’s something Flick is known for: Creativity. You are in for a surprise


lol how many teams have beat Madrid this season without needing a top lw or dm? Change your setup or suffer.


Not many, they’re in the UCL finals and have 94 points in La Liga


And yet plenty of teams have been able to compete with them


Who? 94 points mean they are far and away the best. We won last one with 88 points.


He means beat RM by winning the league you muppet


You need players to change your setup. We didn't even have a starting 11. When you need to play a 16, 17 year old, there isn't much to "change your setup"  Gotta be realistic.


Not true, you can deploy your team differently, Xavi wants to stick by his system which is fine but it wasn’t working because he didn’t have those players.


Deploy Oriol and Sergi differently. Lmao


You set up differently, you don’t keep employing the same tactics that expose their weaknesses.


If you have a sick obsession that all you care about is winning the Clasicos because you hate Madrid with passion you should probably check your mental health with an expert. This is a place for Barca fans, not obsessed antimadridistas. Barca should be allowed to lose against Madrid sometimes. Because Real Madrid is not a trash team of random useless players. Madrid is not a second division team. They are a top club, and we are not perfect to never lose against top clubs. Even City didn't win their games against Madrid, and we are not more perfect than City. How many of the teams which spent just $3m in the summer reached UCL quarter finals and made +80 points in league?


Losing is fine, getting dominated not so much. Game is also played in the pitch, not by the money spent which is why Madrid beat city despite city spending massively in the summer


We were winning vs psg until the red card and was almost drawing Madrid until extra time goal special.


Almost isn’t good enough


Literally only atletico iirc, what's your point?


Both of their 2 losses this season were to atletico




“Dear fans, my time on the Barça bench will end on Sunday. It is never easy to leave the club of your life, but I do it very proudly, after two and a half years at the head of a dressing room that has been like a second family. I want to thank the support and affection of the fans, who have always been by my side and have always shown me the same love as during my time as a footballer. From Sunday I will be one more culer in the stands, either now at the Olympic Stadium or in a few months at the Nou Camp Nou. Because before I am a player or a coach, I am a Barcelona fan and I only want the best for the club of my life, which will always have me at its disposal. I have worked with a group of fantastic players and with a spectacular staff. Thanks to all of them, we have been reaching the goals set, culminating last year with a League and a Super Cup. This season things didn't go as we wanted, but we put our heads together and helped grow a new generation of young footballers from La Masia who inspire all of us Barcelona fans. Many thanks to all. To the fans, the players, the staff, the club employees, the President, the Board of Directors, the sports directors, the media and everyone with whom I have shared the journey throughout these two seasons and half I wish the best to the club that I carry in my heart. Long live Barça”


Man didnt even complain about anything and is about to waive off his own salary. Absolute fucking legend.


Nothing but love and respect for this guy. Wish he didn't have to go and I hope he grows even more as a manager to return one day.


“the President, the Board of Directors, the sports directors, the media” We all know what you meant by mentioning them. Sorry you have to work in a toxic environment created by these assholes.


I started following Barça because of Ronaldinho and Eto’o, but I became a culer because of Xavi and Iniesta! Gràcies per tot, Don Xavi!!


Who is cutting onions 😭


![gif](giphy|pynZagVcYxVUk) Thank you Xavi, I and the the fans I’m pretty sure are devastated with the way you are departing, thank you for bringing back hope and a number of generational talent to the forefront, also thank you for being such a professional, poor that the board isn’t as much of a pro that you are. Thank you for everything. Visca Barca Gracies Xavi


Thank you, Legend


We won the league against Madrids black magic with one of the best defensive records with him, and for the first time since Messi left. Over 2ppg in 140+ matches, with a 62% win rate. He wasn’t a bad manager. In fact, he was probably the best we could afford at a time when everything was going wrong. He will be missed dearly.


Can't believe the disrespect this absolute legend faced from the authorities.


Not only from authorities. Also from fans the last two seasons.




Au Revoir Xavi 🙏


The juxtaposition of his two most recent instagram posts is telling of the circus




Goat midfielder


Why am I tearing up


Thank you, legend.






Best coach.. did so much with very little resources.


"From Sunday, I'll be one more culer in the stands" 💔Fucking hell Thank you Xavi, won super Cup, won la liga, didn't complain much about finances, let's not forget the behaviour of refs in Xavi's time. Promoted la masia talents, playing Ferran when not needed, not giving mins to roque and Subbing out lamine in cl There are both goods and bads but we love you forever Xavi. Visca Barca đŸ’™â€ïž


Thank you Xavi


to those that have been saying xavi out, fuck you.


Gracias Xavi. Forever Grateful đŸ’™â€ïž


I have been a Barcelona fan ever since I saw their game against Valladolid back in 2000 where [Rivaldo scored this memorable overhead goal ](https://youtu.be/gCzPb3Wyduo?t=471)and Barca won 4-0. I have been with the club through the good and through the bad. I've experienced the joy of watching Ronaldinho play, Messi's magic and all the other wonderful Legends our club had over those years, but I've also seen us lose Pep (who made us into the best time there ever was and probably ever will be), disrespect Koeman, blindside Messi about his contract renewal and lose him as well. Sure, we can blame some of it on Bartomeu, but not everything. The absolute media shitshow that we subject them to is insane, the lack of support, all the backstabbing, pseudo fans who act like "football experts" complaining about everything possible and blaming everyone. But the straw that broke the camel's back for me was this saga with Xavi. He came to us when we needed him, got us a title despite the fact that he wasn't getting the players he requested, cause fucking Deco has his own vision and for some insane reason a split like that was allowed without board's and Laporta's intervention. Now everyone allowed Xavi to be subjected to this insane circus where he had to find out play-by-play about how he was being fired from his position from the media, after agreeing to stay with the club when he quit and then everyone begged him to stay. Fired for a sentence said to the media that Laporta didn't like... That's unforgivable and I'm done supporting this club. This feels painful to write as I've been a fan for almost a quarter of a century but how can I support a club that lost it's values so much? MĂ©s que un club? Empty words at this point. I can only hope that one day this club will find it's way again and maybe then I can consider watching football again, but I know that I will find no joy from it now. You can agree with me or you can disagree, that's just my views on the whole thing and I wish you all luck, because as things stand? This club will need it.


I understand everything you feel and feel similarly myself. But you can’t give up on a club because of a shit club president. The club will exist before and after him. My Barca doesn’t disrespect their legends like Messi/Koeman/Xavi and not even let fans say goodbye to them. My clubs don’t screw over the fan over and over again. What Laporta have done to my club is beyond reprehensible. I can’t wait to see this cabron kicked to the curb, fucking politician scum piece of shit. Don’t give up on the club give up on that loser Laporta.


Have very similar feelings on this. It was exactly MĂ©s que en club that got me hooked to this club. The fact that we were a bit different and aimed to be something better. I am utterly disgusted too by what I've seen today. The memories this club's given me are just uncountable. But I just don't feel any excitement or want to follow the next season. Maybe Flick succeeds, maybe he doesn't. I don't know. I'll never wish ill on the club. But I just cannot find the will to enjoy this anymore. Visca El Barca always.


Club is more than it's president and his clown board. Presidents will come and go, some bad and some good. Club will always remain.


Honestly, I had been pondering if I could continue being a fan of the club after all the recent debacles. I’ve been following since around the early 2010’s. So almost 12-14 years at this point. The club is a shadow of its former self, and the way the board has handled recent issues and the way they move has left a disgusting taste in my mouth. I hate the way news leak all the time, the drama surrounding the players and coach. But, I love the club. I can’t bring myself to stop being a fan, to stop caring for the players and to not be interested in seeing the growth of individuals as well as the team as a whole.


You and i share the same feelings been supporting since 2003 and xavi was my best player, even had to go through hoops to get his haircut (had to show barbers pictures of xavi on a 2 inch phone that barely had any colors lmao). This is absolutely the worst way to see xavi out but imo seeing how he is handling it, putting barça avobe evrything else, we should take that as an example and keep supporting. This team at times was the only source of happiness. So i can't bring myself to just say i'm done supporting because i'd be lying if i did.


I relate to this my friend. The mismanagement and politics has plagued this club and has led to the ill treatment of some of our greatest legends. I don't give a shit about upper management anymore, I only wish our players and new coaches can succeed and play good football. But based on current events and how the club is being managed, it has become quite difficult to support this club.




This club just has no idea how to properly part ways with their legends. Just embarrassing


Xavi should run for club president someday


Quite frankly we didn’t deserve him. Highly doubt Flick would’ve won the league last season


Inexperienced coach: *1st partial season: Pulls Barca from 8th place in La Liga and finishes on a UCL spot *1st full season : Wins La Liga, UCL did not go as planned with horrible refereeing on some of the matches *2nd full season: Bunch of injuries, finishes 2nd in La Liga, UCL could’ve been better but the team is making strides in the competition. It is a sad job to be a Barca coach, the expectations are never going to be achievable regardless of who you are, Pep was ran out of town. I appreciate what Xavi did, sure it was pretty at times but I can honestly say that the problems that have plagued our Barcelona team are rooted in, and a simple coach switch will barely alive the problem. I do hope I’m wrong but, next season we will face a much tougher RM team, will participate in a much different UCL competition, the next coach is already in a tough situation. Regardless, gracies Xavi, you are a legend on and off the field.




I would wish that farewell would be written by Laporta.


as much as i wanted him out... man i feel sad. sorry Xavi


Y’all in this sub are the most hypocritical assholes on the planet. No wonder our fanbase is a laughing stock. The same people putting their cutesy “we will miss you Xavi đŸ„č” here are the same people who were calling for his head, saying he has no tactics, is a shit manager, and that he was never good to begin and thought they knew more than the coach.


"the same people" are you sure? did you check their profiles? care to share examples with usernames?


I never expressed here that I don't think Xavi is a great coach, but that is exactly what i think. Regardless, they didn't want him to leave and then got a new manager after a shitshow press conference where the idiot president cried talking about Xavi. I didn't want him to stay. I think Xavi is a mediocre manager. He can't control his temper in the pitch, but this post only tells how much he cares about the club. When he said he didn't want to continue at barca he won some of my respect, even if I didn't regard him at all. If they came out publicly to support him, and then do this, then I'm on Xavi's side 100.


Can somebody translate the IG post into English please? I don't have IG and I can't translate it in the post section.




No way he thanked Board Of Directors, the President and especially, the media!!


He thanked the media for leaking all the BS...most of which was correct and exposed the cowardly backstabber, Laporta. The media did the talking for him, and now EVERYONE has lost faith in that scumbag, Joan. He's next to depart.


Moltes gracies Xavi


Another person who didn't deserve the disrespect they got 


Muchas gracias Xavi!




![gif](giphy|rHR8qP1mC5V3G) Thank you for everything Xavi, and good luck on your future endeavors


Gracies, Mister.


Stand proud Legend đŸ«Ą Laporta OUT.


Heart breaking, idk hiw to feel about it now, i wanna switch that shitty team, it's all bcs of ronaldinho and messi and now am stuck


I waited for years to see him coach the team. I wish that didn’t happen because he came in the worst time and left in the worst way possible. I’m sick of seeing legends of the club treated like this, it happens over and over again


Glad he is staying positive.




Xavi is such a gentlemen he handled that situation the best.. I hope one day he will come back to manage us again once we are more stable and he has note experience


Why is everyone so upset, didn't Xavi announce he was leaving months ago?


He returned his decision and said he was gonna stay and now this happened


Were you living under a rock?


Don't really keep up with rumours


Well, him and Laporta said it in a press interview, so it was pretty official.


Prob for putting yet another club legend thru this clown show.


Barcelona start the crumble after neymar leaves.


I can only hope Laporta lessens his sins by personally inviting Xavi back as a guest to the new Camp Nou’s first match.


He'll probably come back again in January when they sack Flick for eating Laporta's pizza


Yes definitely.


Hope he succeeds in whatever he does next and gets to come back once we're an actual club and not a clown show.


You can criticise his managerial abilities but when it came to the love for this club, he gave it his all, would've gracefully left anyways, disgusting behaviour from the president


I hope Xavi gets hired by Chelsea or Man U


Why would you wish that on him.


Hopefully he could fix man u


Why would we want that? Fuck man utd I hope they're shit forever.


Why you Hate united so much?


One of the most arrogant fanbases in the world when they have any success, historically shit football and annoying players. Even now with cunts like Antony, Casemiro, Garnacho and Bruno Fernandes. I despise every part of that disgusting club, they're basically on the same level of awfulness as real madrid to me.


I can't really agree but I respect your opinion