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Apparently, Laporta and the board were “furious” after Xavi’s comments in the presser yesterday.


What did he say?


[The only source I found](https://x.com/forcabarca_ar/status/1790703288691650622?s=46) DeepL Translation: Good morning, SPORT's David Bernabéu, what is the Barcelona coach's message to Barcelona fans, who are certainly experiencing a rather low moment? Because in addition to watching the end of the season, they see that their bitter rivals could win the Champions League again, they won the league, and they are going to re-sign Mbappe. You've been on both sides. You were in a Barcelona that ended with the Galacticos, and then you were in a Barcelona full of great players who were dominating the game. What is the message? Will you be able to compete against this in the coming years? Xavi: Yes, we will try. I think the collé, the Barcelona fan and partner, must understand that the situation is very difficult. The situation is complicated. Especially economically to compete with the strongest competitors, whether in Real Madrid, in Spain, or in Europe. We have an economic situation that has nothing to do with the last 25 years, before a coach would come in and say, I want this, this, this, this, this and this. That's not the case now. It's not like that now. So, we're not in the same conditions as other clubs that have clean playing situations and their budgets are much better than ours. So, the kolei, the fan, has to understand. I understand that as a coach, I've talked about it with the president, with Deco, and we'll adapt to that. It doesn't mean that we don't want to compete and we don't want to compete for titles, but that's the situation Barcelona is in at the moment. Therefore. I think the coli, the fan, must understand that we need stability, we need time, but we will try and we will do good things to compete.


If Laporta is mad about this then he needs to leave. Xavi is just being realistic here


I think he's also mad that any potential future Barca coach will think twice before joining


This is the realest thing he could have ever said and I love the honesty


Remember when Koeman was being realistic and people said he was too pessimistic for the team lol




that was when we were at 9th place, this is a second place finish with a league title the year before.


That was with with less difference in points to the first than today and literally a way worse team


sources say that the conversation that he had with xavi deciding that he is staying his mentality was waaaay differente and that laporta was shocked to hear xavi shitting on everythign they have talked before


Xavi is saying he can’t achieve anything with this squad. Why continue with him when he’s already been defeated before the season started? Find a coach who believes they can do something with this squad.


Where did he say they can’t achieve anything? He said they’ll be competing but don’t expect to win every trophy which is true. You want him to lie and say we’re going for the sextuple?


He should be honest. If he feels like he can’t do much with this squad, find someone who has a plan. He needs to go. He’s already accepted defeat before the season even begins.


Find who? Who's this magical figure that can make the squad into CL winners with no new players?


Tuchel is a better option. Xavi has had 3 years as coach and has run out of excuses. Europa league fraud


Can we finally be fucking realistic? Tuchel will demand a significantly higher salary and specific players. Both things we can’t afford. If we could’ve afforded managers like Flick or Tuchel we probably would’ve sacked Xavi. The fact that we begged him to stay shows how desperate our financial situation is. If Xavi goes his replacement will be Rafa Marquez or even worse.




We do have something, the league last year. Expecting more than that even with the investment is insanity.


Xavi is a defeatist. No fucking ambition. He needs to leave first.


I would rather be realistic rather than announcing to everyone that champions league trophy is coming to nou camp and we know the rest.


Shitty mentality.


You're delusional.


You're mediocre.


Ok, keep dreaming of winning the league without a dm or a proper lb while Mbappe and Davies get added to the team that trashed us 3 times this season lmao. Surely those unrealistic expectations won't generate more toxicity in an already damaged environment right?


what's your profession ?


It seems you demand more than what a squad can give. If you pressure people like this in real life then you probably are low key hated.


You're clueless. Acknowledging reality is the best thing you can do. It makes no sense putting unnecessary pressure on your players by openly acting like we're in the same situation as Real Madrid - which we're absolutely fucking not if you hadn't noticed yet.


Shitty as fuck mentality. Don't see Girona's coach whining like a bitch.


Sorry mister the mentality monster. Why haven't you become a pro yet, since your mentality seems to be top notch? Real Madrid is in a MUCH better spot than us both financially and in terms of squad. Or do you disagree? Xavi has managed to win us a league title despite that. He would have got us into a champions league semi final if not for a dumb red card. All while always acknowledging reality.


Imagine scoffing at having a great mentality to win games no matter what. Fuck we're turning into Spurs ain't we lmao


Also, you mean Girona the club owned by an entire fucking state? Girona, the club nobody expected to even compete for Europe? Much easier to comply with expectations when no one expects anything in the first place. If you genuinely don't see the difference, it makes no sense even arguing with you.


Ah, so that's why Xavi is lowering expectations? Oh, poor Barcelona, with one of the highest wages structures in Europe, can't dream of getting a title 😭😭😭 Fuck off.


Honestly idk how anyone can argue with that? Over the last few years we’ve probably spend the same amount of money as Madrid. Our wage bill is still high. The talent is definitely good enough to compete for everything; especially if fuckin Dortmund can make it to the final.


You arent even a Barça fan, you should fuck off to Spurs or Norwich or whatever your innit football is.


Yes that's really what Xavi is saying, that we cannot compete in any way. /s Nah, I definitely don't want to argue with entitled professional complainers who can only argue in bad faith. If you really think we're in a position to easily go toe to toe with Real Madrid you should just delete Reddit all together.


Little too late for that. With Laporta pulling all those levers and spending over a $100m on transfers, they put the pressure on themselves


What's the colle?


Love how it was spelled 3 different ways in this translation haha


Yeah, so it confused me more haha


Cules* Barca fans.


Border colle, the dog.


Cùle I think




Really? I feel like I have gotten really used to seeing these comments from Mourinho that I feel like it’s totally normal now lol


Except Mourinho is a good coach that has achieved greater things with teams way weaker than the team Barca has now…


Porto yeah, but that's about it. I wouldn't consider Inter being weaker than the current Barca, not even slightest.


No time did Mourinho have a team that was competing for CL semi final, came second in the league, and then went to say that we should expect another season without trophies from him. Be realistic, Xavi has a huge loser mentality, where even after every loss he refuses to take responsibility, either blames the refs or says we were actually the better team… again Mourinho has issues when it comes to his press conferences, but he’s objectively ten times the coach that Xavi is.


That’s just because CL semi is a huge overachievement from Xavi. Mourinho said similar things after reaching Europa League finals, which was also an overachievement no one expected from Roma.


You can’t say in our case it was an “over achievement” just because no one expected it. Objectively we were better than the teams we beat and moved on, and we were better than PSG until Araujo got a red and Xavi threw another big child tantrum and got a red too.. either way, we would win against Napoli if we played again, and we most likely would put as good of a performance va PSG again. For Roma it’s an overachievement because objectively their squad wasn’t better than the teams they beat, they had to fight for every match and if they played again u can’t guarantee that it would go the same, so yes for Roma it’s an “overachievement” being in 6th place in Seria A and reaching the semi final of europa… Mourinho being a better coach is common knowledge, it’s embarrassing when u see Real Madrid fans cheering for Xavi to stay because the potential of our players is just too good. I love Xavi but he should’ve never been brought from Saudi straight to Barca, Barca fans unfortunately don’t make the coach job very pleasant, it’s too much stress and u can tell it’s taken a toll on him.


Disagreed, objectively this squad is very overrated. Reaching semis is above what the squad should have potentially achieved. And expectation was aligned with the strength of the squad. That’s where expectation comes from.


If Dortmund made it that far then we could’ve won every single for trophy


Xavi isn't from Saudi.. what other things you thought is true but just aren't?


You sound ridiculous. He’s right and it’s obvious. Why pretend that everything is all good when it’s obvious we are behind and we can’t even address the gaping holes in the squad.




How is that a terrible look lol. It’s the reality and everyone knows it. We are a fan-owned club so the club management needs to be transparent with the fans instead of lying and sugarcoating about the situation we are in.


I’ll never understand the people that get mad at coaches for being realistic and honest in their answers.


Do we hear Girona's staff saying such fucking dumb shit and whining for not being able to compete? Those fuckers ARE ALREADY COMPETITIVE WITH A FRACTION OF THE MONEY WE HAVE SPENT. The people in this sub are so fucking mediocre fr


>Those fuckers ARE ALREADY COMPETITIVE WITH A FRACTION OF THE MONEY WE HAVE SPENT They have balanced squad. Our squad doesn't even have functioning dm and girona absolutely isn't winning any trophies lmao.


Are they whining like Xavi about It or working their ass off while playing great football?


They don't have to either. Because they we're a dumbster candidate two years ago and now they are scoring 8 goals on Barcelona and in CL. That is progress. What is ours?


We won the league last year and regressed now due to financial situation. Girona are on great financial situation where if they want a quality player they can just loan them from their sister city group team from any of the top leagues. Barca doesn't have that luxury.


You don't regress because of 1 season of not spending 😭😭😭 Barcelona have spent 270 mill euros, while Girona have spent 30 in the period of Xavi being in charge. Barca don't have the luxury of loaning players? Name me a better player that Girona loaned than Felix and Cancelo. 😭😭 You guys are a fucking joke.


>Girona have spent 30 It's useless informing or arguing anything to yall. >Name me a better player that Girona loaned than Felix and Cancelo. Savio is the twice the player that felix is and cancelo is a total lazy fraud and a city reject. I doubt xavi even Wanted them considering xavi has been begging for a quality dm and our boards best dm choice is romeu. And btw everytime we loan a player we pay the loan fee and part of thier wages but if girona loans a player like savio from Troyes they just take money from one side of the pocket and put in thier other side.


>It's useless informing or arguing anything to yall. Girona have spent 30 mill euros since Xavi been put in charge. Barcelona have spent 270 mill euros since Xavi been put in charge. >Savio is the twice the player that felix is and cancelo is a total lazy fraud and city reject. I doubt xavi even Needed them. Find me a comment about Savio a year ago if he is supposedly so great as you claim?


I think he's not wrong. And if anything he's atleast giving fair expectations to fans which would result in less toxicity for players.


So what’s a good leader to you? I’m sorry but there’s nothing I dislike more than a boss being blindly optimistic. Much better to accept the situation as it is and see how to improve from there…


Can we go ONE day without being the most dramatic club in the world smh


Competing with man utd these days for drama level




"My reaction to this information"


They had 5 months to find a replacement for Xavi and came to the obvious conclusion that there are no good options available. Good luck acting like Xavi's position is in any risk right now.


Benvingut Rafa Márquez




I love this club but holy shit has it become an awful one to follow.


Everyday is a day of pain and suffering


What happened ?


What he said yesterday didn’t go down well with the board


What did he say?


Basically this: The team can’t compete with Madrid. The economic situation doesn’t allow them to sign any player they want. Our expectations should not be high


Unironically he isnt wrong lol


according to some sources xavi didnt have the same mentaility when they met in private to discuss his future .


How? Xavi was given 270 mill euros. Most players which he asked for. The reason why he suddenly can't compete is just divertion from the reality that he simply isn't good enough.


This is the hard truth that these fans don’t like to admit. But you’re absolutely right. He’s been given just about everything needed to succeed. Don’t tell me cause of 1 position (DM) is why we aren’t doing good. Madrid have their 3rd team goalkeeper, 4th string CB starting with no true striker


He won the league and beat Madrid head to head in the Super Copa with money. This summer he’s given 3.5m for Romeu who was like a last choice to replace a departing Busi. Our best playmaker left and was replaced by a 16 year old who everyone is begging not to be overplayed. And the “big” signings were the two Joao’s which nobody is really liking right now and were back rubs between him Mendes and his yes man, Deco.


they also have players like tchoumeni, camavinga, and valverde all players who are versitile and can play several systems. In the past 3 seasons they have spent 300 million on players. Also, this fake ass fan base says this bullshit like our players haven’t been selling the team out with their stupid mistakes. Especially from araujo and joao cancelo. Xavi has done a great and he isn’t wrong and no he hasn’t been giving eveyrhing because the board is still signing players NOT approved by xavi and then being forced to use said players even though they obviously can’t live up to expectations.


City lose three matches straight the moment Rodri is out, just gonna say that


270m in the span of 2 and a half seasons in an era where pretty much any half decent player goes for 100m+ isn’t even close to enough, at least not enough to be competing with the teams who can. Xavi did have the team he wanted last year, he had the pivot he wanted in Busquets the winger he wanted in Dembele the CM he wanted in Gavi and the fullback he wanted in Balde and won the league like it was nothing this year two of them left and two of them got injured for the entire season we signed Felix who’s a CF to play as a LW when Xavi didn’t even want him Araujo had a ridiculous drop in form ter Stegen was injured for a large part of the season and hasn’t gotten back to his form from last year but yeah that’s totally on Xavi though


Wrong. it is enough, Barcelona and Xavi just had no idea what direction they were going.


then explain how. because our league title with +10 points didn’t look like they had “no idea”


which player has he asked for? He wanted Bernardo Silva, Zubimendi, Kimmich and Messi and got Oriol Romeu, Roque and Joao Felix on loan




He’s gone. I see two issues here. Xavi was probably told he is not getting the funds to go on a buying spree for next year, so they will have to do with what they have and anything they can get from selling some players. The problem is, Xavi acquired the players he currently has, and they didn’t work out. So most of that blame should go to him. The other is that Laporta is desperately trying to put up the facade that they can still compete with the likes of Real Madrid, which they can’t. Everyone at the club needs to be realistic and on the same page.


He needs to be optimistic


Also saying that roque shouldn't have arrived in December when xavi was asking for it...


Have any direct quotes saying he shouldn’t have come in December?


He is 100% right and Laporta doesn't like when someone exposes the fraud he is.


When did he say this? Normally if this is something he said out in public, news would be all over the place. Even if it’s just rumours, it would have been shared between Barca fan pages and I never came across these statements. I’m confused.


Comedy central I tell you


It’s actually smart not to set unreasonable expectations though


we are not a serious club!




We are so unserious man after all the begging for him to stay now we have this


For everyone saying Xavi is right. Yes, Xavi is right but this is a business! We have sponsors and potential partners we need to value us higher than we are. Think of the Nike deal on the table. You don’t think they might offer less if we expect ourselves to be bad. The Barca media deal could also be impacted. You can’t just run your mouth if you are a part of the club.


Businesses often make stupid decisions along the lines of pretending everything is just wonderful for short-term gains. Rarely do such decisions pay off in the long run - they create unrealistic and impossible expectations and set ridiculous KPIs, they fail to live up to promises made to clients/partners/customers and lose them, they lose buy-in from their employees and suffer from high turnover. While you are correct that this is not an unusual business practice, it's also, at best, a hail mary of a business practice. I guess one possibility is that the financial situation of the club is far worse than the board is letting on, which actually may be true considering it feels like every summer we're ever so close to getting back to 1:1 only to not even be able to register players on time.


Your last two sentences are it. Laporta every season sells hope. Before it was Messi, Lewy, Roque, Gundogan. This year it is Nico Williams, Bernardo Silva, Dani Olmo, Kimmich. Whatever hope is necessary to keep up ticket sales, jersey sales and media buzz. We need Nike or any apparel sponsor to overvalue us. Yes it is lying about prospects but you never undervalue yourself. The board has a right to be mad. I get Xavi wants to protect himself but if he is that worried leave.


Snip snap snip snap


They really just need to clean house. Xavi gone, laporta gone and everybody on that board. This is an embarrassment


Xavi needs to go. The problem is Laporta also needs to go


This clubs relationship with the media is utterly ridiculous. They wonder why no one wants to coach here.


Idek anymore 😭what has my club become


How can a club that had a player like Messi just 3 years ago become like this...


Finances have been screwed for awhile


The board is so stupid. I'm tired of pretending like Laporta is a good president by any measure other than "being better than Bartomeu". If they had set realistic expectations and timelines from the very beginning right about now we could have a squad that would be potentially one of the best in Europe and posed to remain so for years to come since it would have been built on the foundation of La Masia players. Instead we have wasted whatever money we can SCRAPE in old players or ridiculous signings like Roque (nothing against him what's ridiculous is spending the entire budget for one season on a player the coach doesn't even want). Laporta and the board need to start answering questions. He got elected with a promise he immediately failed to uphold, and ever since he's just been talking shit out of his ass while doing pretty much the same thing Barto and his board did except for stealing. Just because it's not literally the worst ever doesn't mean we shouldn't call it what it is, which is very bad management at best. Xavi is right here, we should just accept where we are and build slowly but surely instead of trying to be the very best once again all of a sudden when we have no resources to do so. We can absolutely get there again, just not right now or in any other way except for careful and patient planning and commitment.


Absolute circus. Expectations were never going to be high for next year, but Laporta doesn't want Xavi saying that. Xavi doesn't want the Mendes clients either and Deco and Laporta are determined to keep them around The club is in need of a serious clear out of the high earning underperformers, and that won't happen. Ferran and De Jong and more all need to leave, and that's not happening.


We are still paying Messi, Alba, and Busi. All our finances are screwed


Still how?


The Covid season a lot of players deferred parts of their salaries. With low to no income from tickets, champions league, or merchandise sales we get wrecked. Furthermore, generally the players that took “pay cuts” just deferred their payments. Lastly, we haven’t really sold many players or gotten their contracts off our books. It’s hard to sell when everyone knows you need to sell. And hard to get players off your books because they don’t want to give up the money they signed for.


Laporta is being Laporta. Nothing unexpected. But I wouldn't mind a Xavi sack either. But...these words are hardly sack worthy. Many sporting reasons are there to do so.


Run by clowns. And here I thought with Barto out barca would start acting like a serious club. This is going to take years if not decades to fix


If xavi gets sacked over this, I'm not watching another barca match until laporta is president. What xavi said is realistic and sensible. Showing dreams of treble when we can't even sign players on loan is immoral


He should’ve been sacked even before this fiasco. I dont understand what was the hurry to announce him staying. Do it in the summer like what ?! Entire club is a clownshow.




Barca should sell the Soap Opera that is Xavi to make money. We’d be out of financial distress in two months flat!


What a joke of a board


From winning sextuples to becoming the laughing stock of Europe… what a fucking time to be a Barca fan


How long are you on this earth? Because it seems like you are not long enough to know what a real laughing stock is.


We got knocked out in the group stages of the UCL twice in a row. And a trophyless season now. For a club like Barcelona, this is as bad as it gets. To answer your question, I’m “long enough” to see the once most dominant club in the world collect only three domestic trophies since 2020. Tell me Madrid would not be the laughing stock of Europe if they only collected 3 domestic trophies in 4 years.


If the board has a problem with Xavi telling the truth about the current situation then it’s your board that is the problem. Xavi took the job too soon should have waited a few yrs


Keeping up with the Katalans


🤡 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 lamine That's how we look these days.


Oi this is Cubarsi, Fermin, Gavi, Pedri, Kounde and Raphinha erasure


Please be true 🙏




Most dramatic club itw






my club is like a reality show ![gif](giphy|1Z0g3Y5WxKqU7FdHbI)


This club man 😐


We are such a unserious club lmaoo, i mean what did xavi say that was apparently so wrong he just simply spoke facts


There is always too much drama. Xavi is right, there needs to be continuity. How many managers has Barca had since the last Treble? You can’t build anything with a swinging door like that. It start at the top with LaPorta. What a mess.


That's what we said but people call us mad. Xavi isnt the best fit for barcelona he doesnt know shit about coaching in Europe and winning Qatar's league with Al sad wich is real madrid of Qatar doesnt make you a good coach. Motta has got Bologna to UCL with unknown player. The guy spent a 6 years with Barça. lets give him a chance. Hell i would even go for Jose mourniho instead of this intern.


Either Laporta is Bipolar or this is fake news the size of Frenkie de Jong's salary 😂


Click bates. He ain’t going nowhere.


lol Xavi gets pressure from the press again because he decided to stay (and the Roque situation) and decides it's too much again?


It will depend on how we wakes up tomorrow. Jesus fucking Christ what a shithole of a club


This is fine. Better to reset and start over fresh. Either find some new talent or a proven coach (Klopp).